Chapter 86 Entering the Palace Face Saint, Imperial Heart Technique! Kneel for subscription.

The capital of the Bactrian King.

The gates of the city opened widely.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode straight into the capital. Zhao Gaoce took the lead.

Behind him was a luxurious carriage carrying Su Daji.

In contrast to this is the Jizhou Hou Su Huo, who is locked up in a prison car. Inside the royal city.

There were many people on both sides of the street.

They all looked at the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders with curiosity. The eyes of every populace were filled with shock. Exaggerate the Black Dragon Foal.

Face with black dragon mask.

Holding a dragon gun.

A black dragon armor.

Where this iron-blooded invincible division passed. The people in the capital were horrified.

Only because every Northern Dragon Rider was silent.

Even the sound of their horses’ hooves boasting and stepping on the ground of the king’s capital made a uniform concussive sound. Tread–step-ta-ta-ta-tread!

The Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders did not emit any murderous qi. They just rode their fallen horses in silence.

But it’s just this kind of marching formation.

However, the eyes of the people in the capital gradually warmed up.

You must know that the people in the capital of the Bactrian Kingdom are no better than the people of other fiefdoms. They are in awe of the Son of Heaven.

In his heart, he is even more inclined to the Son of Heaven. And.

The previous emperors were very kind to the people in the capital. Although Nie Zheng had just ascended the throne.

But he did not do anything to exploit the people of the royal city. Although the outside world gossip.

It is rumored that Tianzi is a faint and cruel and unkind emperor. But the people of Wang Du were only suspicious of the faith.

For they live in the royal city.

Never had the new emperor ever done anything to the detriment of their will. The most critical question is.

When the former emperor was alive.

Always practicing benevolent government.

Even if the treasury is empty, it has never increased the servitude and taxes of the people. On the contrary, various taxes and servitude were greatly reduced.

The former emperor himself cut back on food and clothing, worked hard day and night on state affairs, and eventually died of depression and fatigue. The people in the royal city knew this very well.

It is even more grateful for the kindness of the previous emperor. The so-called love house and wu.

Because of the relationship between the previous emperors.

The people of Wangcheng were also more inclined to Nie Zheng. Now.

The people of Wangcheng saw 30,000 Northern Dragons riding into the capital of Wang. Everyone’s eyes were warm.

Because they heard that this was the iron-blooded invincible master under the new emperor. This expedition to counter-insurgency returned triumphantly.

This naturally made their hearts swell faintly. After all.

Naturally, the Heavenly Son’s pro-army will not hurt them. Instead, once there is war.

Only this invincible iron-blooded master can protect them more safely. And.

The people of the royal city were not fools either.

The situation in Bactria though they did not know much about it.

However, I have heard many rumors from the ears of past merchants. The kings of the various clans supported the soldiers and respected themselves.

The court of Bactria had long been out of sight. The people of Wang Du cherished the grace of the previous emperor.

Nature was furious at this disrespect for the Son of Heaven.

Zhao Gao rode forward.

He could fully feel the warm eyes of the people in the city. Even though he was exhausted at the moment.

But his face was filled with excitement. The heart is even more dark.

This Bactria is the Master’s Bactria (大夏). It won’t take long.

The master will be able to unite Bactria into one.

Create an unprecedented Bactrian boom. It will surpass the previous emperors.


In a luxury carriage.

Su Daji lifted the beaded curtain slightly.

A pair of charming eyes looked at the people in the street.

Then he looked at the capital of the Great Xia, which was more prosperous than Jizhou City. His eyes were filled with curiosity about the outside world.

“Will the Son of Heaven be a fierce-looking man?”

Su Daji muttered.

There is still some fear in my heart.

After all, Zhao Gao’s impression on her was very fierce.

Nature reminded her that Nie Zheng was also a very fierce person.

At the same time.

No one noticed.

Among the people of the royal capital on both sides of the road.

A large number of spies looked at the eyes of the Northern Dragon Rider with horror. They quietly retreated.

Then it scattered and disappeared.


These spies were all military generals of the Imperial Chinese. Among them, there were many subordinates of Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Qian. When the Northern Dragon rode into the capital for the first time.

They had been waiting here for a long time.

The first time you see the news back to their respective masters.


Bactria Palace.

The palace doors were wide open.

Zhao Gaoce took the lead.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode into the palace on a carriage that also escorted Su Daji. They can definitely be called the Son of Heaven’s pro-army.

It is naturally impossible to stay outside the palace and wait. Outside Weiyang Palace.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode in formation. They consciously guarded Weiyang Palace. Everyone stood tall like a javelin. Zhao Gao jumped off his warhorse.

He bowed to the carriage and said, “Miss Su, Your Majesty’s Weiyang Palace has arrived, and the little man has led you inside.” ”

The beaded curtain of the carriage was lifted.

Su Daji jumped out of the carriage gently. Look at the vast Weiyang Palace in front of you.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, but more often than not, nervousness and fear.

“Don’t be afraid, Your Majesty is an incomparable monarch in the past, Your Majesty will be very happy to see Miss, and will never be harsh on you.”

Zhao Gao smiled.

“Please also ask Lord Zhao to lead the way.”

After all, Su Daji is everyone’s bridesmaid. There is naturally no shortage of etiquette in the conversation.

“Miss, please come with the little man.”

Zhao Gao spoke.

It leads the way ahead.

Su Daji silently followed behind.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Wei Zhongxian stood on his side.

“Xuan, Su Da, the daughter of Hou Suhu of Jizhou, has come to see you.”

With the sound of the eunuch’s voice.

Under the leadership of Zhao Gao.

Su Daji walked into Weiyang Palace. It’s just that she’s hanging her head slightly.

He didn’t dare to look up at the Son of Heaven on the throne.

“Slave Su Daji, long live my emperor.”

Su Daji knelt down and paid homage to Nie Zheng.

“Miss Su is flat.”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Look at His Highness kneeling on the ground Su Daji. A hint of curiosity crossed his eyes.

A woman who can be crowned as a princess of the ages. What will it look like?

Nie Zheng was curious.

Nature wanted to know what she looked like. Su Da got up.

But the head is still hanging slightly.


She was nervous at the moment.

Nervous did not dare to look up at Nie Zheng at all. But Nie Zheng’s voice was heard.

Su Daji felt that the Son of Heaven seemed different from what she had imagined. Tianzi’s voice is very soft.

The softness made her feel less fierce.

“Take off the veil and lift your head up.”

Nie Zheng’s voice remained soft.

But there is an irrevocable will in it. Su Da’s heart beat slightly.

Raise your hand to remove the veil from your face.

Zhen Shou finally lifted up and looked at Nie Zheng on the throne. Eternal at a glance!

It’s like a dream!

Time seems to freeze at this moment. The space seemed to freeze at this moment.

Even if Nie Zheng was an extremely calm person. But when he saw Su Daji’s face.

The look was still slightly stunned.

A pair of eyes as deep as an ancient pond rippled with Daoist paths.

“A good Su Daji.”

“A beautiful woman who is unique in ancient and modern times.”

Nie Zheng’s gaze was sluggish for three breaths. Then gradually calm was restored.

There was also a smile on his face that only men understood…….. At the same time.

Su Daji also looked at Nie Zheng on the throne sheepishly. How could she not have thought of it.

The big summer that made Zhao Gao so afraid. It turned out to be a man about her age. And.

This big summer sub-eyebrow clear-eyed show.

There was no fierce and tyrannical color on his face.

Instead, it reveals an air of Confucian elegance. He was nodding and smiling at the moment.

But how he looked at his smile, how to make Su Daji panic inside.

Yin Yin had already guessed what Nie Zheng was thinking at this moment.

And this also made Su Daji’s seductive face slightly red. Hurry up and drop your head again.

He didn’t dare to look at Nie Zheng’s slightly meaningful eyes.


Nie Zheng was satisfied.

Really satisfied.

Satisfied with Nie Zhengjue, this is his happiest day today. There are such ancient and modern beauties to accompany you.

Give him a fairy to do.

I’m afraid Nie Zheng may not agree. Her own stunning seductive countenance. Few men can refuse. Someone who can refuse.

Not an eunuch, or someone who has a love for something that goes beyond beauty. Because humans are the most complex animals.

Some people love power more than beauty.

Some people can kill their beloved beauties for the power in their hands. Some people have no feeling for beauty, but greedy for money. Nie Zheng is different.

He liked it all, and he wanted it all. If you say Jiangshan and beauty choose one. Nie Zheng would definitely choose the latter.


Nie Zheng was very greedy.

He wants it.

Beauty he also wants.

All good things should belong to Him. Because he’s the big summer.

There is no need to make a choice at all.

“Zhao Gao, you’re doing a good job.”

“I will give you the golden ten thousand taels, the official is in the middle of the Chefu Order, and he is one of the nine secretaries, so he will enter the DPRK tomorrow and participate in politics.”

Meritorious service is naturally rewarded.

Mistakes are naturally punished.

In the matter of Su Daji, Zhao Gao was definitely a hard worker. As a big summer, Nie Zheng naturally had to reward and punish clearly.

“Minister, Your Majesty Zhao Gaoxie.”

Zhao Gao’s face was excited, and he prostrated his head. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

Nie Zheng would actually make him one of the Nine Qings. This is a great honor.


Wei Zhongxian, who was standing next to Tianzi, seemed to have a calm face. However, if you look closely below 0.4, you will find it.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes quietly flashed a touch of jealousy. Both hands kneaded together.

But he didn’t show it very well.

However, Wei Zhongxian’s tiny move naturally could not escape Nie Zheng’s eyes. Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

Naturally, he knew that Wei Zhongxian had already developed a sense of pressure and urgency. But this is the result of Nie Zhengyi’s leaders.

What is the Emperor’s Mind Magic Trick? The Way of Balance!

Also known as the Way Down.

How did Nie Zheng not know that Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao hated each other? I hate to kill each other.

But Nie Zheng pretended not to know, and still favored the two. And that’s the way to balance.

Let both have a sense of urgency at all times. Do your best to do things for yourself. If Nie Zheng is alone and trusts one person.

Whether it was Wei Zhongxian or Zhao Gao. Even if they don’t have a different heart.

But it is difficult to say what is done behind the scenes. And under the two people’s hatred of each other.

They will all stare at each other.

Once you catch the handle, you will naturally kill the other party. This also makes the two cautious in their work.

Never dare to let the other party grasp their own handle. It’s not just these two people.

The inner palace is also good.

It’s not as good as the church.

Everywhere there are Nie Zheng’s tricks.

It’s just that ordinary people can’t understand Nie Zheng’s imperial mind technique at all.

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