Chapter 81 The Northern Dragon rode down the Heavenly Mountain [Kneeling for Subscription].

When was Nie Zheng the most terrible?

A: When it seems calm. There’s an old saying goes.

Biting dogs don’t bark.

The more barking the dog, the more likely it is to bite. Of course.

Nie Zheng is not a dog.

He just knew a very simple truth. As a king.

As the king of Bactria

Even if you want to be the Dark Emperor of Bactria

If you can’t even control your emotions. Then he is a king who is completely unqualified…..

Zhao Gao held Nie Zheng’s hand in a daze. He looked at Nie Zheng’s disappearing back.

Then I looked at the oracle in my hand, which was too simple to be simple. There was no return for half a ring.

“Far North Tianshan?”

“Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders?”

Zhao Gao muttered.

Obviously, he has not recovered from the shock. The Far North Heavenly Mountains he arrived to know where it was. But what is the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders? Unheard!

Never seen before!

Zhao Gao knew Dong Zhuo’s fifty thousand Western Liang Iron Horse. Know the tiger and leopard riding under Cao Wei’s command.

Know the Jing Cypriot Army under Zhao Kuangyin. There are also three battalions of Zhu Di, the king of the clan.

But I had never heard of any Northern Dragon Ride. However, Zhao Gao quickly woke up.

Now is not the time to dwell on these things at all.

Since His Majesty had allowed himself to go to the Far North Heavenly Mountains. Then naturally he will be able to set off.

Zhao Gao quickly took the oracle into his arms. Then he went directly out of Weiyang Palace.

Even the Ministry of the Interior did not return.

Just bring some dry food and water.

Riding a sweaty and bloody BMW that traveled thousands of miles a day, he went straight to the Heavenly Mountains in the far north.


Wei Zhongxian watched Zhao Gao leave in a hurry. But there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Perhaps Zhao Gao couldn’t understand the meaning of the edict that Nie Zheng had given. However, he had also received an edict from Nie Zheng before.

He knew very well how terrible Nie Zheng’s instructions were.

He had doubted it at that time.

In addition to three thousand grimaces in green clothes.

His own master secretly had other forces. Really.

I guessed it right.

“Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders?”

“Jizhou City, it’s over!”

Wei Zhongxian shuddered.

The horror of the three thousand grimaces and green clothes he had already seen. How terrifying will these 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders be?

Wei Zhongxian seemed to have seen the scene of the entire Jizhou City flowing into a river of blood. It was more like seeing the future Zhao Kuangyin end to the extreme.


Far north of the Tianshan Mountains, a place of bitter cold. Say it is the far north.

In fact, it is only the northernmost part of the territory of Bactria.

It is covered in snow all year round in winter, and the temperature is extremely cold. A bowl of water spills out and instantly freezes into ice slag. Although it is the territory of Bactria Province.

But there was no sign of the people.

Except for the footprints left by some animals that can be seen by chance. Not to mention the fact that there are large armies stationed in this far north.


This is a snowy mountain.

The cold wind is bitter and bone-chilling. Heavy snow blew in the sky. The bone-chilling wind roared in the heavens and the earth.

Zhao Gao!

He was wearing a bloated cotton suit.

Facing the wind and snow in the snowy mountains.

His speed was slow, and his eyelashes were covered with frost.

His body was even more frozen and trembling, but he went all the way to the top of the mountain. Because according to Nie Zheng’s edict.

The Northern Dragon Rider is at the top of the Tianshan Mountains. Let’s be honest.

Zhao Gao had never suspected Nie Zheng. But now he really had to doubt. In this bitter cold ghost place in the far north. Don’t talk about people.

Not even a few animals can be seen.

How could there be thirty thousand troops stationed here? What do they eat?

What do they drink?

What do they rely on to protect against the wind and cold?

Even if they are all martial arts masters. Can be in this bitter cold place all year round.

I can’t survive at all.

Although Zhao Gao had already begun to doubt in his heart. But he still chose to believe in the Son of Heaven. For the Son of Heaven could not deceive him.

There is no need to lie to him at all…··· Finally.

Zhao Gao spent a full day. Came to the top of the Tianshan Mountain.

Just when he wanted to catch his breath and take a break.

A scene that he would never forget appeared in front of him. It made his gaze completely freeze.

It was as if the heart had stopped beating at this moment. Even his whole being was scared silly on the spot. What did he see?

The top of the Tianshan Mountains.

The cold wind whistled and the snow was heavy.

The figure of the black pressure makes people see no end at a glance.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, dressed in black armor, holding dragon guns, and wearing black dragon masks on their faces, stood in the midst of the wind and snow.

They stand tall like javelins!

Let the cold winds of heaven and earth whistle past them. But the body did not move.

The feet are more like they are rooted in the thick snow. Next to them.

Tens of thousands of black dragon foals are dressed in black armor and arranged in an orderly manner. The fur of these black dragon foals is dark and shiny.

Those pair of horse eyes were red as blood. When the two merge into one.

A wave of slaughtering heaven and earth, sweeping through the Eight Wilds breath, came towards Zhao Gao. Directly scared him to sit on the ground!

Northern Dragon Ride?

Is His Majesty’s Northern Dragon Ride?

Zhao Gao was sluggish for a moment.

And then get up like crazy.

He quickly took out from his arms the oracle that Nie Zheng had given him. The rolling belt climbed towards the north dragon and rode away.

“The Northern Dragon Rider takes over.”

“Fengtian Transport, Tianzi commanded: Hou Su of Jizhou protected the criminals to plot rebellion, and Zhao Gao was ordered by the Zhongche Prefecture to temporarily unify the 30,000 Northern Dragons to put down the rebellion, and Qin was here.”

Zhao Gao trembled and roared.

“Northern Dragon Ride, Receive the Will!”


The earth was shaking, and the Tianshan Mountains were shaking.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode neatly and half-kneeled on the ground.

The cold wind that roared in the heavens and the earth was completely overwhelmed by their voices. The fierce spirit that slaughtered the Eight Wilds and Six Combinations rose up in shock.

“Follow me down the mountain to put down the rebellion!”

Zhao Gao roared in excitement.

This day.

Beiqi Dragon rides down the Heavenly Mountain!

… Jizhou City!

The wind and sun are beautiful, and the sun is shining.

It had been more than a month since Zhao Gao had left Jizhou City. And there was no more movement from Wang Du’s side.

It also made Hou Suhu of Jizhou gradually let down his guard.

More and more he was angry at Nie Zheng, the eldest summer son.

“Hou Ye, big things are not good, big things are not good…..”

A general’s face was white and bloodless, and he rushed directly into the main hall, and even knocked over the maid who poured tea for Su Huo.

“What’s all the fuss about?”

See the panicked look of the general. Su Hu groaned inwardly.

But still sternly reprimanded.

“Hou Ye, go to the head of the city to have a look, there is a great army coming towards our Jizhou City.”

“The person who led the group was none other than Zhao Gao, who came to my Jizhou City to beg for a lady that month.”

The general shuddered.

“Zhao Gao?”

“Does he dare to come?”

I had seen the panicked look of my generals. Su Hu also thought that the visitor was a powerful person. I didn’t expect it to be that Lord Zhao.

This also made Su Hu breathe a sigh of relief. Even though Zhao Gao came with a large army. Su Hu did not pay attention to it either.

You must know that he has a hundred thousand elite soldiers under his command.

The maximum number of soldiers and horses led by Zhao Gao will not exceed 50,000……… Moreover, it was also a Yulin Army that had never experienced war. Naturally, he had nothing to fear.

“Look at your panicked look, even a little bit of a general.”

Su Hu coldly reprimanded.

“Hou Ye, it’s different, this time it’s really different.”

“Although Zhao Gao only brought tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, the soldiers and horses brought this time were absolutely different.”

“They are terrible, really terrible, Hou Ye, I really didn’t lie to you, you go and have a look.”

The general’s face was white and bloodless.

I was full of fear.

Although he only glanced at the head of the city. But the earth-shattering murderous breath came over him.

Those tens of thousands of troops were like a billowing black cloud that could not be dissolved. It is necessary to swallow up the entire city of Jizhou.

He could not tell the horrors of this cavalry army in words. Therefore, I could only be extremely anxious to let Su Hu go to see it. I heard my generals say this.

Su Hu frowned slightly.

There was also a hint of doubt under his eyes.

Then he quickly left the mansion with the general. Head straight to the head of the city.


Su Hu had just ascended to the head of the city.

Look out of the city.

But just a glance.

His face changed dramatically.

The originally rosy face turned directly into a miserable white.

Only to see tens of thousands of black horses rushing towards Jizhou City like rolling black clouds. They wore black armor and black dragon masks on their faces.

The dragon gun in his hand flashed a cold light.

Exaggerate the black dragon foal’s horse eyes red.

Everywhere I went, the heavens and the earth seemed to be darkened. The scariest of all.

Their eyes under the mask of the black dragon were cold and merciless.

As if it were just tens of thousands of emotionless killing machines. Moreover.

This tens of thousands of cavalry did not have any shouts of death.

Except for the sound of the black dragon colt trampling the earth under the crotch. The whole marching procession was eerily quiet.


Su Hu was paralyzed alive by the fright. Both eyes were filled with extreme horror. He finally understood.

Why are the generals so frightened and flustered? This is clearly an iron-blooded invincible division.

Just by the momentum flowing from them, Su Hu could be absolutely sure.

“Quick… Fast…… Fast…. Gather all the soldiers. ”

“Together with Ben Hou to defend against foreign enemies.”

The next moment.

Su Hu even rolled with the 5.6 to get up.

His face was already filled with horror and horror. The voice was hoarse and trembling to the extreme.

The generals did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and beat the war drums on the head of the city. Boom boom!

War drums rumbled.

The whole city of Jizhou was suddenly in chaos. Because when the drums of war sound. It shows that there is a large army attacking.

The people of the city were shocked.

Because the war drums have not been beaten for many years. What happened today?

The war drums of the assembled army were beaten!….

Don’t say that the 100,000 Jizhou army under Su Hu’s command is indeed worthy of being a crack soldier.

However, in just one cup of tea, the assembly was completed outside the city. But it was also at this moment.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders were already approaching the city. Zhao Gaoce took the lead.

His face was full of dark and violent colors. A pair of eyes is extremely vicious.

Looking at the 100,000 Ji Zhou Army in front of them, the eyes showed extremely cruel killing intent.

“Su Huo, you dog thing that doesn’t know how to advance or retreat, get me out and die.”

Zhao Gao roared loudly.

For more than a month.

He did not know how many sins he had suffered.

Round-trip to Jizhou City does not say.

He also went to the Far North Tianshan Mountains to dispatch the Northern Dragon Riders.

Today is the time for him to vent all the resentment in his heart. Slaughter the city and destroy the households, and the chickens and dogs are not left!

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