Even if it is blocked by the palace gate.

This terrible breath was still coming at him.

It even made his steps backwards one after another.

I can’t bear this terrible smell at all.

You must know that the higher the martial arts practice.

The more I could feel how terrible the breath coming from inside the Weiyang Palace was.

Wei Zhongxian trembled with shock and felt the most.

On the other hand, Cao Qian’s martial arts cultivation was not high.

For the breath coming from the Weiyang Palace, in addition to the shock and eardrums unbearable.

On the contrary, it was not as deeply touched as Wei Zhongxian.

“Righteous Father!”

See Wei Zhongxian coming.

Cao’s overhanging heart finally fell.

He was even more secretly relieved.

“What is Your Majesty doing?”

Wei Zhongxian asked in horror.

Cao Tian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and convey Nie Zheng’s will.

After listening to Cao Qian’s narration.

Wei Zhongxian nodded.

Yin Yin guessed that his master should be cultivating in the Weiyang Palace.

After all, he was the only one who knew.

This master of his own is not a weak son of heaven.

It is an ancient prince with a terrifying force.

However, Wei Zhongxian was also secretly horrified in his heart.

He had also speculated that the master was a martial arts master.

But the horror that never came out of the Yang Palace.

It just made him shudder.

This is where is the great master of martial arts.

It is simply the momentum that can only be found in the legendary Land Divine Realm!


Not a land fairy!

Even if it is a terrestrial fairyland.

It was absolutely impossible to just rely on the breath to make yourself fall backwards outside the temple.

Wei Zhongxian instantly overturned his judgment.

His own master’s martial arts cultivation was only afraid….

I’m just afraid….

It has long surpassed the Terrestrial Immortality!

This idea suddenly appeared in Wei Zhongxian’s mind.

It makes it even more dark.

But the next moment.

Wei Zhongxian smiled.

It is true that I did not choose wrong without secretly praising myself.

Follow your master early.


Wei Zhongxian and Cao Tian waited silently.

It’s tea time again.

The roar inside Weiyang Palace finally stopped.

Nie Zheng’s voice also came out from inside the palace.

“Come in.”

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurriedly bowing his body, he quickly pushed open the door of the palace and entered the Weiyang Palace, followed by Cao Qian.

Inside the Weiyang Palace!

A candlestick screen is tilted from side to side.

It shattered to the ground.


The four beams and eight columns were not damaged in any way.

This was still Nie Zheng controlling the force.

Otherwise, Nie Zheng had just danced the time when he was dancing the Heavenly Drum and Winged the Golden Hammer.

It’s just the wind that the hammers bring.

It can make the entire Weiyang Palace in tatters.

“The slave sees His Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian had just arrived at Nie Zheng’s body.

Hurry to kneel down at his feet.

It is also a very pious prostration.

“Okay, get up.”

“In the future, this kind of red tape will be exempt from energy saving.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

“The slave does not dare, please master do not torture the slave.”

Wei Zhongxian knew very well that accompanying Jun was like accompanying the tiger.

Even Nie Zheng didn’t care about these etiquette.

But as a slave, he must not be complacent.

He can be a man in front of everyone.

But in front of Nie Zheng, he was just a dog.

Wei Zhongxian was very capable of correcting his identity.

Never dare to do anything transgressive.

And that’s how he survives.

Of course.

It was only Nie Zheng who could make him treat him like this.


“Master, do as you command.”

“The slaves have ordered the spies of the East Factory to collect the amount of corruption of the civil and military officials, as well as their usual preferences.”

“What people they have seen, what they have said, even the number of times a day they have been to the latrine, the night pets, and the concubines of luck, all of them are recorded.”

“This is the list, please see it at a glance of Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian presented Nie Zheng with a thick manual.

However, Nie Zheng did not answer.

Instead, he said lightly:

“Pick up important thoughts and give them to you.”

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurriedly open the manual and read it to Nie Zheng.

“Terracotta Grand Marshal Zhao Kuangyin!”

“The eighteen military generals under his command are not afraid of imperial power, and only respect Zhao Kuangyin alone.”

“He had secretly entered the Marshal’s Mansion many times, intending to ask Zhao Kuangyin to usurp the throne.”

“But Zhao Kuangyin repeatedly refused, and he had no intention of rebellion.”

Read this.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was cold, and he bowed to Nie Zheng:

“Your Majesty Mingjian, although Zhao Kuangyin has no intention of rebelling now, his subordinates have repeatedly instigated Zhao Kuangyin to plot rebellion, and all these eighteen martial generals should be killed.”

“Moreover, Zhao Kuangyin has a million troops in his hands, and this person is extremely threatening, and although he has no intention of rebelling now, he will not be able to determine whether he is plotting rebellion in the future.”

“Zhao Kuangyin, be damned”

Wei Zhongxian played.

“Keep reading.”

Nie Zheng’s face was expressionless.

It was as if there was no shock to the news.

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