Chapter 109 Lü Bu.

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What are Lüb’s weaknesses?


Special pride.

And once it is touted and praised. It’s extremely easy to get him carried away. Of course.

It is not that anyone who praises Lü Bu can make him forget about it. Only people with higher status tout him.

Lü Bu will show this side of his pride and conceit. Lü Bu’s courage is famous all over the world.

He liked that phrase.

He prefers to be called the god of the world. Now.

Daimiko praised him unstintingly.

This side of Lü Bu’s pride and conceit stands out.

“Since Your Majesty wants to take a look at the martial arts of the last general, the last general will sacrifice the ugly.”

Lü Bu smiled slightly, got up and strode out of the Royal Pavilion and went straight to the Royal Garden. Great. With a loud cry, he said, “Take the Fang Tian Painting Blade of the Ben General.” ”

Not for a while.

Only to see four Yu Lin Jun, whirring and breathing, carrying a sword of three halberds, into the imperial garden. The four Yu Lin Jun’s faces were flushed, and their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat.


Lü Bu’s Fang Tian painting was extremely heavy.

The four of them were very difficult to carry.

“Hmm, it’s so hard to lift even a weapon, the four of you are so useless.”

Lü Bu looked at him coldly and strode forward.

Holding Fang Tian’s painting sword in one hand, he directly danced in a circle.

When the Fang Tianhua was shaking in Lü Bu’s hand, there was a constant whimpering sound in the air. With the sound of a bell.

The end of Fang Tian’s painting fell into the ground.

The cobblestone paved ground was smashed into an extremely terrible crack.


Nie Zheng stood up and clapped his hands in admiration: “Inside the Royal Jing Pavilion.”

“I heard that the weapon in General Fengxian’s hand is called Fang Tian Painting Blade.”

“This divine soldier weighs 1,228 pounds.”

“Looking at the martial generals of the world at that time, there are very few people who can pick up this divine soldier, let alone use this divine soldier to kill the enemy.”

“General Fengxian was indeed born with divine power, bravery and martial power, and was worthy of being a god general in the world, which really opened the eyes of 597.”

Nie Zheng sincerely praised.

Lü Bu felt more used.

The pride on his face became more and more obvious.

Because Nie Zheng had completely spoken to his heart. Pity.

Lü Bu did not notice.

When Nie Zheng praised him heavily. The face of Jing Ke on the side was extremely strange.

If anyone felt Nie Zheng’s strength the most.

That Jing Ke absolutely dared to say that he deserved it. One hit!

Just one hit.

Almost beat him to the spot.

If it weren’t for this big summer son who left his hand, he would just end up with a broken bone. Jing Ke was very sure.

He absolutely could not survive from Nie Zheng’s hands. Nie Zheng’s strength was unbeknownst to Jing Ke. But Jing Ke knew one thing clearly.

Although the Fang Tian Painting Blade in Lü Bu’s hand had more than a thousand pounds.

But for Nie Zheng, this so-called divine weapon in his hand should be similar to a toy. But now watching Nie Zheng brag about Lü Bu.

Jing Ke’s eyes were speechless. Kill!

Kill them all!

Although Jing Ke was a taciturn person with a cold surname. But he’s not stupid.

If you can still see that Nie Zheng is killing Lü Bu. Then he himself would call himself an idiot.

“The end will be ugly.”

In the Royal Garden.

Lü Bu bowed his hand to Nie Zheng. Buzz!

Fang Tian’s painting was directly pulled out of the ground by him. In the dust.

Lü Bu’s whole body moved. Buzz–Buzz!

Open and close, dance and dance.

Fang Tian’s painting almost turned into an afterimage in Lü Bu’s hands. The terrible whistling was deafening.

A strong wind blew in the imperial garden. The cold light exploded where Fang Tian’s painting blade passed.

Just the fierce wind brought by the weapon caused some grass and trees to turn from side to side. A full incense time passed.

Lü Bu then stopped.

Only to see him holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade, the heroic and extraordinary face did not have a trace of fatigue. Even breathing is very even.

This strength is indeed extraordinary.

“Your Majesty, the last general is really bored.”

“I implore Your Majesty to find someone to fight with the Last General.”

Lü Bu let out a loud voice.

See Lü Bu’s arrogant and uninhibited posture. Nie Zheng smiled, “General Fengxian is invincible, who can be the general’s opponent?” ”

“If General Fengxian injures the other side, wouldn’t he be an evil person?”

I heard Nie Zheng say this.

Lü Bu suddenly laughed loudly, “Your Majesty is assured, the Buhui men will be merciful and will never hurt his life.” ”

The river will.

Lü Bu said these words.

I just wanted to show something in front of Nie Zheng.

I want this big summer son to see his own brave martial arts. It was best if Nie Zheng could find a fierce general in the world.

He defeated this man in front of Nie Zheng.

In this way, he can show his invincible posture in the world.


“Since Feng Xian said so, then he will find someone to accompany Feng Xian to practice.”

Nie Zheng nodded.

Then he looked at Jing Ke next to him and said, “Since General Fengxian is bored alone, then you should go down and play with the general.” ”

“Remember, don’t be serious.”

Jing Ke was first frightened.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

Nie Zheng would actually send him down.

However, Jing Ke quickly woke up and bowed to Nie Zheng, “Yes, Your Majesty.” ”

Jing Ke spoke.

He went straight out of the Imperial Pavilion and came to Lü Bu’s face. See Nie Zheng send his entourage of bodyguards.

Lü Bu’s face was suddenly embarrassed.

“Your Majesty, it is better to change someone, this person is only afraid….”

Lü Bu wanted to talk and stopped.

Obviously, he was not very satisfied with Jing Ke’s opponent. It was no wonder that Lü Bu looked down on Jing Ke.

Jing Ke’s appearance was originally ordinary. It’s even more inconspicuous in the pile of people. His presence is completely ignored.

However, Jing Ke is the most elite assassin in the world, and he is extremely good at hiding his qi machine. Not even Lü Bu found out.

Standing in front of him was no nobody. Rather, it is an extremely terrifying presence in the Assassin Realm.

His cultivation is absolutely not under him.

Perhaps Jing Ke was inferior to Lü Bu in the Ten Thousand Armies. But on the aspect of assassination.

Lü Bu was out of reach.

“General Fengxian is assured that this person is a personal bodyguard of the new harvest, and his martial arts are by no means under General Fengxian.”

“It is completely possible to fight with General Fengxian.”

Nie Zheng laughed.


Hearing Nie Zheng say this.

Lü Bu’s face changed suddenly.

A wave of anger rose from the bottom of his eyes.

Just now, Emperor Yi also praised himself for being invincible in the world and being brave in the world.

But now it is even said that this nameless pawn martial art in front of him is not under him? What does Emperor B mean?

Is he mocking me?

Lü Bu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A killing chance rose from under his eyes.

His eyes finally focused on Jing Ke’s body.

Originally, Lü Bu only wanted to show his bravery in front of Nie Zheng. He didn’t want to hurt Jing Ke’s life.

But now I heard Nie Zheng say this.

This also made Lü Bu feel dead to Jing Ke. I wanted to take this opportunity to teach Nie Zheng a good lesson. Clang!

Lü Bu casually inserted Fang Tian’s painting on the ground.

Then he put his hands around his arms and looked at Jing Ke with contempt.

“Mo said Ben will bully you, Ben will let you do three tricks.”

Lü Bu said coldly.

See Lü Bu so contemptuous of himself. Jing Ke’s eyes were cold and indifferent.

He was a man of few words. I don’t want to say any nonsense at all. Since Lü Bu wanted to make himself three moves. Then he will shoot.


The next moment.

Something terrible happened.

It also made Lü Bu’s originally arrogant expression change suddenly. Jing Ke is gone!


It’s gone!

It disappeared out of thin air under the blue sky and white sun. Whew!

Before Lü Bu could recover from the shock.

An extremely terrible cold light suddenly appeared in the back of his head. When this cold light appears, the surrounding temperature drops to the freezing point. Lü Bu’s scalp exploded, and his hair stood upside down.

An extreme terror between life and death came at him. In this life-and-death moment.

Lü Bu no longer had the arrogance he had before. His countenance changed drastically, and he was horrified. Fiercely pulled out the Fang Tian Painting Blade next to him. With a bang, he shook his head behind him. Clang!

The sound of weapons is exploding.

Dots of Mars are splashing around.

A cold dagger was only three inches away from the back of Lü Bu’s head. Kankan was resisted by Lü Bu’s Fang Tian Painting Blade.

When the two weapons touched, they burst out with an extremely terrifying loud sound. Lü Bu suddenly turned around in horror.

But he only saw Jing Ke’s whole person fly upside down. Once again eerily disappeared from his field of vision.

But the Mars that the two had just erupted from the touch of their weapons still remained in the air. This moment.

Lü Bu’s face was extremely solemn.

What I just said is to let the other party make three moves. It’s all at the moment.

He held the Fang Tian Painting Sword and stared around in horror. A pair of eyes were flashing violently.


Very scary!

This plain-looking man was terrible. Three inches!

Only three inches!

Just if not their own timely response.

The back of his head will definitely be penetrated by the other party with a cold dagger. At this moment, it had turned into a cold corpse.

Lü Bu’s heart was extremely frightened.

A drop of cold sweat ran from his forehead across his cheek.

He had no time to think about why there were such terrible people around Nie Zheng. At this moment, a pair of eyes looked around in horror.

It is also constantly sensing the location of Jingke. You must know that although Lü Bu is brave and brave.

But it also depends on who he is facing.

Face Jing Ke, the most supreme assassin in the world. Even Lü Bu had to be careful.

Otherwise, as long as it reveals a flaw in itself. This flaw was enough to kill Lü Bu.

The master game, even the slightest flaw, is enough to be fatal. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Eerie quiet.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere grews in the Imperial Garden. Lü Bu’s face was solemn.

He was holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade and looking around. Billowing blood spilled from him.

The spirit is even more tightly tightened. Can’t find it!

He couldn’t find the man’s place at all.

This terrible master really seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No matter how Lü Bu sensed the other party’s qi machine.

But he still couldn’t find his location. Now.

A drop of cold sweat kept running across Lü Bu’s cheek. But he didn’t dare to wipe it with his hands.

Because he knows.

He was now facing an assassin at the top of the world.

Even a small movement can expose itself to a fatal flaw. Time passes by minute by minute.

Half an hour has passed.

Lü Bu still stood with his sword.

It’s just that his face is flushed.

The anger and horror in his eyes appeared from time to time.

You let him go into battle to kill the enemy, he definitely has the courage of a thousand enemies. I don’t know how many martial generals will be cut down by him and fall under Fang Tian’s painting. Even if it was a land god and a righteous warrior against him.

Although he may not be an opponent.

But he could definitely save his life and escape.

But in the face of Jing Ke, the most supreme assassin in the world. Lü Bu’s strength was completely useless.

He could only passively guard against Jing Ke. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable.

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