Chapter 114: Great Xia Giant Greed? No, it’s a personal talent!.

Nie Zheng took over the recital.

Feel free to flip through it.

Not for a while.

Nie Zheng then finished reading the contents of the recital. The content in the sonata is simple.

It can be summed up in a few words.

There was a severe drought in the south, the red land was thousands of miles, and the victims had no harvest.

However, the grain of the disaster relief officials was arbitrarily withheld and sold by corrupt officials and officials. As a result, the victims have reached the point of changing their children and eating them.

Cao was silent.

Wait for how Nie Zheng will handle the matter. According to Cao’s thoughts.

These corrupt officials should all be killed. Then appoint incorruptible ministers to go to the relief of the victims. This is what the Ming Emperor does.

“Your Majesty please make a holy judgment.”

Cao Xianna’s head bowed.

“Simple, this matter is left to Governor Hezhen.”

Nie Zheng casually threw the fold onto the stone table.


Cao was horrified.

I wonder if my ears are hearing wrong. He looked at Nie Zheng with a look of shock on his face.

The look in his eyes was incredible. Wakan?

That big summer greed?

Did the Son of Heaven actually let Hezhen go to the relief of the victims? Are you kidding?

Cao Wei’s whole person was not good.

If it is true that Kazuki went to help the victims.

I am afraid that all these grain payments will be swallowed up by it.

“Your Majesty, do you really want Hezhen to go to the relief of the victims?”

Cao Xian didn’t want to say this.

But he couldn’t help it.

“How? What’s the problem? ”

Nie Zheng looked at Cao Zheng doubtfully. Look at Tianzi’s confused expression.

Cao Xian nuzzled his mouth, but in the end he swallowed back the words on the side of his mouth.

“Meng De, as the Right Minister of Great Xia, such a small matter should be left to Hezhen to handle.”

“Come and come, you and I keep drinking.”

Nie Zheng lifted up Cao Xian.

Continue to drink and talk to them.

Cao was absent-minded, and he couldn’t understand 307 at all about the big summer boy in front of him. You say he’s a gentleman.

However, he let Wazhen go to the disaster relief. But you say he’s a dimwitter.

The Son of Heaven can often do things that frighten him.

Cao Wei didn’t know how he got out of the tiger and leopard room.

I don’t know how I got back to the Prime Minister’s Mansion. Anyway, along the way, Cao Xian’s brows were frowning.

He had wanted to use the incident of the victims to see how the Son of Heaven was holy. But the Son of Heaven actually used Hezhen to go to the disaster relief.

This left Cao Wei completely speechless. Do anti-thief?

Or be a loyalist?

At this moment, even Cao Xian himself had no idea. Unfortunately, he didn’t know.

Looking at Cao Xian’s distant back.

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined a faint smile.

“Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde, you only know that He Yan is a very corrupt official, but you don’t know that his talent is better than any incorruptible minister.”

Nie Zheng smiled and whispered.

The capital of the Bactrian Dynasty, and the House!

“Fengtian Transport, the Son of Heaven decreed: There is a great drought in the southern realm, and the victims are everywhere, and the special seal and Yan are the ministers of Qincha, and they go to the southern border to help the disaster victims.

“Let’s take the lead with the adults.”

Wei Zhongxian finished reading the Holy Will aloud with his hand, and then smiled and handed it to Hezhen.

“Subject, and Shōgun, take the will.”

He Yan hurriedly prostrated his head to receive the holy will.

Then he stood up and looked at Wei Zhongxian with a smile on his face, “The Overseer rarely comes to a certain palace, and today he will definitely stay and rest with a certain drunken party.” ”

As He Yan spoke, he looked at the housekeeper Liu Quan and pretended to reprimand: “What are you still stunned about, don’t you hurry up to buy a banquet?” ”

“You don’t have to be with the adults, the miscellaneous family still has the holy will to convey, so they won’t stay here for a long time.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled and refused.

Since he oversaw the construction of Shouxian Palace with Wakan. Wei Zhongxian’s impression of Heyan was excellent. And he is very good at being a man.

He is revered everywhere. And no less than gold and silver.

Wei Zhongxian also knew that his master valued Hezhen very much. The so-called love house and wu.

Wei Zhongxian naturally greeted He Yan with a smile.

“The Governor’s rare visit to Hefu really makes Hefu shine.”

“However, the Overseer still has an edict to convey, so he will not leave the Overseer behind.”


Washu is very good at being human.

He spoke words of regret.

But he quietly pulled out a pile of silver tickets from the cuff.

It was even more silently shoved into Wei Zhongxian’s hands. Wei Zhongxian swept away with the afterglow.


A total of ten silver tickets, each ten thousand taels.

That adds up to a hundred thousand taels of silver. Although Wei Zhongxian was not greedy for money. You can see 100,000 taels of silver in your hand.

The smile on Wei Zhongxian’s face grew stronger. The impression of Washu was naturally better. The so-called peach reciprocation.

Wei Zhongxian quietly put away the silver ticket. Then he deliberately lowered his voice and said, “And Your Honor, the performance of the victims in the southern realm was originally presented to Your Majesty by Cao Xian.” ”

“This time when you go to the southern realm for disaster relief, in addition to being awarded the title of Minister of Chincha with your lord, Guo Jia will also go with you.”

“Your Majesty attaches great importance to this matter, and your lord and I should do this errand well.”

Hear Wei Zhongxian’s suggestion.

He Yan’s eyes rolled and he hurriedly smiled and arched his hand: “Thank you Lord for mentioning the point, the subordinate official has written it down, if Your Majesty has any holy intentions in the future, he will have to bother the Governor to remind the subordinate officials a lot.” ”

When He Yan said this, he looked at the housekeeper Liu Quan and said, “Go and get the wooden box in Lord Ben’s house.” ”

Liu Quan did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly trotted away.

Not for a while.

Liu Quan turned back.

An extra wooden box in hand. Washu holds the wooden box in his hand.

Then he smiled and sent it to Wei Zhongxian, “There is a string of North Sea Night Pearls in this wooden box, although it is not said to be a rare treasure, but it can be illuminated by the Overseer at night, and please ask the Overseer to laugh.” ”

“This… Okay? ”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes lit up.

The words of refusal were spoken. But in action, it is very practical.

He secretly glanced at the East Factory spies beside him. The East Factory spies quietly put away the wooden box.

“If Lord Wei were to see with a certain person, wouldn’t this be treated as an outsider with a certain person?”

Seeing that Wei Zhongxian accepted his gift.

Wakan’s smile grew brighter.

“The Overseer will not bother with the Lord, and wishes the Lord and the Lord the success of the journey to the southern realm.”

Wei Zhongxian arched his hand.

“The Overseer is polite, and so-and-so will send you out of the house.”

He Yan smiled and sent Wei Zhongxian out of the mansion. Until Wei Zhongxian gradually left with the East Factory people and horses. Wakan, on the other hand, still smiled and waved goodbye.

“Lord, this string of North Sea Night Pearl is a rare treasure, even the old man you are reluctant to play with it, so you gave it to this eunuch?”

Liu fully exposed his flesh, and the color of pain said.


He Yan hurriedly stretched out a finger to make a silencing gesture, and then scolded fiercely: “Shut up, you useless slave, what tongue root are you chewing here?” ”

“Lord, do I still use you to teach me what to do?”

“Who is this Wei Zhongxian?”

He Yan narrowed his eyes, then arched his hand to the sky and said, “That is Your Majesty’s confidant, is it that you dare to scream as a castrate?” ”

“If there is a next time, look at the lord I will not discount your dog legs.”

Faced with Wakan’s rebuke.

Liu Quan was bitter with a face and did not dare to resist his mouth.

“Okay, look at your incomplete appearance, but just a string of North Sea night pearls.”

“If I can make friends with Wei Zhongxian, will I still be worried about Your Majesty’s intentions in the future?”

He Yan casually reprimanded Liu Quan for a few words.

Then he walked quickly into the study with the holy will.

This is something that His Majesty himself has decreed to do on his own. He Yan naturally did not dare to be sloppy in any way.

In the study room.

Washu carefully opened the holy will. Peruse the content of the holy will.

It was enough time for a cup of tea. He re-closed the holy will. In the light of the candle fire.

A hint of thought crossed his face.

“These officials are really bold in selling grain for disaster relief.”

“Your Majesty did not ask me to punish these corrupt officials, but only to let me go to the relief of the victims.”

“But Guo Jia is Cao Chengxiang’s person, what does this mean?”

“Well, so be it.”

Washu talked to himself.

A series of plans formed in his mind. Following.

The food for the relief of the victims was enough to fill hundreds of wagons. With a command from Wakan.

Hundreds of horse-drawn carriages left the capital. Head straight to the southern part of Bactria.


In the carriage.

Guo Jia sat cross-eyed with his eyes closed.

He Yan always had a smile on his face.

The two were ministers of Chincha for the disaster relief. Naturally, we will go to the south together.

However, He Yan is the Lord, and Guo Jia is the supplement.

Everything must be done according to Wakan’s arrangement. This is also the meaning of the Son of Heaven.

And this person.

Guo Jia naturally knew.

After all, this Great Xia Giant was very famous. Although Guo Jia does not boast of being incorruptible.

However, he had some respect for this copper-smelling and adult, and even more disdainful of him. If it weren’t for Cao Qian’s letter to Tianzi, he would have gone to the disaster relief with himself.

Guo Jia would never have anything to do with this and the adult.

“It takes at least half a month to get from the Wang capital to the southern realm, and it will take hard for Guo Yushi to work this road.”

Washu laughed and spoke.

“Sharing worries for Your Majesty is the responsibility of me and others as courtiers.

Guo Jia replied lightly.

His attitude is not indifferent, but it also gives Hezhen a sense of intimacy. And the eyes of the Kan turn a turn.

He took out a pile of silver tickets from the cuff and quietly gave it to Guo Jia.

“And my lord, what do you mean by that?”

Guo Jia frowned and hurriedly pushed back.

“Guo Yushi misunderstood.”

“These silver coins are not with a certain filial piety to the imperial history, but half of the grain money for the relief of the disaster victims.”

“And so-and-so adds two to five, naturally there must be a copy of the imperial history.”

Washu laughed.


“Food money for disaster relief?”

Guo Jia was stunned.

And then the color instantly froze.

A hint of anger emerged from his eyes.

“Heyan, how dare you, do you dare to be greedy for the grain money for the relief of the disaster victims?”

Guo Jia couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted angrily at Hezhen.

The two had just left the capital of Wangdu.

He Yan dared to embezzle half of the grain money for the relief of the disaster victims. This person simply ate the bear’s heart and leopard’s bile.

The title of this great summer greed really did not come in vain.

“Oh, what is Guo Yushisheng doing with such a big anger?”

“Even if you and I are not greedy, when these grain payments reach the hands of the officials below, there will not be half a cent left.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if you and I added two to five?”

He laughed and laughed.

“Heyan, aren’t you afraid to lose your head?”

“That….. So what’s going on with all this grain? ”

Guo Jia was completely shocked.

He looked at the silver ticket in Wakan’s hand.

He quickly pointed to the hundreds of wagons outside carrying grain. His eyes were filled with anger.

Since the silver money was half greedy for Hezhen.

Where did the grain in the hundreds of carriages outside come from?

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