Chapter 95: The Yellow Robe Adds Body, Jing Ke Thorns Summer! Kneel for subscription.

“Big Brother?”


“Don’t hesitate.”

“Overthrow the tyranny of Emperor Yi and create a dynasty that belongs to the eldest brother.”

“With a million troops in hand, marshal, what are you hesitating about?”


Eighteen martial generals roared lowly.


The next moment.

Something that shocked Zhao Kuangyin extremely appeared. Only to see a warrior actually take out a dragon robe. He didn’t wait for Zhao Kuangyin to react.

The warrior strode over to Zhao Kuangyin. Directly draped over it.

“Don’t do it.”

Such a great rebellion.

Zhao Kuangyin was immediately stunned.

This is a yellow robe that only the Son of Heaven can wear. Don’t wait for Zhao Kuangyin to push back.

The rest of the generals stood up.

He actually directly pressed Zhao Kuangyin on the chair. Whatever Zhao Kuangyin refused.

Eighteen warriors did not let go.

He stiffly put the yellow robe on Zhao Kuangyin’s body. Yellow robe plus body!

This allusion finally appeared in Zhao Kuangyin’s body.

“Big brother, give it a go.”

“I will see Your Majesty later.”

“Long live our Emperor!”

Eighteen generals knelt on the ground.

It is also a great ceremony for Zhao Kuangyin to pay homage to the Heavenly Son. Covered in a yellow robe.

Watch as the eighteen martial generals under his command pay homage to themselves. Zhao Kuangyin froze in his chair.

I didn’t look back for half a minute. Suddenly!

Zhao Kuangyin suddenly stood up.

He tore the yellow robe from his body.

Even more grim-faced will tear the yellow robe with a candle fire. As the yellow robe turned to ashes in the flames.

Zhao Kuangyin’s grim countenance suddenly looked at the eighteen martial generals.

“You’re forcing me!”

“The things of today are known to God, and you know that I know.”

“The commander will never allow a third party to know.”

“You have been fighting on the battlefield with this commander for many years, and this commander also regards you as brothers and sisters.”

“But today’s things must not be done, and if there is a next time, this commander will not spare it.”

“Let’s go.”

Zhao Kuangyin scolded coldly.

But there was a hint of helplessness under his eyes.

“Big Brother?”


The eighteen generals were stunned on the spot.

Watch Zhao Kuangyin burn the yellow robe.

Their faces were all disappointment. Today they came with the determination to die. Even the dragon robe was taken out.

In order to force Zhao Kuangyin to rebel. But now they have failed.

They couldn’t understand why. Logically.

It’s all at this time. What they should say, what they should do. All tried their best.

According to their estimates.

Today, Zhao Kuangyin will certainly agree to their prayers. But!

They still failed.

But it failed.

Eighteen warriors glanced at each other.

They all saw the killing intent in the eyes of their respective brothers. They bowed silently and retreated.

Then he left Zhao Kuangyin’s Marshal’s Palace. In the main hall.

The dim candle flame swayed in the wind.

Pulling Zhao Kuangyin’s shadow very long, very long. He put his hands on his back and sighed.

His eyes were full of helplessness and bitterness. Today’s events.

It can be said that he was forced to a dead end. Logically.

Zhao Kuangyin himself felt that he should turn against him. Yellow robe added.

The multitude will begin.

He should not chill the hearts of the generals. But he refused.

Because the reason is simple.

He saw thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. At a glance.

Just a glance.

He knew.

If he really led a million troops to rebel.

The best outcome is nothing more than death on the battlefield. The worst outcome would be the total annihilation of a million troops.

And he and his eighteen warriors, as well as himself and their families. All of them will be exterminated by the Nine Tribes.

The price was too great for him to bear. Some people may ask.

Zhao Kuangyin had a million troops under his command.

Why was he afraid of the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders? The reason is simple.

Who is Zhao Kuangyin?

He is the world’s great marshal of soldiers and horses with millions of troops. How poisonous is his eyesight?

“I know more about the truth that soldiers are expensive and not expensive. Those thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode enough to reach a million troops. And this is just one of the reasons why he is jealous. ”

Second point.

If only he really rebelled.

He didn’t say whether he could defeat the terrible Northern Dragon Rider in the face of it. Even if he wins.

The kings of the various clans were bound to take advantage of the chaos.

Isn’t he making a wedding dress for these kings? How could he do such a stupid thing?

Third point. And the most important point.

He was afraid of Emperor Yi in his heart. Right.

It’s just being afraid.

And it was that extremely jealous fear. The first three thousand grimaces in green clothes.

After that, the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders appeared strangely.

How many terrible forces are still hidden in Emperor Yi? Zhao Kuangyin did not know.

Even if he sent the most powerful tricks and spies, he couldn’t find out Emperor Yi’s bottom card. And some time ago it was above the temple.

Lü Yan’s troubles made Zhao Kuangyin discover something that shocked him greatly. Emperor Yi was furious.

A slap shattered the dragon case in front of him. It was a dragon case made of diamond. What does this mean?

Emperor Yi was not a weak Heavenly Son.

It is an extremely terrifying martial arts master. Its cultivation is also the worst of the realm of the great master.

O Grand Master.

Who in the world could kill Emperor Yi except the land immortals? He hid so deeply.

It made Zhao Kuangyin feel chills in his heart. Let’s say the most blunt of all.

If Zhao Kuangyin was not jealous of Emperor Yi’s Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders, and the bottom cards he was hiding. Even if the kings of the various clans will take advantage of the chaos.

Today he was put on a yellow robe by the multitudes, and under the pleas of the multitudes, he was bound to turn against him. But he was calm.

Calmly did not do so. Because he knows.

Once you take this step yourself.

He will die without a whole body, and even the Ten Clans will be exterminated. And this.

That was the reason why Zhao Kuangyin did not rebel. He was thinking now.

How to surrender to the Son of Heaven.

In the future, he will be his courtier with peace of mind. Naturally, there will be no more rebellious thoughts.

Because the feeling that Emperor Yi gave him was too deep and terrible. Pity.

Although Zhao Kuangyin had no intention of rebelling. But he didn’t know.

The eighteen martial generals under his command did not think so.

And he was doing something that horrified him.


The capital of the Great Xia, in a secret mansion. This is a long-abandoned mansion. Alone!

An extremely ordinary person!

Ordinary people who put it in the pile of people will make people forget their faces. He stood quietly in the middle of the house.

As if merging with the night.

The eighteen generals all bowed down to this man. There was a look of awe and excitement on his face.

“I agreed to what you said.”

“But I hope that when it happens, you will fulfill your promise to me.”

“Otherwise, if you repent… You should know what will happen! ”

The dark shadow faded out.

“Mr. Jing Ke is assured, as long as Mr. Jing kills Emperor Yi.”

“We will take advantage of the situation to raise troops to overthrow Bactria once my eldest brother Zhao Kuangyin ascends the throne and becomes emperor.”

“I will certainly give Mr. a million troops.”

“At that time, Mr. Yan Zi Dan can take a million troops to avenge the Qin Emperor for Yan Zidan.”

Eighteen military generals spoke out one after another.

It is a guarantee of swearing.


“Remember your promises.”

Jing Ke nodded slowly.

The next moment.

It actually disappeared directly and strangely into the eyes of the Eighteen Martial Generals. Jingke!

Grand Master of Buddhism.

One foot stepped into the existence of the Terrestrial Immortals.

He was also named among the top assassins in the world.

Whoever is targeted by him.

No one can survive.



Someone can survive.

Such as the Qin Emperor and others.

However, the number of people in the world who could survive from Jing Ke’s hands was definitely not more than ten fingers. The Eighteen Martial Generals went to great lengths to contact the world’s most elite assassin.

It also made a great promise.

In order to assassinate Emperor Yi and let Zhao Kuangyin lead them to rebel. This is also the second plan they have prepared.


Although they invited Jing Ke.

Can you really succeed in thorny summer? It’s a puzzle.

In the eyes of the Eighteen Martial Generals.

This will be foolproof.

Because they believe in Jingke’s strength very much. Just wait for Jing Ke to succeed in assassinating Emperor Xia. Until then.

They again pleaded with Zhao Kuangyin to start a rebellion. At that time, Zhao Kuangyin also had to agree.

Have to say.

The Eighteen Martial Generals ascended the throne in order to make Zhao Kuangyin rebel. It’s a lot of thought.

Of course.

The purpose of their doing this was not all for Zhao Kuangyin. Exactly for yourself.

Because only Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne as emperor.

They can rise with the tide and become kings of one side, no longer small warriors.


Or how to say it.

Man’s greed is endless. For your own benefit.

They even did the assassination of the Son of Heaven.


The other side.

Bactria Palace.

The vast Shouxian Palace has been built. Wine pond meat forest, exotic flowers and plants.

There are many rare treasures in the world.

This Shouxian Palace can be called the most luxurious in the world in the Nine Weeks. Hua’s palace. The pool alone was over a hundred meters long and wide.

The edge of the Sifang Pond is planted with vegetation that is rare in the world. A faint floral fragrance lingers in the wine pond meat forest.

There are also countless delicacies and delicacies placed in the Shouxian Palace.

“Hahahahaha, beauty, feed you a drink.”

In the wine pond meat forest, Yang.

Nie Zheng held Su Daji in his arms. Feeding wine with that.

The shy Su Daji’s face was crimson.

But under Nie Zheng’s teasing, he still swallowed the wine. And in the middle of the wine pond meat forest.

Countless singers are dancing.

The sound of the violinist playing music reverberated throughout the Shouxian Palace. It really made Nie Zheng unhappy.

According to Nie Zheng’s words.

Be a son of heaven once.

If you are not poor and extravagant, what kind of son should you be? Ming Jun?

What a master.

I’m tired like a dog. What do you get?

However, the reputation of the Ming Emperor is just that.

Can this thing be eaten as a meal or can it be a beauty? Mingjun is a fart.

Or the most comfortable of the faint.

At this moment, Nie Zheng was full of smiles.

Laugh with yourself more than once.

Watch Your Highness dance with the song.

From time to time with a large white float with a pregnant beauty. This kind of life makes him so unhappy and alive. But the only thing that is a little regrettable is.

The beauty in his arms had not smiled since he entered the palace. Although serving, waiting for yourself is indeed very comfortable, serving.

But all day long, he didn’t show his eyebrows, and he also let Nie Zheng know that Su Daji should be homesick. But Nie Zheng couldn’t let her go back yet.

“Your Majesty, Zhu Di, the King of Northern Yan, sent an emissary to pay tribute to the Daxia Mountains and Rivers, and at this moment the emissary is waiting outside the palace.”

Cao Tian quickly walked into the hall and played to Nie Zheng.

“Yan King Zhu Di?”

“Map of the Great Xia Mountains and Rivers?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Zhu Di this guy has nothing to give himself what picture?

Shouldn’t he have hoarded grain and grass in his fiefdom, recruited soldiers and horses, and waited for the right moment to rebel?

“Announce him to come in.”

Nie Zheng didn’t take it seriously.

Continue to drink and have fun with your bosom.

“Xuan, the emissary of the King of Yan entered the temple to face the saint.”

The eunuch’s voice was sharp.

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