Chapter 106 Drama Essence.

The S Movie Emperor [ask for customization, subscription].

“All right, get up.”

“Remember not to do it again next time.”

Sima Yi’s old dragon bell waved his hand. Seeing that the father had calmed down his anger. Sima Zhao was secretly relieved.

From an early age, Sima Zhao was very much in awe of his father. I feel that my father has the talent of heaven and earth.

But he was depressed and unwilling. There is a talent ambition.

But there is no opportunity to show.

Marching formation.

Astronomical geography.

The art of war.

Nothing is too much to say.

Too much, too much.

Sima Zhao always believed that his father had such a talent for the world. Why did he relegate to the Bactrian court and be an obscure Taifu? Although there is the name of the emperor.

But these are just false names. If the father is willing.

It is completely possible to leave Bactria.

That Qin Emperor and Tang Emperor were more discerning.

Isn’t it possible for the father, the talent of the world, to shine? Pity.

Every time he advised Sima Yi. All received great reprimands.

It was even a slap on the ruler.

Let him not say such a disrespectful word in the future. And so many years have passed.

My father was getting older. His black hair was gray.

If it is not yet possible, it will not take more than ten years. In case the father dies to the west.

Then their Sima family is really going to decline completely. Pity.

Sima Zhao did not know.

His father was ambitious. He kept his sword hidden in his body and did not move.

It was only the sword he had hidden that had been sharpened for twenty years. And.

This sword that has been sharpened for twenty years. He would only pull it out once in his life.

“Father, what is written on the holy will?”

Sima Zhao tentatively asked.

“See for yourself.”

“Cough cough cough.”

Sima Yi coughed several times.

His face was pale, as if he were in a bad condition.

Sima Zhao hurriedly picked up the Holy Will and read it. Not for a while.

Sima Zhao’s face became more and more ugly.

He quickly put down his holy will and looked at Sima Yi and said, “Father, what does the Son of Heaven mean?” ”

“The Northern Yan King was ambitious, and his desire to rebel was clearly revealed.”

“The Son of Heaven actually asked you to summon a message to ask him about his sins, and also asked the King of Yan to come to the capital of the king himself to face the saint.”

“If Zhu Di were to be direct, to create, to rebel, wouldn’t Father be going to die in vain at his hands?”

“Even if he took a step back and said that Zhu Di did not plot a rebellion, his father had accumulated years of hard work and became ill, and his health was deteriorating.”

“The northern road is far away, just the bumps in the road, it will also cost you half your life.”

The more Sima Zhao spoke, the more excited he became.

Face, eyes.

It was full of indignation.


The will of the Son of Heaven is to force his father to die. Sima Zhao could not be angry.

“Son, Your Majesty is the Emperor of the world, and His Majesty can value being the Father, and this is a great honor for the Father.”

“Although the Father is weak and sickly, and he will not live for many years, His Majesty’s great trust, even if the Father is full of liver and brains, he will personally go to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion.”

“Cough cough cough.”

Sima Yi spoke, occasionally coughing several times.

The whole person completely presents a feeling of physical discomfort and old dragon clock.

“Your Honor, Father, you must not go to the North.”

“If it’s that dim….. The Son of Heaven really wants his father to go, and the child is willing to walk on your behalf to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion. ”

“At dawn the child himself entered the palace and asked the Son of Heaven to change his will.”

Sima Zhao knelt down and prostrated his head.


Sima Yi scolded hoarsely, “Your Majesty’s holy decree has been issued, how can you change it at will?” ”

“Now you will prepare the carriage and horses, and tomorrow when the Father meets the Son of Heaven, you will be able to set off for the North.”

See Father has made up his mind.

Sima Zhao wanted to dissuade him.

But he knew that his father was saying the same surname. Even if you dissuade yourself, it is useless.

He could only retreat.

Prepared chariots, horses and hundreds of elite soldiers for Sima Yi. Uh –!

As Sima Zhao exited the study. A night wind poured in from the window.

Extinguish the candle that has just been lit. The whole study was once again plunged into darkness.

And Sima Yi’s old dragon bell disappeared again. A pair of originally cloudy eyes are even more radiant.

“Emperor Yi, are you tempting the old man?”

The sound of a thin mosquito fly came out of Sima Yi’s mouth.

But this sound was so small that even Sima Yi himself could not hear it. Following.

Shouxian Palace.

Nie Zheng slept until the sun rose three times before he woke up slowly.

It was really Su Da, who was beside him last night, who had tossed him badly. Don’t look at this little fox who seems innocent and immaculate in her daily life.

But in that regard, it really made Nie Zheng want to stop. How did a saying come about?


There are only exhausted cattle, no ploughed land. Of course.

This sentence does not apply to Nie Zheng.

After all, Nie Zheng himself was a Terrestrial Immortal Realm.

And with Li Yuanba’s peerless strength, he is also a mutant level. But day by day.

Although let him enjoy the blessings of the people.

But it did make him feel like he was going on like this. Nothing will be done in the future.

You have to fall into the gentle countryside and can’t help yourself. If only there was an old saying. Since ancient times, heroes have been sad to be beautiful.

Nie Zheng prides himself on not being a hero.

But the beauty Guan does feel that he is his own weakness. It is his greatest weakness.

But….. It seems like…… Hehe.

Nie Zheng still liked his weakness.

“Your Majesty, Sima Yitian waited in Weiyang Palace before dawn, but I don’t know if Your Majesty will see it or not?”

Cao Tian reported outside the palace.


“This old guy arrived early.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

The corners of the mouth outline a playful meaning.

It seems that Sima Yi, the old guy, still can’t sit still.

But I also want to see what kind of drama the old guy wants to play. Nie Zheng thought he was also a drama master.

For Sima Yi, who is also a shadow emperor level, he is naturally very interested in it. Nie Zheng got up and left the palace.

The maids hurried to wash and change Nie Zheng’s clothes. Nie Zheng rode the dragon towards Weiyang Palace.

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Sima Yi knelt down before His Highness.

He had been on his knees for two hours. Both of his knees were numb.

The face is even more pale.

There are more fine beads of sweat on the cheeks of the forehead.

Coupled with his old dragon bell sick appearance at this moment. It does look pitiful at first glance.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

With the sound of the eunuch’s voice. Sima Yi hurriedly touched his forehead to the ground.

At the same time.

Only to see Nie Zheng stride into Weiyang Palace.

“Old Minister Sima Yi, long live our Emperor.”

Sima Yi prayed three times and prostrated nine times.

Do the etiquette to the fullest.

But his old body was trembling slightly. It was even more gulping and gasping for breath.

A look of imminent return to the crane.

“Zhongda, you are old, and your health has been in poor health for many years, how can you do this great gift, please get up quickly.”

Nie Zheng greeted him with a smile.

Hurriedly lifted Sima Yi from the ground.

“Subject….. Thank you for the compassionate grace of Your Majesty.”

Sima Yi trembled and opened his mouth slightly.

The voice is hoarse and weak.

Because I knelt on the ground for too long.

Both legs were numb and completely unable to stand. It was still Nie Zheng who was supporting him.

Only then did he reluctantly stand and answer. It’s just that his face is extremely pale.

Fine beads of sweat hung on his face. Coupled with the look of the old dragon clock on his face.

It almost makes people look terminally ill, and they may die in one breath.

“Come, people, quickly show the emperor a seat.”

As Nie Zheng spoke.

Cao Tian hurriedly brought a chair and placed it in front of Sima Yi.

Sima Yi sat down trembling under Nie Zheng’s support. The whole person is even more out of breath.

He opened his mouth to speak.

However, his strength was weak, and he did not speak for half a second. See Sima Yi’s appearance…

Nie Zheng’s face was filled with pity.

It was even ordered to hurry to the imperial dining room to cook a bowl of ginseng tea and send it.

“Zhongda, you are the elder of the Three Dynasties, and you are also the emperor of the previous emperor, and you are also the emperor of Yuan.”

“You are old now, no matter what you do slowly, you must pay attention to your body.”

Nie Zheng cared and instructed.

“Subject….. Thank you….. Your Majesty’s care. ”

Sima Yi trembled and opened his mouth.

It’s the same way he looks.

Let the eunuch palace women in Weiyang Palace show pity.

Deeply afraid that Sima Yi would not be able to catch his breath and die here again. However, Sima Yi’s appearance fell into Nie Zheng’s eyes.

But it made his eyes scratch a playful color. The heart is also a dark sigh.

This old undead guy.

Sure enough, he was a movie emperor.

If you don’t know what kind of person he is. Definitely be deceived by him.

Don’t look at Sima Yi as if he were terminally ill and looking like he was going to die. But Nie Zheng knew it clearly.

This old guy has a long lifespan. Even if the Manchu Dynasty civil and military officials died.

Sima Yi didn’t bring death to this old thing.

You can see that he can survive two generations of summer. But then again.

Sima Yi wanted to kill Nie Zheng.

It’s definitely daydreaming.

You must know that Nie Zheng has cultivated the Eight Wilds and Six Heavenly Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong to the perfect realm. This skill allowed him not only to step into the Terrestrial Immortal Realm.

And youth is eternal, and life expectancy is up to a thousand years.

What’s more, he was armed with Li Yuanba’s supreme strength and was a mutant level. Nie Zheng simply estimated his life expectancy.

He could live at least a thousand years.

Sima Yi’s attempt to kill him was simply wishful thinking.

On the contrary, Nie Zheng was able to live to see Sima Yi’s descendants for more than a dozen generations. Nie Zheng thought of this.

I couldn’t help but smile.

But the only thing that made him feel some regret was that. Although I can live for more than a thousand years.

But it cannot live forever.

This has always been Nie Zheng’s heart knot.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s face with an inexplicable smile.

Sima Yi’s eyes flashed a hint of doubt. But the color of doubt was fleeting. It’s impossible for anyone to notice. But his heart clattered.

The smile on Tianzi’s face made him faintly raise a sense of uneasiness. But he searched carefully for the source of his inner uneasiness.

But I couldn’t find it.

This also made Sima Yi more cautious. Soon.

Cao poured a bowl of ginseng tea into the temple. 5.。

Sima Yi trembled and took a few sips of ginseng tea. Then he took a slow breath.

Only then did he put down the ginseng tea with a slight tremor.

Then he got up from his chair and knelt down to Nie Zheng again, saying, “Old Minister Sima Yi is about to go to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion, and before leaving, he deliberately entered the palace to face the saint.” ”

“If the old minister does not return when he leaves, he only wants to implore His Majesty to erect a crown tomb for the old minister, so that the old minister’s crown tomb can accompany the spirit of the former emperor, so that the old minister will be blinded when he dies.”

Sima Yi trembled and spoke. Knock three heads at Nie Zhenglian.

People who didn’t know thought that Sima Yi was a great loyalist. Don’t believe you see.

At this moment, the eunuch palace ladies in Weiyang Palace.

Everyone looked at Sima Yi with pity in their eyes. In his heart, he admired Sima Yi even more.

“Such a loyal elder of the Three Dynasties.”

I am about to go to the land of tigers and wolves in the Yan King’s Mansion in the northern realm. How could his body bear it?

Zhu Di, the king of Ruo Nayan, killed him.

Bactria had lost a loyal old minister. Pity.

They were just little eunuchs. Even if he had the heart to ask for Sima Yi’s life.

But he didn’t dare to stand up.

Because they know they are not eligible. Now.

Nie Zheng sat on the dragon chair.

The smile on his face grew brighter.

He couldn’t help but want to applaud Sima Yi’s case. This old guy’s acting skills are only higher than his own. Nie Zheng had to say in his heart that he would bow to the wind.

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