
It’s cold!

It’s cold and chilling!

Cold to the extreme.

Furious to the extreme.

Lu Lu at this moment.

The beautiful face was covered with cold colors.

Even the eunuch palace maid who followed her.

It was also because the cold breath flowing from Lu Yan’s body was trembling.

They had never seen Lü Hou look like this.

Just on the way there was still calm.

Why did you just arrive at Weiyang Palace and completely change a person?

Before they could wait for a group of eunuch palace ladies to react.


Lü Yanyu threw his phoenix robe in his hand.

The wide phoenix robe rises with the wind.

She hung frost on her face and walked straight into Weiyang Palace.

Even the eunuch saw her and just wanted to say, ‘The empress dowager has arrived’.

However, he was frightened by Lü Yan’s cold and piercing gaze and swallowed back.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Singing and dancing are noisy, drums are playing in unison.

More than a dozen singers danced in the temple.

On the throne.

Nie Zheng and Empress Wu Meiniang were drinking and having fun.

Wu Meiniang was sitting in the arms of Tianzi and feeding him drinks.

Nie Zheng took a dragon’s eye as white as jade and fed it to Huai Meiren.

From time to time, the two laughed and laughed.

It also makes the atmosphere of Weiyang Palace appear ambiguous to the extreme.

“Get out of the house for Hongu.”


A cold rebuke echoed in the Weiyang Palace.

Only to see Lu Yan hurrying forward.

The wide phoenix robe swayed slightly.

The dancing Geji was directly pushed away by her.

Lü Yan hung frost on his face and stood in the center of the temple.

A pair of phoenix eyes glared at Nie Zheng on the throne.

When she saw Wu Meiniang in Nie Zheng’s arms.

A pair of Xiu Fist is even more unconsciously clenched.

The cold color in his eyes was even stronger.

The drumming stopped abruptly.

More than a dozen singers looked miserable.

Hurriedly withdrew from Weiyang Palace.

The entire Weiyang Palace was also silent with this moment.

“It turned out that the Queen Mother was coming, so what made the Queen Mother so angry?”

See Lu Yan break in.

Nie Zheng first froze, then laughed.

Does he still dare to laugh?

How dare he smile at himself?

Seeing Nie Zheng looking at himself with a smile.

Lu Yan? The anger crept upwards.

It was already faintly uncontrollable.

I was busy in the court.

But he drank and entertained in the palace.

The most disgusting thing is that he has also attracted so many singers to find the ring for fun.


And the woman in his arms!

Lü Yan looked at Wu Meiniang coldly.

I found that her face was hidden above her.

Lu Yan’s inner anger was even greater.

A sour feeling rises even more faintly.

No wonder Emperor Yi did not go to the Early Dynasty for three consecutive days.

It seems that it is all this female demagoguery.


How dare he deceive the Son of Heaven!

Lu Yan scolded angrily inside.

Who is she?

Lü Yan stared at Wu Meiniang coldly, thinking bitterly.

She remembered.

She is Empress Wu Meiniang!

She is the daughter of the Wu family.

When the Son of Heaven was still the fourth prince.

This daughter was married to Emperor Yi.

It’s just that this queen has always been reclusive.

He almost forgot about her.

He was stared at by Lu Yan coldly.

Wu Meiniang’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

She naturally knew that Lü Yan was the empress dowager of the Eastern Palace.

You can see the other person’s bad eyes.

Wu Meiniang’s gaze also cooled.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lu Yan without fear.

The two men met in the air.

A strong smell of gunpowder was growing.

The atmosphere of the entire Weiyang Palace was depressed.

It is said that women’s sixth sense is very accurate.

Wu Meiniang could feel it completely clearly.

Lü Yan looked into his eyes with great hostility.

And the source of this hostility is the Son of Heaven beside him.

Is she jealous?

Wu Meiniang was first frightened.

And then he was secretly stunned.

But then I laughed heartily.


Shameless slut!

Don’t you know what your identity is?

Wu Meiniang also scolded in her heart.


Time seemed to stop at this moment.

Space seems to freeze at this moment.

The whole Weiyang Palace was quiet and terrible.

The invisible smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

It’s a war between two women.

No one wants to lose.

This moment.

The Cao Tian beside Nie Zheng did not dare to breathe.

The palace eunuchs were secretly waved back by Cao Qian.

Even he himself unconsciously took three steps backwards.

And Nie Zheng, who was a party concerned, also felt that something was wrong.

Neither woman spoke.

Dead to each other and look at each other.

If you don’t feel like you’re going to have a big problem.

That’s an idiot.

Nie Zheng wanted to break this eerie silence.

But he opened his mouth, but still did not make a sound.

Because he really didn’t know what to say.

Time is passing by minute by minute.

Half a cup of tea has passed.

Lu Yan was in trouble!

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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