Chapter 92 Lü Bu enters the capital of the king, poor and miserable Dong Zhuo! Kneel for subscription.

Weiyang Palace.


Nie Zheng’s grim expression finally eased. I was also quietly relieved inside.


Lu Yan this woman really gave her a headache. But it was fine.

Finally got her done.

In fact.

Deal with the iceberg beauty of a strong woman like Lu Yan. The more you are happy with it.

Instead, it will make the other party a blessing.

Only by the most hegemonic means can they be oppressed. Only then can she really be soft.

Let’s make the simplest analogy. Lü Yan is a fierce horse.

Only a true warrior can tame this fierce horse.

If Nie Zheng was happy with his face, he would even coax him to apologize. On the contrary, it will make Lu Yan kick his nose in the face.


Nie Zheng would be overbearing and surrendering.

Even told Lu Jie.

If it is a later offense.

He would definitely kill her.

Nie Zheng was indeed not joking. Because for a woman like Lu Jie.

It can only be crushed with the strongest and most domineering posture. Let her truly feel conquered.

But blind hegemonic oppression is only one of them. Hitting a stick to give a sweet date is also a must.

That’s why Nie Zheng made a promise to him. What a woman.

is the most complex animal.

It’s not just Lu Yan.

The same is true of the other untamed iceberg goddess-like women. The more you salute her.

She doesn’t care more about you.

So if you want to be indulgent, domineering and gentle.

This is the most effective means of dealing with a woman like Lu Yan.


However, after experiencing Lü Yan’s trouble. It really delayed Nie Zheng for one thing.

Originally, he wanted to build the Shouxian Palace in the Imperial Palace. But because of Lü Yan’s troubles 20.

This incident made him forget about it.

“Xuan and Yan entered the palace to see the driver.”

Nie Zheng casually gave his orders.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian hurriedly led the order out of Weiyang Palace. At the same time, on the other side.

The capital of the Bactrian Dynasty, outside the city.


The sound of horseshoe splashing was coming.

Only to see billowing dust and smoke rolling outside the royal capital. Hundreds of soldiers and horses were rushing towards the king. The first one rides a jujube red horse.

In his hand he held a Fang Tian Painting Sword.

He was leading hundreds of soldiers and horses towards the city gate.

“Who’s coming?”

The defending generals were shocked.

Hurry up and drink loudly in front of the city.

“I am Lü Bulu Fengxian, and I will follow the will of the Son of Heaven and enter the capital.”

The visitor is not someone else.

It was Lü Bulu Fengxian, who was known as the god of the world. The law of lamentation.

As soon as he pulled the reins, the horse’s front hooves were raised. He was already standing under the gates of the royal capital.

It was just a word.

But the breath of courage and martial arts emanating from his body. But it shocked the defenders.

Lü Bu!

Lu Fengxian!

The gods of the world will.

Take the first rank of the enemy general in the army of ten thousand troops, such as probing the bag to take things. And there was no defeat in battlefields large and small. His name was not only circulated in the territory of Bactria.

Even if the Seven Kingdoms coexist in the Nine Weeks of the Great World.

Lü Bulu Fengxian’s name also spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

“I wonder if the general has any credentials?”

The defending general hurriedly asked with a smile. Lü Bu smiled coldly.

Directly take out the pocket card and throw it to the general at the head of the city. You must know that the walls of the capital are as high as ten inches long.

In layman’s terms, it has a height of thirty or forty meters. Lü Bu threw the waist card casually.

It fell into the hands of the city’s generals. Don’t talk about this wrist strength.

Just the control of this force is evident.

“Sure enough, it was General Fengxian, and he was invited to enter the city.” Above. ”

“Open the gates.”

After confirming that the defending general was correct, he hurriedly threw the waist card back to Lü Bu. He also ordered the defenders to raise the city gate.


Lü Bu raised his horse and led hundreds of soldiers and horses straight into the capital. But Lü Bu was too arrogant.

Generals who were normally summoned to the capital entered the royal capital. Get off your horse and walk.

However, he led hundreds of soldiers and horses to attack the streets of Wangdu. It caused a great disturbance.

But that’s the same scenario.

It was immediately discovered by spies from all sides.

They all reported the news of Lü Bu’s arrival in the capital to their respective masters.


Left Chancellor’s House.

That is, Dong Zhuo’s mansion.


Lü Bu had just pulled down the jujube red horse and stopped. Then I saw that the great Dong Mansion was in ruins.

And the gate of the mansion was even sealed.


Such a scene immediately made Lü Bu shudder. There was even more doubt in his eyes.

Don’t say Lü Bu was stunned on the spot.

The hundreds of Western Liang soldiers behind him were also shocked. The Left Chancellor’s Mansion of the Great Hall.

How could it be so dilapidated?

And the gate of the mansion was even sealed? But he did not wait for Lü Bu and hundreds of Western Liang soldiers to investigate.

Only to see a ragged man quickly trotting toward Lü Bu.

“General Fengxian, General Fengxian…..”

I saw this man running and shouting.

It immediately attracted Lü Bu’s attention, and he felt that this person’s voice was very familiar. It’s just that this person has a dirty face, so that he does not recognize the other person’s appearance.

“Who are you?”

Lü Bu looked puzzled.

“General Fengxian, here is Li Ru.”

Li Ru brushed away his oil-stained hair.

Suddenly, his true face was revealed.

And this also surprised Lü Bu.

Why did Li Ru, the strategist around his righteous father Dong Zhuo, look so miserable?

“Mr. Li, how did you look like this, my righteous father?”

Lü Bu looked shocked.

“General Fengxian, you are here.”

“It’s a long story, so you should go with me to see the lord first.”

Li Ru smiled bitterly.

Lü Bu frowned slightly.

Know that there must be something going on here.

Under the leadership of Li Ru.

Lü Bu led hundreds of Western Liang soldiers to Dong Zhuo’s residence.

….. Cheng.

Dark tide, wet alleys.

The stinky gutters emit an unpleasant smell. A dilapidated tile house is revealed.

I saw a bloated figure crouching on the ground.

Holding a pair of somewhat broken dishes and chopsticks, I was eating the food inside. This person is no one else.

It was Dong Zhuo, the left minister of the Great Xia. No!

He is no longer the Left Minister. Because he has resigned from the left side.

He was waiting for Lü Bu to arrive, and then return to Xiliang.

“Righteous Father?”

When Lü Bu endured the unpleasant smell of the stinky ditch, he came to the tile house. Then he saw this scene that made him feel incredible. Click!

It is also Lü Bu’s righteous father.

The bowl in Dong Zhuo’s hand fell to the ground. Dirty clothes were messy in the wind.

The unkempt face stiffened and looked at the righteous son he was waiting for.

“Yes….. Is it my son who is the first? ”

Dong Zhuomeng stood up.

When he saw Lü Bu coming.

The tears in those eyes snapped and fell down. The flesh of his face trembled.

The bloated body though lost a circle. But he still opened his arms and hugged Lü Bu.

“It’s really my son Fengxian, my son is good to come, just come to come.”

Dong Zhuo was excited and could not control himself.

But the sour smell on his body made Lü Bu stupid.

“Righteous Father, how did you become like this?”

Lü Bu forcibly pushed Dong Zhuo’s arms away.

It was really the smell of Dong Zhuo’s body that was too bad. Almost made him throw up.

But he was even more puzzled and shocked.

The Great Xia Zuo Cheng Xiang was even more sitting on the 50,000 West Liang Iron Horse. Why is it like this now?

Maybe it was the look of shock and doubt in Lü Bu’s eyes. Dong Zhuo forcibly calmed down his emotions. Then the venomous voice will tell the story…

An hour has passed. Dong Zhuo finally finished speaking.

Lü Bu’s face was livid.

“Emperor Yi?”

“Wei Zhongxian?”

“It’s good and good.”

“If you dare to treat my Father in this way, I will make you pay a heavy price.”

Lü Bu roared in disgust.

In fact, Lü Bu said these words, half true and half false. After all, his righteous father had fallen into such a miserable situation. If he is still indifferent, is it not filial piety? Hear Lü Bu’s words.

This can make Dong Zhuo feel bad. Old tears.

A handful of snot and a handful of tears.

It was as if the suffering of these days was worth it.

“Righteous Father, even if you were to raid your home and be forbidden to leave the city, you wouldn’t end up like this, right?”

“Your protégés…”

Lü Bu spoke in doubt.

I haven’t waited for Lü Bu to finish.

Dong Zhuo explained with hatred and some helplessness: “That Emperor Yi fainted and brutalized, and he ordered Wei Zhongxian’s castrated dog to continuously raid the family and exterminate the clan. ”

“Father Wei had originally defected to several protégés, but they were beheaded on the same day.”

“Who else dares to take in as a father, not even some silver money?”

Dong Zhuo said that he was sad, and tears appeared in his eyes again. Where is the arrogance of the former power tilting toward the opposition, overbearing and arbitrary? However, Dong Zhuo did not say how he lived these days. Because it’s so humiliating.

He usually has to make a living by picking up rotten vegetable leaves. Li Ru went to the street to beg for some silver money.

This is enough not to starve to death.

But he didn’t say these things. Otherwise, how should Lü Bu look at himself?

However, Dong Zhuo suppressed all these resentments and pains in his heart. Just wait for the future to repay this great shame and shame.


Lü Bu said hatefully.

“Righteous Father, let’s go back to Xiliang, straighten out the soldiers and horses to kill Wang Du, and take the lives of Emperor Yi and Wei Zhongxian’s dogs.”

“No, never.”

Dong Zhuo hurriedly waved his hand.

His eyes suddenly darkened and solemnly said, “The time has not yet come, and it is not the time for us to start an army and rebel.” ”

“Moreover, for the father to get reliable information, that Emperor Yi’s child hid extremely deeply, and his thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode extremely powerfully.”

“For the Father you need you to obey his orders, and wait for the Father to return to Xiliangguang to recruit soldiers.”

“Once the time is ripe, you and my father and son should be united inside and outside, and we must make that emperor and child look good.”

Hear Dong Zhuo’s plan.

Lü Bu nodded slowly.

“Righteous Father, you will first find an inn with me to rest.”

“When I saw Emperor Yi, I asked him to let his righteous father return to Xiliang.”

Lü Bu’s words were correct.

“It’s good and good.”

Dong Zhuo quickly nodded.

The sins he suffered these days are unforgettable to him.

At this moment, I just want to eat a good meal, take a beautiful bath, change into clean clothes, and then sleep well.

“Come, help the righteous father to get on the horse.”

With Lü Bu ordered.

A Western Liang soldier hurried to help Dong Zhuo get on the horse.

But the unpleasant smell on his body was really unbearable.

This is also the reason why Lü Bu did not personally help Dong Zhuo to get on the horse.

Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty is assured that the slaves will certainly get things done and will never fail to be blessed.”

He Yan knelt down and prostrated his head, smiling with a sneering smile on his face.

For the things that Nie Zheng explained – write down. He was the head of the Tobe Shoshu and the Shoshu of the Ministry of Works. Building Shouxian Palace naturally requires his help. He Yan also wants to use this opportunity to curry favor with Tianzi. After all, the court is different now than before. Don’t look at the Heavenly Son in front of you who is not in the early dynasty.

The government even threw it to Lü Hou.

The repertoire was read by the queen on her behalf. But anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

“The Son of Heaven is the really powerful man.”

As long as you can please the Son of Heaven.

“In the future, it will naturally be out of the question.”

“Hezhen, this matter will be entrusted to you and Wei Zhongxian.”

“If this matter is done to the satisfaction of Yuan, Shuo will not treat you badly.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“It is the honor of the slave to be able to do things for His Majesty, and the slave dares not ask for reward.”

And Kan laughed a lot.

A look of humility and slavery.

It is even a slave to call himself. There is no Shang Shu posture at all.

However, this made Nie Zheng appreciate Heyan more and more.

Because Nie Zheng wanted to be the one who could do things with Heyan and please him.

“Your Majesty, Lü Bulu Fengxian met with Zhao Zhao outside the palace.”

Cao Tian quickly walked into the palace and played towards Nie Zheng.

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