Chapter 89 A light appeared in her world [kneeling for subscription].

“Hurry up and pull Marquis Su up.”

“You are so damned that you can treat the Emperor like this?”

Seeing that Su Hu was already scared to pee his pants.

Zhao Gao knew that his purpose had been achieved.

It is even more ridiculous that Su Huo’s previous fearlessness and even disrespect for the hard backbone of the Son of Heaven. You’re going to keep being tough now.


Not tough?

See the punishment of the pot created by His Majesty. What about your bones just now?

Are you going to continue to be indomitable? Zhao Gao sneered.

Look at Su Huo, who is hanging in mid-air in the basin. There was contempt and sarcasm in his eyes.

The two guards hurriedly pulled Su Hu up from the basin. Su Hu had just landed on the ground.

His body trembled like chaff and his eyes were both frightened and frightened. The whole person was on the ground like a dead dog.

Half a sound could not be calmed down.

“Marquis Su, are you all right?”

“These people are really rude, don’t you mind.”

Zhao Gao squatted down.

With a smile on his face, he comforted Su Huo.

Perhaps it was Zhao Gao’s voice that woke Su Hu up.

It may also be that Su Hu was in a mental trance that was frightened by the torture of Yu Peng. His eyes throbbed, trembling as he opened his mouth.

“Zhao… Lord Zhao….. Su Huzhi was wrong….. Lord Zhao relayed to His Majesty…..”

“From then on… There is no will of His Majesty……. Su Hu never left Jizhou City…”

“I don’t dare to have any antipathy….. In the future, the people of Jizhou City….. Only the Son of Heaven… I don’t know Su Hu…..”

Su Hu was terrified of the hoarse whispers.

When he had learned the horror of thirty thousand Northern Dragons riding. See again the punishment of today’s pot.

All of Su Hu’s pride was shattered. The heart is completely broken.

From then on, I never dared to be resentful.

Honestly, he will govern Jizhou City for the Son of Heaven. See Su Hu 057 has learned a lesson.

Zhao Gao nodded slightly.

Knowing that he has done the will of the Lord very well.

“Marquis Su, you have to remember what you said today.”

“Otherwise, if in the future there is even a little disobedience to the will of the Son of Heaven, it will not be a matter of hanging you in the pot.”

Zhao Gao’s voice turned cold.

“Su Hu understood.”

Su Hu nodded slightly.


Zhao Gao helped Su Hu up.

Straight away from this terrifying place.

Then he instructed the dead soldiers of the Zhongyi Hall.

He found a carriage for Su Huo.

They were ordered to escort Su safely back to Jizhou City. Looking at Su Hu’s carriage and horses far away from Wang Du.

Zhao Gao smiled coldly.

The heart is also a dark sigh.


Having a good daughter is different. Otherwise, Su Huo’s fate would be worse than death.

Tianzi Residence.

It is said that it is the residence of the son of heaven.

In fact, it is the apse of Weiyang Palace. Weiyang Palace is divided into two halls.

The front hall is usually the place where the Son of Heaven handles the examination and approval of the imperial government. The apse is the resting place of the Son of Heaven.


The Heavenly Son’s abode was a bit shabby. But no way.

The previous emperors of Bactria all had the name of Renjun.

In terms of food and living, I dare not waste a lot. But it was Nie Zheng’s turn.

Naturally, he couldn’t let himself be so shabby.

After some time, it will be necessary to build a best Heavenly Son’s residence. And the dragon bed must be large.

Inside the Heavenly Son’s Bedchamber.

Su Daji sat nervously on the dragon bed. From time to time, she rubbed her soft, jade-soft little hands. The seductive face is somewhat pale.

There was some fear and panic in his eyes. Suddenly!

A burst of footsteps came.

Su Da had already raised her eyes.

Sure enough, he saw Nie Zheng walking towards her.

Looking at her with an extremely domineering look in her eyes. And it was mixed with an inexplicable glare that made her panic to the extreme.

“Your Majesty.”

Su Daji hurriedly got up and wanted to pray. But not waiting for her to salute.

Nie Zheng had already picked her up domineeringly. An exclamation came from her mouth. The dragon tent slowly fell.

Tonight Suda has been completely sleepless…

The next morning.

Nie Zheng sat up from Dragon Bed 1 refreshedly.

Su Daji’s face next to him had tear marks.

Still in a coma. Look at Su Daji next to him.

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

Have to say.

Su Daji was indeed worthy of being called the Ancient Demon Concubine. Not only looks charming.

In that regard, it was also the one that made Nie Zheng feel special. Just get it.

There is such a beauty on the side.

Nie Zheng really didn’t want to get up.

I want to be with the beauties around me every day. But today he must go to the early dynasty. First, it is necessary to crown Su Daji as a noble concubine.

The second is to crown Zhao Gao as the Decree of the CRRC Prefecture, ranking as one of the Nine Qings. Moreover.

He also ordered the construction of Shouxian Palace as a gift to the beauties around him.

Among them there are wine pond meat forests, with some interesting things. Although he left this matter to Wei Zhongxian to handle.

However, the construction of Shouxian Palace required the Ministry of Works to raise building materials. Moreover, manpower and material resources need to be recruited by the Ministry of Works.

And the money has to go out of the national treasury, and it involves the household department. Therefore, these troubles, he still has to go up and down. Nie Zheng thought about it carefully.

It was as if he hadn’t gone to court for two months. The recital was handed over to Empress Wu Meiniang for approval.

There are Lü Yan curtains hanging on the court to listen to the government.

Usually, Wei Zhongxian would report to him on the situation of Manchu Wenwu. However, the news reported by Wei Zhongxian was very interesting.

Lü Yan fought with the civil and military officials in the imperial court. And even more the people who promoted her.

Once, he was even angrier in the court. An extremely fierce conflict broke out with Cao Xian. But the interesting thing is.

Cao Wei actually chose to back down. That’s not all.

And although Wu Meiniang reads the fold for Tianzi every day. But in the palace, they constantly bought people’s hearts.

For example, the little eunuch Ryan who served in Weiyang Palace. There are also some eunuch palace female guards.


The queen is reading the fold.

Obscurely promoted many people from the Wu family. Although the official position is not large.

But civilian and military generals have some.

It’s just that all these things she does are very secretive.

Even Lü Yan and the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs in the court did not know it.

Take a step back.

Even if they knew.

It should only mean the Son of Heaven.

After all, the Empress was only reading the folds on behalf of Tianzi. No one would have thought that Wu Meiniang would act on behalf of Tianzi. It is also because of the secret reports sent by these East Factory spies. Wei Zhongxian reported the news to Nie Zheng one after another. After all, the harem chaos is really a threat.

As the overseer of the East Factory, he has the responsibility to share the worries of his master. Get these messages.

Nie Zheng didn’t take it seriously at all.

Instead, Wei Zhongxian didn’t have to worry about these two women. Just staring at Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Qian and others is enough…

Maybe Nie Zheng’s wake-up was a little louder. Su Daji slowly opened her eyes.

He saw Nie Zheng smiling at himself.

This also immediately made Su Daji panic inside. I remembered Nie Zheng’s domineering behavior yesterday. At this moment, she was still a little afraid in her heart.

“Beauty, you will change your clothes yourself and come to the court with you.”

I felt Su Daji look a little afraid of her eyes.

Nie Zheng smiled helplessly.

Yesterday I was really rude. But I really don’t blame him.

It is a man facing Su Daji, who is not fascinated by it? Nie Zheng personally changed Su Daji’s clothes.

Then two maids were summoned to wash and comb Su Daji’s hair. Until this ancient demon princess put on a phoenix robe.

Paired with its stunning glamorous look. Nie Zheng was slightly stunned.

He began to consider whether he should not let Su Daji come with him. However, Nie Zheng still dismissed this idea.

The will to be canonized as a noble concubine is to be promulgated and announced to the world. Today’s early dynasty Suda must appear.

Otherwise, it will be unjustified.

Look at the stunning charm of the ancient demon princess in front of you. Nie Zheng was thinking something in his heart.

Why the world you lived in in a past life. Dai Ji will be called the Ancient Demon Concubine.

The reason Nie Zheng had already thought of it. The original self-deprecation.

Just a naïve and pure little girl. After entering the palace, be kind to people.

But a fight in the harem.

Persecuted her into a terrible and vicious woman.

In order not to be bullied by the harem concubines.

Step by step, she began to take the initiative to seduce Tianzi. Forcing her heart to gradually change.

The heart is even more vicious step by step.

In the end, he was named by the future generations as the eternal demon concubine who was a troubled son of heaven. But.


Is she to blame for all this?

Nie Zheng sighed inwardly.

There is a sense of injustice to oneself. The next moment.

Nie Zheng returned to his senses.

Looking at Su Daji’s eyes moved slightly. This is not a past life.

Su Daji standing in front of him at this moment.

Or the kind and pure little girl at the beginning. And.

Although I want to be a dimwitter.

But there was no need to turn Su Daji into that vicious woman. All she had to do was have fun with herself.

There is his protection from Nie Zheng.

In her past life, Su Daji’s fate would not repeat itself. And that’s enough.

“Go, beauty, and come to the court with you.”

“Take you to taste the Great Xia’s country.”

Nie Zheng smiled and pulled up Su Daji’s small hand.

Stride toward the outside of the temple.

It was also at this moment.

It was grasped by Nie Zheng’s broad hand.

Su Daji originally had some fear for Nie Zheng. I don’t know why it suddenly settled down.

A sense of security that she had never felt before rose in her heart. She looked sheepishly at the man in front of her who had gotten herself. A mist of water rose faintly in his eyes.

Because from small to large.

No one had ever cared for her so much.

She has always grown up under Su Huo’s harsh responsibility. I haven’t even seen the outside world. Hard.



There was also the jealousy of the maid next to her.

Those negative emotions were always with her. Make her sad.

It made her feel sad even more.

Her world is gray.

But this moment.

Nie Zheng held his own little hand.

She suddenly realized.

In his own gray world, a light appeared!

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