Chapter 84 Su Daji pleaded to return to the royal capital! Kneel for subscription.

It is also this heavenly seductive female voice. It immediately lifted Zhao Gao’s spirits.

Hurry up and look at the source of the sound. High underground.

Only to see the crowd parting.

A woman in a wide gray robe with a white veil is walking toward the high platform. Just the appearance of this woman.

The people of Jizhou City were momentarily silent.

All eyes were on this woman. You can’t look away at all.

Although this woman’s face covers the white veil.

But the breath of amazing charm exuded from her body. But it makes great ripples in people’s hearts.

The woman is better.

But the man’s eyes are full of obsession.

The eyes were not at all willing to take their eyes off this woman. Zhao Gao!

He watched sheepishly as the woman walked toward him. But the heart fluttered and jumped.


He was an eunuch.

The woman did not have any unusual thoughts about this. But the seductive breath that flowed from this woman’s body. But it made him secretly feel frightened.

He was extremely curious about his appearance. Except for Zhao Gao, who was still calm.

Only 30,000 Northern Dragons were left to ride. Even if this stunning charm of the woman appears.

The eyes of the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders did not fluctuate at all. They seemed to be just a cold-blooded invincible division.

“The slave family Su Dai has already seen Lord Zhao.”

“I also ask you to spare the lives of the people of the city and my father.”

Su Daji came to Zhao Gao’s body.

Yingying was going to bow to Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao suddenly woke up.

Hurriedly stopped it: “Miss is exempt from the gift, Zhao Gao cannot accept this great gift.” ”

Are you kidding.

This is the woman his master wants. If it is favored later.

Hate what you are doing today. If it is the wind blowing on the pillow side of the master. That’s enough for him to drink a pot. How dare he accept such a gift?

“Lord Zhao, please spare them, and you are willing to follow you to the capital of the king.”

Su Daji’s voice choked.

Although she wore a white veil.

But I could faintly see the mist rising in the eyes of the beautiful 797 covered in white veil.

“I wonder if Miss can let me have a look at my face?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes moved slightly.


Zhao Gao’s words had just fallen.

Only to see Su Huo, who was tied up by five flowers on the high platform, frantically struggling. He wanted to speak to stop Su Daji from taking off her veil. But his jaw had been removed by Zhao Gao.

I can’t even say a word at the moment. See the miserable appearance of the father. See the entire city of Jizhou flowing into a river of blood.

Su Daji knew that all this was because of herself. The guilt in her heart made tears flow from her eyes.

She bit her teeth slightly.

Finally, he raised his hand and slowly removed the veil from his face. But it was also the moment when Su Daji took off the veil. Jizhou City, which was originally full of flesh and blood. They all fell silent at this moment.

She seemed to be transformed into the most beautiful treasure between heaven and earth. When he saw Su Daji’s true face full of tears.

Zhao Gao was stunned on the spot.

I felt my heart stop beating.

This went on for more than a dozen minutes. Finally.

Zhao Gao bit the tip of the house.

A stinging pain woke him up.


He’s just an eunuch.

You can also wake up quickly.

If it is a different man.

I’m afraid that I will be hooked by this woman. No wonder!

No wonder Su Hu would rather be slaughtered than let this woman be born. This moment.

Zhao Gao finally understood what Su Hu was thinking.

It also made it easier to understand why Zhang Hu only sent back a bloody letter. How shrewd Zhao Gao is!

This moment when she saw Su Da’s true face. He knew that this woman would be very expensive in the future. And.

This woman will be pampered by the Son of Heaven in the future

“The villain Zhao Gao, has seen Miss Su. If the villain has offended Miss before, Miss Wanwang Haihan. Flutter. ”

Zhao Gao actually knelt down directly.

Even more bang to Su Daji three bangs.

Completely condescending to the extreme. When this scene is presented.

Su Dai was speechless.

How could she not have thought of it.

This fierce and vicious evil man in front of him. Just slaughtered 100,000 Jizhou soldiers.

It was even a vicious order to slaughter the city and destroy the households. Let yourself be very scared inside.

But this great evil man actually knelt down and prostrated himself in the blink of an eye. And the sincerity of the performance.

Why is he like this?

Su Daji was weak though.

It also has a seductive face. But she’s not stupid.

On the contrary, it is very clever.

She could feel it completely.

The great evil man named Zhao Gao who was kneeling at her feet. It’s being afraid.


It’s just being afraid.

But what was he afraid of?

What did he have to fear him? No!

The great evil man in front of him is not afraid of himself.

Instead, he was the one who ordered him to come and welcome him to the capital. What he was really afraid of was the master behind him.

Who is his master?

Why is it so brutal?

Even if you don’t want to slaughter the city and destroy the households, you must also snatch yourself back to the royal capital? Su Da’s face was panicked.

Thinking of the master behind Zhao Gao.

Nie Zheng’s appearance had been fantasized as a fierce and extremely terrifying monster. However, Su Daji had already confessed her fate.

It didn’t matter who the master behind Zhao Gao was. None of her rights were allowed to refuse.

Even if the other party is a monster with three heads and six arms. He could only follow Zhao Gao to the capital of Wangdu.

Because so many people are dying today. 100,000 Jizhou soldiers.

The people of the city.

She really couldn’t bear to let the slaughter continue. For the sake of the father.

For the sake of the rest of the people.

After all, she was going to leave with Zhao Gao.

“Lord Zhao, hurry up, the slave family will never dare to accept this great gift.”

Su Daji hurried to help Zhao Gao get up.

Although Zhao Gao was an eunuch.

But he definitely did not dare to touch Su Daji’s hair.

Not to mention letting the woman stand up on her own.

Zhao Gao panicked and got up.

Hurriedly taking three steps back, he bowed down to Su Daji and said, “Miss is a body of ten thousand gold, and it must not be like this.” ”

“The little man has a word to tell the young lady.”

“From this day forward, except for the maids around the young lady, no man or even a eunuch or eunuch can touch the golden body of the young lady.”

“Otherwise, if the master of the villain learns that someone has touched even one strand of the young lady’s hair.”

“Those of us who are slaves are going to land on the ground.”

“Please also ask the lady to be merciful.”

Zhao Gao’s face showed trepidation.

It was also a reminder to Su Daji that such behavior should never be carried out in the future. Seeing Zhao Gao was afraid to look like this.

Su Daji became more and more afraid of Zhao Gao’s master.

Even a fierce and vicious person like Zhao Gao was afraid of becoming like this. Then how terrible will the master behind him be? Su Daji’s face was miserable, and her heart was terrified to the extreme. But she nodded seriously.

Remember what Zhao Gao said to her.

“Lord Zhao, the slave family is willing to go with you to the royal capital, but only begs you to spare these people and my father’s surname, Su Da, who is nervously pleading with Zhao Gao.”


Zhao Gao’s face was ugly.

The will of his own master is to shed a river of blood, and the chickens and dogs will not be left. If only these remaining people had been spared.

He was deeply afraid to return to the capital.

Nie Zheng would absolve him.

But when Zhao Gao looked at Su Daji’s face. His heart must have been.

Secretly scolding yourself is still really stupid. The master’s purpose is obviously Su Daji. Take a step back.

The master also just said a word that the blood flowed into the river chicken dog and did not stay. But there is no mention of the four words of slaughtering the city and destroying the households.

If the master really blames it. I have a reason to respond.

If it is for this matter to offend Su Daji. Aren’t you an idiot?

Although he could spare these people of Jizhou City. But Su Hu was absolutely not allowed to let go.

After all, Su Hu dared to disobey the will of the Son of Heaven. Even if he is Su Daji’s father.

But this is a capital offense against the Son of Heaven. It still needs the Son of Heaven to decide for himself. Come to think of it.

Zhao Gao already had a decision in his heart.

He bowed down to Su Daji and said, “Miss is merciful, the little man can be the master and let go of the lives of these people.” ”

“But Marquis Su rebelled against the will of the Son of Heaven and secretly plotted a rebellion.”

“The villain did not dare to make a decision in this matter, so he could only escort him back to the capital and be judged by His Majesty.”

As Zhao Gao’s words entered his ears.

Su Daji finally understood.

It turned out to be the master behind Lord Zhao. It turned out to be the big summer today. See Su Daji’s face is pale.

Zhao Gao’s eyes moved.

Turning to Su Daji again, he said, “Miss don’t worry, when you get to the Wang Capital, Miss will see Your Majesty.” ”

“As long as the young lady pleads with Your Majesty, Your Majesty will not be embarrassed by Marquis Su when she looks at your face.”

Let’s be honest.

Zhao Gao was eager to unload Su Hu into eight pieces.

But who makes the family have such a good daughter? The so-called father is noble by the daughter.

As long as Su Dai has been favored by His Majesty. Su Huo’s life should be saved. However, Zhao Gao was not really sure.

After all, his master was a moody man. Although Su Da’s own face was shockingly charming.

Whether he can let the master let Su Hu go, it is really a little difficult to say. However, in order to allow Su Daji to return to the capital with peace of mind. Zhao Gao could only comfort him in this way.

Otherwise, on this road, Su Daji would cry and cry and return to the king to meet the Son of Heaven. Even if you have merit.

But Tianzi was not happy, then his Zhao Gao’s sin would be great. Stop.

Zhao Gao’s words really made Su Daji breathe a sigh of relief.

“Lord Zhao, then let’s set off.”

Su Daji said softly.

“Okay, but please let the lady bring a veil so as not to avoid some unnecessary trouble along the way.”

Zhao Gao bowed down and prayed.

Su Daji also knew that his face would indeed cause trouble. Once again, her astonishing appearance was covered with a white veil.

In fact.

Where there will be any trouble.

After all, thirty thousand Northern Dragons were riding on the side.

If there is anyone who is not afraid of death, he will come to find trouble. You can only end up with a dead body. But Zhao Gao did.

I just didn’t want others to see Su Daji’s face. After all, this face Tianzi had never seen it yet.

How could other men see it? Soon.

Zhao Gao then ordered someone to find an extremely luxurious carriage. Then two other maids helped Su Dai to get into the car.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode to protect the left and right. As for Su Huo.


He wasn’t treated so well. Zhao Gao personally untied the rope for him.

However, he did not connect his chin for him. Instead, it was stuffed directly into a prison cart. Although Su Hu was put in a prison car.

One thing offended Su Daji.

But Zhao Gao had to do that.

Otherwise, let Su Hu leisurely ride to the royal capital in a carriage? In front of the prison car.

“Marquis Su, you must be glad that you are alive and have such a good daughter.”

“Otherwise, not only will you die today, but there will be no one alive in the entire city of Jizhou.”

“But you can rest assured, with your daughter here, I Zhao Gao naturally won’t do anything to you.”

“But when you return to the royal capital, whether Your Majesty will spare you, you will ask for your own blessings.”

Zhao Gao sneered and looked at Su Hu in the prison car.

“Su Huo’s eyes were wide open, and his eyes were red as blood.”

He wanted to angrily scold Zhao Gao for being sinister and vicious, despicable and shameless. Pity.

He could only utter speechless.

“All right, my Marquis Su, you can save effort.”

“There are many people who scold me Zhao Gao, but there is no good end.”

“You should be happy that you are alive now.”

Zhao Gao smiled contemptuously.

He no longer took care of Su Hu in the prison car.


Zhao Gao waved his hand.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode to escort Su Daji straight to the capital of the Bactrian King.

PS: Because they are all 4,000-word chapters, the skipping chapter may not be able to catch up with the plot, remind you readers of the father.

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