“Zhao Gao, present it.”

Nie Zheng said lightly.

Zhao Gaonuo sighed.

He took the sonata in Li Ru’s hand and presented it to Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng flipped through it at will.

See what’s in the recital.

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined a hint of playfulness.

And His Highness Li Ru knelt on the ground and also opened his mouth at this moment:

“Your Majesty, Dong Xiang is sick in bed and cannot go to the court, and I hereby instruct Wei Chen to plead with His Majesty.”

“Dong Xiang knew that he was old and frail, and he was no longer able to share the government for His Majesty.”

“I hope that His Majesty will allow him to resign from the position of chancellor and return to the fiefdom of Xiliang to enjoy his old age.”


As Li Ru finished saying this.

The crowd roared.

A lot of talk came and went.


All the civil and military officials were shocked.

No one thought of it.

Dong Zhuo actually wanted to resign from the post of Zuo Cheng Xiang.

In the midst of the clamor of the courtiers.

Cao’s eyes were gloomy.

A sneer appeared under his eyes.

The essence of Sima Yi’s eyes flashed away.

Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes narrowed slightly.

There was also a hint of gloom under his eyes.

Lü Yan and Zhao Gao’s eyes were even more moved.


Dong Zhuo’s mind had already been guessed by them.

What resignation from the position of Prime Minister.

Dong Zhuo, the old thief, was just retreating and advancing.

I want to return to the Western Liang fiefdom to accumulate strength.

“Please Your Majesty read that Dong Xiang is already old, and allow him to return to his hometown.”

Li Ru bowed to Nie Zheng.

The posture is extremely humble.

“Your Majesty, you must not agree.”

Lü Yan lowered his voice inside the beaded curtain to remind Nie Zheng.

“Although Dong Cheng Xiang was seriously ill, he could rest for a while and recover.”

“He has been in power for many years, and if he resigns his position, wouldn’t it be a loss to my Great Xia?”

Zhao Kuangyin looked at Li Ru coldly.

Then he bowed down to Nie Zheng and said:

“Your Majesty, Dong Cheng Xiang is the mainstay of my Great Xia, and he must not be allowed to return to his hometown.”

It wasn’t Zhao Kuangyin who was thinking about Nie Zheng.

Rather, he knew it very well.

The faint will that Nie Zheng had just issued had already killed him.

Dong Zhuo, the old thief, returned to the Western Liang fiefdom.

With Nie Zheng’s faint will.

They will certainly have the audacity to recruit troops and buy horses to hoard grain and grass.

The kings of various clans were already giving him a headache.

If you really let Dong Zhuo return to Xiliang.

Isn’t there another great hidden danger for yourself?


Manchu Wenwu set his sights on Nie Zheng’s body.

It was not known whether Nie Zheng would allow Dong Zhuo to return to Xiliang.

“That’s it.”

Nie Zheng casually threw the fold on the Dragon Case.

But also because of his words.

Zhao Kuangyin’s face was already extremely blue.

Lü Yan inside the beaded curtain was completely speechless.

Cao Yi and Sima Yi and the others frowned.

Dim Lord!

Thoroughly and utterly stunned!

This is the rhythm of the country to be destroyed!

The crowd scolded in their hearts.

Cao’s face was also extremely ugly.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes was extremely complicated.

He had thought that the Son of Heaven was a wise and foolish Emperor of the Ages.

But what he was doing was simply too faint.

This also made Cao Wei and other courtiers extremely disappointed in Nie Zheng.

“Your Majesty Longen.”

Li Ru was excited.

Bow down again to Shane.

I want to tell Dong Zhuo this news at the first time.

“Don’t worry, you still have something to say.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep:

“I heard that Dong Xiang has a nominal son, this person’s surname is Lü Mingbu, and the character is Fengxian.”

“It is rumored that this man can take the first rank of enemy general in the ranks of ten thousand armies, such as probing for things, but he is a rare divine general in the world.”

“It just so happens that there is a lack of a royal bodyguard commander.”

“Let Lü Feng come to the capital before and serve before the Emperor’s death.”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.



Li Ru looked stunned.

You must know that Lü Bu is Dong Zhuo’s favorite righteous son.

How could Dong Zhuo allow Lü Bu to come to Wang Du to listen to the dispatch of Tianzi?

But Nie Zheng’s words, Li Ru also understood.

If you don’t send Lü Bu.

Then you Dong Zhuo will not go back to Xiliang.

“Minister, Lord.”

Li Ru’s mind was spinning extremely fast.

Hurry up and prostrate yourself.

“Go ahead and tell Dong Xiang what you will.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand and directly waved Li Ru back.

Li Ru quickly got up.

Bow your body and exit the Dragon Temple.

Then quickly left the palace gate.

Ride on a fast horse towards Dong Zhuo’s mansion.

Obviously, this matter must be left to Dong Zhuo to decide.


Qunchen shook his head helplessly.

I sighed in my heart that the son of heaven was faint.

Die according to what he did.

Sooner or later, the country must be destroyed.

And today the Son of Heaven has made so many moths.

It had numbed their nerves.

It is also somewhat familiar with Nie Zheng’s faint surname.

Some courtiers also began to think about their future.

Be prepared to give yourself a way back.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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