Chapter 105 Sima Yi, who had been hiding all his life, did not even believe in his son.

See Zhao Kuangyin has gone far.

Lü Yan looked at Nie Zheng in disbelief, “Emperor Yi, are you crazy, why did you return the military power to him?” ”

Lu Yan was very puzzled.

His face was even more anxious.

She didn’t understand why Nie Zheng wanted to do such a thing.

No one understood how important military power was to the Son of Heaven than she did. Why were the previous emperors of Bactria weak and deceitful?

It is because it has always been the subject who is strong and the lord is weak. And the reason is because of military power.

The military power in the hands of the Heavenly Sons of the Great Xia Dynasty was pitiful.

This also caused the division of the feudal kings and the Chinese of the warlords and the power of the military generals to the opposition. Now a million soldiers are in the hands of the Son of Heaven.

Unexpectedly, Nie Zheng actually handed it over. How this did not make Lu Yan anxious.

“All right, Empress Dowager Niangniang.”

“But it’s just a million soldiers, as for such a fuss?”

Nie Zheng laughed.

This made Lu Yan look embarrassed. She woke up suddenly.

Then there was a hint of enlightenment in her eyes. How she forgot.

If Zhao Kuangyin wanted to do the opposite.

He had already led the Eighteen Martial Generals to rebel. How could it be possible to voluntarily surrender military power.

And send the heads of the eighteen warriors personally. Apparently.

Everything is under the control of the Son of Heaven. Instead, I drilled the tip of the bull’s horn.

However, Lü Yan also secretly admired Nie Zheng’s Heavenly Son’s strength in his heart.

“My Majesty the Emperor, if anyone says in the future that you are a dimwitted monarch, this palace will certainly want him to look good.”

“The palace is tired and wants to go back to the palace to rest.”

Lü Yan looked at Nie Zheng with a sneer. I got up and headed for the outside of the Royal Garden. Words and the look in his eyes before leaving. Hook up, hook up Nie Zheng itching inside.

Almost let Nie Zheng get up and follow Lü Yan to the Eastern Palace. However, Nie Zheng quickly calmed down.

This snake and scorpion beauty was deliberately provoking him. He can’t be fooled.

Now if it is provoked by her.

Didn’t it give her the initiative?

You must know that he is a great summer, but he is a righteous gentleman of the Eight Classics. I will never be moved by beauty.


If Nie Zheng’s words were known to Lü Jie. I must have taken a bite out of him and scolded him shamelessly.

Are you Emperor Yi also a righteous gentleman?

With Lü Yan leaving.

Zhao Gao bowed down to Nie Zheng. There was a hint of dove in his eyes.

“Your Majesty, cutting the grass does not remove the roots, the spring wind blows and grows again.”

“Zhao Kuangyin, this person, the slave thinks he should not stay”

“Eighteen martial generals are dead, and their family members and heirs are afraid to hate His Majesty to death.”

“If only I let them go…”

Zhao Gao wanted to talk and stopped.

He said these words also in consideration for his master. Cut the grass and remove the roots.

Eliminate future troubles.

This can be done once and for all.

If in the future, the descendants of these eighteen warriors wait for the opportunity to take revenge. It’s also definitely a hassle.

Hear Zhao Gao’s remarks.

Nie Zheng smiled lightly, “Zhao Gao, you are indeed fierce and poisonous enough, and your ability is naturally extremely strong.” ”

“But you have to remember that killing is only a means, not just killing to get what you want.”

“You are a man who is accustomed to walking in the shadows, and your mind has always been in the darkness of paranoia, so you only know how to solve it by killing.”

“You have to remember one thing, if you want to get something, killing is only the best policy, and the heart is the best policy.”

“Only in this way can you really grow up and do better things for you in the future.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.

He was also instilling a concept in Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao is a good person.

Even if the heart is too vicious, the things you think about are also from the dark side. Of course.

This was not bad in Nie Zheng’s view. Zhao Gao’s vicious and vicious means.

It can really deter a lot of people.

But there are some things that can’t be solved by killing alone. Plainly.

Today he can kill Zhao Kuangyin.

Even Zhao Kuangyin and the Nine Clans of the Eighteen Martial Generals were all destroyed. But then what?

Nie Zheng chose another person to be the Great Marshal of Terracotta Warriors and Horses in this world? Is this person’s ability as strong as Zhao Kuangyin?


The Million Dollar Army has always been under Zhao Kuangyin’s command. No one knew the situation of this army better than he did. So talented.

How could Nie Zheng kill him?

One more blunt word.

The eighteen military generals Nie Zheng will take their lives.

Because they had no use value for Nie Zheng.

Moreover, they also dared to secretly plot rebellion, and even sent Jing Ke to assassinate the Son of Heaven. But Zhao Kuangyin was different.

He was shocked and had no reaction. And as long as Zhao Kuangyin lives for one day. A million armies will not be chaotic.

Although the eighteen martial generals were all ambushed.

But Zhao Kuangyin could still find a place to replace these eighteen people. And since today.

Zhao Kuangyin would also instill in his generals the idea of respecting the Son of Heaven. And this is what Nie Zheng wants.


It is not Nie Zheng who is benevolent.

It’s that he knows what he wants.

After all, Nie Zheng is not a killer, a maniac, a demon. Just kill for the sake of killing.

Is he not pure psychosis? Hear your master’s words. Zhao Gao suddenly woke up.

Only then did I realize that I was indeed as the master said. The dark paranoia of the heart is a bit excessive.

I have forgotten what the purpose of the killing was. It also made him suddenly break out in a cold sweat.

Awaken from your dark thoughts.

“Your Majesty is far-sighted, but the slaves are stupid.”

Zhao Gao hurriedly prostrated his head and bowed his head, and his heart was happy and convinced.

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

Didn’t say anything harsh. He said these words to Zhao Gao.

It was only to let Zhao Gao think about things from a different perspective in the future. Otherwise, if he does what he does, sooner or later there will be problems. But even Nie Zheng himself didn’t expect it.

It is also his teaching to Zhao Gao today. He really saved Zhao Gao’s life in the future.

It is even more to let it escape from death.

… Now.

Solved Zhao Kuangyin this person.

Nie Zheng’s mind had shifted to Sima Yi’s.

However, he asked Wei Zhongxian to personally pass on the message and order Sima Yi to go to the Yan Palace in the northern realm. This old guy hawked the wolf.

Acted for a lifetime.

Hidden deeper than anyone.

Look all over the hall.

The only people who could see through Sima Yi were him and Cao Yi. Now is also the time for Sima Yi to be active.

After all, this old guy wants to be alone and not for his own use.

Nie Zheng would never agree.

….. The other side.

Taifu Mansion.

That is, the residence of Sima Yi, the emperor. Sima Yi’s hair was gray.

He is on his knees prostrating his head and listening to the commandments.

“Fengtian Transport, Tianzi Edict: Order Sima Yi to go to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion…”

Wei Zhongxian read aloud the holy will.

But a pair of inverted triangular eyes stared at Sima Yi.

Looking at this old guy’s eyes revealed a touch of darkness. Since the master’s tipping.

It was learned that Sima Yi was a deep-hidden ambitionist.

Wei Zhongxian sent dozens of Dongchang spies to stare at Sima Yi’s mansion day and night. Lian Sima Yi ate several grains of rice a day.

The spies of the East Factory would report to Wei Zhongxian at the first time. Now he was commanded to come and preach the message.

Naturally, we must knock on Sima Yi well. If possible.

Better to teach this sinister old guy a lesson.

“Sima Yi, take the command.”

As Wei Zhongxian finished reading the holy will.

Without smiling, he handed the holy will to Sima Yi.

“0 ask for flowers…

“Lord Wei Mingjian, the old man is old, he has been weak and sick for many years, and the northern region is a long way away, can you ask the Governor to convey to His Majesty, can you change the candidate?”

Sima Yi was old-fashioned and his voice was hoarse. The face is also slightly pale.

It does give the impression that it doesn’t seem like they can live long.

“Be bold!”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes widened in anger, “Sima Yi, how dare you resist and disobey?” ”

“Come, take down Sima Yi, put the miscellaneous family on death row, and then hand it over to Your Majesty to be sent down.”


Wei Zhongxian had long wanted to rectify Sima Yi, the old guy. Just because of Sima Yi’s words.

Suddenly, he attacked him.

The two East Factory spies gave a sly smile and strode toward Sima Yi. Sima Yi was shocked.

Hurriedly prostrating his head, he said, “Minister, Sima Yi has taken the order.” ”

Sima Yi spoke.

Hurriedly take over the holy will in Wei Zhongxian’s hand.

And this also made Wei Zhongxian’s eyes look at this old guy coldly. People have already received the order.

He really couldn’t say that he wanted to find an excuse to make trouble.

Only two East Factory spies could be given a look to make them back off.

“Lord Sima and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, sent someone to assassinate His Majesty, this is a great sin, and you must convey this sacred decree to Zhu Di well.”


“Otherwise, if you lose your life in the Northern Yan King’s Mansion, then Lord Sima will die without being blind.”

Wei Zhongxian sneered.

Then he waved his hand at the East Factory people and said, “Let’s go.” ”

Wei Zhongxian threw off his dragon robe and strode away with the Dongchang people. Only Sima Yi was left to kneel on the ground with the holy will in his hand.

Just an unpredictable glare quietly crossed Sima Yi’s eyes. Then he got up trembling.

He took the holy will given by Nie Zheng and returned to his study.


In the study room.

The darkness did not see the five fingers, and the candle flame was not lit. Sima Yi sat down on the table.

The Holy Will was placed in front of him.

The original old dragon bell disappeared from sight. A pair of eyes are squinting.

A deep color passed quietly from under his eyes. I don’t know what was going on in his mind.

“Why doesn’t your father hold the lamp?”


Only a voice was heard coming from outside the study. Sima Zhao, dressed in the armor of a martial general, strode in. But also at this time.

Sima Yi once again reverted to the appearance of the old dragon bell. His son Sima Zhao lit the candles in his study.

But he saw that there was a holy decree in front of his father. This also made Sima Zhao frown.

“Your Honor, when my son had just returned to the palace, he saw that Wei Zhongxian had left his father’s mansion.”

“I wonder what will the castrated dog of the Emperor ordered to come and convey to you?”

Sima Zhao asked doubtfully.

“Be bold!”

“How dare you, a perverse son, privately rebuke the Son of Heaven?”

Sima Yi was furious.

He picked up a book on the table and slammed it on his son. See Sima Yi was furious.

Sima Zhao’s face was afraid.

Hurriedly kneel down and make amends: “Father, my lord, the son is wrong.” ”

“If you, a perverse son, dare to say that Your Majesty is a dusky prince, for the sake of your father he will cut off your head and go to the Son of Heaven to ask Sima Yi for his indignation.”

“Father, the child knows wrong.”

Sima Zhao repeatedly prostrated his head.

This also made the anger on Sima Yi’s face gradually calm down.

“Remember for the Father, and never slander the Son of Heaven, otherwise don’t blame the Father for not remembering the Father’s feelings.”

Sima Yi said in a hoarse voice.

“Yes, the baby remembers.”

Sima Zhao quickly agreed.


It was horrible!

It’s horrible!

Sima Yi this old guy.

It was hidden in such a terrible situation. Even his own son didn’t believe it. He can really be described as a lifelong drama pill.

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