Chapter 107 Although the sword of the decay is an open blade, it can still kill people!


Sima Yixian’s wind candle is old, old dragon clock. It gives people the appearance of being able to drive the crane west at any time. Won the mercy of all.

I also created the image of my loyal subjects. According to the normal script.

Tianzi saw Sima Yi’s appearance. It will certainly change the will.

Send another person to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion. Pity.

Sima Yi, the film emperor, was acting with Nie Zheng. Truly.

Nie Zheng himself had to admit it.

He is indeed inferior to Sima Yi in terms of acting. But don’t forget.

Nie Zheng knew very well what kind of person Sima Yi was. Moreover.

The initiative was also in Nie Zheng’s hands. The most critical point.

Nie Zheng knew one thing.

This posture and appearance that Sima Yi showed. He was being tempted.


It’s temptation.

Sima Yi was testing Nie Zheng’s mind.

I wanted to know how much Nie Zheng had seen through him. Or didn’t see through him at all.

“Zhongda, before you were ordered to go to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion, it was indeed an oversight of Yuan, and you did not take into account that you were old and had been ill for many years.”

“In this way, the person who goes to the north to preach the message will choose someone else.”

“It is important for Zhongda to go home and recuperate.”

Nie Zheng sighed slightly.

Heard Nie Zheng’s words.

Sima Yi’s eyes crossed a touch of essence. Unexpectedly, Tianzi actually changed his mind. It also lifted his spirits.

It seems that he is indeed too suspicious. The Son of Heaven should not have seen through himself. But acting has to be done in its entirety.

Otherwise, I won’t act when I’m halfway through the show. This is not his Sima Yi’s surname.

“Your Majesty must not do it.”

“As the elder of the Three Dynasties, although the old minister is old, it is a special honor for the old minister to be able to share the worries of His Majesty.”

“Moreover, Your Majesty has already made a decree yesterday, and if he withdraws his will today, how will this make the Manchu Dynasty look at each other?”

“Isn’t it true that such a change of purpose makes the old minister feel guilty?”

Sima Yi shook his head.

He was talking about the big truth.

While also thanking the Son of Heaven for his care. At the same time, it also shows loyalty to the Son of Heaven. Although there is no weeping and drooling.

But the face of the old dragon bell was full of emotion. It’s just that Sima Yi is sneering slightly in his heart.

Because he had already guessed what kind of plot would happen next. The Son of Heaven will appease him.

Then say something about his loyalty to the kingdom of kings. Then he took the opportunity to thank the Son of Heaven.

So far.

The matter of going to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion was over. He not only tempted Nie Zheng.

And also successfully out of this matter. Sima Yi thought it was very good.

According to the normal plot, it should be true. Pity.

He misread Nie Zheng.

I was even more mistaken about this big summer.

“Zhongda is indeed worthy of being the emperor’s teacher!”

“Just this profound righteousness, who can reach the Manchu Dynasty?”

“Be well, since Zhongda is loyal to the king and loves the kingdom, if he obstructs you again, wouldn’t he be a faint king?”

“Cao Qian, bring the wine, and you must personally practice it for Zhongda.”

Nie Zheng’s face was full of emotion.

He even ordered Cao to pour out the wine.

But Sima Yi, who was kneeling on His Highness, was stupid. He looked sheepishly at the Son of Heaven on the throne.

The corners of his mouth are twitching slightly.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was in Weiyang Palace at this moment. It’s in your own mansion.

Sima Yi was eager to give himself two slaps. Play yourself purely!

Sima Yi did not expect that Nie Zheng did not follow the normal script. But the expression on his face changed very quickly.

Quickly hide the emotions you are showing.

He hurriedly lowered his head, and his voice was hoarse with words of gratitude to the Son of Heaven. Pity.

Nie Zheng had been staring at Sima Yi all along. Although his expression just changed extremely quickly. How could he escape Nie Zheng’s eyes? Old immortal stuff.

Play this set with Yuan?

You’re still far behind!

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

A cold light crept through his eyes. Truly.

On acting.

Nie Zheng admitted that he was inferior to Sima Yi.

But Sima Yi was completely under his control. The reason is simple.

He is Jun.

Sima Yi was a courtier.

No matter how good your acting skills are.

But even the best movie emperor must listen to the director. So.

Sima Yi had to follow the script arranged by Nie Zheng. Until this moment.

Sima Yi knelt down and bowed his head.

The expression on his face gradually calmed down.

But his heart had already turned into a terrifying wave. Good one Emperor B.

The old man thought he had been hiding all his life.

But I didn’t expect you to hide deeper than the old man!

This Manchu Dynasty Wenwu can suppress the old man, see through the old man’s thoughts, except for a Cao Yan, I didn’t expect to have you! Sima Yi was secretly shocked.

It was already known that Emperor Yi saw that he had a ghost fetus in his heart. Since it had already been seen by Emperor Yi.

Sima Yi was no longer performing. The expression on his face gradually calmed down. Because he will continue to act.

It’s really a clown. Sima Yi was a wise man.

And now he could see that the Heavenly Son on the throne was also a wise man. His heart was definitely not under him and Cao Zhao.

More hidden above the two.

Although it made him feel frightened. But Sima Yi seemed fairly calm. Because smart people deal with smart people. Everything is self-explanatory.

Both sides know it.

There are some things that don’t need to be broken at all. Moreover.

Sima Yi could be so calm.

Because he also has a huge hole card. Twenty years!

Twenty years.

He laid out the entire Bactria period.

Wen Chen is also good.

Warriors are no different.

Even some generals with heavy troops. It’s all from under his door.

Some people called him a teacher.

There are many people who Sima Yi has the grace of knowing them.

Once the time is ripe.

All it takes is for him to raise his arm.

Dynasties can change in an instant.

Although he was seen by the Son of Heaven that he was a loyal and adulterous person. But so what?

Cao Wei also saw through him early. And even more has been guarding against him.

But all they see is their own ambitions. But he didn’t know that he had been sharpening his sword for twenty years. When he pulled out the sword.

The whole world will tremble with it.


Sima Yi was quite calm.

Emperor Yi although the city government is extremely deep.

There is also an extremely large amount of strength hidden. Such as those thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

There is also the grimace of the East Factory. But Sima Yi did not believe it.

He laid out Bactria for twenty years.

Isn’t it as good as a stinking kid? The time is not yet ripe.

There was Cao Xian in the court who suppressed him, making him feel jealous. This sword, which had been sharpened for twenty years, had long since been drawn. One more arrogant remark.

Dong Zhuo is also good.

Zhao Kuangyin was no different.

Even the kings of the various regions were envoys.

Sima Yi never saw them as his opponents. The only thing he was afraid of was Cao Xian.


Now there is one more person.

And this person is the emperor who occupies the throne. But that’s okay.

He can bear it.

Keep on enduring.

He believed that there would always be a day when he would draw his sword.


“Come and come, Zhongda, you and I have a drink together.”

“This glass of wine should also be practiced for you.”

Nie Zheng smiled and walked down the ninth layer of jade steps. It was even more kind to support Sima Yi. The monarch and the courtiers enjoyed themselves and drank wine from the glass. Sima Yi drank the wine in his glass. He had already retreated.

It’s just a trip to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion. Naturally, he doesn’t take it to heart.

For this Yan King Zhu Di.

With his means, he can naturally be at ease.

“Your Majesty, if the old minister retires, he can go to the Northern Yan King’s Mansion, and he will certainly live up to His Majesty’s great trust.”

Sima Yi bowed down.

Prepare to exit Weiyang Palace.

“Well, the good news awaits your return.”

Nie Zheng smiled very softly.

“The old minister retreated.”

Sima Yi turned around and headed for the outside of Weiyang Palace. But also at this time.

Nie Zheng pulled out the Heavenly Sword beside him.

I don’t know whether I meant it or not, I asked Cao Qian, “Cao Qian, you said that you have been grinding this sword for twenty days, why is this sword still obscure and dark, and even people can’t kill it?” ”


Like thunder through the sky.

It’s like a terrifying wave.

When Nie Zheng’s very casual words fell.

Sima Yi was about to take the step of Weiyang Palace and suddenly froze.

“Your Majesty, perhaps His Majesty did not find the right method, and the slave saw that the sword blade was not opened, and naturally it was impossible to kill the dead.”

Cao Qian’s face showed doubt.

When had he ever seen Tianzi sharpen his sword?

Although I don’t understand why the Son of Heaven asked him like this. But Cao Tian can only tell the truth.


“According to what you said, it took twenty days to grind this sword without even opening the blade before it could kill the undead.”

“Then you said that if someone sharpens his sword for twenty years and still doesn’t let the sword blade open, then isn’t it a joke that Nie Zheng continued to ask with a smile?”

“Your Majesty said with a smile, where will someone sharpen the sword for twenty years, and you can’t let the sword blade open.”

“Even if a stone has been grinding for twenty years, its sharpness is enough to kill people.” Cao Qian replied with a smile. ”

“Well, you’re right, and it makes sense.”

“But someone who has been grinding his sword for twenty years has never been able to make the blade open.”

Nie Zheng sighed longly.

“Your Majesty, is there really such a stupid person in the world?”

Cao Tian was surprised.

“You’re not wrong, this man is not stupid, but very clever.”

“This sword that he has been grinding for twenty years will shock the world if it does not come out.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, I’m afraid that he has been grinding his sword for twenty years, and he won’t even have the chance to pull it out.”

Nie Zheng smiled and gently stroked the Heavenly Son’s Sword in his hand, which had not yet been bladed.

The next moment 377.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face disappeared. Burst!

A sword light slashed through the air. Blood was spilling out.

Only to see the palace maid who had been serving beside Nie Zheng cover her throat with her hands and fall into a pool of blood in a daze.

Until her death, she didn’t understand why she would die at the hands of the Son of Heaven.

“Cao Qian, see?”

“Although he sharpened his sword for twenty days, although the blade of the sword was not opened, he could still kill people.”

“But some people’s swords are already very sharp, but so far they don’t even dare to kill a single one.”

Nie Zheng spoke coldly.

But the frightened Cao Qian’s face turned pale.

I didn’t understand why Tianzi had killed the palace maid who was serving him next to him. I don’t understand the meaning of the words of the Son of Heaven!


A strange noise came.

I saw that Sima Yi was sitting paralyzed on the ground. His face was miserable.

The old wrinkled face was trembling uncontrollably. A pair of eyes that should be cloudy.

At this moment, they were all looking at Nie Zheng with fear and trembling. Afraid!




Indescribable emotions emerged in Sima Yi’s eyes. He looked sheepishly at the blood-stained Heavenly Sword in Nie Zheng’s hand.

Then he looked at the palace maid who had fallen in a pool of blood.

The whole person seemed to be completely frightened. Because only Sima Yi knew.

This palace maid was the one he arranged to be by Tianzi’s side, but…

It was not the reason that made Sima Yi feel afraid.

What really frightened him was what Emperor Yi had just said. These words seemed to be spoken to Cao for listening.

But Sima Yi knew it deeply. Emperor Yi is talking to himself! Sima Yi was frightened.

He had completely lost the composure he had for decades.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, they all showed a color of fear that had never been seen before. Sima Yi felt as if he had been stripped and stripped of all his clothes.

Just like that, the red fruit was presented in front of Emperor Yi. Let this big summer son see him clearly.

“Zhongda, why are you so careless?”

Nie Zheng pretended to be stunned.

Carrying the blood-stained Heavenly Sword in his hand, he walked quickly to Sima Yi’s side. Even more distressed, he wanted to lift the old Sima Yi up.

But he was not waiting for Nie Zheng’s support.

Sima Yi was shocked.

The pale one was bloodless. His eyes were filled with horror.

He retreated backwards with his legs in a panic. Look into Nie Zheng’s eyes.

It was as if he were looking at something that terrified him.

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