Chapter 111: The Adulterous Man of the Troubled World, the Powerful Ruler of the World!.

The other side.

Taifu Mansion.

This is Sima Yi’s mansion. The carriage and horses are ready.

There are also hundreds of elite guards.

Sima Yi sat in the carriage.

His expression seemed calm and calm. But a pair of eyes were a little distracted. I don’t know what is going on in my heart.

“Father, the northern road is far away, and I hope that your father will cherish all the way, and the child will wait for you to return in the royal capital.”

Sima Zhao’s eyes were rosy and he was sending Sima Yi off.

Perhaps it was Sima Zhao’s voice that woke up Sima Yi, whose soul was wandering in the sky. His cloudy eyes trembled slightly.

He beckoned to Sima Yi and let him come close to him with his ears.

“Son, in the days when the Father is not in the royal capital, you will surely live in seclusion.”

“If Your Majesty has anything for you to do, you must get it done, and you must not slacken off the Son of Heaven.” Sima Yi’s voice was hoarse, and he instructed him to explain. ”

I don’t know if it was Sima Zhao’s delusion.

Father’s words were as usual as usual. But since the father had returned from the palace.

However, Sima Zhao felt that his father seemed to be ten years old. Although once the father’s health was not good.

Always give him the feeling that he is going to die at any moment. But Sima Zhao was very stable in his heart.

But now Sima Zhao’s heart was a little uneasy. The source of this uneasiness came from Sima Yi.

He did not know what had happened to his father in the palace. But Sima Zhao was sure.

His own father had changed.

I have lost the confidence I used to have. And.

At the moment it looks a bit decadent.


It’s decadence.

Although in the past the father always scolded himself. It is even more prudent to act.

But Sima Zhao could feel the confidence exuded by his father. But now the confidence in my father’s body was gone.

In its place is the color of decadence.

“The child obeys the father’s instructions.”

Sima Zhao hurried to pray.

“If you are a Father for three months at most, and at least two months will return, don’t worry.”

Perhaps he felt Sima Zhao’s uneasy emotions.

Sima Yi patted Sima Zhao’s shoulder as a sign of comfort.


Sima Yi hoarsely shouted.

Escorted by hundreds of elite soldiers.

Sima Yi rode out of the capital of Wang on a carriage and went straight to the Yan King’s Mansion in the north.


Right Chancellor’s House.

Cao Wei has a white face and black whiskers.

Sit cross-legged on top of the futon.

He held a chess piece in his hand and did not land on the chessboard for a long time.

“What is the Prime Minister thinking?”

Guo Jiapan sat across from Cao Xian. Seeing that Cao was hesitant to drop his son. Guo Jia’s eyes moved.

“You, Guo Fengxiao, are the most able to figure out the mind of the original phase, and guess what the true face is thinking.”

Cao Xian smiled, his eyes also moved slightly, and casually dropped the chess pieces on the chessboard.

“How dare Feng Xiao guess what Feng Xiao thinks?”

“However, Feng Xiao saw that Xiang Xiang was uncertain, and he was afraid that he was also hesitating about something, right?”

Guo Jia casually dropped a sub-Dao on the chessboard.

“Ah, hahahahahaha.”

Cao Xian let out a loud laugh.

Then the smile stopped.

The look suddenly became solemn.

“Guo Jia, Guo Jia, you know what Ben Xiang is thinking, but you don’t say it.”

“Don’t you have to ask you for advice in person?”

The smile on Cao’s face had disappeared.

In its place is a hesitant heaviness. If you change to someone else.

Cao Xian naturally did not reveal his thoughts. But Guo Jia followed him for many years.

As well as his most trusted adviser, Cao Wei naturally did not need to hide his emotions. And he also needs Guo Jia to help him come up with ideas.

See Cao Que treat each other calmly.

Guo Jia knew that he didn’t have to be taboo anymore.

“The minister is thinking, whether he should be loyal or opposed, I don’t know if what Guo Jia said is correct?”

Guo Jia said in a deep voice.

“No, no, this game of chess is too boring.”

Cao Xian casually swept the pieces on the chessboard aside.

Then he stared at Guo Jia in front of him, obviously waiting for Guo Jia’s next remarks. Cao Xian’s expression was very solemn.

The gaze is also very sharp.

However, Guo Jia smiled lightly: “Once the Great Xia Dynasty was strong and weak, the kings of various domains were divided, and there were frequent traitors in the DPRK. ”

“Seeing that Bactria will die in the future, Xiang Xiang has always been accumulating strength and cultivating obscurity.”

“When the day comes when Bactria falls, the Prime Minister will raise his arms and take his place.”

Guo Jia said this for a slight pause and continued: “But now the situation is different, since the new emperor ascended the throne, all kinds of means seem to be faint and cruel, but gradually concentrated the imperial power of Bactria in hand. ”

“Even the kings of the various clans are jealous, and the hundred officials of the court and the central government are bowed, and if this goes on for a long time, it is not impossible for the new emperor to unify the territory of Bactria Province.”

“Keep talking.”

Cao Xian’s eyes were unpredictable.

“Therefore, the minister is hesitating whether he should be a loyal servant to assist the Son of Heaven or should be replaced by an anti-thief.”

Guo Jia laughed.

“Feng Xiao, then, according to your opinion, should I be a loyal servant or an anti-thief?”

Cao Wei said in a deep voice.

“Does the minister want to hear the truth, or is it a lie?”

Guo Jia’s eyes moved slightly.

Cao Wei said, “What do you mean by falsehood?” What about the truth? ”

“The lie is that the Emperor is so good that the Heavenly Son cannot tolerate the Minister, and the Son of Heaven is faint, and the Son of Heaven is faint, and the Chancellor really should be opposed.”

“The truth is that Xiang Xiang Tao has been obscure for many years, and the military generals under his command abound, only to wait for the death of Bactria and replace him.”

“But now the Prime Minister sees that the great wisdom of the Son of Heaven is as unpredictable as foolishness, and although he has the heart to be loyal to the Son of Heaven and loyal to Bactria.”

“But the foundation that Xiang Xiang has accumulated for many years is to replace it, if it is not the opposite, Xiang Xiang is still a little unwilling, and now you are in hesitation.”

Guo Jia talked nonchalantly.

“Guo Jia, this bit of thinking of the original phase really makes you see through.”

“But you’re only half right.”

Cao Wei smiled.


“And the other half is…?”

Guo Jia was surprised.

“If the Son of Heaven is a wise man, I can be regarded as a loyal servant for eternity.”

“But you can also see that the harem above the court is participating in politics, Wei Zhongxian castrated the party arbitrarily, and Zhao Gao entered the court as an official.”

“I’m afraid that if I want to be a loyal servant, these people can’t tolerate me.”

Cao Xian sighed.

“What does that mean by…..?”

Guo Jia tentatively asked.

“In fact, the Essence is not unwilling, and if the Son of Heaven is used for me, these strategists and warriors under the Essence can help him unify the Great Xia.”

“However, the Son of Heaven appointed these traitors, but the imperial power became more and more stable, which made the original minister very curious, and he thought about the deep meaning of it even more.”

“In the end, Ben Xiang found that these traitors were indeed outstanding, and they were all intimidated by the Son of Heaven.”

“Although it seems that the Son of Heaven loves them, these people do not dare to cross the thunder pool by half a step in the imperial power.”

“Moreover, last night Ben Xiang received reliable news that Zhao Kuangyin personally killed the eighteen military generals under his command and handed over a million soldiers to the Heavenly Son.”

“And the fact that Tianzi actually returned the military power to Zhao Kuangyin made Ben Xiang marvel.”

“As for the ambitious Sima Yi, after entering the palace and returning to the palace, he could set off for the Yan royal palace in the northern realm.”

“Although the Prime Minister did not know what happened to Sima Yi when he entered the palace, according to the report of the spies, Sima Yi was not in the house after he returned to the palace, which was obviously related to the Son of Heaven.”

“From all indications, the Son of Heaven is gradually subduing his subjects for his own use: 0”

“Even the extremely hidden Sima Yi did not escape his eyes, which really made Ben Xiang admire.”

“And what is hesitant is that the Son of Heaven has never been called to me, and is he waiting for me to show his loyalty to him personally?”

Cao Wei said a lot.

It seems to be talking to itself.

But he was also talking to Guo Jia.

In fact.

Went through this series of things.

Cao Wei also saw that the new emperor’s methods were extremely powerful. He could be a loyalist.

After all, the reputation of the anti-thief Cao can not be wanted. But Cao Xian was still hesitating.

He hesitated whether he would be reused by the Son of Heaven. Of course.

According to Guo Jia.

He has been raising obscurity for so many years.

The strategists and warriors under his command are all outstanding.

Just wait for the day when Bactria will fall, and then replace it yourself. If Cao Huan is not willing, it is certain.

But if he could be a loyal minister, Cao Wei also felt that it was a good choice.

“Prime Minister, Jia has a word, I don’t know if the Prime Minister is willing to listen?”

Guo Jia groaned for a while, and then opened his mouth.

“It doesn’t hurt to be filial piety.”

Cao smiled.

“Since the Prime Minister has already chosen to be a loyal minister, why should he hesitate here?”

“If the Son of Heaven really has the wisdom of a person, the talent of the Prime Minister will naturally not be buried, so it is better to meet the Son of Heaven in person, so as to dispel the doubts in the heart of the Son of Heaven?”

Guo Jiadao.

“Feng Xiao is right, Ben Xiang is hesitant here, it is better to meet the Son of Heaven.”

“If he does not fail me Cao Mengde, I Cao Wei is naturally loyal to him, but if the Son of Heaven loses me Cao Mengde, then…”

Cao Xian did not continue.

But the meaning is also extremely obvious.

This also corresponds to a sentence in Cao Yi’s heart.

I would rather I bear the burden of the people of the world than let the people of the world bear me. If the Son of Heaven really failed him, Cao Wei was worried.

Then don’t blame him for being a thief. In fact.

The surname of Cao Wei is extremely complex. He had the heart to be a loyal servant.

But he is also an extremely selfish and suspicious person. There’s an old saying goes.

Times make heroes.

In the tide of history, you say that Cao Wei is a traitor, and he is a traitor. He can follow the changes of the times and make the most correct choice.

But you say he’s a loyalist, he’s really a loyalist. It’s like the situation now.

When he saw that the Son of Heaven seemed to be faint, in fact, he gradually unified the imperial power, and there were signs of unifying Bactria into one. He was also willing to be a loyal servant.

But his loyal servant was by no means a fool. So.

Whether Cao Wei was loyal or treacherous was all caused by the impetus of history. This person is also an extremely difficult person to evaluate.

If you have to use one sentence to evaluate what kind of person Cao Xian is.

Then there is only one sentence to sum it up. The adulterous male of the chaotic world, the powerful ruler of the world.

“Prime Minister, it is better to choose a day than to collide with the sun, and today you can enter the palace and meet with the Son of Heaven.”

“As for how to choose, you can tell today.”

As a strategist around Cao Xian. Guo Jia can help him change the dynasty.

Naturally, it can also be loyal to Bactria with it.

Cao Xian’s eyes were deep, looking in the direction of the palace, and he murmured, “If the Son of Heaven wants me to be loyal to him, it is not so simple.” ”

“It just so happens that the southern part of Bactria coincides with a great drought, the red land is thousands of miles, the hungry people are everywhere, and they change their children and eat.”

“Those corrupt officials and corrupt officials, regardless of the lives of the people, went so far as to resell the grain of the disaster relief officials, and Ben Xiang really wanted to see how the Son of Heaven would handle this matter?”

“Whether he is a Emperor of the Dawn or a Emperor of the Ming Dynasty will be known at first sight.”

Cao Wei said this.

He ordered someone to bring him an official uniform.

Then take a carriage straight to the Bactrian Palace.

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