Chapter 82 Under Jizhou City, the Lamentation of the Dead! [Kneel for subscription, kneel for customization].


The sound of horseshoe kicking was heard.

Only to see that Hou Su of Jizhou was pale.

He rode his war horse to the front of the two armies. Although there were 100,000 Jizhou soldiers behind him.

You can see the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders behind Zhao Gao. His heart was beating extremely fast.

Both legs were trembling slightly.

Someone may ask.

Behind Su Hu there were obviously 100,000 elite soldiers. But why was he so afraid?

The reason is simple.

Soldiers are expensive but not expensive.

Do you see Dong Zhuo’s fifty thousand West Liang Iron Riders? But it is famous all over the world.

The kings of the various clans had hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers in their hands. But for Dong Zhuo is still very jealous.

The same goes for it.

At this moment, Zhao Gao led the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders. Although the reputation is not obvious.

But what an eyesight Su Hu had.

Just one glance.

You can see that this is an invincible division. The emotionless look in the eyes of the Northern Dragon Rider.

The dragon guns in their hands.

And the black dragon colt under the crotch. And that’s secondary.

The most important thing is the breath that emanates from them. Sweep thousands of troops, thousands of enemies.

Eight simple words.

It was enough to illustrate the terrible momentum of the Northern Dragon Rider. Face thirty thousand North Dragon Riders.

Su Hu knew that he absolutely could not win. Once the war starts.

A maximum of three days will be required.

The hundred thousand elite soldiers behind him will undoubtedly be defeated. And.

Su Hu could feel it completely.

The 100,000 Jizhou soldiers behind him had fear in their eyes. There is no war yet.

In terms of momentum, it has been completely defeated. What is the most important thing for the two armies to fight? 19 morale!

Since ancient times, there have been many examples of less than more. And morale accounts for one of them.

“Lord Zhao, we are meeting again.”

Su Hu forcibly squeezed a smile out of his face.

Even more bowed his hand towards Zhao Gao and held his fist in a gesture.

Even though he had just heard Zhao Gao’s scolding. At the moment, I can only smile and greet.

Because he knew he had no chance of winning at all. I don’t really want to go to war.

“Su Huo, you ignorant old man.”

“Remember what I said to you before?”

“When Zhao Gao returns, your Jizhou City will flow into a river of blood.”

Zhao Gao’s face was viciously twisted.

His eyes were as red as blood because of this month’s boat and car. But the color of vicious cruelty in his eyes became more and more intense.

Zhao Gao seemed to turn into a poisonous snake that chose to devour people. I can’t wait to frantically bite Su Hu this old man.

“Before, Ben Hou’s words were disrespectful, and he also asked Lord Zhao Haihan.”

Su Hu once again surrendered his hand to make amends.


Su Hu can indeed flex and extend.


He misread Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was a man who would repay the favor.

Even if Su Hu bowed his head and apologized, Zhao Gao would not let him go. And.

Zhao Gao can clearly remember.

Before he left, the Son of Heaven confessed to himself.

“Su Huo, hand over Su Daji.”

Zhao Gaoyin spoke up.

This time.

Zhao Gao had no fear.

“Lord Zhao really misunderstood, there really is no such daughter under the knee of Ben Hou, and I really don’t know who Su Daji is.”

“Please also ask Lord Zhao to make a clear observation, and not to listen to the rumors of the villain.”

Su’s posture is extremely low.

Even more pretending to be suffering from injustice. In fact.

As a matter of common sense.

Su Hu was indeed a loyal servant.

However, his allegiance was only to the Great Xia Dynasty. It’s not the big summer today.

Because his ancestors fought with the Holy Ancestor Emperor to fight the world.

Jizhou City was also a fiefdom given to them by Emperor Shengzu of the Su family. Therefore, Su Hu was still loyal to Daxia.

And this daughter of herself is a red face and a curse. Once born.

The whole of Bactria was bound to be in chaos.

The Great Xia Dynasty will be unstable.

And the city of Jizhou, which he ruled, was bound to be implicated in the war. He would never dare to bear such an age-old sin.


Su Hu didn’t believe it either.

Zhao Gao really dared to go to war with him because of a Su Da. At best, it was just a threat to intimidate him.

Because once the war starts.

The Great Xia Dynasty and the opposition will surely shake.

The kings of the various clans were so that they could take advantage of the situation. Bactria was in danger of being destroyed.


For just a woman.

He was going to attack his city of Jizhou. If this thing is passed on.

Don’t say that the people of Bactria will scold the Son of Heaven for being a dimwitted king.

Even the other six countries would scorn Bactria. It is more likely to take advantage of the civil unrest in Bactria to raise troops to attack.


This result is unbearable in the summer. Su Hu also expected that Zhao Gao would not dare to really start a war. Stop.

Su Hu’s logical thinking is very clear. If it was Zhao Gao, he really did not dare to start a war. Pity.

Su Hu didn’t think of anything at all. Zhao Gao came at the will of the Son of Heaven. And it is to slaughter the city and destroy the households.


See Su Hu or dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Zhao Gao laughed out loud.

Since Su Hu was looking for his own death.

Then he couldn’t complain that Zhao Gaoxin was fierce. Uh-huh.

Zhao Gao took out the Holy Will and read it directly with a sneer.

“Hou Su of Jizhou plotted against the rebellion, and Zhao Gao, the commander of the Zhongche Prefecture, led 30,000 Northern Dragons to ride to Jizhou, and when the city was destroyed, both men and women, young and old, were all killed.


Zhao Gao didn’t have any more nonsense.

Su Hu was not given any chance at all.

His long knife pointed straight at Jizhou City, and a brutal roar came from his mouth. Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode along.


Earth-shattering, murderous. Just one word.

Spit out from the mouth of the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. Boom!

Thirty thousand black dragon foals rushed to the earth. The Northern Dragon rode a dragon gun through the air.

Facing 100,000 elite soldiers in Jizhou.

They don’t have the emotions that human beings should have in their eyes.

Only the boundless killing and cruelty.

“Meet the enemy!”

Su Hu roared in horror.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

The puppet emperor who was far away in the capital.

Such a cruel and faint will was made. He actually wanted Zhao Gao to slaughter the city and destroy the households.

Isn’t he afraid of being spurned by the world? Pity.

Su Hu was too late to think about it.

Because the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders were rushing towards Jizhou City with the Chongxiao Killing Machine. They are like billowing black clouds that cover the sky.

The murderous qi that rushed through the sky actually caused the temperature between heaven and earth to plummet.


Su Hu quickly retreated.

Behind him, 100,000 Jizhou soldiers also roared.

They also rushed towards the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders with their arms in their hands. Although they were timid and the Northern Dragon rode the earth-shattering murderous spirit.

But behind them was the entire city of Jizhou. There are their loved ones in the city.

Take a step back.

The entire city of Jizhou will be turned into a purgatory on earth. So.

They can only fight with their lives.


Is it really useful for 100,000 Jizhou soldiers to fight for their lives? Next moment!

Something terrible happened. Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

The dragon gun in his hand was bursting with a cold light.

The cold tip of the gun went straight through the chests of the Jizhou soldiers. Moreover!

A shot is not just taking the life of a Jizhou soldier. Only to see one of the Northern Dragon Riders.

Under the inertia of the powerful attack of the Black Dragon Foal.

One shot pierced the bodies of five Jizhou soldiers.

That terrible force directly lifted the five Jizhou soldiers into mid-air. As the Northern Dragon Rider jerked out his Dragon Lance.

Five Jizhou soldiers fell directly from mid-air. A bowl-sized blood hole was broken through their hearts.

A large amount of blood was spraying out, pouring out the black armor on the Northern Dragon Rider. The blood on the dragon gun dripped along the tip of the gun to the ground.

The eyes of the five Jizhou soldiers widened in horror. I couldn’t believe it until I was dying.

They didn’t even last a round.

He died directly on the ground outside Jizhou City. At the same time.

The same thing happened on the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders. The gun is like a dragon, and the sea of blood is drifting.

Blood spilled into the air.

The body fell to the ground like raindrops.

Countless Jizhou soldiers died tragically under the dragon guns of the Northern Dragon. Ten breaths!

Just ten breaths of time.

It was just a charge of thirty thousand Northern Dragons riding. Jizhou 100,000 elite soldiers.

It all turned into a cold corpse and fell into a pool of blood. Blood stained the earth red.

A river of blood flowed outside Jizhou City. Bloody, poignant and magnificent.

Life, grass is as low as mustard.

Like a dead soul crying.

It seems that the soul of the wronged is wailing.

A silent mourning song seemed to be played between heaven and earth. This mourning song is unheard.

It is for the dead souls that are playing.

As if praying to heaven for their bleak life. Heaven and earth are silent.


Only the blood that had gathered into a river flowed slowly on the 583 earth. Countless Jizhou soldiers could never stand up in the blood water.

And all this.

It was all caused by the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. Quiet!


The silence of heaven and earth.

100,000 Jizhou soldiers.

There are fewer than a few thousand left.

They watched like statues as their former companions fell to the ground. They seem to have lost their souls.

The weapon in his hand also fell silently to the ground. Can’t believe it.

Can’t believe it.

More reluctant to believe.

Only a few thousand Jizhou soldiers felt that they were having a dream. A nightmare that can never wake up.

It’s not just that these thousands of Jizhou soldiers are sluggish and speechless. Su Go!

Jizhou Hou!

The ruler of the entire city of Jizhou.

He looked sheepishly at the scene in front of him. His body was trembling.

The eyes are constantly scattered.

He couldn’t believe what was happening before his eyes. I don’t want to believe in this kind of fantastic result. Ten breaths.

Just ten breaths of time.

Face this mysterious Northern Dragon Rider.

The 100,000 Jizhou army under his command was almost completely destroyed. Just now Su Hu was still calculating.

100,000 Jizhou soldiers could hold out for at least three days. But…… Ten breaths?

Just ten breaths of time?

100,000 elite soldiers were completely annihilated!

The only few thousand soldiers who survived. At this moment, there is no longer any combat power. Don’t say Su Hu doesn’t believe it.

Zhao Gao at this moment.

He was dumbfounded on the spot.

Look at the battlefield in front of you like a purgatory on earth. He was speechless.

The whole body was trembling in horror.

He knew that the master had made the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders he led very strong. But Zhao Gao definitely did not expect it.

The Northern Dragon Rider was so powerful. Syllable!


Zhao Gao slapped himself hard. Hurt!

It hurts!

Zhao Gao knew that he was not dreaming.

The scene of blood drifting in front of your eyes and the purgatory scene on earth is real. Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode long guns across the sky.

The ruthless eyes under the black dragon mask were all looking at him. Apparently.

Waiting for Zhao Gao’s next command.

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