Chapter 94 Eighteen Martial Generals Arrive, Opposite or Not Opposite?.

The capital of the king of Bactria in a certain mansion.

Dong Zhuo smiled.

He not only regained his life. And there are hundreds of Western Liang soldiers guarding him.

The once tyrannical and fierce momentum has also returned. Moreover.

Cao Tian had just come to preach the message.

The faint-hearted and cruel Heavenly Son had already allowed him to leave the royal city and he was about to return to his Western Liang fiefdom under the escort of hundreds of Western Liang soldiers. Think of your own Western Liang Army.

And the invincible fifty thousand Western Cool Iron Horse. The fierce excitement in Dong Zhuo’s eyes became more and more intense.

“Emperor Yi, Wei Zhongxian….. Wait for it….. Wait for it….. When I see you again… I Dong Zhuo will make you cry and kneel on the ground and beg me…”

Dong Zhuo was whispering in resentment. The carriage was already ready outside the palace. He hadn’t been out of town yet.

He was waiting for Yoshiko Lü Bu to return. Wait for the father and son to talk about it.

Dong Zhuo then set off and headed straight for the Western Liang fiefdom.

“Righteous Father.”


The sound of horses’ hooves came from outside the house.

Only to see Lü Bu jump off the jujube red horse. Straight towards Dong Zhuo.

“Son, didn’t Emperor Yi make it difficult for you?”

Dong Zhuo’s eyes moved slightly.


Mention Emperor Yi.

Lü Bu let out a laugh.

His face was full of pride.

“Righteous Father, you are indeed right, that Emperor Yi is really a faint emperor.”

“He made me the ruler of the imperial court, but he also gave me gold and a thousand cloths, and even your mansion in the royal city was given to me at the same time.”

“But Father Yi is assured that Emperor Yi just wants to buy me with this gold and silver.”

“I am faithful to you Father, how can I be moved by all this gold and silver?”

Lü Bu told about the meeting he had just met with Nie Zheng in the palace. While expressing his loyalty to Dong Zhuo.

But Dong Zhuo not only did not have the slightest color of happiness. Instead, the brows furrowed tightly together.

“Son, according to what you said, Emperor Yi has always been kind to you?”

Dong Zhuo tentatively asked.

“Don’t you just have a good face, Emperor Yi saw me, and one by one General Fengxian.”

“There is no Tianzi prestige at all, and in my opinion, he should know the prestige of my Lü Bu.”

Lü Bu laughed.

After listening to Lü Bu’s story.

Dong Zhuo’s brow frowned even tighter.

The whole person is even more unconsciously walking back and forth in the house.


“Absolutely not!”

“How can Emperor Yi be like you say?”

Dong Zhuo muttered.

The look on his face was extremely gloomy.

“Righteous Father, what’s wrong?”

Lü Bu was stunned.

Some people didn’t understand why Dong Zhuo looked like this. Dong Zhuo suddenly looked up at Lü Bu.

The look on his face was extremely serious.

“Son, don’t be careless.”

“That Emperor Yi fainted a little, but the means are very powerful, you don’t want to be deceived by his appearance.”

“For the Father is worried that you have fallen into his tricks, but you must be careful.”

Dong Zhuo was worried.

Although he did not have much contact with Nie Zheng.

But judging from the means by which Nie Zheng struck.

Beneath the faint exterior of this great summer, there is an extremely cruel heart. And.

Definitely not under him Dong Zhuo. Even Dong Zhuo thought in his heart.

In terms of vicious and cruel, Emperor Yi is absolutely above him. At this moment, I saw that Lü Bu did not take Di Yi in his eyes at all. Dong Zhuo naturally wanted to remind him.

He was deeply afraid that he would suffer a great loss to Emperor Yi in the royal capital.


Lü Buhaha smiled, and there was a lot of disdain in his eyes.

“The righteous father is worried.”

“Intrigue is just a trail.”

“Mo said that Emperor Yi had any plots and tricks, just by virtue of my invincible strength in the world, who can stop me when I look at the king of Great Xia?”

“Did the righteous father forget that I, Lü Bu, can kill seven in and seven out of seven with one man and one sword in the army of ten thousand?”

“Although the royal city is big, no one can stop my way to Lü Bu.”

Lü Bu is a very proud person.

But he does have the capital to be proud. Dong Zhuo naturally knew Lü Bu’s bravery. Otherwise, he would not have been called a god of the world.

“Maybe it is for the Father to worry too much, my son is invincible in the world.”

“I think that Emperor Yi is so kind to you today because my son bravely won the three armies.”

The father and son duo made a brief small talk.

Dong Zhuo’s heart is like an arrow.

You can also depart for Xiliang. But before Dong Zhuo left. He always felt uneasy inside. He still said to Lü Bu, “Son, tomorrow you will enter the palace to be the former commander of the Imperial Palace, and everything should still be careful.” ”

“The righteous father is assured to go on the road, and the next time you and I see each other, this king of Bactria will be your righteous father.”

Lü Bu laughed.

“It’s good and good.”

Dong Zhuo nodded.

Father and son finally separated.

Escorted by hundreds of Western Liang soldiers, Dong Zhuo’s carriage finally left the royal city and went straight to the Western Liang fiefdom. Pity.

Dong Zhuo did not know.

He went.

The next time I see my righteous son………..

Seven days passed.

Lü Bu had become the former ruler of the Imperial Palace. At first, he felt that the palace was very large.

All day long except for taking Yu Lin Jun to tour the imperial palace. Occasionally summoned by Nie Zheng to chat.

Be rewarded with some rare treasures. Nothing to do all day.

Idle, he could only drink for fun. Its life is really boring.

At first, he remembered what Dong Zhuo had told him. There was still a little bit of caution against Nie Zheng.

However, when Nie Zheng handed over all the Yulin troops in the palace to his rule. The only trace of his defensive heart was gone.

But the interesting thing is.

Construction is underway inside the palace.

Countless people are building Shouxian Palace. A large number of civil works were transported into the palace.

There are also many exotic flowers and plants that even Lü Bu has never seen. Only half a month has passed.

The vast Shouxian Palace has been preliminarily built.

The magnificent temple made Lü Budu secretly frightened. The money and manpower used is simply unimaginable. Lü Bu secretly calculated in his heart.

Build such a magnificent temple. At a minimum, tens of millions of taels of silver.

And that’s just the cost of construction.

There is no count of the exotic grasses that have been transplanted. And in the meantime.

A large number of rare treasures were sent to the Shouxian Palace. These rare treasures all become decorations.

Its internal luxury, the degree of luxury is simply unimaginable. Lü Bu scolded darkly and was indeed a dimwitted monarch.

There are these silver coins.

How many powerful classes can be created?

This dimwitted prince has worked so hard for his own pleasures.


Lü Bu was really wrong.

Labor does exist, but it is a joke to hurt money.

Now Nie Zheng’s wealth is several billion taels of silver.

Now the treasury is full, and the Ministry of the Interior is full of countless gold and silver treasures. And this was all contributed by the ministers and the kings of the various regions.

There was also Wei Zhongxian’s large-scale raiding of the family and exterminating the clan. As for laborers?

That’s even more unlikely.

These people who built the Shouxian Palace smiled and closed their mouths. It is also a reward of gratitude to the Son of Heaven.

All the people who built the Shouxian Palace were served. All are ten times the salary.

Although the day and night rush work is tiring a little.

But who would make the Son of Heaven show no stinginess toward these people? Also because of this matter.

The people in the capital city said good things about the Son of Heaven.

As for Nie Zheng’s extravagance and waste of such a luxurious, extravagant palace for a concubine. It has nothing to do with the people.

After all, the Son of Heaven did not exploit them. Instead, they were paid ten times the salary. So.

The people of the royal capital praised the benevolence of the Son of Heaven. And this also makes some people with hearts sigh secretly.

This big summer’s means are really fierce. Thinking about them every day these ministers.

But the people under his command read the goodness of the Son of Heaven.

Marshal’s House.

The Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army.

That is, Zhao Kuangyin’s mansion. Half a month in a row.

Zhao Kuangyin did not go to the court.

His reasons are simple.

Body woe.

The Marshal’s Mansion is also closed at the gate.

Refuse all ministers of culture and military affairs who come to visit.

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the lonely moon is hanging high. Zhao Kuangyin’s mansion was dimly lit. Only the main hall is lit by candles. But the candle flickered slightly in the wind. The light in the main hall is even dimmer.

An oppressive and dull atmosphere is growing faintly. Inside the main hall.

In the light of a candle flame. Zhao Kuangyin was at the top.

Nine people sat on each side of the line.

Together, there were eighteen people.

And the origin of these eighteen people is not ordinary. All of them were eighteen military generals under Zhao Kuangyin. For many years, he accompanied Zhao Kuangyin in his southern expeditions to the north. It can be described as a great achievement.


Each of these eighteen generals held military power. Only listen to Zhao Kuangyin’s dispatch.

Taken together, their military power is a million troops. Tonight they secretly visited Zhao Kuangyin again.

This is the fourth time they have come.

And there was no other reason why they had infiltrated the Marshal’s Palace. Only one!



It’s rebellion.

They wanted to establish Zhao Kuangyin as emperor. And it’s been done more than once.

“Marshal, do the opposite.”

“Yes, that Emperor Yi was so dazed that he almost slaughtered the entire city of Jizhou, causing the resentment of the people everywhere to boil, and such a good opportunity is when we overthrew him.”

“Big brother, as long as you give an order, a million troops will be quickly assembled, and the Great Xia Royal City can be broken in an instant.”

“Elder Brother Zhao, I know that you are loyal to Bactria but you must also take a look at it, how can Emperor Yi be the monarch of Bactria if he is faint and cruel?”

“Big brother, even if you don’t think for yourself, think about our brothers who have been fighting with you for many years.


Eighteen generals all stood up.

Directly kneeling on the ground, his eyes looked hopefully at Zhao Kuangyin. There was an extremely warm color in his eyes.

Zhao Kuangyin!

His brow furrowed tightly.

There was a great hesitation under his eyes. My heart was also throbbing darkly.

Let’s be honest.

These days Zhao Kuangyin was worried.

On that day, he disobeyed the will of the Son of Heaven and did not send troops to attack Hou Suhu of Jizhou. This has already laid the foundation for him.

Zhao Kuangyin did not say that he understood Nie Zheng.

But he probably knew what kind of person Nie Zheng was. A son of heaven who can slaughter the city and destroy the household.

How is it possible to tolerate generosity and not to consider what he is not willing to do? Zhao Kuangyin hesitated.

The frown wrinkled tighter and tighter.

It was time for him to decide. Reverse or not?

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