
“Lady, is this your heart’s word?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

It was just that his smile made Wu Meiniang very uneasy.

It was as if his heart was completely seen through by Nie Zheng.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

Some even did not dare to look into Nie Zheng’s eyes.

“Your Majesty … Your Majesty…… This is naturally the heart of the concubine. ”

Wu Meiniang forced a smile.

“But Shuo is not satisfied with your answer.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

“The concubines are stupid, and I ask Your Majesty for advice.”

Wu Meiniang sipped Shuang Huan slightly.

She pushed the question back to Nie Zheng.

Since the Son of Heaven was not satisfied with his answer.

She also wanted to know what the answer Nie Zhenghui would give.


Wu Meiniang’s heart gradually calmed down.

She was also curious.

I didn’t get the answer when I was a child.

How would this Heavenly Son of Heaven answer?

“You really want to know?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were unpredictable.

A meaningful smile came out of the corner of his mouth.


Although the smile on Nie Zheng’s face made her faintly feel strange.

But Wu Meiniang quickly nodded.

Because she really wanted the answer.

“Well, Na Shuo will tell you why the dragon has been on the upper and lower levels since ancient times.”

The next moment.

Something that shocked Wu Meiniang appeared.

Nie Zheng picked her up.

An exclamation came from her mouth.

Only to see Nie Zheng carrying her straight to the palace.

Shangguan Wan’er on the side looked stupid!

That’s it.

Sleepless tonight.

Wu Meiniang finally got the answer she wanted.

And also understand why the female is in front of the male and then the male.


How good Nie Zheng is.

Wu Meiniang’s second answer was also given away for free.


The next morning.

Nie Zheng sat up from the dragon bed with great energy.

Wu Meiniang also woke up beside him.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes revealed a full sense of resentment.

This abominable husband!

It turned out that his answer was this.

However, Wu Meiniang also sighed in her heart.

This answer is indeed correct.

It didn’t make her feel like refuting it at all.


“Your Majesty, Zhao Gao is outside asking to see you.”

Maybe he heard the sound of Nie Zheng getting up.

Cao Tian tentatively reported outside the temple.

“Let him see you in half an hour later.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao poured out his will and left.

Inside the palace.

“Lady Mei, from today onwards, you can read all the recitals submitted by the civil and military officials.”

“If you wish, you can also come to the court with Empress Lü on behalf of you.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes looked at Wu Meiniang faintly.


Wu Meiniang was stunned.

Some can’t believe their ears.

And then reacted quickly.

Hurriedly refused:

“The concubines had already made a big mistake yesterday, and His Majesty did not punish them, which made the concubines feel very fortunate and would never dare to do such a chaotic thing again.”

After yesterday’s lessons.

Wu Meiniang already knew that this Heavenly Son Husband was absolutely extraordinary.

Only when Nie Zheng was still tempting her at the moment.

Where did she dare to really promise to come down.

See Wu Meiniang’s panicked look.

How did Nie Zheng not know what she was thinking?

“Pretty girl, in fact, whatever you want, you can give it to you.”

“Even if you want imperial power, you can give it to you.”

“But there’s one thing you have to remember.”

“You are the woman of the decay, and the decay is your man.”

“Husbands and wives should be of one heart and one mind, do you understand?”

Nie Zheng whispered.

Looking at the serious expression on Nie Zheng’s face.

Wu Meiniang was speechless.

This state lasted for a long time.

“One heart and one mind? One heart and one mind? ”

Wu Meiniang muttered to herself.

Her eye sockets were slightly rosy.

A mist of water rose faintly in his eyes.

She understood.

She really understood.

But it was also the moment when she understood.

Tears from her eyes brushed lightly across her cheeks.

It turns out….

It turned out that the husband had already seen through his own thoughts.

But he still loved her.

Even this favor transcends imperial power!

And I don’t know it.

All I want to do is fight for power.

The two are in contrast.

It turns out that the foolish man is himself.


Nie Zheng picked up the silk paddle to wipe away the tears on Wu Meiniang’s cheeks.

Then he pampered her into his arms.

“Let’s sleep a little longer, and when we wake up, help Shuo deal with the government.”

Nie Zheng whispered softly.

Then he stepped off the dragon bed and strode out of the palace.

His wife is used for pampering.

Even though she has the posture of a female emperor, she has even more ambition.

But Nie Zheng did not want to use the same methods of treating Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao against her.

Because this is his own pillow person, but also his own wife.

That’s all.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s distant back.

A wisp of gentleness appeared in Wu Meiniang’s eyes that had never been seen before.

She laughed.

It was the first time she had smiled genuinely.

Turns out like a person.

It’s so simple.

This moment.

She knew that she was truly in love with this Heavenly Husband.

It’s not just coveting the imperial power in him!

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