Chapter 77: The Great Xia Giant Greed Can Reach the National Treasury for Twenty Years! Subscribe Required.

In the Royal Garden.

The lights are bright and the singers are dancing. Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao stood on either side. A sumptuous imperial meal is placed below.

Zhao Kuangyin, Cao Xian, He Yan, Sima Yi and other ministers were all at the banquet. But they have different ideas.

There was no interest at all in the imperial meal on the table.

Instead, the afterglow of the corner of his eyes observed Nie Zheng on the throne from time to time. They all pondered Nie Zheng’s thoughts.

The so-called banquet is not a good feast.

Especially this big summer son is a moody person. In order to loot money.

He even killed a group of courtiers.

That alone is enough to make people criticize.

Moreover, the son of heaven favored the eunuchs and allowed the harem to participate in politics. These things are enough to prove that he is a complete stupor. And today’s feast is full of courtiers.

Don’t guess.

Apparently they were asked to donate silver to their courtiers. However, with Dong Zhuo’s previous experience.

They’re ready. After all, what Mingjun didn’t dare to do. This dusk is unscrupulous. They didn’t want to touch Nie Zheng’s mold yet.

“Ladies and gentlemen, come and have a drink with you.”

Nie Zheng smiled and raised a glass and drank the wine.

Cao Wei and the other courtiers stood up. Drink the same wine.

“Your Majesty, the ancestors of the courtiers have some savings and are willing to donate 10 million taels of silver to enrich the treasury.”

Zhao Kuangyin took the lead in standing up.

He bowed to Nie Zheng without being humble.

Directly presented a pile of gold tickets, and then sat back down. Zhao Kuangyin thought very clearly.

Wait for Nie Zheng to open his mouth.

It is better to take the initiative to turn it in.

After all, he had not yet made up his mind to rebel.

However, in the past few days, his subordinate Wu 19 will continue to visit secretly. His heart was also gradually shaking.

If Nie Zheng had acted in such a faint manner. There was no need to wait for him to rebel.

It won’t take a few years for the kings of the various clans to rise up.


“Your Majesty, the subject is also willing to donate 10 million taels.”

The second one stood up.

The expression on his face was very calm and could not see a little fluctuation.

Just present the golden ticket.

It does not say where the money came from. Apparently.

All the courtiers here know what’s going on. The so-called feast of courtiers.

It’s just that the Son of Heaven is bloodletting them.

It was really boring for him to say something grandiose. Obediently pay the money.

As two powerful figures donated money. The rest of the courtiers were naturally prepared.

They followed the example of Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Qian.

Each minister basically handed over half of his family money. But at a time when the courtiers were generous.

But two people sat still. One is the Great Xia Giant Greed and Glory. The other is Sima Yi.

He Yan was very pale.

But the look is still calm.

I think I have already prepared for it. On the other hand, Sima Yi was silent.

Has been putting its own presence under extremely low pressure. Moreover, Sima Yi really had no money.

Even if he wanted to donate money. But I am really shy. And.

Sima Yi had always been suspicious of the eldest son. He also did not want to attract the attention of the Son of Heaven to him.

“Be well, your secretaries are indeed my loyal servants of Bactria.”

Nie Zheng smiled satisfactorily.

The courtiers present also showed a strong smile.

A seemingly concentric feast ended in uneventful waves. The wine has passed three rounds, and the dish has passed five tastes.

Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Yidang retreated first. Nie Zheng did not keep either.

The rest of the courtiers also retreated to Nie Zheng.

It’s just that every minister’s face is very bad when he leaves. Because they took half of their family money to save their lives. Anyone else is in a bad mood.

As the courtiers left.

But two people stayed. And these two people are not others.

It was Hezhen and Sima Yi.

“Minister, Sima Yi retreated.”

Sima Yi’s hair was gray.

His voice was soft, accompanied by a hint of hoarseness. He silently got up and held his fist towards Nie Zheng and prepared to leave.

Nie Zheng raised a glass to drink.

Faintly watched Sima Yi leave.

But when Sima Yi was about to walk out of the imperial garden. Nie Zheng suddenly spoke.

“Sima Yi!”

Sima Yi, under the reflection of nature, turned his head to look at Nie Zheng. But also in the moment he turned his head.

Sima Yi’s eyes were like eagles’ eyes like wolves.

The eyes of the Fei Fei Ruler looked at Nie Zheng with a look of doubt.

The eagle-like wolf’s posture all fell into Nie Zheng’s eyes.

“Your Majesty doesn’t know what’s going on?”

Sima Yi wondered.

“You can go.”

Nie Zheng said lightly.

“Do as you please.”

Sima Yi’s face was unwavering.

But the heart is monstrous.

A look of doubt crossed his eyes.

But he quickly left this place of right and wrong.

“Your Majesty, he really has the image of an eagle looking at a wolf!”

Wei Zhongxian narrowed his eyes.

Looking at Sima Yi’s departing back, his eyes crossed the color of yin. Once.

Nie Zheng once said that Sima Yi hid very deeply. Its ambition should not be underestimated. Now he finally believed it.

It was just the moment when Sima Yi had just inadvertently turned back. The look in his eyes made everything clear.

Zhao Gao did not speak.

The eyes that could see Sima Yi leave were also squinting. It seems that he also underestimated Sima Yi.

This guy’s ambitions are by no means under him. Be sure to keep an eye on this person in the future.

“Slave and Concubine, please plead your majesty for your sins.”


Only to see that Wakan’s face was miserable.

He fell to his knees in a sweaty sweat. Even more he prostrated himself to Nie Zheng.

If Zhao Kuangyin is good.

Cao Yi is also fine.

There is also Sima Yi, who has just left.

They are all just hiding their nature. Washu is very different.

He was really afraid of the big summer in front of him.

Even afraid of Wei Zhongxian, the governor of the East Factory, beside him. These days he was trembling.

Deeply afraid of his own life.

Because he has been greedy for so much money over the years.

He knew best in his own mind.

“And Aiqing, what are you doing?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Look at your future baby little vault with a look of fear and trembling. Stop.

Nie Zheng really couldn’t bear it in his heart.

“Your Majesty, the subject is corrupt and perverts the law, and the subject is guilty.”

And the Kan even prostrated their heads.

That round head sweated coldly.


“And Aiqing, then tell me how corrupt you are.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

He Yan’s whole body was trembling.

But the eyes are still calm.

If the Son of Heaven is an ancient Ming Jun. He knew he was going to die. But he could see it.

The big summer boy in front of him did whatever he wanted. He is also a hedonistic person.

To put it mildly.

He is a faint-hearted king.

And this is the only chance to survive.

“Your Majesty, the courtiers have been embezzling the treasury’s taxes and silver for many years, and they are to be condemned according to their crimes.”

“But all this is for your majesty.”

He Zhencheng was afraid to kowtow.

“Oh, you’re greedy and perverting the law for the sake of decay?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

“Your Majesty has clearly observed that corruption in the Manchu Dynasty has become a common practice, and the kings of various domains have asked for money and grain from the former emperor in various names.”

“The ministers have long been aware of their ulterior motives, which has led to a large amount of greed for the treasury’s tax and silver.”

“In order to wait for His Majesty to ascend the throne, I will offer these silver coins to His Majesty.”

And he trembled and spoke.

Then he hurriedly waved his hand outside the Imperial Garden.

I saw hundreds of large wooden boxes being carried in.

One of the red palanquins was also sent to the Royal Garden.

“Your Majesty, please see.”

He Yan hurriedly ordered the people to open these large wooden boxes. The next moment.

A pearlescent aura illuminated the entire imperial garden. There are hundreds of large wooden boxes.

All pearl agate jade emerald. Not even a trace of gold or silver could be seen. There are some rare things in it.

It’s simply dazzling and dizzying. Even if Nie Zheng had already prepared in his heart.

But the look was also slightly stunned.

And Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian, standing next to Nie Zheng.

Both of them were completely stupid.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian are definitely people with eyes above the top. Even if the golden mountain and silver mountain are placed in front of the two people.

At best, it only surprised the two slightly.

You can see hundreds of boxes of priceless things. Even the two of them could not calm down.

But the two probably reasoned.

Just a hundred boxes of rare treasures. If it is converted to silver two.

I am afraid that it will be as high as one billion taels of silver.

This is enough to top the tax of the Upper Bactria for more than ten years.

“Your Majesty, this is a gift from your courtiers.”

He Yan smiled and looked at Nie Zheng.

But the heart is nervous.

He didn’t know that his half of the production capacity could not buy his life.

“And Aiqing, you are worthy of being a loyal servant of my Great Xia, and even more a loyal servant of Yuan.”

“And Ai Qing’s gifts, I like it very much.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

He even stepped down from the dragon chair himself.

He personally helped this Great Xia Giant to help him up. Seeing the satisfied smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

The large stone hanging in Wakan’s heart finally landed. Knowing that his little life was saved. He was secretly 233 happy inside.

Fortunately, I didn’t read it wrong.

The Son of Heaven really loves money.

He Yan hurried to strike iron while it was hot.

“Your Majesty, this is the silver money that the courtiers have accumulated for His Majesty for many years, totaling four hundred million two hundred million silver and eight million two gold.”

“This hundred boxes of pearl emerald and some rare treasures are exchanged for silver coins as high as 1.5 billion taels of silver.”

“Your Majesty please laugh.”

He Yan hurriedly took out a thick stack of golden tickets, and an account book to present to Nie Zheng. However, Nie Zheng did not answer.

Just gave Wei Zhongxian a look. Wei Zhongxian hurriedly took over the golden ticket account book.

Looking at Wakan’s eyes, they all burst into a burst of essence. Wei Zhongxian had sent someone to check on Hezhen’s family property before. Can be returned according to the East Factory spies.

He Yan’s family property could not be found out at all. Now it seems to be true.

This and the money that he gave to the Son of Heaven was enough to cover the taxes and silver of the treasury for twenty years. And with that money.

His own masters could have greatly expanded their armies.

And he can also use this money to do a lot of things for his son, Wei Zhongxian is secretly excited in his heart.

Zhao Gao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He also coveted this money.

Because he also wants to continuously expand the strength of the Chungyi Hall and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So there are so many places where money is needed.

“Your Majesty, please look here.”

He Yan smiled slyly.

I personally came to the palanquin and opened the curtain.

Only to see a beautiful woman dressed in red appear.

“Your Majesty, this woman has the posture of a closed moon and a flower, the face of a sinking fish and a falling goose, you let her cry and she will cry, you let her laugh and she will laugh…”

He Yan’s face was full of devotion, and he constantly introduced this woman’s posture to Nie Zheng. Pity.

Nie Zheng just glanced at the beautiful woman in the car. There was no longer any interest.


The beauty in the car is indeed as Washu said. A stunning beauty.

However, his own temperament could not be compared with Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan. Nie Zheng naturally did not look at this kind of goods.

I felt that Nie Zheng was not interested. And the Kan is speechless.

However, Zhao Gao’s heart moved.

Even this kind of beautiful woman can’t get into the eyes of the Heavenly Son. Zhao Gao already had a contrast in his heart.

The beauty of the world collected by the dead soldiers of the Zhongyi Hall must be stronger than this woman. Otherwise, the task that Tianzi gave to himself would be a mess.

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