“The queen’s words are heavy.”

“It was you who allowed you to play the fold on your behalf, not the Empress’s intention.”

“If you say guilty, aren’t you the culprit?”

Nie Zheng spoke softly.

But Her Highness’s Wu Meiniang was becoming more and more nervous inside.

Because she is a woman who is very observant.

Although Tianzi seemed to whisper softly to her.

And even more so that he has no intention of surrendering his sins.

But from the name of the Son of Heaven to himself.

Wu Meiniang found an extremely serious problem.



It is the word queen.

These days, accompany the Son of Heaven to drink and have fun.

Tianzi has always called himself a bridesmaid.

I never called myself Queen.

But now the Son of Heaven is a queen.

Although it seems that the words of the Son of Heaven have no problem.

But the two words queen show that the son of heaven has become distant from himself.

Come to think of it.

Wu Meiniang’s face became paler.

“Your Majesty, the concubines are guilty, and please punish them.”

Wu Meiniang knew that she had to plead guilty.

Her current position in the back is not easy to get.

If he was deposed by the Heavenly Son, he would enter the Cold Palace.

Then her life is over.


Wu Meiniang regretted it very much.

Regret why you’re so stupid.

Such a transgressive thing was done.

She had always considered herself a very intelligent woman.

But there was a problem in this matter.

How will the Son of Heaven see himself?

Will I be able to get the favor of the Son of Heaven in the future?

This moment.

Wu Meiniang’s mind turned sharply.

She told herself to be calm.

We must find a way to change Nie Zheng’s attitude towards himself.


See the appearance of His Highness Wu Meiniang’s soul not guarding the house.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

He got up from the dragon chair faintly.

Stroll towards Your Highness’s Wu Mei Niang.

Before waiting for Wu Meiniang to react.

Nie Zheng had already gently lifted her up.

A smile simultaneously sketched from the corners of his mouth.

“With the fallen.”

Nie Zheng took Wu Meiniang’s hand.

Stroll to a stone pillar carved with a dragon and a phoenix.

Held by Nie Zheng’s small hand.

Wu Meiniang’s heart moved.

Although she didn’t know what Nie Zheng was going to do.

But after carefully observing Nie Zheng, she found out.

Nie Zheng really didn’t seem to blame her.

“Lady, do you know why since ancient times there have been dragons on top and phoenixes on the bottom?”

Nie Zheng pointed to the dragon and phoenix pattern on the stone pillar.

His eyes looked deeply at his wife.



Wu Meiniang was horrified!

She hadn’t expected Nie Zheng to ask her such a question.

She looked at the dragon and phoenix pattern on the stone pillar.

A look of panic crossed her eyes.

He…… How does he know what I have in mind?

Wu Meiniang’s delicate and delicate face seemed calm.

But in fact, there have long been terrible waves in my heart.

Because of the question Nie Zheng asked.

It had always been what she had in mind.

It also reminded her of a past incident when she was a child.


In childhood.

She had seen the craftsman Lao Bo carving the dragon and phoenix motif.

Curious asked the other party:

“Old man, may I ask you, since ancient times, is it certain that the dragon is on the top and the phoenix is on the bottom?”

The craftsman replied very directly:

“Of course, I have always heard only about men and women, men and women, and who says that there are women, men, women and men?”

Get this answer.

Young Wu Meiniang frowned and continued to ask, “Is that because men must be stronger than women?” ”

“That’s natural, haven’t you heard the phrase “male and female weavers?”

“If it is reversed, wouldn’t it be ridiculous for women to cultivate and men to weave?”

Get this answer.

The young Wu Meiniang frowned more and more:

“But I’ve also heard that male and female, aren’t females in front and males behind?”

“Who said there must be a dragon on top and a phoenix on the bottom?”

“Although I am a woman, I am stronger than a man.”

“In the future, we will let the phoenix be on the top and the dragon on the bottom.”

The craftsman old man listened and laughed, only when she was still young and childish.

The argument did not continue.

However, this memory is deeply imprinted in Wu Meiniang’s mind.

Never forgotten.



Nie Zheng actually asked the question she had said when she was a child.

How can this make Wu Meiniang not be alarmed?

This moment.

Wu Meiniang felt that her mind was completely penetrated by Nie Zheng.

This feeling made her heart shudder.

“Lady, you haven’t answered Yuan’s question yet.”

Nie Zheng smiled as before.

He could fully feel Wu Meiniang’s uneasiness.

Even the look of panic on his face could not be concealed.

“Kai… Your Majesty…”

“Concubines have always heard only about men and women, but are there any sayings about women, men, women, and men?”

“Moreover, since ancient times, it has been a male cultivator and a female weaver, and it is naturally reasonable for the dragon to be on the phoenix and the phoenix.”

Wu Meiniang pretended to be calm and smiled.

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