Chapter 91 Lü Yan bowed his head, and the Son of Heaven promised to “kneel and ask for a subscription.”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yan actually spoke at this time.

“Your Majesty, should the matter of canonizing a noble concubine be considered in the long run?”

“This Sumerian has just entered the palace, and is not even familiar with royal etiquette, so it is better to be a show girl first.”


Blatant opposition.

The beaded curtain was lifted.

Lu Yan actually walked out like never before. She strolled over to Nie Zheng.

The look on his face was calm.

The calm exudes a chill. A pair of beautiful eyes just looked directly at Nie Zheng. Apparently.

Lu Yan ate wrong.

Even more disregarding the strange eyes of Manchu Wenwu. Just stand up against Nie Zheng.


As is normal.

Lu Yan wouldn’t do that at all.

First point.

The Son of Heaven supported her to bow to the government. He even divided imperial power among himself. Two people are sitting in the same boat.

Second point.

She stood up against it at the moment.

What should Manchu Wenwu think of her? People are looking for wives.

What does it have to do with you as the empress? Why do you stand up against it?


Do you have some unspeakable idea about the Son of Heaven?…..

Manchu Wenwu looked at Lü Yan with a strange look. Everyone’s face showed a hint of enlightenment. There are even more dark speculations in the heart.

Could it be that there is something unspeakable between this Lü Hou and the Son of Heaven…? Come to think of it.

Manchu Wenwu was secretly horrified in his heart. If only it were what they had suspected. If this thing is passed on.

I was afraid that the reputations of Tianzi and Lü Hou would be completely ruined.


This moment.

Lü Hou and Tianzi confronted each other.

But the Qunchen would never have thought of it.

When a woman is jealous, anything can be done. Lu Yan was a strong and domineering woman.

But she was also a woman after all.

And as long as it’s a woman.

Once the vinegar jar is overturned.

Nature loses its mind.

Lu Yan at this moment.

I have lost my usual sanity and calmness. Otherwise she wouldn’t have stepped out of the beaded curtain at all. Because it had too much of an impact on her. It will make the people of the world criticize her.

The price was by no means something she could afford. But.

That’s what she did.


Don’t offend a jealous woman. Women are such creatures once they go crazy. Can do many unpredictable things. You see Nie Zheng as a party.

At this moment, the feeling is the deepest.

“Queen Mother, what are you doing here?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

It was even more vaguely to give Lu Yan a look. Meant to tell her.

If there is something to go back to the inner palace, I will talk about it. Now is not the time for you to make a fuss. Pity.

Nie Zheng completely underestimated that a woman would become another person after being jealous.

“Your Majesty, this palace has said that you should not call me a queen in the future.”

“Your Majesty wants to crown her as a noble concubine today, and this palace will never agree.”

Lu Yan opened his mouth coldly.

Cold eyebrows terrible.

The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu who was full of vinegar and acid smelled it. Nie Zheng is not stupid.

On the contrary, it is very clever.

If he still couldn’t see Lu Yan’s mind at this moment. He himself had to say he was an idiot. However, Lu Yan made such a fuss.

Isn’t her reputation ruined? What should the Qunchen think of her?

This also caused a wave of anger to rise in Nie Zheng’s heart. In ordinary days, you Lu Lu has always been known for being calm, but now you are not self-destructive? You can usually do it, you can make trouble. You can be accommodated and let you go. But in front of the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu.

Do you want them to see your empress dowager’s joke? Are you still the Empress of Bactria?

Nie Zheng was really angry.

His face gradually turned cold.

Even the temperature of the entire Dragon De Hall suddenly dropped. It was also because of the coldness emanating from Nie Zheng’s body. Shocked, Manchu Wenwu lowered his head one after another. Know that at this moment there must be no change 02 even a look, a smile.

Or a cough that could make your head fall to the ground. Bang!

The next moment.

Nie Zheng took the case.


The dragon case made of diamond shattered to the ground. The look in Lu Yan’s eyes was as cold as ice.

“Lü Yan, go back to the palace, this is not the place for you to spread wilderness.”

Face Nie Zheng’s fury.

Lu Yan stayed where he was.

The originally domineering eyes also raised a mist of water.

She didn’t expect Emperor Yi to be so angry at her because of a woman. This was the first time Emperor Yi had been angry with her.

“Okay, Hongu rolls now.”

Lu Yan’s eyes were full of resentment, and she strode away as soon as she threw away her phoenix robe. Can be found on closer inspection.

A tear ran down her cheek and then dripped to the ground. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Dead quiet.

As Lü Yan disappeared into the Dragon De Hall. Manchu trembled.

All of them are hanging their heads.

I didn’t even dare to lift my head.

Because no one dares to speak out at this moment.

If the wrath of the Son of Heaven poured out on them. Absolutely will end up with no body.

“Don’t look at incivility, don’t listen to incivility, don’t speak indecently.”

This moment.

Wei Zhongxian stood up.

He looked around at Manchu Wenwu coldly, and his voice reverberated inside the Dragon De Hall.

“The Lord wants your colleagues to remember that if there is a word of news about today’s events.”

“Lord Ben dares to assure you that the nine families of your colleagues will not see the sun the next day.”

At this moment, the Son of Heaven was furious.

And this kind of thing is a family affair of the Son of Heaven. Wei Zhongxian was a confidant of the Heavenly Son.

Nature speaks.


The courtiers were silent.

Obviously selectively forgetting today’s events.

After all, the posture that Lu Hou had just shown. It’s really reprehensible.

Nor did anyone dare to spread the word.

They also absolutely believe it.

Wei Zhongxian was by no means just talking. Now.

Nie Zheng on the throne looked cold.

Today the vinegar jar was overturned, after such a commotion. The matter of canonizing Su Daji can only be hastily concluded.

Nie Zheng simply issued a will. Su Daji was officially crowned a noble concubine. Then it announced its withdrawal from the DPRK.

The cold-faced returned to Weiyang Palace.

As for the Manchu Dynasty’s civil and military atmosphere, they did not dare to breathe.

And His Highness Zhao Kuangyin was also slightly relieved.

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng walked back and forth in the middle of the temple.

Lu Yan’s behavior just now really made him angry. But when Nie Zheng calmed down.

He could only sigh helplessly.

Lu Yan’s behavior today really made him very angry. It was even more angry at him.

Think about it.


Lu Yan’s affection for him was very deep. How could he not feel it?

Today, regardless of her status as the empress, she objected in front of the courtiers. What should the Qunchen think of her?

The price Lu paid was too great. Come to think of it.

Nie Zheng could only sigh helplessly. Let’s be honest.

Lu Yan this person.

Nie Zheng still admired it.


Although Lü Yan’s appearance was not as good as Su Daji’s. Even the martial arts lady is slightly inferior. But she is also a beautiful woman like the world. And her own temperament is cold and noble. Belongs to that iceberg goddess type.

People can only look at it from a distance and dare not blaspheme.

It had always given Nie Zheng an urge to conquer this woman. Let’s be honest.

Does Nie Zheng have any thoughts about Lü Jie? A: Yes.

Face such an iceberg goddess.

Nie Zheng naturally wanted to conquer it in his heart. It’s just that Lu Yan’s identity is too sensitive.

Nie Zheng also had a lot of considerations in his heart.

So the relationship between the two has always been in an unspeakable state. But today Lü Yan did not want the dignity of the empress.

Such a fuss in the courtroom.

It was also possible for Nie Zheng to see Lü Jie’s determination.


Nie Zheng sighed.


Let’s take a look at the East Palace.


Lu Yan had a deep affection for him.

Scolding him today.

I’m afraid it really hurt her heart.

However, Nie Zheng had to change Lü Jie’s strong and domineering problem. Since the ancient Tianzi who is not a harem beauty three thousand?

How did you get here.

You’re going to come out and do the opposite.

It is not good to pick up Lü Yan’s domineering nature. Such absurdities will continue to occur in the future.

He Nie Zheng was going to be a Dark Lord. Nature is not afraid of the scorn of all nations.

But Nie Zheng didn’t want Lü Yan, a woman, to end up with an infamy. Don’t change the stink on her body.

In the future, Lü Yan must go to heaven.

“Ride the East Palace.”

Nie Zheng spoke quietly.

Cao Tian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and get the dragon ready.

Nie Zheng sat on the dragon and went straight to the East Palace.

······ East Palace.

Lu Yan cried!

Tears couldn’t stop flowing from his eyes. Only after she returned to the East Palace.

Directly waved away all the eunuch palace women. Just cry silently by yourself. In her memory.

She never cried.

Today was the first time she was in tears.

And the reason for crying is because of the bastard Di Yi.

“Abominable Emperor Yi.”

“I used to want to monopolize the imperial power, but now I am holding the government for you.”

“Which of the civil and military officials I promoted is not for your consideration?”

“The palace has secretly summoned them and has been instilling in the idea of respecting you.”

“You did this to me today.”

Lu Yan cried pear blossoms with rain.

Take the jade pillow and smash it the bed. She felt very wronged. My heart ached as if I couldn’t breathe.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Just when Lu Yan was heartbroken.

The voice of the eunuch sounded outside the palace. Lu Yan was shocked.

Hurry up and take out the silk pad to quickly wipe away your tears.. 0 sat down quickly.

Let the expression on your face appear calm and calm. But the interesting thing is.

Even Lu Yan himself did not find out. The marks of crying on her face were obvious. Even the eye sockets are red. As long as it’s not a fool.

Who could not see that she had cried?

Moreover, the things in the East Palace were smashed to pieces. Apparently.

Her resentment was vented on these objects. Soon.

Nie Zheng walked into the Eastern Palace.

There were no eunuchs behind him. When he first saw the jade on the ground that had been smashed. There was also Lu Yan’s rosy eye socket.

Nie Zheng already understood what had just happened.

“Your Majesty has arrived, but the palace is in a bad state and cannot greet it.”

See Nie Zheng enter his own palace.

Lu Yan pretended to be indifferent.

“You, the woman, are really bold.”

Nie Zheng sighed.

It doesn’t matter if Lu Lu wants to or not.

Pick up a piece of silk and come to it.

Wiped the tear marks on his face that had not yet been wiped clean. Nie Zheng’s move.

Directly made Lu Yan’s face blush. Still, I turned my head quickly.

Deliberately avoiding the silk paw in Nie Zheng’s hand, he pretended to be indifferent: “Your Majesty’s move has exceeded the boundary.” ”


He went straight to Lu Yan’s side and said: Nie Zheng smiled.

“On the passover, no one has crossed the path of a woman like you.”

“If what you just did in the court was passed on by the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu, do you still want your reputation as empress dowager?”

Hear Nie Zheng’s words.

Lu Yan’s face changed slightly.

She knew she had indeed lost her cool. You can see the smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

She’s angry and won’t come out.

If it weren’t for her, she would have made Su Daji a noble concubine.

How could he lose his composure and do such a ridiculous thing? Now the culprit is to teach himself.

“The Eastern Palace Empress Dowager Honggong has long since not wanted to do it, and whoever wants to say anything can say anything, and the palace does not care.”

“If someone really chews the root of his tongue, this palace will condemn him to the Nine Tribes.”

Lu Yan pretended to be cold.

“Don’t want to be the empress dowager of the Eastern Palace?”

Nie Zhengguan smiled.

But his next sentence.

Suddenly, Lu Yan’s face turned red, and his heart suddenly became flustered.

“Then you want to be the Empress of the Eastern Palace?”

“Emperor….. Emperor B….. You don’t talk nonsense…”

Lu Yan’s face was crimson and his voice trembled. Seeing Lu Yan’s panicked appearance.

How Nie Zheng didn’t understand her intentions.

However, Lu Yan, a woman, must knock and knock today. Do not restrain her domineering and arrogant surname.

In the future, there must be many moths.


Lü Yan’s methods of persecuting people were very powerful. If only she were allowed to go on like this.

Wu Meiniang is not counted for the time being.

It’s just Su Daji.

It will certainly be persecuted by it into a demon concubine for thousands of years. This was not the result that Nie Zheng wanted to see.

“Lu Jie, you know your intentions for you.”

“I also sent someone to investigate that you have never served the previous emperor, and you are still a virgin.” 0.8″

“But I want to tell you that if you really want to be the empress of the Eastern Palace, you must abide by the rules of the Eastern Palace.”

“If you are still making trouble like you are today, then don’t blame you for being ruthless.”

Nie Zheng’s voice was cold.

Even more suddenly, he reached out and turned Lu Yan’s body around. Let her eyes meet her own.

“Emperor Yi, you…?”

Seeing Nie Zheng’s domineering and icy gaze. Lu Yan’s heart suddenly trembled.

Knowing that Nie Zheng was not just laughing with her.

“You remember, you must not point fingers in the harem of Yuan, and if there is a next time, Yuan’s will kill you.”

Overbearing eyes.

Unmistakable tone.

Lu Yan was completely sluggish.

There was a distinct look of fear in his eyes. But the next moment.

Something that shocked Lu Lu and was extremely shy appeared. Nie Zheng bowed his head.

Gave her a long blade!

This went on for more than ten breaths. Lu Yan felt that his heart was about to jump out. Nie Zheng looked up.

With a domineering look in his eyes, he said seriously, “Remember what Shuo said to you, from now on you are not allowed to do anything wrong.” ”

“You just have to deal with the government for the sake of the government, and the future will give you a name.”

“But if you let you know that you persecuted the harem concubines, you should understand what will happen to you.”

Nie Zheng pinched Lü Yan’s blushing cheeks.

Then he strode out of the Eastern Palace.

“Emperor Yi, you….. You have to talk and count. ”


Just as Nie Zheng was about to walk out of the Eastern Palace. Lu Yan spoke shyly.

“Shōjo, no remorse.”

Nie Zheng had disappeared into the Eastern Palace.

But his voice echoed in Lu Yan’s ears.

It made Lu Yan’s face full of shyness, but there was a touch of sweetness in his eyes. Because.

Di Yi finally gave her a promise.

She will never think about it again.

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