Chapter 96 Tu Poor Dagger Present, Frightened Jing Ke! [Kneel and beg for customization].

Not for a while.

I saw an ordinary-looking man.

He bowed his body and held the scroll in his hand, and his face was pale and frightened.

He was taking small steps and trembling into the Shouxian Palace.

“At the behest of the King of Yan, the little man specially sent a scroll of the Great Xia Mountains and Rivers and invited His Majesty to read it.”

The man had just arrived at His Highness.

With a thud, he fell to his knees.

He even held the scroll in his hand high above the top.

His voice trembled, as if he was in awe of the great summer son on the throne.

“Cao Qian, present the picture scroll to Shuo Yiguan.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

Continue drinking and having fun with Huai Meiren.

He didn’t even glance at His Highness’s Yan King’s emissary. Just as Cao Tian was ready to take over the picture scroll.

The man hurriedly prostrated his head again and said, “Your Majesty, this map of the mountains and rivers of the Great Xia is painted by a famous teacher in the world, and several of the territories have not been recorded in the old map, and it needs to be pointed out by the villain to His Majesty for a glance.” ”


Originally, Nie Zheng did not care too much about His Highness, the emissary of the King of Yan. But when the emissary of the Yan King finished saying this.

Nie Zheng suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar. It also made his eyes sink deeply.

The gaze that had originally landed on Su Daji’s face.

Finally, it was moved to the body of His Highness, the emissary of the King of Yan.

“Lift your head up.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

He looked faintly at His Highness, the emissary sent by the so-called King of Yan.

“The villain is terrified and does not dare to blaspheme the dragon’s face.”

The emissary of the King of Yan trembled and prostrated.



Nie Zheng’s gaze deepened.

The corners of the mouth also outline a hint of playfulness.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The so-called Yan King emissary finally raised his head. But his appearance was unremarkable.

His face was filled with trepidation and uneasiness.

Even just glanced at Nie Zheng on the throne. Hurry up and put your head down again.

It was as if he was really afraid of the Heavenly Son’s majesty and did not dare to blaspheme the dragon’s face. Nie Zheng smiled.

It’s just that his smile has an inexplicable meaning.

“Since King Yan sent you here, then you will come to the near front of Shuo and personally give this picture to Yuan.”

“It is also for the sake of pointing out which piece of the frontier is not entered into my Great Xia territory.”

Nie Zheng said calmly.

“The villain obeys the order.”

The Yan King’s messenger trembled and stood up.

He held the scroll high in both hands.

Bow your body and walk up the nine jade steps step by step.

Until he came to Nie Zheng.

Then hurry to kneel on the ground.

It was as if he was so close to the big summer, which made him feel very uneasy.

“Your Majesty….. Your Majesty please see. ”

The voice of the Yan King’s messenger trembled.

His hands trembled slightly, unfolding the scroll little by little.

Just a touch of cold killing machine vaguely crossed his eyes.

However, the expression on his face was still full of awe for the Son of Heaven. The picture scroll unfolds little by little.

The territory of Bactria depicted on the scroll also gradually came into Nie Zheng’s eyes. But the smile on Nie Zheng’s face was getting thicker and thicker.

Until the picture scroll was about to be fully displayed in Nie Zheng’s eyes. A faint cold light appeared at the very end of the scroll. It was also at this moment.


An extremely terrifying killing machine rushed into the sky.

Only to see that this Yan King’s emissary seemed to have changed into a person in an instant. The cold killing intent filled the entire Shouxian Palace.

Shouxian Palace, which was originally warm as spring, suddenly fell into the freezing point. At the same time.

The long white and slender right palm of the Yan King’s emissary suddenly drew a cold dagger from the end of the painting.

“Emperor Yi, you can die.”


The cold dagger crossed the sky, and the killing intent was cold.

The emotionless voice echoed faintly in the Shouxian Palace. That cold light seemed to illuminate the entire Shouxian Palace.

The extreme and terrifying sword light went straight to Nie Zheng’s throat. Fast!


Fast is simply incomprehensible.

It’s also too fast to react at all. When this cold light bursts out.

Just that terrible sword qi destroyed the decay. Everything around them froze in an instant. Who is he?

Is he Jingke?

He was one of the most terrifying assassins in the world. There was no longer any humility or trepidation on his face. Some are just cold and merciless eyes. Looking into Nie Zheng’s eyes was like looking at a dead man. No one can stop this knife.

Even if there are land immortals around at this moment. Jing Ke also dared to guarantee it.

Even the land immortals didn’t have time to stop him from killing this one. A knife seals the throat, and the death light goes out!

This is Jing Ke’s motto, and it is also his absolute confidence in himself. And this knife also lived up to his expectations.

It really crossed Nie Zheng’s throat. Jing Ke’s eyes also showed a faint color of indifference. Because he knows.

I have successfully completed the task. But the next moment!

Strange and amazing things happened.

Even more, Jing Ke’s originally indifferent and ruthless eyes gradually turned into stagnant. Bite!

A soft sound.


Just a soft sound.

The cold dagger in Jing Ke’s hand broke into two pieces. Then he fell silently to the ground. Nie Zheng was laughing.

He was still smiling.

Just smile and look at Jing Ke holding the broken dagger in front of him. And his throat.

Just a shallow white mark appeared. Not a single drop of blood was shed. Quiet!


Eerie and death-like silence. The people of Shouxian Palace were stupid.

Wei Zhongxian on the side was stupid.

Su Daji, who was sitting in Nie Zheng’s arms, was also stupid.

Even Jing Ke, who was stiff in place, was equally stupid. Jingke!

The most amazing assassin in the world. His body trembled silently.

A pair of eyes that were originally indifferent and ruthless were changing. Afraid?





A silent terror rose in his heart. All kinds of negative fears grew in his mind. He looked stiffly at the broken dagger in his hand. Then he trembled and looked up at Nie Zheng, who was smiling at him. Ten breaths.

Ten breaths have passed!

Jing Ke’s eyes were gradually focused.

It was as if his out-of-body soul had returned to his body. Surprise!

Next moment!

Jing Ke was horrified.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes turned into a look of utter horror. Escape!


Run for your life!

Run for your life at maximum speed.

This was the truest and most terrifying thought in Jing Ke’s heart at this moment. Whew!

Jing Ke stepped out.

The whole person turned into an invisible afterimage. Want to rush up and smash the roof.

Gone for it.


Too late.

It’s really too late.


Not too late.

From the moment he entered the Shou Xian Palace. His fate was already doomed.

Don’t say that he stepped into the Terrestrial Immortal Realm with one foot. Even if he is a land immortal.

It was also impossible to escape from this Shouxian Palace. Rumble!

He didn’t wait for Jing Ke to shatter the roof and leave. Nie Zheng’s five fingers popped out.

A terrifying force that is absolutely not like what should be in the human world is spreading out. Jing Ke only felt that he was firmly grasped by an invisible hand. The figure that had soared into the sky quickly declined.



A loud noise came.

Only to see Nie Zheng strike a blow in front of Jing Kexuan. The sound of broken ribs kept coming. Burst!

Only to see that Jingke’s bones were broken and broken, and the ribs before Hungary completely collapsed. A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

His whole being flew away like a kite with a broken line. A graceful blood-stained parabola is drawn in the air. Then it slammed into the ground.

The granite-paved ground was cracked by its body, showing a cracked cobweb…


The next moment.

Wei Zhongxian woke up first.

He screamed out in panic.

The voice of a male duck is filled with fear and anger. Who is he?

He is the Governor of the East Factory.

He is the head of the Ouchi.

Always close to the side of Tianzi. But what’s going on now? There were assassins close to the Son of Heaven.

And he, the governor of the East Factory and the general manager of the Ouchi, was unaware? What is this sin?

This is a great sin to condemn the Nine Tribes!

If it weren’t for His Majesty’s martial arts, wouldn’t it have turned into a corpse at this moment? Wei Zhongxian’s face was full of misery.

I was wet with cold sweat.

I was too negligent.

It’s a damn sin.

It was also Wei Zhongxian’s scream. The whole Shouxian Palace was completely chaotic.

Only to see a large number of Great Inner Guards rushing into the Shouxian Palace. The eunuch palace women in the Shouxian Palace were even kneeling on the ground.

Everyone’s face was extremely pale, and they were even more frightened and trembling. And Su Daji in Nie Zheng’s arms also woke up at this moment.

But a stunning and seductive posture is also frightened by the tragic white. He was trembling in Nie Zheng’s arms.

“Don’t be afraid, beautiful people, be good.”

Nie Zheng smiled as before.

He stroked Su Daji’s hair bun to calm her mind.

Just a pair of eyes faintly looking at His Highness’s life and death of Jing Ke.



Nie Zheng whispered lightly.

He didn’t want Jing Ke’s life.

Otherwise, the blow just now would not be as simple as just breaking a few ribs and making Jing Ke vomit blood and pass out. Nie Zheng’s blow was able to blow it up on the spot and turn it into a rain of blood.

Jing Ke’s result will only end up with a dead body.

“Come, put the assassin’s lute bone through, and put the miscellaneous family on death row.”

Wei Zhongxian was furious.


A group of large internal guards hurriedly carried the unconscious Jing Ke away.

And according to Wei Zhongxian’s instructions, he fiercely penetrated the Jing Ke pipa bone and directly hit him on death row. Get.

It is penetrated through the lute bone.

He was put on death row.

Jing Ke stepped into the Terrestrial Immortal Realm with one foot. Don’t try to escape from death row for half a step.

“Your Majesty, the slave escort is not good, and the sin deserves death.”

With Jing Ke being put on death row.

Wei Zhongxian knelt at Nie Zheng’s feet with a miserable face. His body was already wet with cold sweat.

0.8 The bean-sized beads of sweat kept leaving from his forehead.

His whole body trembled with fear. Originally, Zhao Gao was favored by his master. It made Wei Zhongxian extremely stressed. Now this is happening again. How will the master think of himself?

Even if you don’t kill yourself.

Will you still spoil yourself in the future?

Wei Zhongxian was eager to throw Jing Ke to ashes.

But now he could only kneel on the ground and wait for Nie Zheng’s hair. See Wei Zhongxian’s look of fear and trepidation.

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

In fact, this matter really did not blame Wei Zhongxian. Jing Ke was the most supreme assassin in the world. Stealth assassination was his most proficient skill. Moreover, Jing Kexiu was much taller than Wei Zhongxian. It was also reasonable that Wei Zhongxian did not find out in time.

“Go and rebuke a hundred of your own staffs, and there will be a next time, and there will be no forgiveness.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

Although he knew that Wei Zhongxian was not to blame for this. But if there is a mistake, it must be punished.

Clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments is also the most basic means of conspiracy by the Son of Heaven.

“Your Majesty Longen, the old slave has kowtowed to you.”

Bang Bang Bang!

Wei Zhongxian prostrated his head vigorously.

The forehead is bumped with a mask of flesh. Although he was reprimanded by the Staff of the Son of Heaven for a hundred. But Wei Zhongxian was relieved.

Because it shows that the Son of Heaven didn’t really blame him. If you don’t punish him.

He will really feel that the Son of Heaven no longer loves himself. It’s worse than killing him.

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