The Nine Tribes, destroy the full door.

Human heads were cut off.

The blood almost stained half of the Great Xia King’s Capital.

Countless treasures of gold and silver were filled with carriages and sent to the palace.



Breaking the law.


Not to be tried by the Punishment Department of the Dali Temple.

There is no need for three triages.

All sorts of trumped-up charges were placed on the heads of these ministers of the Nine Tribes.

The East Factory is killing on a whim.

Manchu Wenwu trembled with fear.

Even in the middle of the night in the sleep will be awakened.

Deep fear when you open your eyes.

The people and horses of the East Factory were seen in their own mansions.

Such unbridled killing.

The civil and military officials finally couldn’t sit still.

They stood up one after another in the courtroom.

Condemning the atrocities of the East Factory.

They are even more playing Tianzi Lu Hou.

It is hoped that Wei Zhongxian will be severely punished and the East Factory will be disbanded.


Nie Zheng had not been to the court for three consecutive days.

Lü Yan listened to the government although he was hanging on to the curtain.

But for the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu Shang.

It can only be ignored.

Because Lu Yan is very clear.

Everything Wei Zhongxian did.

It was all Nie Zheng’s will.

If you choose to support the civil and military officials.

Isn’t this against Emperor Yi?

This kind of thing Lu Yan would not do.

However, Dongchang killed so many civilian generals.

It is even more cursed to destroy the Nine Tribes.

This really made the king of Bactria panic.


Inside the Hall of Longde.

A famous minister kept playing.

Inside the beaded curtain, Lu Yan is wandering outside.

My mind was full of Nie Zheng’s voice.

“The abominable Emperor Yi did not go to the early dynasty for three consecutive days.”

“You only care about your own pleasures, don’t you even care about the government and politics?”

Lu Yan whispered.

There is no half-hearted focus on the court.

This moment.

Even Lu Yan himself did not find out.

If you change to the previous her.

The Son of Heaven did not go to the early dynasty and let her preside over the government.

She will be very happy.

But now she couldn’t see any happiness.

Instead, the phoenix frowned slightly, and his eyes were confused.

Where is the little mind focused on the struggle for power and profit?

“Empress Dowager Qi, Wei Zhongxian was lawless, wantonly carried out killings, and the people in the court were panicked, and asked the empress dowager to be the master of the group.”

“Empress Dowager Mingjian, Lord Zhang Changzong had been honest all his life, but Wei Zhongxian was accused of rebellion and rebellion, and he was beheaded all over the door, and he also asked the empress dowager to look into it.”

“Empress Dowager, please surrender Wei Zhongxian and return my eldest Xia Lang Qiankun.”

The courtiers played one after another.

Everyone showed righteous indignation.

However, if you look closely, you will find out.

They have extremely heavy dark circles.

Obviously, I haven’t slept well these days.

I’ve been in a state of panic.

Although Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Xian and the others did not speak.

But the face is also extremely ugly.

Because Dong Zhuo’s miserable end had long been known to them.

Extremely daring.


Even Dong Zhuo, who was sitting on a 50,000-year-old Liang Iron Horse, ended up on the street.

What else does this big summerboy dare not do?

This is the Son of Heaven killing chickens and monkeys to show them!

Although the Great Xia Giant Greed and Yan did not play.

But a hint of exhaustion was evident on his face.


This Great Xia Giant was not having a good time these days.

In fact.

People such as Cao Kuang, Zhao Kuangyin, Sima Yi and Yan were extremely clever.

How could it not be seen that Wei Zhongxian’s wanton killing was acting according to the will of the Son of Heaven.

A few days ago, Nie Zheng asked them to donate silver and silver.

They don’t donate.

It’s good now.

Tianzi moved his knife.

Obviously, I want to tell you.

Is there any money?

Donate or donate?

Still donate?


Then you wait for Wei Zhongxian to bring people to the door to exterminate the clan.


Cao Wei is also good.

Zhao Kuangyin was no different.

These two powerful ministers are also playing drums in their hearts.

Tianzi even Dong Zhuo dared to move.


Does the Son of Heaven dare to move them?

The answer is already obvious.


The Son of Heaven not only dared to move them.

If they don’t take a stand.

In two days, you may not even see them in the early dynasty.


“Your recital will be conveyed to Your Majesty and the Emperor will retire.”

Lu Yan was distraught.

I don’t want to listen to these ministers.

The withdrawal of the DPRK was directly announced.

Then he left the Dragon De Hall and rode the phoenix towards Weiyang Palace.

Two young eunuchs followed at a fast pace holding the music played by the courtiers.


Nie Zheng disappeared for three consecutive days.

It made Lu Yan feel extremely bored inside.

She didn’t know why she was like this.

Just take this opportunity to go to Weiyang Palace.

Look at what Nie Zheng is doing these days.


Outside Weiyang Palace.

Lü Yan had just stepped down from Fengyuan.

Then I heard the noise of singing and dancing in Weiyang Palace.

There was a faint sound of frieze coming.

“Your Majesty, the concubines toast you.”

“Lady, you should personally feed this glass of wine to you.”

“Concubines obey orders.”

Outside Weiyang Palace.

Lu Yan’s beautiful face is full of frost!

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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