Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng had just stepped into Weiyang Palace.

He ordered all the eunuchs to be dismissed.

Even Cao Tian withdrew from the palace.

Without His will.

Anyone who dared to enter Weiyang Palace without permission.

– Kill without mercy!

The temple door is closed.

The candle flame will illuminate the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng’s shadow was even longer.

“Extract the golden hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn.”

Nie Zheng meditated in his heart.


A flash of light flashed in front of him.

In a flash.

Two inky black sledgehammers appeared.

Nie Zheng reached out to pick up the hammer.

Double hammers are just getting started.

Nie Zheng’s figure sank slightly.

Then it went back to normal again.

“What a murder weapon!”

Nie Zheng held the hammer in both hands.

His eyes burst into a brilliant light.

The eyes that looked at the golden hammer of the overlord drum and urn were all radiating a warm color.


Extremely heavy!

Heavy as a mountain.

It was as if a hill had been grasped by Nie Zheng.

This is Nie Zheng’s most intuitive feeling.

Of course.

The so-called weight is as heavy as a mountain.

Just a metaphor for this hammer by ordinary people.

In the nine weeks of the world, seven kingdoms coexisted.

The number of people who can pick up the golden hammer of the Heavenly Drum is definitely not more than five fingers.

And that’s just picking it up.

Someone can really kill an enemy with this unique weapon.

I’m afraid that Nie Zheng is the only one in the world.

The rest of the people can pick it up.

It is also absolutely impossible to dance this hammer.

Drum Urn Golden Hammer!

The double hammer weighs 16,800 pounds.

If it is not a man of God.

Who can use this murder weapon?

Nie Zheng was holding a double hammer.

His eyes were slightly closed.

Feel the breath of the unique murder weapon in your hand silently.

At the same time, his body was stirring up an extremely terrifying breath.

Man hammer in one!

Heaven and earth trembled.


The day thundered, and the sky exploded.

Bright sunny sky.

But it crossed a series of daytime thunderclaps.

It was as if announcing the birth of a murderous weapon.

More found its own owner.

This moment.

Nie Zheng and the breath of the Golden Hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn were completely integrated.

A terrifying domineering aura of annihilation of heaven and earth was overflowing.

The void is making waves.

Terrible ripples are spreading.

At this moment, the space seems to be slightly distorted.


Nie Zhengmeng’s eyes opened.

He moved.

Airplanes…… Airplanes…… Airplanes!

The golden hammer of the overlord drum urn is shaking.

Everywhere you go, the air roars with terror.

Even more terrible things happened.

The entire Weiyang Palace was shaking violently because of Nie Zheng’s dancing of this world-class weapon.

It was as if the vast Weiyang Palace was about to collapse.

This was just Nie Zheng dancing his hammers.

If it is really a double hammer to smash out.

That terrible force was afraid to raze Weiyang Palace to the ground.


Outside the temple!

Cao Tian was shocked.

The faces of the palace eunuchs changed.

Only because of the terrifying roar coming from inside the Weiyang Palace.

It was as if thunder was constantly exploding in it.

It was like a thunderous roar.

Shocked they were dizzy.

The heart is even more indescribably worrisome.

There were even more eunuch palace ladies who could not stand this terrible roar.

They covered their ears.

But the look was still a little painful.

It was really too unbearable the roar coming from the Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty?”

Cao Qian’s face was horrified.

Stride forward to push open the gate of Weiyang Palace.

Because he didn’t know what was going on inside.

If Nie Zheng was in danger.

Don’t say whether the righteous father Wei Zhongxian will let himself go.

Even he himself would not forgive himself.

It can only be atonement by death.

But when Cao Tian had just pressed his hand on the temple door.

He woke up suddenly.

Because Nie Zheng had made a decree.

Without His will.

Anyone who dared to enter Weiyang Palace without permission.

That’s a big sin to kill the head.


Cao Tian instantly calmed down.

He hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

Although worried about Nie Zheng in his heart.

I don’t know what happened inside Weiyang Palace.

But Nie Zheng’s will he absolutely could not disobey.

He could only wait anxiously in his heart for Nie Zheng to announce his entry into the temple.

And Cao Tian did not find out.

In the distance a rockery hideout.

Zhao Gao looked at this place in shock.

A shudder rose quietly from the bottom of his eyes.

He didn’t dare to stay too long.

The look on his face changed suddenly, and he hurried away.


Outside Weiyang Palace.

The roar of terror was incessant.

It lasted for half an hour.

Cao Qian’s face also became more and more anxious.

It was also at this time.

Wei Zhongxian appeared!

He looked in horror at the closed palace door.

A pair of inverted triangular eyes filled with shock.

As a martial arts master.

He could fully feel a terrifying breath spilling out of the closed palace door.

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