Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty, the subject has made the cannon in accordance with your will.”

“It’s just that the tens of thousands of poisons needed in the pot will take some time to get together.”

“However, the minister has ordered people to speed up the progress of the search.”

“In no more than a month’s time, you will certainly be able to complete the punishment of the pot.”

Zhao Gao bowed his body and reported truthfully to Nie Zhengyu.


Nie Zheng nodded.

Zhao Gao’s ability he knew.

Nie Zheng didn’t ask much about these trivia.

He also believed that Zhao Gao could do a good job.

Just when Zhao Gao wanted to continue to report to Nie Zheng.

Only to see Cao Tian come quickly, he bowed down to Nie Zheng, “Your Majesty, Wei Zhongxian is outside asking to see you.” ”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved.

A smile appeared on his face and said, “Xuan He came in.” ”


I didn’t see Wei Zhongxian for many days.

Wei Zhongxian came back to see him at this moment.

You should have done everything you have done.

“Xuan, Wei Zhongxian saw the driver.”

With the shrill voice of the eunuch sounded.

Not for a while.

Only to see Wei Zhongxian wearing a mangy dragon robe and feet, stepping on cloud boots.

His face was cold, and the dragon walked through the palace gate and went straight to Weiyang Palace.

And this is a short way to Weiyang Palace.

When all the female guards of the eunuch palace saw Wei Zhongxian, they knelt on the ground and prostrated themselves to greet him.

There was a look of awe and trepidation on his face.


Today, Wei Zhongxian is the governor of the East Factory and can be described as a monstrous power.

Especially the things done in the past few days have stained the blood of the half of the Bactrian royal capital.

Inside and outside the palace.

When Wei Zhongxian was mentioned, who was not afraid?

However, when Wei Zhongxian had just stepped into Weiyang Palace with one foot.

The spine, which was originally as tall as a pine, inadvertently bent.

The grim expression on his face turned into a sneering smile.

The state of the dragon walking under the foot has become a small broken step.

“Old slave Wei Zhongxian, long live our majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian trotted all the way with small broken steps.

Just after coming to His Highness, he fell to his knees with a thud.

Even more, the Chao Nie Zheng of Bang Bang Bang State prostrated three heads.

His posture is extremely humble and reverent.

Have to say.

Wei Zhongxian was indeed a smart man.

It can be seen just from these side notes.

Wei Zhongxian was very capable of putting himself in a position right.

Even if you get monstrous power.

In front of Nie Zheng.

He always understood that his power was given by his master.

He is just a dog at the feet of his master.

You can sniff at anyone.

Only in front of Nie Zheng should show obedience and flattery.

“Okay, get up.”

See Wei Zhongxian like this.

Nie Zhengguan smiled.

He waved his hand to let Wei Zhongxian calm down.

“The old slave thanked His Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly got up.

But when he looked up.

But he saw Zhao Gao standing next to Nie Zheng.

His eyes tightened.

But calm was restored in an instant.

It didn’t seem that Zhao Gao had appeared.

Let him glaze over his old enemy.


Zhao Gao always had a smile on his face.

He nodded to Wei Zhongxian with a kind face.

It was as if it was simply saying hello to an old friend.

“Your Majesty.”

“The old slave led the people of Dongchang to kill those who plotted against corruption and perverted the law, totaling 8,544 people, and their family property totaled 485.44 million, of which gold, silver and jade were …”

Wei Zhongxian would first present a thick ledger to Nie Zheng.

Then he reported in detail the amount of silver money he had obtained in the past few days by exterminating his family.

However, Nie Zheng didn’t bother to look at the ledger in his hand.

He simply listened to Wei Zhongxian’s report and got a general understanding of the process.

When Nie Zheng heard Dong Zhuo’s miserable end.

Nie Zhengguan smiled.

I didn’t expect Wei Zhongxian to humiliate the other party so much.

However, this was nothing in Nie Zheng’s view.

After all, Dong Zhuo’s old thief was used to running amok and overbearing.

Wei Zhongxian’s humiliation was also in line with Nie Zheng’s wishes.

Presumably, Dong Zhuo returned to Xiliang.

We will definitely speed up the recruitment and wait for the opportunity to take revenge.

However, Nie Zheng wanted Dong Zhuo to rebel.

Otherwise, how would he be released back to Xiliang?


Seeing that the master did not blame himself for humiliating Dong Zhuo.

Wei Zhongxian was also secretly relieved.

After all, if Dong Zhuo really turned against him in the future.

In case the master blames it.

I can’t blame myself.

“Well, you’re doing a great job.”

Nie Zheng smiled and praised.

“Your Majesty the Initiation…”

Wei Zhongxian wanted to talk and stopped.

But his eyes fell on Zhao Gao’s body.


What he said next was about secrecy.

Zhao Gao is on the side.

Wei Zhongxian didn’t know whether to go on or not.

Zhao Gao’s eyes moved.

When he stooped down, he would bid farewell to Nie Zheng and leave.

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