Chapter 112 The terrifying Tiger and Panther Room!.

Drunk on the knees of beautiful people, wake up to the power of the world.

This sentence fully explained Nie Zheng’s state at this moment. The violinist is playing music and Ge Ji is dancing.

Nie Zheng reclined on Su Daji’s knees. Qiong pulp jade brewing entrance.

The whole person seems uncomfortable.

“Your Majesty, Cao Wei has come.”


Wei Zhongxian walked to Nie Zheng’s body with a small broken step, and his voice was slightly lowered. Originally, some of the drunken Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Cao Yi!

This guy finally couldn’t sit still. Nie Zheng smiled.

For this ruler of the world. He still values it more.

“Declare him into the temple.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

“Your Majesty has a will, and Xuan Cao is looking forward to seeing you.”

The eunuch’s voice was screeching. Not for a while.

Only to see Cao Xian enter the Shouxian Palace quickly. When he saw the luxury in the temple, Cao Xian frowned faintly.

But it didn’t show it.

Instead, he paid homage to Nie Zheng: “Minister, Cao Yi, long live Your Majesty the Emperor.” ”

“Meng Deping, you have come at the right time, come and come, and there is an interesting thing looking for you.”

Nie Zheng seemed to be drunk and hazy.

Dangling up from the dragon chair. Drunk and striding down the temple.

More kindly, he took Cao Xian’s arm and left the Shouxian Palace.

Smelling the wine on Tianzi’s body, he was held by Tianzi’s arm.

Cao Qian frowned at first, but let Tianzi pull him out of the Shouxian Palace, and a hint of doubt crossed his eyes. I don’t know where Nie Zheng wants to take himself.

See the Son of Heaven out of Shouxian Palace.

Wei Zhongxian and the others hurried to keep up.

However, Nie Zheng waved his hand at Wei Zhongxian and said, “There is no need to follow 20, Meng De can accompany him.” ”

Nie Zheng spoke.

Pulling Cao Yi away, he headed towards the inner courtyard of the deep palace. A moment of incense passed.

Cao was shocked to find out.

The two men walked farther and farther away.

Until the surrounding area began to be a little desolate, even the figure of the palace eunuch guards could not be seen. Instead, three heavenly trees appeared.

Various jungle vegetation gradually flourished.

It was as if the two were entering a vast garden. Cao’s eyes flickered.


A drop of cold sweat was coming out of his forehead.

Is the Son of Heaven going to kill me?

Cao Xuan was suspicious and speculating inside.

The pace under the feet came to an abrupt halt.

“Mende, why don’t you leave?”

“Or are you still afraid that you will not be able to set a trap around this and ambush you?”

Seeing Cao Wei suddenly stopped.

The look in his eyes was clearly uncertain. Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

“The minister does not dare.”

Cao Xian’s eyes moved.

Although he was suspicious of the actions of the Son of Heaven at this moment.

But if you think about it, if the Son of Heaven wants to kill him, he doesn’t have to use this low-level trick at all. And.

Today I came to see him on my own initiative. Come to think of it.

Cao Wei strode forward and continued to keep up with Nie Zheng’s pace. Not for a while.

Only to see that there were figures in front of them, and there was a faint sound of the roar of the beast coming. A tall wall also appeared in Cao Qian’s line of sight.

The wall is thirty or forty meters high, which is almost the same height as the wall of the royal capital. And you can see that there are a large number of civil servants undergoing repairs.

The most notable is that.

There is a bronze gate in the middle of the four-square wall.

A large plaque hangs above the brass door. Haw & Panther Room!

Iron painting silver hook, dragon flying phoenix dance.

A simple three-character seal is engraved on the plaque. Gold characters on a black background, dazzling.


Haw & Panther Room?

Here it is…? Cao’s face was frightened.

I didn’t even know that it was in the inner courtyard of the palace. There is another place so hidden and strange. What is this hazar room for? Cao Xian looked puzzled.

Nie Zheng brought him here.

Suddenly some disrupted his plans.

“Mende, this is my favorite place, although it has not been completely completed.”

“But you were the first courtier to be brought here by Yuan, and you were not treated as an outsider.”

Nie Zheng smiled and patted Cao Xuan’s shoulder.

Pulling Cao Xian, he strode towards the tiger and leopard room. Hear Nie Zheng’s words.

Cao Xian’s eyes moved slightly.

The meaning of the Son of Heaven has been revealed.

It means to see yourself as a confidant!

However, Cao Xian did not believe it.

He was more of an observation of Nie Zheng.

He kept speculating about Nie Zheng’s intention in bringing him here.

“See Your Majesty.”

Nie Zheng led Cao Wei to the front of the tiger and leopard room.

Zhao Gao led a group of young eunuchs to quickly kneel down and kowtow to Nie Zheng.

“Okay, get up, open the gate, and take Mende into a look.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly ordered someone to open the gate. Thundered!

The copper door of the tiger and leopard room is opening.

A loud rumbling sound came at the same time.

Only because the gate of the tiger and leopard room is made of fine iron and copper water. The weight of this door alone is as high as 10,000 pounds.

With the rumble of the organs.

The 10,000-pound copper door is gradually splitting. Such a scene.

It was an eye-opener for Cao Xian. Don’t say anything else.

It is only said that this copper door, which weighs ten thousand kilograms, wants to cast it, and the silver money it needs to spend is unimaginable.

What about this leopard room? Cao Wei was secretly amazed in his heart.

But at the same time, there was also a hint of disappointment in his heart for Nie Zheng. Is it the work of the Ming Emperor who is so extravagant and wasteful?

It is only the silver money that mints this copper door, if it is used to help the victims of thousands of miles.

Why did those victims eat the bark of the trees, and even reach the miserable situation of changing seeds and eating them? Cao was dissatisfied.

But it can’t be shown.

Since the Son of Heaven brought him here.

Then he also wanted to see what the Son of Heaven was going to do. What is so surprising about this so-called tiger and leopard room?

“Mende, with the fallen.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up, and a great color of excitement rose in his eyes. Directly pulling Cao Xian into the tiger and leopard room.

With the copper door closed in a rumble.

The figures of Nie Zheng and Cao Xian also disappeared into the copper gate.

“Your Honor, you let Your Majesty in so confidently?”

“You must know that there are tens of thousands of beasts of prey in the tiger and leopard room, of which there are countless tigers and lions, and there are more than a dozen pythons running rampant in it…”

A little eunuch looked at Zhao Gao with a pale face. Its voice was trembling with extreme emotion. Deeply afraid that Tianzi would die in the tiger and leopard room. If the Son of Heaven dies in it.

The heads of these people are going to move.

How this did not make the little eunuch feel frightened and frightened inside.


“Your Majesty’s divine martial invincibility is invincible, is it something that you ordinary people can speculate on your own?”

Zhao Gao scolded coldly.

The frightened little eunuch next to him hurried to silence him. But Zhao Gao said so.

But there was still a hint of worry in his eyes. To know in order to build the tiger and leopard room.

The cost of manpower, material and financial resources is simply astronomical.

Just by mobilizing the crowd to capture these ferocious beasts, thirty thousand Northern Dragons were dispatched and since the completion of the Tiger and Panther House.

Feeding is also an extremely difficult thing to do. Beasts of prey run rampant in the hazel-panther room.

If ordinary people enter the tiger and leopard room, they will directly become the mouth food of these beasts. So the copper door is only opened once a day.

A large number of animals were driven inside, and then the copper door was closed. So since the completion of the Tiger and Panther House.

No one has been in it yet.

Although Zhao Gao knew that his master’s strength was invincible. But there are still worries in the heart.

After all, those beasts are not people.

If the master had an accident, he would not be able to escape the blame. But the thing that made Zhao Gao slightly relieved was.

All the traps in the tiger and leopard room have been set up.

The master knows where these organs are opened and closed.

There should be no risk in cooperating with its unique force.

Inside the hazel room.

Three days of big trees, vegetation.

When Nie Zheng pulled Cao Qian just into it. It felt like you were in the middle of a pristine jungle.

But at their feet was a cobbled sheep’s gut trail. This sheep’s gut trail leads to the depths of the leopard house.

From time to time, pavilions can be seen on both sides of the trail. In the pavilion, there are stone tables and stone benches.

On the stone table, there are drinks and rare fruits. Just when Cao Wei was stunned by the scene in front of him.



A roar of tigers roaring in the mountains and forests came. The surrounding trees rustle with falling leaves.

Some of the more frightened little animals were running through the forest in panic. And this tiger roar seems to have a chain reaction.


In all directions, there was a lot of roaring.

Countless sounds of beast roars came in horror.

A large amount of fishy gas emerged in the mountains and forests and 340 came out.

There was also a deafening rushing sound that shook the mountains and forests.

“Your Majesty?”

Cao Wei was completely panicked.

He finally sensed that something was wrong with his place. No!

Not something is wrong.

It’s very wrong.

Cao Yan’s intuition told himself.

He and the Son of Heaven are now in a terrible place.

The roar of the beast in the depths of the mountain forest had already caused Cao Xian’s scalp to explode, and his face was pale and bloodless. Although Cao Wei is a tyrant-like figure.

But he was also a human being after all.

It is not yet out of the category of man.

How could he not change his face to the unknown danger?

“Don’t be afraid of Mende, this is an extremely interesting place, and it is also the favorite place of the decay.”

“You and Fallen.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

It doesn’t matter if people like it or not.

Pulling Cao Qian, he strolled along the sheep intestine trail under his feet towards the depths of the tiger and leopard room.

“Your Majesty, this place is too dangerous, so let’s get out of here quickly.”

Cao Xian’s face turned pale.

He spoke with words of horror. It doesn’t matter whether there is a difference between monarchs and subjects.

Directly pulling Nie Zheng’s arm was about to leave here quickly. Pity.

Let Cao Wei pull and pull.

Nie Zheng’s pace remained unabated.

Instead, he dragged Cao Xian forward into the depths of the tiger and leopard room.

“Your Majesty, no re-entry!”

Cao Wei suddenly panicked.

His voice was hoarse.

Because he already felt something was wrong.

A pair of fierce eyes lit up in the depths of the surrounding mountains and forests. The roar of the tiger and the lion was getting closer and closer.

Vast mountains and forests rumble and shake.

There is also the rustle of leaves falling. Cao Wei was even more eye-catching.

In the distance, three days of large trees hovered several pythons several feet long. The emerald green eyes of several giant pythons were staring at the two men.

Moreover, the giant python’s blood basin mouth Yin Red Snake Letter was constantly spitting out. It was as if the next moment was about to sweep towards the two of them.

One bite swallowed him and the Son of Heaven into the belly of the snake.

PS: cold and fever, the head is groggy, the quality of the text may be somewhat reduced, you readers Dad do not blame, I try to adjust the state.

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