Chapter 79: Ancient Demon Concubine! Subscribe Required.

Zhao Gao’s eyes were deep.

I took the blood book that Zhang Hu had sent back and read it over and over again. No portraits.

Just a simple line.

But Zhao Gao vaguely felt it. This bloody letter is extraordinary. First of all.

Zhang Hu is dead.

Died in Jizhou City.

Why did he die?


He saw something he shouldn’t have seen. Someone killed him to silence him.

But Zhao Gao was very confused in his heart. The dangerous surname of this task is not high.

It is just to collect information and portraits of beautiful women in the world. It was not for Zhang Hu to assassinate a certain king of the clan.

But he died in Jizhou City.

“Su Daji?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes were deep.

I don’t know if I should go to see Your Majesty.

Because he didn’t even know what Su Da’s appearance was.

Go to see Your Majesty with a bloody letter with no head and no tail? Isn’t that ridiculous?


Zhao Gao had a vague feeling. Although this matter seems ridiculous. But he really wanted to do it. And the feeling is extremely strong. The reason is simple.

The first is the absolute blood book issued by Zhang Hu before his death. The second is his own feelings.

Zhao Gao believed in his feelings very much. Suddenly.

Zhao Gao’s gaze must have been.

A decision has been made in the heart.

He must send this bloody letter to His Majesty. But it was getting late.

You can only wait for tomorrow to enter the palace to face the saint.


Zhao Gao went to Weiyang Palace with a large number of beautiful portraits. In his arms was the bloody letter that Zhang Hu had returned. Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Write and draw on rice paper with a pen in your hand. From time to time, there was excitement in his eyes.

There’s money.

Many of Nie Zheng’s plans could be implemented. He wanted to build a garden.

A vast garden.

And this garden will contain 100,000 beasts. Lions, tigers, bears, leopards, jackals, and beasts of prey are just appetizers. It’s best to search for some of the fierce birds and beasts from all over the Nine Weeks. This will be a very interesting thing.

Just as Nie Zheng was contemplating a fun plan.

23 Cao Tian walked quickly, bowed down to Nie Zheng, and said, “Your Majesty, Zhao Gao is outside asking for a meeting.” ”

Nie Zhengtou did not raise his head, “Xuan He entered the temple.” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian hurried to receive the order.

Not for a while.

Only to see Zhao Gao quickly enter Weiyang Palace. Four young eunuchs were also followed behind him. Four young eunuchs carried two suitcases.

In the box are the portraits of beautiful women from all over the world. See Tianzi writing and drawing on the Dragon Case.

Zhao Gao knelt down and prostrated his head, “Your Majesty Zhao Gao. ”

“Okay, get up.”

Nie Zheng finally looked up at Zhao Gao.

But he found several wooden boxes next to him. Nie Zheng’s eyes moved.

Obviously, he understood what Zhao Gao had come to say.

“Cao Qian, back off.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

Cao Tian withdrew from Weiyang Palace with a group of eunuch palace women. There were only two people left in the hall, Nie Zheng and Zhao Gao.

“Your Majesty, this is a portrait of the beautiful women of Bactria that your courtiers have found for you, and please look at it.”

Zhao Gao hurriedly opened the four wooden boxes.

The portrait of the beautiful woman in it is presented to Nie Zheng for reading. Nie Zheng began to look at them one by one.

Zhao Gao stood beside him.

Secretly observe the expression on Nie Zheng’s face. Really.

Nie Zheng still showed a very interested look on his face at first. But until Nie Zheng had read more than a dozen portraits.

Nie Zheng’s face gradually cooled down. This also made Zhao Gao giggle inside.

I knew that my master had begun to be dissatisfied in his heart.

“Zhao Gao, what you’re looking for is these vulgar powders?”

Nie Zheng’s voice was slightly cold.

Looking at Zhao Gao’s eyes also became unkind. In fact.

This matter really does not blame Zhao Gao.

He searched for beautiful women from all over the Bactria region. It is indeed a rare and beautiful woman.

However, Nie Zheng had seen Wu Meiniang and Lü Jie.

The temperament and appearance of these two women are by no means comparable to ordinary women. Look at the nine-week world where the Seven Kingdoms coexist.

There are also very few women like Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang.

“Your Majesty, the subject is guilty.”

Zhao Gao’s face was pale, and he hurriedly prostrated his head again to plead guilty. But his eyes rolled.

Silently took out the bloody book in his arms. Then he raised his hands high and presented it to Nie Zheng, “Your Majesty, this bloody letter was sent back from Jizhou City by the dead soldiers under your command.” ”

“Your Majesty please take a look.”

Dead Book?

Nie Zheng frowned.

Still, I took the letterhead.

Then I opened the letterhead very casually.

Zhao Gao was worried and uneasy inside.

Constantly peeking at the expression on Tianzi’s face. In fact, he also had no way.

You can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He was ready to accept Nie Zheng’s punishment. Rumble!


Before Zhao Gao could react.

A terrifying breath came towards him. This breath made Zhao Gao change color in shock.

It was even more directly scared to sit paralyzed on the ground. He looked up sharply at his master. However, he found that Nie Zheng suddenly got up.

A pair of eyes are bursting with brilliant light.

He was staring dead at the small print on the letterhead.


“Su Daji?”

“Is it her?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were shocked.

A murmur came from the mouth.


Zhao Gao was stunned.

He had never seen the Son of Heaven so shaken.

Could it be that this woman named Su Daji could not be known to His Majesty? Zhao Gao’s mind turned sharply.

Eyes rolling.

A hint of excitement crossed his eyes. I was right.

From His Majesty’s expression at this moment.

This Sudae is definitely the person her master wants.

“Zhao Gao, you are doing a good job, doing a very good job.”

“Get up.”

Nie Zheng regained calm.

“Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao hurriedly got up.

“I want to ask you, who is under the jurisdiction of Jizhou City?”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Your Majesty, Jizhou City is under the jurisdiction of Hou Su of Jizhou, and this person has a hereditary title…”

Zhao Gao had just said this, and suddenly froze.

And then I was shocked.

Su Huo?

Su Daji?

Don’t…… Zhao Gao suddenly woke up.

I almost slapped myself in the face. I’m really stupid.

How to forget Su Hu this person. Zhang Hu died in Jizhou City.

Su Hu was the Marquis of Jizhou.

The person who can kill Zhang Hu.

It is very likely that he is a master under Su Huo’s command. Extrapolating from this.

Couldn’t Su Daji be Su Huo’s daughter?

“Zhao Gao listens to the order.”

“Seal you as the order of the CRRC government.”

“You can lead the three thousand Yulin army to Jizhou City and welcome Su Daji into the palace.”

Nie Zheng directly issued his will.

A pair of eyes across the deep color. Su Daji.

Ancient Concubines.

This woman he was going to decide.

“Lords of the Lord’s Will.”

Zhao Gaomu was excited.

Hurry up and kowtow to Nie Zheng.

“Zhao Gao, you can set off, and you must not delay time.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao did not dare to be sloppy.

Stride out of Weiyang Palace.

Quickly gather the three thousand feather forest army in the palace.

With some gold and silver treasures out of the royal capital. Go straight to Jizhou City.

And Zhao Gao led the three thousand Yulin army out of the royal city. Naturally, it has also attracted the attention of many people with hearts.

For example, Zhao Kuangyin and Cao’s people sent spies to inquire about the news.

It’s a pity, though.

Only Nie Zheng and Zhao Gao knew about this matter. Let their spies inquire about the news.

I don’t know what Zhao Gao led the Three Thousand Feathers Forest Army to do…

Jizhou City.

Seven days.

Zhao Gao did not sleep.

Quickly Ma Jia Whip led three thousand Yu Lin army straight to Jizhou City. On the eighth day.

Zhao Gao’s eyes were full of blood, and his face showed a tired color. But when he saw the outline of Jizhou City in the distance.

A glint of essence erupted from his eyes. The look of drowsiness on his face vanished.


Zhao Gao whipped and boasted the horse. Sigh!

After the sound of the horse’s hooves splashing.

Zhao Gao led the three thousand Yulin army straight to Jizhou City.


Jizhou City, Su Province.

Su Hu had learned the news long ago.

Thousands of soldiers and horses were coming towards Jizhou City. It also made his face extremely heavy.

Know that trouble is coming.

But he didn’t think about it.

But in less than ten days. Trouble came so quickly.

“Have you ever found out which camp these thousands of soldiers and horses are?”

Su Hu looked at the spies with a livid face.

“Marquis Qi.”

“These thousands of soldiers and horses are menacing, and they have not raised any banners, and their subordinates cannot find out.”

The spies answered truthfully.

“Hou Ye, the soldiers will come to cover the water, no matter which camp comes, we will see each other after all.”

The old butler said in a deep voice.

Su Hu nodded slowly.

Fortunately, he had already prepared.

These days commanded the soldiers, going door to door, to tell the people of the city. Anyone who dares to mention the three words of Sudaji.

All will be cut off by the door.


He had already given strict orders to guard Su Daji.

Hide it in a secret place. Even these thousands of soldiers and horsemen are not good.

Let them search the whole of Sioux Province.

Don’t try to find any trace of Su Daji.

Take a step back.

As the Marquis of Jizhou, he Su Hu was not easy to mess with. He had 100,000 elite troops.

Although it was not as powerful as Dong Zhuo’s fifty thousand Western Liang Iron Horse.

But in the territory of Bactria it was definitely a hegemonic existence.

“Go, meet these distinguished guests from afar.”

Su Hu threw off his sleeves.

Lead tens of thousands of elite soldiers straight out of the city…

Jizhou City.

The gates of the city opened widely.

Su Huo’s 10,000 elite soldiers lined up behind him.

Watch the roaring sound of the horse’s hooves rolling up the smoke in the distance. Su Huo’s eyes were calm and waveless.


Not for a while.

Zhao Gao had already arrived at the city gate. He tightened the reins and raised the horse’s head.

Behind him, the three thousand feathered forest troops also stopped.

“In the Lower Ji Prefecture Hou Suhuo, I don’t know who is coming?”

Su Hu held his fist in his hand.

Seeing the 10,000 elite soldiers behind Su Huo’s body, all of them showed hostility. Zhao Gao’s gaze instantly darkened.

“Su Hu took the will.”

Zhao Gao jumped off the high horse.

Pull out the holy will directly from your arms. Holy will?

Su Hu was stunned.

He had thought that the person who came was some powerful minister. Or a marshal with a heavy army.

It is more likely that the kings of various clans have made their generations. But I didn’t expect it to be someone in the palace.

The Divine Will can only be given by the Son of Heaven.

The other party was obviously a person sent by the Great Summer Son. Emperor?

That puppet who had just ascended the throne? Sue’s face is quirky.

But the Son of Heaven sent the will.

He was the Marquis of Jizhou in Bactria and was subordinate to his courtiers. Nature cannot afford to lose its manners.

However, Su Huo’s heart was slightly relieved. Since they are the people of the big summer.

Then he had nothing to worry about. Although he was not a vassal of the King of Bactria at all.

But I also heard early on that the new emperor was just a puppet. Imperial power had long been divided between the courtiers and the empress dowager.


Su Hu didn’t know.

The news he got was already too far behind. Su Hu jumped off his warhorse.

Get on your knees and get ready to receive the commandments.

“Fengtian Transport, the Heavenly Son’s edict said: I heard that Hou Su of Jizhou had a female name Su Daji under his knees, and he specially ordered Zhao Gao to welcome Su Daji into the palace to face the saint, and he admired this.”

Zhao Gaolang read aloud the will of the Son of Heaven. Then he squinted his eyes at Su Hu and said, “Marquis Su, take the order.” ”

Zhao Gao spoke.

Deliver the holy will to Su Escort.

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