“It turns out that His Majesty did not go to the morning court for three consecutive days, but drank and entertained in the palace.”

“Don’t Your Majesty know that there is already a mess above the court?”

Lu Yan’s voice was very cold.

It seemed to be saying to Nie Zheng.

But his eyes always fell on Wu Meiniang’s body.

“Your Majesty spends his days worrying about state affairs, but he has not gone to the early dynasty for three days.”

“Your Majesty is only drinking some wine today, so why should the empress dowager blame her?”

“What’s more, His Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and what the Son of Heaven wants to do, do you still have to ask the Empress Dowager for instructions?”

Wu Meiniang also showed no weakness.

“Wu Meiniang, you are bold!”

“As an empress, it is okay not to persuade Your Majesty to be diligent.”

“Instead, you drink and have fun with Your Majesty all day long, do you want to confuse the Son of Heaven?”

Lu Yan scolded coldly.


Wu Meiniang covered her mouth and smiled:

“The empress dowager’s words seem serious, right?”

“As an empress, this palace and His Majesty are already dragons and phoenixes and Ming, so how can they confuse the Heavenly Son?”

“On the contrary, the empress dowager’s wife broke into Her Majesty’s palace at will, which really violated the rules of the palace, right?”

The two women did not give in to each other.

It’s just a battle of words.

A terrible smoke had already erupted.

It may be that Wu Meiniang said that Lu Yan’s pain point.

Lu Yan’s face became more and more cold.

The most taboo thing for her now is her identity as the empress.

It is also because of this identity.

It made her extremely complicated feelings for Nie Zheng.

Wu Meiniang’s words hit her pain point directly.

It was her biggest taboo.

However, Lu Yan is not a vegetarian.

She fought back again:


“As an empress, you know the rules of the palace.”

“Why don’t you worship when you see this palace?”

“Have you forgotten even the most basic etiquette of the Bactrian royal family?”

Lu Yan scolded coldly.


Wu Meiniang’s face changed slightly.


According to the rules of the royal family.

Even though she is a queen.

It can be seen that Lü Yan, the empress, still has to perform rituals.

However, Wu Meiniang instantly calmed down.

He also gave a gift to Lu Jie.

“The beautiful lady meets the empress dowager and greets your ‘old’ family.”

Wu Meiniang deliberately said the word ‘old’ very seriously.

Have to say.

Wu Meiniang is indeed powerful.

She attacked Lü Yan’s weakness.

Let Lu Yan know that the other party is mocking her.

But there is no way to refute it.

Lu Yan’s face was as cold as frost.

Both fists clenched angrily.

How could she not hear the extraneous sounds in Wu Meiniang’s words?


I lost myself completely.

But he was not defeated by Wu Meiniang, a slut.

Instead, he lost to his status as empress.


Lu Yan said three good words in a row.

She took a deep look at Wu Meiniang.

Engrave its sound imprint in your mind.


She finally found out.

In this inner palace.

It turns out that there is such a powerful character.


“Come, man, present the sonata to Your Majesty.”

Lu Yan let himself calm down quickly.

She coldly ordered the eunuch behind her.

Before the eunuch palace lady could present the thick recital to Nie Zheng.

Lü Yan directly grabbed it.

He took the thick song book to Nie Zheng and slammed it the dragon case.

“Your Majesty, while looking for the ring and making music, do not forget to approve the sonatas of the courtiers.”

Lu Yan was overflowing with anger.

He glared at Nie Zheng, who was full of trepidation.

Then he suddenly turned around and walked toward the outside of the temple.

“Swing back to the palace.”

Lu Yan scolded coldly.

That thick resentment can be felt by anyone who is not a fool.

The eunuch palace ladies trembled and followed behind.

Until Lü Yan disappeared into Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zhengcai gradually came back to his senses.

He looked at Lu Yan’s angry back.

I looked at the music books scattered around the table.

He raised his eyes and looked at the innocent Wu Meiniang.

Nie Zheng covered his forehead with his hands.

The whole person was speechless.


Nie Zheng only wanted to say one word in his heart.

Hard when men.

It’s harder to be king!


East Palace.

“The abominable Emperor B, the abominable Emperor B…”

“You bastard…”

Lü Yan had just returned to the palace.

He waved away all the eunuchs.

Until there was no one in the palace.

Her cold face could not hold on any longer.

Smashed the jade around him one by one.

He even picked up the jade pillow on the soft collapse and smashed it to the ground.

Until the time of a cup of tea has passed.

Lu Yancai finally calmed down.

“Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, why am I Empress Dowager?”

“I didn’t even serve the former emperor, but I just got the status of a lady of the palace!”

“Today, I was so ridiculed by this slut!”

Lu Yan was whispering in hatred.

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