Chapter 83: Slaughtering the City and Destroying the Households, Killing the Heart! Kneel for subscription.

Zhao Gao finally came back to his senses.

Under the gaze of thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. Zhao Guang’s whole person was so excited that he couldn’t control himself.

“Your Majesty has a purpose: slaughter the city and destroy the households, the chickens and dogs do not stay, kill!”

Zhao Gao’s long knife pointed directly at Jizhou City.

“Lead the way!”

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons ridden and the Dragon Gun crossed the long sky.

The cold and merciless voice slaughtered between heaven and earth. Sigh!

Thirty thousand black dragon foals splashed their hooves. Launch a second charge again. But this time.

Only a few thousand Jizhou soldiers were left to wake up in an instant. They threw away their armor and ran for their lives.

Face this invincible division.

Their hearts have long been completely broken. They all fled madly towards the city.

Because they are desperate.

I know that Jizhou City is finished.

This ancient city will today become a purgatory on earth. They just want to see their families one last time before they die.

“Kill them all, leave no one behind.”

Zhao Gaoce galloped wildly, and a vicious sound came from his mouth. Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode straight into Jizhou City.

They are ruthless.

They kill coldly.

Their dragon guns are stained with blood.

In their eyes, as long as they are living beings.

All of them will be killed by the dragon guns in their hands. They only knew how to act according to Nie Zheng’s will.

It is not until Nie Zheng’s will is thoroughly carried out that this act of slaughtering the city and destroying the household will be stopped.


“Ah….. I don’t want to die! ”

“I fought with you butchers.”


Jizhou City was in complete chaos.

Faced with the merciless slaughter of thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. The soldiers and civilians in the city rose up in revolt. Pity.

Under the trampling of the hooves of the horses ridden by the 30,000 Northern Dragons. No one can compete with them.

Even some swords slashed at them. But it was also resisted by the black armor on his body.

It just left a shallow white mark. Where the 30,000 Northern Dragons rode by.

Only countless corpses fell behind them. Heaven and earth lamentation.

Be extremely tragic.

Only endless blood stained the entire Jizhou City. The fire was raging.

Blood kept spilling.

The creatures are crying and wailing.

It was a war of slaughter and annihilation. No one can escape this catastrophe. The streets of the city are filled with rivers of blood.

Countless corpses could not be seen at a glance.

The smell of blood and blood enveloped the entire city of Jizhou. In the looming mist of blood.

Countless soldiers and civilians were crying bitterly and bitterly. They were on the run.

I want to take out this Jizhou City that is about to become a purgatory on earth. But they couldn’t get out.

There are a thousand Northern Dragons riding the town to guard the four-sided city gate. Anyone who wants to escape from the city.

All will die under their dragon guns. Cruelty?



Is it fury?


But, that’s war.

Some might say.

Nie Zheng was cruel and unkind.

He even ordered the slaughter of the city and the destruction of households. But Nie Zheng didn’t care about that. Su Hu dared to resist and disobey.

That’s the price he’s going to pay. Slaughter the city and destroy the households.

It is to tell all the subjects of Bactria. The Son of Heaven was angry, and the floating corpses were millions.

This sentence is not just a matter of words.

No one can disobey his will. Nor can anyone resist disobedience. Moreover.

Up and down the city of Jizhou.

Only recognize Su Huo, not the Son of Heaven. That’s all there is to it.

It would never let Nie Zheng have the slightest weakness. The people of Bactria should honor only the Son of Heaven.

Not his little Jizhou Hou. Since ancient times, one will have achieved ten thousand bones.

Look at the founding kings of history.

Which one did not step on the bones of the corpse to ascend to the throne?

Of course.

Nie Zheng was not a founding monarch.

But now the situation in Bactria is extremely chaotic. If you don’t use thunderous means.

How to show his heavenly might? Kill!

This is the simplest and most effective way. It is also the most intimidating method. What about the Dark Lord?

What about tyrants?

Nie Zheng’s idea was simple.

Even if he is spurned by the world.

But those who dare to disobey the will of the Son of Heaven can only die.


The killing continues.

The creatures are wailing.

The entire Jizhou City cried and howled.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders faithfully carry out the will of the Son of Heaven. They kept rushing through the city of Jizhou.

Everywhere you go, you go on a killing spree. The other side.


Zhao Gao slapped Su Huo’s face hard. Fly it straight off your horse.

Before Su Hu could get up. Zhao Gao jumped off his warhorse.

Grab Su Huo’s hair and drag it directly into Jizhou City.

“Beasts, you beasts will be punished by heaven.”

See the miserable scene of floating corpses and rivers of blood flowing in the city. Su Huo’s face was miserable, and he wept with grief and indignation.

“Old fellow, hand over Sudae to me.”

Zhao Gao viciously grabbed Su Huo’s hair and shook it continuously. A pair of eyes is unusually vicious.

Although he hated Su Hu hated to death. I want to cut him into pieces now. But Zhao Gao did not do this.

Because he remembers his task clearly.

Su Daji must be brought back to the royal capital and handed over to His Majesty.

Whether the slaughter of the city and the destruction of households, or the chickens and dogs are not left, it is just an excuse.

Even giving Hou Su of Jizhou a hat of rebellion was only to attack Jizhou City. Forcing Su Hu to hand over Su Daji.

For this is the woman Your Majesty wants. Therefore, Zhao Gao must find Su Daji.

Otherwise, he would not be able to go back to his master.

“Oh, you castrated dog killed me.”

“Ben Houning would not have given his daughter to that cruel and unkind Emperor when he died.”

Look at the tragic scene of Jizhou City.

Su Hu was already in the ashes.

If he had known that this would be the result. Perhaps, before the slaughter of the city and the destruction of the household. He would really hand over Suda.

But now I saw the corpses of Jizhou City strewn across the field.

Even if Su Hu died, he would never hand over himself.

“Old fellow, I’m not going to let you die.”

“I don’t believe I can find your daughter.”

Zhao Gao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Grab Sue’s hair and drag it like a dead dog toward the center of the city…

The center of Jizhou City.

Zhao Gao ordered the Northern Dragon to stop slaughtering the city.

Let them gather all the few remaining soldiers and civilians in the city here. A high platform was built in the center of the city.

The high platform was full of people kneeling.

A mouthful of steel knives was held in the hands of dozens of Northern Dragon Riders. Su Hu was tied to a pillar by a large bundle of flowers.

Next to Su Huo, there was also a pot of boiling hot oil that was scorched on the fire. Under the high platform are countless people in Jizhou City.

These people were terrified.

Looking at Zhao Gao’s gaze was even more tinged with extreme fear. All their families were killed.

Only they were gathered here to survive. How could he not be so frightened as to Zhao Gao? Pity.

Zhao Gao ignored it.

Still with a vicious and vicious smile on his face, he looked at the people of Jizhou City under the stage.

“You’ve all listened to Lord Ben.”

“One hour, Lord Ben will only give you one hour.”

“After an hour, if I don’t see Su Daji.”

“You Hou Suhu of Jizhou will be thrown into this oil pot and fried.”

Zhao Gao said this.

Pointing to the kneeling soldiers on the high platform, he continued, “Among them are your friends, and even more your family. ”

“Every time I have a kung fu, I can’t see Su Daji, so I kill a hundred people.”

“Until an hour has passed, if you still don’t see Su Daji.”

“Su Hu is going to die, these relatives on your stage are going to die, and you people on the stage are going to die.”

Have to say.

Zhao Gao’s heart was indeed vicious.

In order to force out Su Daji.

He didn’t care about anyone’s last name at all.

He only wanted to complete the tasks given to him by his master. In order to complete the task.

There was no one he did not dare to kill.

The people in the audience looked miserable.

They could not bear to watch their loved ones on the high platform being beheaded and displayed to the public.


Some people cried out to Su Hu.

“Hou Ye, you will hand over Su Daji, we beg you.”

“Hou Ye, for the sake of a woman, do you really want everyone in Jizhou City to die?”

“Su Huo, my Xianggong is your general, he has died fighting for you, we only have one son, do you really want our family to die?”

“Give yourself away.”


Faced with the catastrophe of slaughtering the city and destroying the households.

Some of the people in the audience cried and pleaded with Su Huo. Some people even shouted angrily at him.

For a woman.

It even affected the entire people of the city.

They put all the blame on Su Huo.

There was no longer any previous support for this Marquis of Jizhou. Now.

In the face of the indignation of the people in the audience, he angrily scolded and reprimanded. Burst!

Su Hu spewed out a mouthful of old blood. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

His own people would go on a crusade against him. Who are you for?

Not for the people of Jizhou City? If Su Dai had been born.

The world is in chaos.

Jizhou City is not immune.


Today he was indeed at fault.

His mistake was that he did not expect Zhao Gao to come to Tucheng with the Northern Dragon Rider. But I have always loved the people like a son.

For so many years, there has been no him to protect Shi Renzheng. How can the people of Jizhou City live and work in peace and contentment?

But now why do these people in the audience look at him angrily and condemn him? In the midst of grief and indignation.

Su Guard spewed blood.

It was already completely chilling.


Murderous curses.

Zhao Gao looked at all this with a cold smile. It’s not hard to kill.

The hard thing is to curse.

Zhao Gao just wanted to kill people. He knows human nature too well.

Human nature is so fragile.

Obviously, it was he Zhao Gao who led 30,000 Northern Dragons to slaughter the city and destroy the households.

However, these people in the audience pushed all the blame on Su Huo’s body.

And that’s the ugliness of human nature.


The time has come for a blazing incense.

Zhao Gao gave an order.

The Northern Dragon rode and wielded a butcher’s knife.

Directly cut off hundreds of human heads.


“Don’t kill my husband!”



There was a lot of crying and howling from the audience.

But he could only watch the tragic death of his loved ones.

“Su Huo, hand over your daughter.”

“Su Huruo, if you still have a little conscience, can you really bear to watch all the people in Jizhou City die?”

“Su protects you, the old man, and hands over Su Daji.”

The people in the audience attacked one after another, and reprimanded Su Hu with hatred.

“Zhao Gao, you have such a vicious heart.”

“Kill me, kill me.”

Faced with the rebuke of the people in the audience.

Su Hu let out a cry and looked at Zhao Gao even more with tears in his eyes. If the eyes can kill.

Su Hu had already slashed Zhao Gao with a thousand swords.

“Hou Ye, don’t worry, this is where it is, how dare I kill you.”

“Before you see Su Daji, you must live well.”

Zhao Gaopi laughed at the meat is not meaty.


Su Guard spewed blood.

The grief in my heart reached the extreme.

He just wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

But what kind of eyesight Zhao Gao had.

Hands fast under the eyes.

Directly remove Su Hu’s chin. Now.

Su Hu’s desire to die is a luxury. Patrol…

Time passes a little bit.

The time for the second incense has arrived. Zhao Gao’s eyes were cold.

The palm of his hand was raised, ready to kill again. Suddenly.

He did not wait for Zhao Gao’s order.

A heavenly cry came from outside the crowd.


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