Chapter 100 Splash Dirty Water on Zhu Di, Furious Zhao Kuangyin! Subscribe Required.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Why does he always laugh, you ask?

Because it’s fun.

Happy naturally makes you laugh.

Of course.

Nie Zheng would laugh when he was unhappy. But that means that someone’s fate will be miserable. Or how to say it in the eyes of others.

Is this big summer boy a moody surname? But it is his surname affection.

It makes many people feel jealous. You see.

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s faces were pale. Stunned and followed behind Nie Zheng.

And around the two of them, there was Jing Ke following all the way. The two eunuchs were a little confused.

They both looked at Jing Ke.

He looked at Nie Zheng sitting in the dragon’s dragon again. There is nothing but confusion in the eyes.

There is also the indescribable color of awe and fear. According to Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao.

The two of them knew better what kind of person their master was. But what happened today.

Let the two people’s views change again.

They increasingly feel that their masters are unfathomable. It is as unfathomable as the sea of Wang Yang.

Can’t see through.

I can’t see through it at all.

Even Jing Ke, who would rather die and unyielding, packed up his humble obedience. What else can the two say?

What else can you say?

At the moment the brain is buzzing.

I’ve been reminiscing about what just happened on death row. A few simple words of dialogue.

He easily pried open Jing Ke’s mouth.

However, they used all kinds of punishments, and they did not let Jing Ke say a word. Judge from above.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao admired Nie Zheng. Return to Weiyang Palace.

This way the eunuch palace maid guards.

They all looked at Jing Ke who was following behind Nie Zheng with a shocked face. Apparently.

The people in the palace were shocked.

No one expected this terrible assassin to be released. And it seems as if he has surrendered to the Son of Heaven.

…. Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng had just entered the temple.

Then he saw two women waiting for him. Wu Mei Niang!

Lu Jie!

Nie Zheng’s front foot had just stepped into Weiyang Palace.

Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan walked quickly towards them. His face was full of worry.

But just when the two girls were about to come to Nie Zheng’s side. Lu Yan’s footsteps slowed down.

Stood up slightly.

After all, her identity as empress dowager is here.

Although he was worried about Nie Zheng’s safety, it was not a big deal to see Nie Zheng. She was still relieved and did not come to Nie Zheng’s body.

After all, if her status as empress dowager is too close to the Son of Heaven. That’s enough to make people criticize.

That day’s disturbance in the court was also an act of losing her cool. There can never be a second time.

“Your Majesty, you are not injured.”

Empress Wu Meiniang did not have so many scruples. She is the rightful queen of the Son of Heaven.

At this moment, his face was full of worry.

“There is no need to worry about the beautiful lady, the person who kills the people who are powerful in this world has not yet been born.”

Nie Zheng smiled and said with relief.

Seeing that Nie Zheng was fine, Wu Meiniang was slightly relieved.

She heard Shangguan Wan’er tell her that an assassin had assassinated Tianzi.

Wu Meiniang’s countenance changed drastically, and she threw down her hand at the first time and rushed towards Weiyang Palace. Now see Nie Zheng is fine.

The worry on his face also turned into a smile. But the next moment.

Wu Meiniang said, “Who is so bold as to dare to assassinate His Majesty, and also ask Your Majesty to hand over the assassin to his concubines for disposal?” Wu Meiniang bowed to Nie Zheng. ”

Soft frieze’s face flashed a touch of ice.

It faintly revealed a touch of extreme breath. As if in this instant.

She transformed into Wu Shuo Wu Zetian.

More faintly revealed a touch of the supreme posture of the female emperor.

“Well, the assassin has been disposed of.”

“Look at you this.”

Nie Zheng dotingly pinched Wu Meiniang’s nose. Suddenly, Wu Meiniang was shy again.

“Since Your Majesty is fine, the palace will be relieved.”

See Nie Zheng and Wu Meiniang teasing.

Lu Yan was quite jealous.

However, seeing that Nie Zheng was indeed not injured. She also put her mind at ease.

He and Nie Zheng made eye contact, nodded and left Weiyang Palace.

After all, there are many people with mixed eyes at the moment.

Not when the two were talking. Nie Zheng naturally understood Lü Jie’s meaning.

A brief congratulations to Lü Yan, the empress dowager. Then he talked to Wu Meiniang.

And Wu Meiniang may have felt something. Although laughing and talking with Nie Zheng.

But his eyes always fell on the blood-stained Jing Ke’s body. There was an occasional touch of cold and fierce color in his eyes.


Wu Meiniang is very smart.

Although the husband did not say who this person was. But according to Wu Meiniang’s speculation.

This person is most likely an Assassin. After all, she was not deaf or blind. There were also many of her people in the inner palace. If only that didn’t get the news.

Then she as an empress can also be regarded as a white pawn.

Nie Zheng naturally saw that Wu Meiniang’s gaze was extremely unkind to Jing Ke. In order to dispel her doubts and murderous intentions.

Nie Zheng said, “This person’s name is Jing Ke, and since then he has been a personal bodyguard of Yuan, and you must not be prejudiced against you.” ”

I heard my husband say this.

Wu Meiniang smiled awkwardly.

Then he nodded seriously.

I knew that my mind was seen by my husband. Since the husband has said so.

Then naturally she would no longer be hostile to Jing Ke. The couple chatted a little.

Wu Meiniang then retreated.

After all, the minister of the DPRK sent a lot of music. She also reads these recitals.

But otherwise how to say that Wu Meiniang is very smart. Although it was just a small talk with Nie Zheng. But Wu Meiniang never mentioned Su Da’s own affairs.

Even if Nie Zheng hadn’t come to her palace for a long time these days. She had been spoiling Su Daji, and she did not show any complaints. Because she is a very smart woman.

She knew that her appearance was not as good as Su Daji’s. In that respect, it is not as good as that fox.

And three thousand beautiful ladies in the harem of the Heavenly Son, it is a common thing. Nature can’t spoil her alone.

All she had to do was help her husband deal with the government. Show your own value.

After all, a husband and wife, Nie Zheng’s intentions for her, she can still know. As long as the husband and wife are harmonious.

As for which concubine Nie Zheng favored, she must be generous as an empress. Otherwise, if it is because of a concubine, it will make trouble with the Son of Heaven.

Where else is the Queen’s Measure? Have to say.

Wu Meiniang was stronger than Lü Yan in this regard.

How else can Wu Meiniang be called a generation of female emperors.

And this is also the reason why Nie Zheng likes his wife very much. Smart and clever, well-behaved and sensible.

Occasionally, she will show the domineering demeanor of the female emperor, but it is also for his sake.


With Wu Meiniang leaving.

Nie Zheng sat on the dragon chair.

He looked at Jing Ke’s blood-stained appearance. His brow furrowed.

Directly instructed Cao Tian to take him to wash well. Then find the imperial doctor to heal him well.

Change into proper clothes and come back to him. Cao Tian hurried to receive the message.

With Jing Ke in tow, he left Weiyang Palace.

And Jing Ke did not say anything to thank His Majesty. He followed Cao Tian and left.

After all, he is this kind of indifferent surname.

You let Jing Ke show the face of a slave like Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao. Jing Ke couldn’t do it at all.

0 Ask for flowers… Because people are not the same.

Nie Zheng naturally wouldn’t be harsh on Jing Ke because of this little thing.


“Your Majesty, the old slave immediately ordered his men to arrest Zhao Kuangyin and all eighteen of his military generals.”

“These people dared to plot rebellion and rebellion, and even more dared to let Jing Ke come to carry out assassinations, and not killing them was not enough to deter the world.” With Jing Ke temporarily gone. ”

Wei Zhongxian threw himself on his knees and begged Nie Zheng to order him to arrest anyone. Nie Zheng’s assassination could be regarded as a disgrace to Wei Zhongxian’s old face.

At this moment, all the anger wanted to be vented and vented, on Zhao Kuangyin and his subordinate military generals. He had already figured out how to torture them with the cruelest punishment.

“Yes, Zhao Kuangyin was bold enough to take the heavens, and the eighteen martial generals under his command plotted retrograde assassinations, and such a great crime was extremely evil that they were bound to destroy his ten clans.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to issue a decree that the slave Zhao Gao is willing to personally lead people to arrest these chaotic courtiers and thieves, and throw them all into the pot of lice, so that they can taste the suffering of ten thousand snakes devouring themselves.”

Zhao Gao also knelt down and prostrated.

Words are vicious and vicious.

It is also expressing loyalty to the Son of Heaven.

Looking at Zhao Gao Wei Zhongxian, who was kneeling in His Highness, his words were fierce. Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

He did not immediately order the two men to go and arrest Zhao Kuangyin and his eighteen military generals. Instead, the corners of his mouth outlined an inexplicable meaning: “Didn’t Jing Ke say it, he was an emissary sent by Zhu Di, the King of Yan.” ”

“Wei Zhongxian, on behalf of Shuo, order someone to send someone to the Yan King’s Mansion in the Northern Realm.”

“Just tell Zhu Di that he dared to send assassins to assassinate Tianzi.”

“The Son of Heaven was furious and ordered Zhu Di to come to the capital of the king as soon as possible.”

“If he dares not come, he will plot a rebellion and rebellion, and he will raise an army to fight and destroy the ten tribes.”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian both stayed where they were.

I didn’t expect that my master would actually pour dirty water on Zhu Di. But the two reacted quickly.

The master tells them what to do.

They do it.

And don’t ask why.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly prepared a plan for Nie Zheng.

However, who to send to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion became a problem. He also asked Wei Zhongxian to ask Nie Zheng.

“Sima Yi is idle at home, so send him there.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth outlined a hint of playfulness.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly took the holy will out of the palace and went to Sima Yi’s mansion. With Wei Zhongxian leaving.

Zhao Gao looked tentatively at Nie Zheng, “Master, what about Zhao Kuangyin and the eighteen military generals under his command…?” ”

Nie Zheng smiled.

It’s just that his smile is very unpredictable. It made Zhao Gao’s heart tremble even more.

“No hurry, no hurry, Shuo would like to see how Zhao Kuangyin will choose, and Shuo is waiting for him in this palace.”

Nie Zheng whispered lightly.

It can be heard in Zhao Gao’s ears.

But it shocked him to the core.

Knowing that the master has other plans. Don’t ask yourself.

Just do as you are told.


The other side.

The capital of the king of Bactria and the Marshal’s Palace.


A loud noise came.

Only to see the thick peach wood Zhuo was smashed by the shooting. Zhao Kuangyin’s face was full of iron blue.

His eyes were as big as brass bells.

He was staring dead at the eighteen warriors kneeling in front of him.

That terrible look seemed to be about to swallow the eighteen warriors alive.

The face that was originally elegant and heroic was distorted and vicious at the moment.

“How dare you send Jing Ke to assassinate the Heavenly Son?”


“What do you think, do you think, force, this marshal to go to the end of the road?”

Zhao Kuangyin roared fiercely.

The whole person has fallen into a state of madness.


He pulled out a steel knife directly. Directly lifted up.

Eager to slaughter all the eighteen martial generals kneeling in front of him with one sword.

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