Chapter 108 Lu Fengxian! The prey targeted by Nie Zheng!.

Sima Yi acted for a lifetime.


He couldn’t go on.

Not only can’t it go on.

The inner spiritual world that he had been hiding was constantly collapsing.

“Zhongda, what’s wrong with you?”

Nie Zheng looked puzzled.

The eyes are unusually deep.

No more acting?

Keep acting.

You can’t do it without acting.

Nie Zheng sneered inwardly.

Ren you Sima Yi is a film emperor-level actor. But he wrote the script.

Sima Yi had to continue acting according to the script he had written. As for when to shout stop.

Only if Nie Zheng said it.

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”

Although Sima Yi was frightened and stupid.

But he quickly calmed himself down. He knelt on the ground and prostrated his head repeatedly.

He knew he must not mess up now. Calm down!

Be sure to be calm.

It must not be messed up at this moment.

“Zhongda, such a panic is not your surname.”

“How come even the boots on my feet fell off?”

Nie Zheng was holding the blood-stained Heavenly Sword in his hand and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

Only to see Sima Yi panic and fear, even the boots on his feet fell off to the ground.

“Cao Qian, don’t you wear boots for Sima Taifu yet?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes flickered.

Cao Tian woke up in an instant.

Hurry up to Sima Yi.

Put back on the boots that fell off his feet and fall to the ground.

“Much….. Thank you, Your Majesty. ”

“Old….. The old man can put it on by himself. ”

Sima Yi’s face turned pale and he spoke softly. This time he was definitely not pretending.

I was completely frightened by Nie Zheng. Pity.

Nie Zheng didn’t seem to hear Sima Yi’s words.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Cao Qian, who was wearing boots for Sima Yi, and said, “Cao Qian, do you know why people’s feet are whiter than their faces?” ”

“I also ask Your Majesty to teach you.”

Cao Tian already saw the hint.

Hurry up and laugh at Nie Zheng.

“Because the foot has been hidden in the shoe, it is naturally whiter than the face.”

“You see Zhongda is old, but these feet are thin, tender, and very white.”

“On the other hand, these feet are not Zhongda white, tender, ah.”

Nie Zheng spoke.

Smile and take off the boots on your feet. Then he came barefoot to Sima Yi. Sima Yi trembled.

Cold sweat poured down his face like a waterfall.

“Zhongda, do you think what you said is correct?”

Nie Zheng was smiling.

Sima Yi did not answer.

My whole body was shaking.

Seeing that Sima Yi did not answer.

Nie Zheng smiled.

It was as if he were saying to himself, “Man, you must know that there is a heaven outside the heavens, and there are people outside the people, if you don’t even have the awe you deserve, Zhongda, do you think this person is very damned?” ”

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Sima Yi.

Then he stepped barefoot on Sima Yi’s back and made a dragon dragon.

“Drive the Royal Garden.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

Cao Tian hurriedly ordered his men to take off and drive to the Royal Garden.

“Minister, congratulations to Your Majesty.”

Sima Yi knelt down on the ground and roared.

Until the dragon that Nie Zheng was riding on disappeared into his eyes. This moment.

Sima Yi’s clothes were wet with cold sweat. He got up trembling with difficulty.

Looking at Nie Zhengyuan’s back, a look of fear crossed his eyes. Dozens of breaths have passed.

Sima Yi trotted all the way out of the palace.

Where is the appearance of the old dragon bell wind candle remnant?…


Nie Zheng smiled and drank the wine in the glass.

Jing Ke stood silently beside him. Just look at the smile on Tianzi’s face. Jing Ke looked puzzled.

I don’t know why the Son of Heaven laughed.

However, Jing Ke was born cold and not good at words. Even if he became Nie Zheng’s personal bodyguard.

But there wasn’t much talk to Nie Zheng. Unless Nie Zheng asked.

He will speak.

Otherwise usually almost a silent person. But don’t tell.

Just one day.

Jing Ke’s injuries were mostly recovered.

In less than three days.

His injuries will fully recover.

There are reasons for the good healing elixir here. But the bigger reason is that Jing Ke’s cultivation is extremely high. One foot into the Terrestrial Immortality. Even if it is seriously injured.

They all recover at a very fast speed.

“Your Majesty, Lü Bu is asking to see you outside the Royal Garden.”

Just as Nie Zheng was tasting fine wine.

Cao Tian quickly entered the Imperial Garden and began to play.

“Let him in.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

The reaction of this current god general was really slow. So much happened yesterday.

There are also assassins who assassinate the Son of Heaven. But he only came to see himself today.

What Lü Bu, the former commander-in-chief, did was extremely incompetent.

“Xuan, the imperial commander Lü Bu is in sight.”

The voice of the eunuch then sounded. Not for a while.

Only to see Lü Bu stride into the imperial garden.

When he saw that Tianzi was unharmed, he was drinking in the pavilion. Lü Bu’s expression changed slightly.

My heart was even more secretly shocked.

Since he became the former commander of the Imperial Palace.

In addition to a daily tour of the palace. Almost nothing.

It’s also a coincidence.

Yesterday he did not enter the palace.

Instead, he drinks and plays with Kaohime in the mansion and passes the boring time. But in the evening came the news.

It is said that the Son of Heaven was actually stabbed by Jing Kexing, the most supreme assassin in the world. Get the news.

Lü Bu was shocked at first.

Then I was excited.

Jing Ke naturally knew.

He thought that the Son of Heaven must have died at the hands of Jing Ke. But what Lü Bu did not expect was that.

Not only did the Son of Heaven not die.

Instead, Jing Ke was arrested and put on death row. When Lü Bu knew the result.

It’s a fantasy. I couldn’t believe it.

Who is Jing Ke?

He was the best assassin in the world. Although it is not a terrestrial fairyland.

However, his ability to conceal assassination can surpass those who are Jing Ke in the world, and it is definitely only the number of five fingers. And the guards in the palace are all garbage.

Even the castrated dog Wei Zhongxian next to Emperor Yi was only the realm of a martial arts master. Faced with Jing Ke’s assassination.

The Son of Heaven could not have survived at all. So.

Lü Bu was very confused.

How did the Son of Heaven survive? If only I had myself by my side.

Maybe there is a 50% chance of surviving.

After all, he Lü Bu himself was a cultivator of the Great Master of Martial Arts. And born with divine powers.

Even if he was a Gaidai master of the Terrestrial Divine Realm, he Lü Bu dared to call out. Perhaps the brief confrontation Lü Bu was not the opponent of the land immortals.

But the other party absolutely could not kill him. If it is replaced by a fight in the ranks of ten thousand armies.

With his innate divine power and the cultivation of a great master of martial arts. Even the Gaidai master of the Terrestrial Immortal Realm was inferior to him.

That’s why.

It was a miracle that Lü Bujue’s Emperor Yi could survive. It’s an extremely fanciful thing.

But when he entered the Royal Garden.

Seeing Emperor Yi unharmed and drinking for fun. Lü Bu finally believed it.

“See Your Majesty the Last General Lü Bu.”

Lü Bu strode over to Nie Zheng. He bowed down and saluted Nie Zheng.

“General Fengxian is coming, so show General Fengxian a seat.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Cao Tian hurriedly brought a chair.

Lü Bu also sat down unceremoniously.

There was not the slightest sense of reverence for the Son of Heaven. On the contrary, I feel that all this is taken for granted.

When this scene is presented.

Cao tilted his brow slightly wrinkled.

On the side, Jing Ke’s eyes narrowed slightly, secretly observing Lü Bu. Very strong!

This man is strong!

Blood and blood are rolling.

There was a tiger and leopard thunder vibration in the body. And the breath is long and continuous.

When the blood flows, it is like a gushing river. This person should belong to the category of innate divine powers.

It is also accompanied by the cultivation of the great master of martial arts. Its cultivation is absolutely not under me. Look at his eyebrows and heroic martial arts.

The face is occasionally arrogant.

A pair of eyes are shining with spirit.

The iron blood breath was even more faintly permeated on the body. It should be the supreme general in the army of ten thousand. Fengxian?

Lü Bu?

Is he the current god general who has spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms? Have to say.

Jing Ke is one of the most amazing assassins in the world. Its observations are meticulous.

It’s just such a short effort.

He entered Lü Bu’s various information into his mind.

“Your Majesty, I heard that an assassin stabbed you yesterday, did not disadvantage the escort, and was idle at home yesterday, and I ask Your Majesty to surrender his crime.”

Lü Bu spoke.

Although he said the words of pleading. But he sat in a chair all the time. Where there is a real meaning of pleading sin. And his speech is very casual. There was even less trepidation on his face.

“General Fengxian’s words are serious, just an assassin, why do you need to work for General Fengxian?”

“Who in the world does not know that General Fengxian is an invincible divine general, and even more invincible in the world?”

Nie Zheng smiled and praised.

As if he didn’t care about Lü Bu’s attitude. Hear the praise of the Son of Heaven.

Lü Bu’s face also showed pride. This sentence really made him feel useful.

“General Fengxian is a divine general in the world, and his prestige has spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, and he still does not pour wine for General Fengxian?”

Nie Zheng raised his eyes to look at Jing Ke Dao.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jing Ke bowed down.

He silently lifted the wine jug and personally filled Lü Bu with wine. In front of this big summer.

Jing Ke had completely surrendered.

Nie Zheng asked him to do what he wanted.

The once so-called Assassin faith was defeated by Nie Zheng. His vocation was to obey Nie Zheng’s orders.

Because Nie Zheng was in Jing Ke’s eyes.

He is a figure that can compete with the Qin Emperor. The strong are always admired.

Jing Ke was naturally pleased with this big summer child. Not to mention the scene on death row yesterday.

At this moment, Jing Ke is still vividly remembered.

Thinking about the vicious and vicious torture in his heart, Jing Ke’s heart was trembling slightly.

“Come, General Fengxian, you and I will have a drink together.”

Nie Zheng smiled and raised his glass and drank all the wine in his glass. Lü Bu also drank it all.

The impression of this big summer child is also getting better and better.

Although it is said that the righteous father Dong Zhuo hated Emperor Yi to death.

But these days.

This big summer son was very good to him. So good that Lü Bu was a little embarrassed.

Money, cloth, songs, mansions. It’s a big reward for it.

And even more praise for it. Looking at the sincere smile on Nie Zheng’s face. Lü Bu thought darkly.

If the future righteous father Dong Zhuo kills the Wang Capital.

If it is possible, he should still give Emperor Yi a hard time. It also prevented Emperor Yi from being tortured to death by his righteous father Dong Zhuo.

This can also be regarded as the kindness of Emperor Yi to him these days. Stop.

Lü Bu’s surname is capricious. But there is still a little conscience.

Since he entered the royal capital.

Nie Zheng’s attitude towards him also made him a little unbearable to kill Nie Zheng. Pity.

Lü Bu didn’t know.

The big summer boy in front of him was smiling at him. And the smile was very sincere.

But looking into his eyes was like looking at an interesting prey.

“I have always heard that General Fengxian is brave and brave in the world, and he is even more known as the god general of the world.”

“I have even heard that General Feng Xian once took the head of an enemy general in the ranks of ten thousand armies like a probe bag.”

“I wonder if General Fengxian can perform some martial arts to open his eyes?”

Nie Zheng smiled and asked Huai.

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