Chapter 113 Ome Boiled Wine on Heroes!.



Cao was not aware that Tianzi was crazy.

Or the Son of Heaven wants to die with him. Play it, right?

What the hell is this place?

Haw & Panther Room?

Isn’t this a pure rhythm of finding death?..

Cao Xianzi was constantly regressing. His eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness. But before he could retreat to the copper door. Nie Zheng smiled and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and without saying a word, he led him to the depths of the tiger and leopard room. This can make Cao Zang’s body full of excitement.

He wanted to break free from the shackles that Nie Zheng had brought to him.

But I suddenly found that I couldn’t move.

He could only let the Heavenly Son wrap his arms around his shoulders and continue to go deep into the inside of the Tiger and Panther Room. I don’t know if it’s Cao Yi’s delusion.

Those pythons hovering over the trees of the three heavens. Hissing and spitting out snake letters.

But as the two men walked under the tree.

These pythons did not attack the two men. Instead, they let the two of them walk under the tree. And this is a shocking scene.

But it didn’t scare Cao Xiao lightly. Cao Wei is also human.

Whether he is a traitor, a hero, or even a so-called traitor. But he had been dealing with people for years.

Instead of dealing with these boa constrictors who don’t have any emotion. Plainly.

Can you talk to the beast about scheming and reasoning? So.

Cao Wei was naturally afraid of it.

But that’s what happened out of the blue. The two men walked all the way to the depths of the tiger and leopard room. All kinds of beasts along the way actually retreated. The scariest thing is.

Among them, there was a giant python that was more than ten inches long to block the way, and the Yin Red Snake Letter and the Blood Basin had a big mouth, and Cao Xian, who was almost frightened, pulled the Heavenly Son to run wildly. Cao was absolutely sure.

Even if this ten-foot-long python did not become a sperm, it definitely had no low wisdom. The eyes that looked at himself and the Son of Heaven revealed a fierce and bloodthirsty color.

Something strange happened.

The Tianzi beside him just glanced at this giant python that was more than ten feet long. This giant python actually hissed and spat out snake letters into the mountain forest and disappeared. It would have been weird enough.

But what happened next completely shattered Cao’s worldview. When he and the Son of Heaven were just halfway there.

The roar of the tiger and the lion is incessant.

Tens of thousands of tigers and lions rushed from all over the forest. The beast’s eyes full of wildness stared at the two men.

What kind of scene is this?

Besieged and stared at by tens of thousands of beasts.

Just thinking about this scene scares people to death. Not to mention Cao Xian, who is in it?

But something strange happened again.

When Cao felt that he and the Son of Heaven would undoubtedly die.

Tens of thousands of beasts suddenly snorted and scattered. Just for a moment.

There was nothing left of the beasts disappearing around them. It’s as if it never happened. I don’t know if it’s Cao Yi’s delusion.

He seemed to feel the fear in the eyes of these beasts. Right!

It’s just being scared.

And the source of this fear seems to come from the Son of Heaven around him. However, Cao Wei should only be his own illusion.

After all, how could a beast fear a human? However, Cao Slow did not find out.

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined a sly color. Rush will.

Cao Xian didn’t know a thing. Compared to man and beast.

The beast’s instinct for danger is the most sensitive.

Even these unusually ferocious beasts are the same. Nie Zheng had an aura that made them feel afraid. Cao Xian couldn’t feel this breath.

But these beasts can feel it most intuitively. Because these beasts believe in the law of the jungle. It’s like a rabbit running away when he sees a wolf.

It’s a good idea that wolves run when they see tigers.

The breath emitted by Nie Zheng’s body was the breath at the top of the food chain. Even if the python of more than ten inches and tens of thousands of beasts of prey saw him.

They all felt the breath. Dangerous!

This dangerous intuition prompted the beast to run away

Even the beast eyes that looked at Nie Zheng were tinged with fear and uneasiness.


Half an hour later.

The wind and waves are calm, and the birds are singing.

Nothing happened along the way.

The beasts of the entire tiger and leopard room seemed to have disappeared. Even the sound of the beast’s roar could not be heard at all.

The silence of the tiger and leopard room makes people feel extremely abnormal.


Taming of the Beast Pavilion.

A pavilion in a mountain forest.

This pavilion is built with extraordinary luxury.

You can also see the panoramic view of the whole tiger and leopard room.

From time to time, you can see the figure of tigers and wolves in the mountain forest.

“Meng De, what do you think of the Tiger and Panther Room?”

Nie Zheng smiled and sat down on the stone bench.

I don’t know what mechanism he pulled. Only to see the whole beast pavilion rumbling. A stone table rose from under the feet of the two men. On the stone table, there is also a fine wine and delicacies.

“Your Majesty is indeed a big deal.”

Cao’s face was a little pale.

I have a lingering feeling about where I am at this moment. A strong smile appeared on his face.

Looking at Cao Yiqiang’s smiling face. Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a touch of appreciation. Cao Zang is worthy of being Cao Nian.

If you change to someone else.

At this moment, I am afraid that I am not scared to pee.

At worst, my knees are weak, and I can’t even stand. On the other hand, although Cao Qian’s face was pale.

But the whole person seems to be quite calm. This can be seen from this.

Cao’s boldness is indeed extraordinary.

“Meng De, how about you and my monarch drink a lot today?”

Nie Zheng spoke.

I saw a flame rising under the glass of wine on the stone table. The wine in the wine cup is boiling slightly.

A strong aroma of wine wafts out.

Nie Zheng lifted the wine cup and personally poured a cup for Cao Xian. Cao Xian’s eyes moved slightly.

Hurry up and sit down.

“I have long heard that Meng De likes plum wine the most.”

“This wine is made from the green plums of the snowy mountains, and it is a rare wine in the world.”

“Monte must have a good taste.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“The wine is fragrant, the plum is fragrant, and it is indeed a good wine.”

Cao Wei smelled the wine and nodded slowly.

It’s just that the color of doubt under his eyes has become more and more intense. Inside, he secretly wondered what Nie Zheng’s intentions were.

“Come, you and I will have a drink together.”

Nie Zheng raised a glass.

“Your Majesty.”

Cao did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and raise your glass and drink it all first.


Nie Zheng also drank the wine in his glass.

“Meng De, who do you think can be called a hero in this great summer country?”

Nie Zheng poured the glass full of wine again and looked up at Cao Xian.


Cao was shocked.

Know that there is a word in the words of the Son of Heaven.

“Xiliang Dong Zhuo can be called a hero?”

Cao Wei tentatively asked.


Heard Cao Yi’s words.

Nie Zheng laughed loudly, “Dong Zhuo is just a traitor, is he worthy of being called a hero?” ”

“That… Zhu Di, the King of Yan, guarded the northern frontier… Can you call it a hero? ”

Cao Xian’s eyes moved slightly, and he continued to tentatively.

“Zhu Di?”

“He’s half of it.”

Nie Zhengguan smiled.

When mentioning Zhu Di, the King of Yan, Nie Zheng naturally thought of Zhu Di’s father. As long as Zhu Di and his father are still alive for a day.

Zhu Di is not enough to be called a hero. After all, Zhu Di was afraid of his father to death.

“That Heavenly Terracotta Warriors and Horses Grand Marshal Zhao Kuangyin Southern Expedition to the Northern War, can be called a hero?”

Cao Xian’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Zhao Kuangyin was a hero before, but now he is not a hero.”

Nie Zheng raised a glass of wine and looked at Cao Wei with a smile.

Zhao Kuangyin did have the posture of an emperor.

Unfortunately, now Zhao Kuangyin had surrendered. As for heroes, he is naturally not counted. Looked at by the Son of Heaven with such a smile.

Cao Wei was very uneasy inside.

It was as if his mind had been seen through by the Son of Heaven. Cao continued to mention several names.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Nie Zheng. A glass of wine into the stomach.

Cao’s face was also a little reddish. Maybe it’s through the wine.

Cao Xian looked tentatively at Nie Zheng and said, “Since the few people mentioned by the chancellor are not enough to be called heroes, who does Your Majesty think can be called a hero in Bactria territory?” ”

“Who can be called a hero?”

Nie Zheng raised a glass and muttered to himself.

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Cao Xian: “The next moment.”

“In the Great Xia Dynasty, if you can be called a hero, you can only be Cao Mengde.”


When Nie Zheng’s words came into his ears. The smile on Cao Qian’s face froze.

A look of shock crossed his eyes. It took him a full ten breaths.

“Your Majesty’s words are serious, I am only a courtier of Your Majesty, how can I be compared with Your Majesty?”

Cao Xian’s face was flustered, and he hurriedly knelt down in the tunnel.

See Cao Yan’s look of panic.

Nie Zheng naturally knew that Cao Wei was deliberately showing it to himself.

“Meng De, do you know what kind of person you are in the eyes of Yuan?”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

“I also ask Your Majesty to teach you.”

Cao frowned slightly, but still kowtowed.

“The adulterous male of the chaotic world, the powerful ruler of the world.”

“Cao Xian, do you think your evaluation of you is pertinent?”

As the words of the Son of Heaven entered the ears.

A trace of cold sweat instantly flowed from Cao Xian’s forehead.

He bowed his head, but the light in his eyes changed violently. The bottom of his eyes showed a look of shock.

Cao Wei didn’t think of anything at all.

This big summer boy would say such a thing to him. But that’s the same sentence.

It made Cao Wei very agreeable in his heart, but he also felt as if his mind was all seen through by Tianzi. Cao Wei dared to say.

No one in the world knows him.

Not even Guo Jia, who had followed him for many years.

But today’s words of the Son of Heaven seem to know himself better than himself. How could this not make him shudder?

“Cao Xian, do you want to be an anti-thief, or do you want to be a loyal servant?”

He didn’t wait for Cao Xian to open his mouth.

Nie Zheng once again threw out a sentence that broke the earth. Also because of this sentence.

Cao Wei only felt his brain roar and explode. I didn’t look back for half a minute.

His face was extremely pale, and the words that Tianzi asked him kept echoing in his mind.

“To be an anti-thief, or to be a loyalist?”

This was what he was hesitating about. I didn’t expect to be directly broken by Tianzi.


Nie Zheng quietly stared at Cao Xian. Wait for Cao Xian to give him an answer. Will.

In Nie Zheng’s eyes.

He wanted to clean up one by one. But only Cao Wei was spared.

Because in Nie Zheng’s eyes.

Cao Wei is a really smart person.

Smart people don’t have to knock.

Nature will make the right choice. A full cup of tea time passed. Cao Xian’s face finally returned to normal. But he didn’t give the Son of Heaven an answer.

Instead, he silently took out a copy of the book from his arms. He raised his hands high and presented them to Nie Zheng, “Your Majesty, the subject has a copy of the play, and please ask Your Majesty to make a clear decision.” ”

Looking at the fold that Cao Xian presented to himself.

Nie Zheng smiled.

It seems that this recital is the answer given to him by Cao Xian. It will also make him make up his mind.

Whether he should be an anti-thief or a loyal servant of a great summer.

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