Chapter 85: The whole world is in an uproar, and everyone in the world is shocked! Kneel for subscription.

What is a return to the heart like an arrow?


This sentence fully explains Zhao Gao’s inner anxiety. From Jizhou City, he returned to the capital of Bactria Wangdu.

According to Zhao Gao’s calculations.

Day and night, under the whip. You can return in a day or two.

But on this way back.

He overlooked one thing.

That was Su Daji in the carriage. Su Daji was just a weak woman.

It was incomparable to the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders around him. If it is day and night, it is a fast horse and whip.

How could she bear this kind of tiredness? Get!

Zhao Gao was helpless.

I can only endure the feeling of returning to my heart like an arrow. Slow down to make the carriage stable.

It would not make Su Daji, who was on his way to the royal capital, feel bumpy on the road. It took a long fifteen days.

The Emperor does not live up to the painstaking people.

Zhao Gao finally saw the outline of the King of Great Xia.

“Speed up.”

Zhao Gao’s face was full of exhaustion.

But when I saw the capital of the Bactrian King.

The weariness on his face was swept away.

The other side.

The whole world is in an uproar, and the whole world is shocked!

During the fifteen days that Zhao Gao escorted Dai Ji to the capital of the Great Xia. The news of the destruction of Jizhou City quickly spread throughout the territory of Bactria.

The kings of various provinces learned of the news.

Even Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Wei and other courtiers in the court also received the news at the same time. After all, these courtiers had planted many spies throughout Bactria.

How could they not know that such a big thing had happened in Jizhou City? The 100,000 Jizhou soldiers were completely destroyed.

When the city is destroyed, the slaughter of the city is destroyed. Blood stained the entire city of Jizhou. If it weren’t for Su Da’s intercession.

The great city of Jizhou almost became a dead city. Hou Suhu of Jizhou was escorted back to the capital of Wangdu.

And there is only one reason for this.

The Son of Heaven made a big move, and the city of Jizhou was almost destroyed. It turned out to be just because of a woman.

And this woman’s name is exactly – Su Daji! All of a sudden.

The brutality of Emperor Yi.

Su Daji’s name.

Under the impetus of people with hearts, it spread all over Bactria. Brutal and faint.


It also attracted the scorn of all the people in all parts of Bactria one after another. And these are the initiators of these waves.

Naturally, it is the kings of the various regions who are envoys.

Under the results of their fueling oil and vinegar. Resentment boiled over all parts of Bactria.

More people have denounced the Son of Heaven for not only being unruly, but also cruel and unkind. For a woman.

He even wanted to slaughter a city.

Such a tyrant is simply unprecedented. There was a lot of scolding in Bactria territory.

Especially around the feudal kings of the feudal lords made the fiefdom. Some people even sang the remarks that Bactria was going to die.

There were also the people in the fiefdoms of the great feudal lords, pleading with the kings of all the provinces to send emissaries and kill the king’s capital. Depose Emperor Yi, the tyrannical emperor, and establish a new emperor.

There was an uproar and popular resentment boiled over. In this case.

This is the best time for the kings of all the provinces to rebel. They were the hearts and minds of the people in their respective fiefdoms.

The reason for the rebellion at this moment is not only enough. They can also get the support of their own people. But something strange happened.

No matter how much the grievances boiled over everywhere. The kings of the major clans did not move. The whole territory of Bactria.

Not to mention that there was not a single self-respecting envoy of the clan king Jiedushi, who said that he wanted to kill the king’s capital, depose Emperor Yi, and establish a new emperor, the most incredible thing was that the king of the clan not only did not raise an army. Instead, it played the imperial court.

It is said that Hou Su of Jizhou is plotting against rebellion, and the crime should be blamed. One after another, the Heavenly Sons are bold and courageous.

The first time to fight against the rebellion.

In the recital, Chen complained about the shame of being a courtier.

You can’t fight for the Son of Heaven for the first time and plead for the sins of Jizhou. Moreover.

The kings of the various domains did not mention it, and the imperial court provided them with the military expenses and food of their fiefdoms every year. Instead, according to the will issued by Nie Zheng before.

He sent a large amount of gold and silver jewelry to the capital. Just these gold and silver jewels.

Hundreds of wagons were loaded.

It fully expresses their surrender to the Son of Heaven. It can really be said that the years are called subjects, and the years are tributed.

Northern Xia, Yan Wangfu!

Zhu Di’s face was heavy and terrible.

From time to time, a wisp of shocked essence passed under his eyes. His brow furrowed tightly.

More walking back and forth in the hall.

“How can that be?”

“How is this possible?”

“Ten breaths of time, the city is destroyed?”

“Even if the three battalions of the king come out together, it will be impossible to kill all the 100,000 Jizhou soldiers in ten breaths!”

“This is simply a fantasy, looking at the nine weeks of the Seven Kingdoms coexisting, there are definitely no more than three people who can have this ability.”

“But there is absolutely no place for Emperor Yi among these three people.”

Zhu Di whispered in horror.

I almost felt that something was wrong with my ears. But he couldn’t help but believe the news.

For his spies would never dare to deceive him.

“Wang Ye, we all underestimate Emperor Yi.”

An old monk whispered softly. A long sigh came from the mouth.

Yao Guangxiao.

The first strategist beside Zhu Di. Zhu Di can be said to be extremely dependent on him.

“Old monk, is Emperor Yi hiding so deeply?”

“Do those thirty thousand Northern Qiao Riders really exist?”

“Is there really such a terrible iron-blooded invincible master in the territory of Bactria?”

Zhu Di was uncertain.

Even asked Yao Guangxiao three questions.

“Wang Ye Mo panicked.”

Yao Guangxiao looked calm.

His eyes were a little unpredictable: “It doesn’t matter if you have it or not.” ”

“It is important for the prince to know that Emperor Yi is not a faint king.”

“Being able to wipe out the 100,000 Jizhou army in ten breaths of time is quite a terrible method.”

“He can already be compared to your father.”

“So, without absolute certainty, you can only stand still.”

Heard Yao Guangxiao’s remarks.

Zhu Di’s face changed suddenly.

“Emperor Yi can be compared with my father and emperor, are you not wrong?”

Zhu Di looked at Yao Guangxiao with trepidation.

I didn’t expect that the first strategist around me would give Emperor Yi such a high evaluation! This also made Zhu Di secretly frightened, and the expression on his face was even more cold and heavy.

This is not only the case with Zhu Di.

The situation of the other clan kings was similar to that of Zhu Di.

They didn’t care that Nie Zheng went to slaughter the city and destroy the household in order to rob Su Daji. What they were really jealous of was Nie Zheng’s hidden strength.

···· Ask for flowers

···……· Quick as a wink.

The city was destroyed.

This kind of thing is simply shocking to them. They couldn’t believe it.

Look at the nine-week world where the Seven Kingdoms coexist. Those who can have this terrible ability.

There was only that Great Qin Invincible Iron Horse, and some invincible divisions of the Nine Weeks of Might. But……

It’s Bactria here.

How could the iron-blooded invincible masters of the Great Qin Iron Horse and other countries appear in the territory of Bactria? And they don’t realize it?


The kings of the various clans were shocked by the darkness.

Emperor Yi had become terrifying in their eyes. Not to mention taking advantage of this opportunity to rebel.

But they didn’t do nothing. They spread rumors in their respective fiefdoms. Slander Nie Zheng as an ancient and cruel king.

These remarks were spread throughout Bactria even more. This caused the people’s resentment to boil over and made Nie Zheng unpopular with the people. In fact.

This is not a slander either.

Nie Zheng did the same.



They had been running their fiefdoms for so many years.

Its fiefdoms had long since become a kingdom within a kingdom of Bactria.

It is even more benevolent to the people in the fiefdom, and reduces taxes and servitude. The people in his fiefdom also recognized only these kings and envoys. I am even more grateful to them.

As for the big summer in the hall. The people in the fiefdom did not recognize it at all. Otherwise.

How can the kings of the various clans be able to buy the hearts and minds of the people in their respective fiefdoms and recruit troops? In fact.

The situation in Bactria will become like this.

Let the kings of the various clans make the people in their territories not recognize the Son of Heaven. This has a great relationship with the previous emperors of Bactria in the past.

Nine weeks of the world, seven kingdoms in turmoil.

Everyone wants to sweep through the eight wildernesses and six combinations and unify the world for nine weeks. Become an emperor that has never existed in ancient times.

Bactria was the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms. The other six countries all wanted to annex Bactria. The previous emperors struggled to support it.

Let’s just say Nie Zheng’s imperial grandfather.

In order to defend the gate of the country, the battlefield was killed.

The emperor became tired and depressed.

And when Nie Zhenghuang’s grandfather was still alive. In order to guard the frontiers of all parts of Bactria.

So he divided the local clan kings to make the town guarded.

This has also created the current complex situation in Bactria. Plainly.

Bactria territory.

The kings of various domains accounted for a part.

Some marquises and feudal lords accounted for a part.

Each of them is a supreme being within their territory. And the big summer in the court only accounts for the remaining one-third.

But most of this one-third of the territory and imperial power was controlled by the courtiers. You can say how difficult it was for the previous emperors of Bactria to be.

Otherwise, why did Lü Yan say to Nie Zheng before?

During the reign of the former emperor, he had limited clothing and food, and only one meal was eaten. Is it even more tiring day and night to work on state affairs?

And that’s the situation in Bactria.

Why did Nie Zheng issue the will to slaughter the city and destroy the households? That’s because Jizhou City has become a country within a country. The so-called not broken, not standing.

Without killing a bloody sea, how can we establish the majesty of the Son of Heaven? Even if Nie Zheng wanted to be a dimwitted monarch, he only coveted pleasure.

But he also wants the imperial power in his hands, and he will cut off the corpse alone.

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