Once there is such a thing as this.

The Son of Heaven will cut the domain and put down the rebellion at the first time.

But what did Nie Zheng do?

He allowed that to happen.

Doesn’t this allow the kings of various clans to make it possible to openly recruit troops and buy horses?

That’s it.

Wait for a certain clan king to make the power grow.

If there is a rebellion, Bactria is in danger!

“Your Majesty, this must not be done.”

Cao couldn’t bear it.

He quickly stepped forward.

He is the Right Chancellor of Bactria (大夏).

He would never allow that to happen.

“Your Majesty thinks twice.”

Sima Yi, who had always had no sense of existence, also stood up.

“Your Majesty, it is absolutely forbidden to allow the kings of various clans to recruit troops and buy horses.”

Zhao Kuangyin was not calm either.

Although Nie Zheng made him the King of Zhao.

He was allowed to expand his army.

However, the local feudal kings were allowed to expand their armies on their own.

This is no longer a threat to the Son of Heaven.

It was a threat to him Zhao Kuangyin.

“Your Majesty, this must not happen.”

Lü Yan inside the beaded curtain also couldn’t sit still.

She lifted the beaded curtain directly.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of horror.

It was completely impossible to understand why Nie Zheng was doing this.

Doesn’t he know what the consequences of doing so will be?

“Your Majesty think twice, this move is wrong for the country.”

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu fell to his knees.

Even more courtiers cried out in tears, persuading Nie Zheng to withdraw his will.


The things that Nie Zheng decided could not be changed at all.

“The decision has been decided, and the secretaries of state do not need to be persuaded again.”

Nie Zheng acted arbitrarily.


[Detecting that the host was faint, he allowed the kings of the various domains to recruit soldiers and buy horses, resulting in hidden dangers in Bactria . 】

[Reward: Overlord beating drum urn golden hammer.] 】

[Please check the host in system space.] 】

[Remind the host: The golden hammer of the overlord drum urn is made of 7749 years of meteoric iron condensation outside the sky, with a single hammer weighing 8,400 pounds and a double hammer weighing 16,800 pounds, which is the most terrible weapon in the world. 】


[In view of the great power of the Golden Hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn, which hurts heaven and earth, and has exceeded the boundaries of the world, please use it with caution by the host.] 】

The cold voice of the system kept ringing in Nie Zheng’s ears

“Overlord beating drum urn golden hammer?”

“The double hammer weighs 16,800 pounds?”

Nie Zheng was stunned.

Then the color of ecstasy appeared under his eyes.

Although he knew that he only had to do something stupid and cruel.

You can get rewards from the system.

But Nie Zheng didn’t expect that the reward this time would be so rich.

You must know that Nie Zheng’s body endowed Li Yuanba with a mutant-level peerless divine power.

It is even more to complete the cultivation of the “Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong”.

It is a terrestrial divine realm.

The extent of the terror of a body of force was not even clear to him.

And all the time.

Nie Zheng also rarely showed his own strength.

One is that there is no chance.

Second, as the Son of Heaven, resorting to force is somewhat cheap.

But as a man.

Every man has an incomparable yearning for force.

Even if Nie Zheng was the Son of Heaven, he was no exception.

And he never had a weapon to take advantage of.

At this moment, the overlord of the system rewarded the golden hammer of the drum urn, which simply made him extremely excited.

Double hammer 16,800 pounds.

This is absolutely the ultimate weapon.

Nie Zheng felt excited when he thought about it.

Double hammer smashed out.

Cooperate with his unique martial arts.

A mountain can be shattered by a blast.

If the army of ten thousand is smashed on a man’s body.

I’m afraid I really answered that old saying.

The sea of blood is monstrous, and corpses are strewn across the field.

Not even half a point of slag remains.

Think of this scene.

Nie Zheng was so excited that he couldn’t control himself.

However, this is not the time to check the Golden Hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn.

Above the hall he still had things to do.

You can only wait for the meeting to pass and go back to the palace to check on this unique weapon.


Manchu Wenwu wept and mourned.

Inside, he secretly scolded Nie Zheng for being simply faint.

To do such a stupid thing.

But they did not dare to show no satisfaction.

Because Wang Lang and Dong Zhuo went down at yesterday’s court meeting, they still let the Qunchen remember it.

Therefore, no one dared to touch Nie Zheng’s moldy head.

“Your Majesty, the subject has this to play.”

Just when the hearts of the courtiers were wandering.

Only to see a courtier dressed in civilian clothes stand up.

I saw him holding the book in his hand and kneeling on the ground to pay homage to Nie Zheng.

This also made the group of courtiers look at it.

However, it was found that this person was Li Ru of Dong Zhuo’s camp.

Li Ru held a humble official position.

Just from the five products.


He is not qualified to ascend to the throne.

However, Dong Zhuo was seriously injured and bedridden and could not participate in the early dynasty.

The appearance of Li Ru.

Obviously, it was on behalf of Dong Zhuo to discuss the government.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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