Chapter 78 The Book of Blood [Subscription Required].

“Zhao Gao.”

“The subject is here.”

Hear the master call to himself.

Zhao Gao hurriedly bent down and agreed.

“Pick a box of rare treasures and send this woman to the Eastern Palace together, and this woman will make a maid for Lü Hou.”

Nie Zheng’s heart moved.

“Minister, Lord.”

Zhao Gao bowed down.

Hurry up and order someone to pick out some rare treasures.

Then he took the woman in the car to the back of the East Palace.

“Wei Zhongxian.”

“You can also pick some treasures that the queen likes and send them.”

The so-called can not favor one over the other.

Since it was a gift to Lu Jie.

Naturally, his wife could not lose. Wei Zhongxian hurried to receive the order.

Take a box of rare treasures to the Queen’s Bedchamber. Now.

As the two eunuchs departed.

He Yan’s eyes moved slightly.


Nie Zheng was looking at him with a smile on his face.

“Hezhen, you are very good, and you are indeed a loyal servant of Yuan.”

Nie Zheng praised without hesitation.

“Long live the initiation, the slave can serve the master, which is the blessing cultivated by the slave in the previous life.”

Washu smiled flatteringly.

Completely a slave face.


Nie Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

He didn’t need to knock on Wakan.

Because Nie Zheng knows very well what kind of person He Yan is. And this person.

is a person who is dependent on imperial power. His greatest weakness is greed. Especially when it comes to money.

His desires are endless.


He Yanji would figure out the mind of the Son of Heaven.

It will change its tricks to make Tianzi happy. But.

Don’t look at the greedy slave face.

But he is indeed a man of real ability and great talent. In terms of dealing with officials.

The Manchu Dynasty’s civil and military hundred officials can compare with it, and there are very few. So.

Nie Zheng liked people like Nie Zheng very much. Obedient.


Change tricks to please Tianzi. What does the Son of Heaven want.

He tried every means to get it to the Son of Heaven. Except for the corrupt law.

There really were no other drawbacks to Wakan. So.

Washu is a big treasure. It is also Nie Zheng’s private small treasury.

“Hezhen, you were originally a Hubu Shangshu, and from now on you will also serve as the Shangshu of the Ministry of Works.”

Nie Zheng spoke.

“Minister, thank you Lord Longen.”

Washu looked overjoyed.

Hurry up and kowtow to Shane.

I didn’t think that I was greedy for such a huge amount of tax and silver in the national treasury. Not only did the Son of Heaven not surrender his sins to him.

He even made him a Shangshu of the Ministry of Works. It was a great gift to him.

This also immediately enlivened Wakan’s mind. Ming Wu Nie Zheng did not oppose his corruption and perverting the law. Instead, he was allowed to do so.

But Washu is smart.

He understood that the money he coveted in the future could not be swallowed by himself. Most of them are to be dedicated to the Son of Heaven.

“Back off.”

Nie Zheng waved.

He likes smart people.

Washu is undoubtedly a smart man. A few simple words.

He Yan should be able to understand his intentions.

“Minister, retreat.”

With a smile on his face, Washu bowed and exited the imperial garden. As he walked out of the Royal Garden.

His waist bar straightened again.

The round face is full of spirit and hair. Although today handed over most of the family property.

But in exchange for his future career worry-free. And got the favor of the Son of Heaven.

… East Palace.

“Mother-in-law, this is the jewelry that Your Majesty has given you.”

“And this woman will serve you later.”

Zhao Gao smiled and bowed to Lü Yan.

Even more casually ordered people to open the wooden box to reveal the rare treasures inside. See what Nie Zheng sent.

Lu Yan’s heart was warm.

Emperor Yi, even if you still have some conscience.

Lu Yan’s originally depressed and unhappy mood was also slightly better. However, I saw this beautiful woman sent by Zhao Gao.

Lu Yan’s face suddenly turned cold.

“Pull out the main palace and chop.”

As Lü Yan’s words fell.

This stunning beauty was suddenly frightened and faded.

“The Empress spares her life.”

She didn’t know what she was doing wrong. Why did Lu Yan actually want to kill her?

“Look at your foxy look, sooner or later you will seduce Your Majesty.”

“Drag it out and chop.”


Lu Yan’s heart was indeed fierce enough.

It’s just that this woman looks better. He thought of seducing Nie Zheng. Zhao Gao’s eyes moved.

I was slightly stunned inside.

But it was instantaneous.

Did Lu Hou she say to Her Majesty…?

“Niangniang spared her life…”


No matter how much this beautiful woman cries.

Two guards had already dragged her out of the Eastern Palace. Not for a while.

The beautiful woman who had dedicated herself to Nie Zheng did not move. Apparently he had been beheaded outside the palace.

“Zhao Gao!”

Lü Yan stared at Zhao Gao with cold eyes.

“The subject is here.”

Zhao Gao’s heart moved slightly, and he bowed down slightly.

“Zhao Gao, this palace regards you as a confidant, but now it seems that you have submitted to Emperor Yi.”

“You’re doing well, you’re doing well.”

Lu Yan sneered.

Face Lü Hou’s attack.

Zhao Gao seemed to have been prepared.

He smiled slightly, “What did Niangniang say?” ”

“Bactria is Your Majesty’s Bactria and Zhao Gao is also a courtier of Bactria and naturally has to be loyal to the Son of Heaven.”

See Zhao Gao fearless.

Lu Yan sneered.

“Zhao Gao, you are really an unfamiliar dog.”

Zhao Gao smiled too.

He bowed down to Lü Hou and said, “Thanks to the praise of the empress dowager, Zhao Gao is ashamed of it.” ”

“Zhao Gao, if you betray this palace, this palace can not bother with you.”

“But Hongu wants you to remember one thing, if you betray Emperor Yi in the future, you dare to secretly murder him.”

“Hongu will make you a human being and let you die in endless pain.”

“Believe in Hongu, Hongu has this ability.”

Lu Yan’s beautiful eyes were cold.

It’s not loud.

But hearing it into Zhao Gao’s ears made his heart tremble. What is Renyan?

Man is just gouging out his eyes.

Deaf his ears.

Potting makes it dumb.

Cut off his hands and feet.

Then throw it into the hut.

Let it die in pain.

This is the inhumane criminal law invented by Lü Yan. Zhao Gao had witnessed it with his own eyes.

And this is just one of Lü Yan’s cruel methods. Lü Hou’s true strength is the most terrible.

Others may not know Lü Yan’s strength. But Zhao Gao followed Lü Yan for many years.

He was very clear about Lü Yan’s strength. In the eyes of others.

Lü Yan seemed to be just the empress dowager of the Eastern Palace. The status is noble.

But it seems that there is no strength. But Zhao Gao knew it clearly.

When the emperor was alive.

He had handed over his own army to Lü Yan. This Tianzi army is as high as 100,000 people. It is also Lü Yan’s biggest hole card.

However, where this Heavenly Son’s pro-army was, only Lü Lu knew, and only she could mobilize it. He had once tempted Lü Jie.

But Lu Lu had always been wary of him. For this Heavenly Son’s pro-army has never been mentioned. Moreover.

All these years.

Lü Yan secretly subdued many civilian generals. Not only in the hall.

There are also places around Bactria.

Taken together, these two points are the truly terrible place of Lü Hou. Otherwise, with Zhao Gao’s disposition.

How could he have turned to Lü Hou in the first place?

“The subject will never betray His Majesty, please rest assured.”

Zhao Gao bowed down.

He was still jealous of Lü Jie. I didn’t want to completely offend her. And.

Zhao Gao could see it invisibly.

In front of her, this Empress Dowager Xia, who was known for her viciousness.

Such as….. There are some unspeakable thoughts about His Majesty. Otherwise he betrayed her.

She couldn’t let herself go so easily.

“Well, Zhao Gao, you have to remember what you said to Hongu today.”

Lü Yan’s face eased and he continued, “But there is one thing you must understand, the Heavenly Son’s greed for pleasure is also counted. ”

“But some of the foxy women don’t have to be dedicated to him.”

Lu Yan said this coldly.

The meaning is already obvious.


Zhao Gao suddenly smiled bitterly.

“What, you can’t do it?”

Lu Yan’s eyebrows were cold.

“Empress Dowager Qi, it is not a courtier who wants to offer a beautiful woman to Her Majesty.”

“Rather, His Majesty has ordered His Majesty to search for the beauty of the world, and naturally His Majesty cannot but listen to His Majesty’s will.”

Zhao Gao answered truthfully.

“Abominable Emperor Yi, Hongu really didn’t misread you.”

Lü Yan hated and hated the whispers.

But his eyes were full of helplessness.

A martial lady already gave her a headache.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yi secretly ordered Zhao Gao to search for the beauty of the world. If it is really Emperor Yi Harem Three Thousand.

Didn’t he want to sing night and night? Will you still remember her?

“If the empress dowager has nothing to command, the subject will retreat.”

Zhao Gao’s eyes moved.

Didn’t want to stay much longer in the Eastern Palace.

Today I have told Lu Hou Tanming.

From then on, he had to keep a distance from Lü Hou. If you let Tianzi suspect that he and Lü Hou still have contacts. Don’t you want Your Majesty to suspect that you are unfaithful to him? Zhao Gao slowly withdrew from the Eastern Palace.

Lü Yan did not keep either.

At this moment, my heart was tangled with Emperor Yi, a good astringent disciple.


Ministry of the Interior.

The candles flickered, and the hall was dark. Zhao Gao had just returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He sat in the middle of the main hall.

A large number of letterheads and scroll portraits were piled up in front of him. Apparently.

These are the portraits and letterheads of women sent back by dead soldiers from all over Bactria. This also made Zhao Gao’s spirit lift.

Quickly start flipping through it.

No way!

No way!

Still not!

What are these goods?

How can I dedicate myself to His Majesty?

As Zhao Gao continued to flip through the picture scrolls.

The appearance of the woman depicted in it makes his face extremely cold. A wave of anger kept rising from his heart.

It made him hate to tear some women’s portraits to pieces. Today I saw the beautiful woman who was dedicated to Wajin.

Zhao Gao already had a contrast in his mind. Even this kind of beautiful Tianzi can’t look at it.

And the beautiful portraits sent back by dead soldiers from all over the world are indeed good.

But at most, it is only the same as the beautiful women offered by Wajin. Even if a few of them are better than the beautiful women of the Washu Jinjin. But Zhao Gao knew that Tianzi still couldn’t look at it.

If he really sent these portraits to the Son of Heaven for reading. I am afraid that His Majesty will not be satisfied.

“Waste, all are some waste, sent are some vulgar powder, how can it enter the eyes of Your Majesty?”

Zhao Gao was furious.

It was already preparing to order the slaughter of the families of these dead soldiers. Don’t teach them a lesson.

It seems that they really don’t have to worry about completing the task. Suddenly.

Just when Zhao Gao’s anger was high.

A blood-stained letterhead caught his eye.


Zhao Gaoyi was stunned.

Doubtfully, he picked up the blood-stained letterhead. Be aware of hundreds of letters.

It’s all written in ink.

Only this letter was unusually glaring, as if it were a blood letter. Zhao Gao slowly opened the blood-stained letterhead.

A line of crooked little characters also caught his eye.

“Jizhou City Su Daji should not exist in the human world, Zhang Hu is absolutely pensed.”

Just a simple sentence.

And the handwriting is crooked.

There is a breath of death between the lines. Apparently.

This letter was written on the occasion of the death of the dead soldier of Chunggyeongwan.

“Jizhou City Marshal?”

“Su Daji?”

“It should not exist in the world?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes were confused and he murmured. It was a long time coming.

Zhao Gao quickly rummaged through the portrait of Su Daji. But it was not found.

Zhang Hu just sent back such a bloody letter.

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