Chapter 101 Pig-like teammate, Zhao Kuangyin enters the palace to face the saint! [Ask for customization].

The steel knife crosses the sky.

But it didn’t fall for a long time.

Zhao Kuangyin’s whole body was shivering. Look at the eighteen warriors kneeling in front of him. Zhao Kuangyin’s face was cloudy and uncertain.

After all, these eighteen people followed him on his southern expedition to the north for many years. You let him kill them all with one knife.

Zhao Kuangyin really couldn’t do it. A bell rang.

The steel knife in Zhao Kuangyin’s hand finally fell to the ground. Then he sat down weakly in his chair.

A pair of eyes darkened.

See Zhao Kuangyin like this.

The eighteen martial generals moved inside.

Hurry up and give each other a look. And then they all spoke.

“The marshal, the marshal, the last general and others all know that they are wrong, but the matter has come to an end, even if the marshal kills us, what is the use?”

“Big brother, now we have no way to retreat, once that Jing Ke confesses me and others, Emperor Yi will definitely send someone to arrest us.”

“Yuan, the marshal is the opposite, as long as we break out of the royal capital now, with a million troops in our hands, and overthrow the tyranny of Emperor Yi, the marshal and marshal can change the dynasty and ascend to the throne.”

“Big brother, don’t have any illusions in your heart, if Emperor Yi knows that I sent someone to assassinate him, big brother, you will definitely get rid of it, and it will not matter.”

“Marshal, marshal, there is no time to think, please make a quick decision.”


Eighteen military generals spoke one after another.

The stakes are already very clear. They were also forcing Zhao Kuangyin to make a decision. Even if Zhao Kuangyin didn’t do it now.

Because they had already forced themselves and Zhao Kuangyin to a dead end. This moment.

Zhao Kuangyin quietly looked at the eighteen warriors.

Watching them with excitement on their faces, they let themselves create and rebel. Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes were calm and frightening. Stupidity!


No IQ!

How could he have such a bunch of stupid subordinates? Zhao Kuangyin kept asking himself in his heart.

Can’t they see Emperor Yi’s hidden strength? I was forced by them to this extent.

If he could have reversed, he would have done so long ago.

Why blame? Rebellion, rebellion?


Absolutely impossible.

If you want to reverse.

Some time ago he was yellowed by these people, robes, and added, and when he was in the body, he was reversed. I don’t oppose myself.

Is it just because you’re afraid? Not for the sake of the eighteen of them! Zhao Kuangyin’s face was pale and weak.

He really didn’t want to understand.

Why are these so-called eighteen brothers so stupid?

“Big brother, what are you waiting for?”

Another warlord spoke anxiously.

He didn’t understand what Zhao Kuangyin was thinking at all. Bang!

The next moment.

Zhao Kuangyin finally couldn’t control his anger. He kicked the warrior to the ground. He even pulled out his belt and beat this person fiercely.

The whistling of the whimpering belt kept falling. The warrior who was beaten directly wailed bitterly.

I didn’t understand why Zhao Kuangyin treated him like this.

“You stupid pigs.”

“One by one, it’s stupid.”


Zhao Kuangyin was also tired of whipping.

Throw the blood-stained belt on the ground. The warrior who had been beaten half to death by him cried out in pain. The other seventeen watched in shock.

I didn’t expect Zhao Kuangyin to be so angry.

“Do you know?”

“If I could have reversed, under your persecution and pressure, I Zhao Kuangyin would have rebelled long ago.”

“But are you blind?”

“Don’t you see the means of the Son of Heaven?”

“Can’t you see the three thousand grimaces and green clothes in the East Factory?”

“Are the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders a decoration?”

“Even Jing Ke, whom you found, has stepped into the Terrestrial Immortal Realm with one foot, and is one of the most supreme assassins in the world.”

“But Jing Ke didn’t kill the Son of Heaven and was sent to death row instead, don’t you understand?”

The more Zhao Kuangyin spoke, the more angry he became.

His face turned red with anger.

He hated the iron and steel for looking at the warriors kneeling in front of him.

“Stupid pigs, all stupid pigs!”

“Why are you so stupid? Why?? ”

“Don’t you even have a brain?”

“Are you daydreaming every day, thinking that I will ascend the throne and become emperor, and you stupid pigs will all split the earth and seal the king? Zhao Kuangyin has completely broken the defenses.”

He let out a loud scolding of hatred and scolding at the eighteen martial generals.

This also made the eighteen martial generals scold the sluggishness on the spot.

He began to gradually calm down and think about what Zhao Kuangyin had said.

See the eighteen generals fall silent.

Zhao Kuangyin trembled, “Have you ever thought about what will happen to you if you can’t overthrow the Son of Heaven?” ”

“Not only are you going to die, but all your families are going to die, and even the ten clans of this marshal will be slaughtered.”

“You only fantasize about the glory and wealth of the king who splits the earth, don’t you think about the tragic end after failure?”


As Zhao Kuangyin’s words fell.

The eighteen martial generals looked miserable and their minds roared. After Zhao Kuangyin’s angry scolding.

They finally calmed down.

I think more about the end of the creation and anti-failure.

“Big….. Eldest brother….. We knew wrong….. But now what? ”

“Marshal, handsome… We do know it’s wrong…. But Jing Ke is after all the most absolute assassin in the world… As long as he doesn’t confess us… Maybe…..”

“Big Brother….. We really know wrong….. Jing Ke should not give us up….. Otherwise he…..”

The eighteen martial generals looked miserable and spoke out one after another. Finally woke up from fantasy greed.

“Shut up.”

Zhao Kuangyin roared in hatred.

And then the color is cloudy.

Keep walking back and forth in the main hall.

Apparently also thinking about what he should do next. Jingke!

Zhao Kuangyin knew this person.

No one in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms did not know Jing Ke. But he was certainly the world’s top assassin. As is normal.

Jing Ke will never give up his employer.

But when Zhao Kuangyin thought of the smile on Nie Zheng’s face. There is also its strength as strange as the sea. With that cruel, unkind, moody surname. Zhao Kuangyin shivered.

I wasn’t sure if Jing Ke could keep his mouth shut in the end. Because Zhao Kuangyin had always been unable to see through this big summer. None of the things he did were justified. Even with Zhao Kuangyin really didn’t dare to be sure.

Jing Ke will not confess the Eighteen Martial Generals. Hiss!


Zhao Kuangyin was shocked.

Involuntarily take a breath of cold air in your mouth. He thought of one thing.


It’s just one thing.

Even though Jing Ke would not give up the Eighteen Martial Generals.

However, the East Factory sent three thousand grimaces and green clothes, and countless spies. The eighteen generals were in the capital of the king.

He was also secretly visited.

Now it was even more daylight to come to his mansion: 0 East Factory must have been informed.

Maybe…… No!

Not maybe.

It’s absolute.

At this moment, the East Factory spies were already on their way to the palace. He was about to report to the Son of Heaven about the news of his own house. With the shrewdness of the Son of Heaven.

This assassination incident must have been thought of. The next moment.

Zhao Kuangyin was horrified.

The already uncalm mind became even more flustered. No way!

You have to do something yourself. Otherwise, wait for the Son of Heaven to attack himself. It’s really too late.

Zhao Kuangyin forced himself to calm down. Of course.

Zhao Kuangyin told himself in his heart that he must act and not to create or rebel. Instead, I thought about how I could get through it.

Please sin!


Now I will enter the palace immediately to plead guilty. Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope. Come to think of it.

Zhao Kuangyin knew he couldn’t wait any longer. You must enter the palace immediately to face the saint.


He also thought of a person.

Lu Yan.

He had helped Lü Yan deal with Dong Zhuo. Lu Yan can be said to owe him a favor.

Now only Lu Yan could speak for him. Zhao Kuangyin did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurriedly wrote a short letter and ordered someone to quickly send it to the back of the Eastern Palace. He hoped that Lü Hou would save his life and that of the Eighteenth Martial Generals in order to come forward.

And he himself looked at the eighteen warriors with hatred. Tell them to stay in the mansion well.

Without his permission, one step out of the house must not be taken. Drop the harsh words.

Zhao Kuangyin didn’t even have time to wear the imperial clothes.

Ride straight on, get on your white-maned horse, and head straight for the palace.

The eighteen martial generals looked miserable.

He could only obediently wait for news in Zhao Kuangyin’s mansion.


The sun sets and night rises. A round of remnant moon hangs in the sky.


A lantern hangs high. The entire Imperial Garden is slightly illuminated.

A sumptuous wine banquet filled the large stone table. Nie Zheng sat in the middle, Yang.

Zhao Gao stood beside him.

From time to time, Nie Zheng filled the glass with wine.

“Master, will Zhao Kuangyin really come?”

Zhao 3.9 Gao poured wine for Nie Zheng and asked tentatively. Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

With his eyes faintly looking outside the Royal Garden, he said, “Zhao Kuangyin is a wise man, and smart people will naturally come.” ”

“If he is not smart and now directly leads the Eighteen Martial Generals to rebel against Wang Du, that will surprise Yuan.”

“It also shows that Shuo really looks up to him.”

Nie Zheng raised his wine glass.

Drink the wine in the glass in one sip. The smile on his face never diminishes. He was waiting for Zhao Kuangyin to arrive.

Nie Zheng also trusted his own judgment very much. Zhao Kuangyin will definitely come.

He was absolutely sure.

Because Nie Zheng knew Zhao Kuangyin too well. A man in the form of an emperor.

If you can’t even perceive your own situation at this moment. How does he command a million troops?

And how can people in previous lives be called Song Tai, Zu? Really.

Nie Zheng did not wait too long.

Cao Tian quickly entered the Imperial Garden and reported: “Your Majesty Qi Song, Terracotta Grand Marshal, Shuai, Zhao Kuangyin asked to see him outside the Royal Garden. ”

“Announce him to come in.”

Nie Zheng’s smile was still the same.

Look up and drink the wine out of your glass.

A pair of eyes as deep as an ancient pond without waves. It is impossible to see what is going on inside him.

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