Chapter 90 What is loyalty and what is adultery? Pull out and cut [kneeling for subscription].

Dragon Temple.

The atmosphere in today’s Dragon Hall is a bit strange. First of all.

Wei Zhongxian, the governor of the East Factory, appeared.

Second point.

Zhao Gao, the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also came. As everyone knows.

The Son of Heaven had not been in the early dynasty for two months. When Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian appeared together.

What it stands for is self-evident. The Son of Heaven is coming!

The Dragon Hall was quiet.

Quiet drop needle can be heard.

Manchu Wenwu was silent.

Just by chance looking into Zhao Gao’s eyes, a touch of inexplicable color. Especially Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Xian.

Cao Wei was better.

He was still smiling.

And Zhao Kuangyin seemed calm.

However, if you look closely, you will find out.

Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes would show a hint of uneasiness from time to time. The source of this uneasiness was the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders. He remembers it vividly.

Some time ago, Nie Zheng summoned him to the palace.

He ordered him to lead a large army to destroy the Jizhou city of Suhu. But he refused.

Rejected the will of the Son of Heaven.

Not only did the Son of Heaven not get angry. Instead, he let him go lightly. What kind of person is Emperor Yi?

Zhao Kuangyin could not say that he knew very well. But he understood very well.

Resist and disobey.

Just this thing.

The Son of Heaven will never give up. Originally.

At first, Zhao Kuangyin did not take this matter to heart. After all, a million soldiers are in their hands.

What can the Son of Heaven do with him?

However, when he heard that the entire city of Jizhou was killed by 100,000 elite soldiers in ten breaths. The entire city of Jizhou almost became a dead city.

Zhao Kuangyin didn’t say that the whole person was scared stupid. But I was also shocked to the extreme.

Eighteen orders were given in a row.

Sent spies to constantly investigate the authenticity of the matter. But the messages that came back were very consistent. The city of Jizhou was destroyed.

And not even a cup of tea.

A river of blood flowed outside Jizhou City.

Just the corpses of those 100,000 Jizhou soldiers could fill a hill. Get the news.

Zhao Kuangyin was worried.

He couldn’t believe that Tianzi had hidden such a terrible iron-blooded invincible master. No wonder that day was an understatement that made him leave.

But Zhao Kuangyin couldn’t understand anything.

What kind of army can be so terrible. Even if the 100,000 Jizhou soldiers were motionless beasts.

Stand there and let people slash and kill.

But it is impossible to slaughter the light in just ten breaths, right? Again, a bit of a disparaging remark.

Even if he personally led a million troops to go on a crusade. It is impossible to do so.

Zhao Kuangyin couldn’t understand.

But until something happens. Let him finally understand the reason.

When thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode into the royal capital. Zhao Kuangyin disguised himself.

Hidden among the crowd.

When he first saw the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders. He understood everything.

As the world’s Terracotta Army.

At a glance, it was clear that the Northern Dragon Rider was an extremely terrifying being. An invincible division with iron blood?

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Maybe that’s how others see the Northern Dragon Rider.

But in the eyes of him, the world’s warrior and horseman.

These thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders should be called: the cold-blooded invincible Ten Thousand Enemy Division. Just the eyes of the Northern Dragon Rider.

What kind of look is that? Zhao Kuangyin had never seen it before.

Even now I think back to the eyes of the Northern Dragon Rider. He was secretly terrified inside.

Cold-blooded and ruthless!

There isn’t even a hint of the mood swings that humans should have.

They were like a bunch of machines on the battlefield who only knew how to kill. Such a terrible cavalry.

No wonder the entire army of 100,000 Jizhou soldiers could be wiped out. Now.

Zhao Kuangyin’s inner uneasiness grew heavier and heavier. Look at the situation today.

The Son of Heaven is on the horizon.

Will Emperor Yi find himself to liquidate whether he will attack himself on the spot?

Will you just push yourself out and chop it off?

Zhao Kuangyin’s heart was cold.

According to Emperor Yi’s surname.

He could have done such a thing. Even if he has a million troops under his command. But far water can not quench the near thirst.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Just when Zhao Kuangyin’s mind was uncertain.

The piercing voice of the eunuch echoed in the Dragon Hall. It was also at this moment.

Only to see Nie Zheng stride into the Dragon De Hall. There was also a woman next to him.

A woman who made Manchu Wenwu directly sluggish. A proper robe.

Stunning glamour.

She was just like that, she was held by Tianzi’s little hand. Step by step, he walked towards the throne. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Dead quiet!

All eyes were on Su Daji’s body. They were completely shocked by Su Daji’s appearance. Because they have never seen such an amazing beauty.

Such a beauty should never exist in the world.

Just when the group of ministers was immersed in Su Daji’s amazing and seductive face. A cold hum suddenly woke up Man Chao Wenwu.

And the source of this cold hum is not someone else. It is Lu Jie, who is hanging down to listen to the government.

If you say the most sober person in the whole Dragon Temple. There is no doubt that it is Lu Jie.

Only she was not immersed in Su Da’s seductive countenance.

Instead, he was looking at Su Daji with a look of hostility towards Wu Meiniang. Good a fox spirit.

No wonder Emperor Yi almost slaughtered the entire Jizhou City for her to dare to brave the world. Inside the beaded curtain.

Lu Yan’s beautiful face was as cold as frost.

The look in Su Daji’s eyes was full of hostility.

I felt that Su Daji would bring her a great threat. This threat is not a struggle for power.

It is Nie Zheng’s attitude.

A martial lady is enough for her headache.

Now there is such a stunning and seductive woman. I am afraid that in the future, this woman will get all the favors of Emperor Yi. Come to think of it.

Lu Yan’s look at Dai Ji became more and more unkind.


Zhao Gao took a step forward.

Manchu Wenwu woke up one after another.

Hurry up and get down on your knees.

“Mountain Whew.”

“Long live my Emperor.”

“Shout again.”

“Long live our Emperor”

“Shout again.”

“Long live our Emperor.”

“The secretaries of state are at peace.”

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Su Daji stood on his side.

Look at the scenery of the mountain where Manchu Wenwu is kneeling on the ground. Su Daji was a little nervous.

Can be nervous at the same time.

I also saw Nie Zheng’s Heavenly Son’s might. But he felt Nie Zheng holding her little hand tighter. It also calmed her slightly nervous heart a little. A sweet feeling arose in my heart.

When the court ceremony is finished.

Nie Zheng spoke.

“Hou Suhu of Jizhou is plotting rebellion, and the crime should be blamed.”

“But if you remember that his ancestors of the Su family have contributed to Bactria and have spared him from death, he will be punished with a fine of one year.”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Manchu Wenwu was silent.

Everyone knew why Nie Zheng slaughtered Jizhou City. This reason is simply ridiculous.

However, Manchu Wenwu did not dare to touch Nie Zheng’s moldy head. Otherwise, wouldn’t you go find your own death?

“Zhao Gao, who led his troops to put down the rebellion and worked hard and made great achievements, specially gave the Zhongche Fu Order, and from today onwards, he participated in the politics of the dynasty and ranked among the nine secretaries.”

Nie Zheng continued to speak.


With Nie Zheng’s will. The crowd was in an uproar.

The order of the CRRC government is also counted.

But Tianzi actually let him participate in the politics of the dynasty, ranking one of the Nine Qing? Eunuchs participating in politics?

It’s messed up.

The court was in complete chaos.

Before there was a harem to participate in politics, the son of heaven did not go to the early dynasty.

Now even Zhao Gao, a eunuch, had to participate in the government. And also one of the nine secretaries?

What is the concept of one of the Nine Qings? Don’t say a very good man.

But that’s not much different.

“Your Majesty, you must not do it.”


Only to see two Imperial Doctors walk out. They bowed down to Nie Zheng. There was a look of grief and indignation on his face.

“Your Majesty is clear.”

“Emperor Shengzu has a testament that eunuchs from ancient times in Bactria cannot participate in politics, and I also ask Your Majesty to withdraw his will.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, the eunuch misled the country, this is the last words of Emperor Shengzu.”

“0 ask for flowers ·. The two imperial masters complained bitterly, hoping that Nie Zheng would take back his will.

“Pull it out and cut it.”

The next moment.

Nie Zheng spoke.

No nonsense.

Nor give the two men any chance. Just two words, cut.


Two large internal guards quickly entered.

Directly the two Imperial Masters dragged them towards the outside of the palace.

“Your Majesty, the eunuchs have misled the country, and the courtiers will not be blinded by death.”

As the two Imperial Masters were dragged out of the Dragon Temple.

There was still a hoarse cry of grief and indignation coming from his mouth. Pity.

After a while.

The two men heard no more sound. Apparently the head had been cut off.

That’s fine.

The Manchu Dynasty was quiet.

No one objected anymore.

Are the two Imperial Masters loyal servants? A: It’s a loyal subject.

Moreover, he was also the most important loyal servant of the former emperor. And they’re right.

It is true that eunuchs could not participate in politics.

This is the testament left by Emperor Shengzu.

But why did Nie Zheng directly order two loyal ministers to be pulled out and cut down? The reason is simple.

What is a loyal subject?

What is a traitor?

In the eyes of the Son of Heaven.

There is no such thing as a loyal servant and a traitor. A talented person, a person who can be used by the Son of Heaven.

The person who can really help the Son of Heaven solve things is a loyal minister.

These two Imperial Masters were indeed just and righteous.

When Emperor Xian was alive, he was very fond of them because of their honesty and loyalty. But what are they for?

A: It doesn’t work.

In addition to playing tricks in the court, saying some big truths. They don’t even have the slightest effect.

Why didn’t they stand up before?

Why didn’t they say that Dong Zhuo, Zhao Kuang, Yin, and Cao Xian’s power had fallen to the opposition, and that they had caused chaos in the dynasty? That’s not because the previous emperors couldn’t afford to offend.

Naturally they don’t dare to offend?

But now why do they dare to stand up? Because they saw that the new emperor had military power. With those thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

The situation is different from before.

Even the courtiers were extremely jealous of the new emperor. So.

Two Imperial Doctors stood up.

They wanted to show Nie Zheng that they were loyal subjects. For Your Majesty, for the sake of Bactria

But they didn’t think of anything.

The result of standing up on your own is that you have your head cut off. I’m afraid they won’t even be able to see them dead.

What is imperial scheming?

What is the Imperial Heart Technique?

In the eyes of the emperor.

Loyalty and treachery are never clear between good and evil.

In the eyes of the emperor, there are only useful people, and useless people. There is never a distinction between good and evil, nothing more.

In Nie Zheng’s view.

Previous emperors of the Bactrian Dynasty.

It was because the Emperor’s Mind Technique was too weak. It is even more clear that loyalty and adultery are divided between good and evil.

That’s what makes the current situation in Bactria become like this. And although he Nie Zheng wanted to be a Dark Lord.

But these so-called loyalists, some of the wastes that can only play tricks, are just slaughtered. Not even half a word of nonsense will be let them say.

Because Nie Zheng didn’t bother to listen at all. Get.

It’s good now.

Two imperial doctors were slaughtered.

Do you see that the courtiers are quiet?

Now even breathing heavily is careful, right?

“Su Dai has already received the order.”

After slaughtering two waste imperial history ministers, Nie Zheng did not fluctuate at all. Instead, he smiled and looked at the beauty beside him.

“Su Dai has already received the order.”

Su Daji hurried to His Highness and knelt down on the ground, waiting for Nie Zheng to be sealed.

“Crown you as Su Guifei, give you…”

Before Nie Zheng could finish speaking.

A discordant voice suddenly sounded.

“Your Majesty and slowly.”


When the sound sounded.

It immediately startled Man Chao Wenwu.

What non-long-eyed thing dares to interrupt Tianzi’s speech?

Didn’t you see that the two Imperial Masters had their heads cut off? But when the crowd looked at the source of the sound.

A color of enlightenment rose from under their eyes. The face showed a strange look.

This person is no one else.

It was Lu Houji, who was hanging on to the curtain.

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