Chapter 115 People have two sides, loyal and adulterous.

“Guo Yushi should not be surprised, these hundreds of carriages are all loaded with bran.”

He Yan calmly replied.


Guo Jia was first frightened, and then he got up in anger.

“You are greedy for the grain money of the disaster relief victims and exchange all the grain for furfur?”

See Guo Jia’s face is angry.

He Yan frowned and said lightly, “Guo Yushi, why make such a fuss?” ”

“You must know that one kilogram of grain is only enough to save the lives of one disaster victim, but now one kilogram of grain can be exchanged for three kilograms of chaff and you can save the lives of three disaster victims.”

Guo Jia heard this for a moment, and then angrily said, “But furfur is for animals to eat, where can people eat it?” ”

“Are the victims still human?”

He Yan asked without hesitation.

“What do you say?”

Guo Jia’s eyes widened angrily.

“Guo Yushi, don’t stare your eyes so big.”

“Do you know that the person who is about to starve to death is no longer a man, that is a beast, as long as he can live, what chaff is there, that is a good thing.”

“Do you also know that at this moment, the southern land is thousands of miles away, and the bark and grass roots are all hungry and the people are eating away?”

“You’ve always heard the idiom of eating a child, haven’t you?” But have you ever really seen Guo Yushi? ”

“At this moment, the corpses and bones of the southern realm are everywhere, and they have reached the level of changing children and eating them, and there are even more hungry people who are hungry to kill people and fill their hunger.”

He Yan sighed longly.

Guo Jia looked at Hezhen sheepishly.

Then he smiled coldly and said, “And my lord, even so, you can’t greed for grain money and exchange all grain for fur bran, right?” ”

“Guo Yushi, you have said that furfur is for animals to eat, and those coffins in the southern realm are greedy for ink, so if you allocate grain money to them and let them go to the disaster relief, do you think it is realistic?”

“There are thousands of victims in the southern region, do you go to help the hungry, or do you go with someone to help the hungry?”

“Don’t you need the officials below to help the hungry?”

“These people can sell the grain that people eat, but they can sell furfur and make a few dollars, and this risk must be unwilling to bear.”

“Your Majesty is asking us to help the hungry, not to starve them to death.”

“Guo Yushi, do you understand what He’s mean?”

And Kan told the story.

Guo Jia’s angry expression gradually calmed down.

“Don’t let the hungry people starve to death?”

Guo Jia muttered.

“Yes, this is the task that Your Majesty has entrusted to you and me.”

He Yan nodded slowly and continued, “Moreover, Guo Yushi, if you think about it carefully, even if He’s bought all the grain money, it will be delivered to the victims.” ”

“But this grain is only a drop in the bucket, and how many days can the hungry people hold out?”

“I am afraid that at that time, there will be many people who are not hungry people mixed in with the hungry people to grab food and food.”

“But furfur will not, only hungry people who are dying of hunger will eat furfur.”

“So that the hungry can survive well.”

He Yan patted Guo Jia on both knees and smiled.

This moment.

Guo Jia carefully looked at and Yan Yuan’s face. Suddenly discovered.

Whether it was Guo Jia or Cao Xian.

All forgot one thing.

They only remembered that Washun was a great greed in Bactria. It smelled of copper.

However, he had never faced up to Wakan’s true talents. The carriage and horse went all the way south.

Billowing dust and smoke are rising.

This trip to the southern realm with Hezhen also gave Guo Jia a great insight. I also saw the ability of the Son of Heaven to know people.

···. Weiyang Palace!

“Your Majesty, did you really let Hezhen go to the southern region for disaster relief?”

Look at the lazy Heavenly Son on the throne.

Wu Meiniang’s expression was slightly heavy. Finally I couldn’t help but ask.

There is a great drought in the south, and the red land is thousands of miles.

Disaster – 0 People are hungry and do not know how many people die of hunger. It is even more to the point of eating with easy seeds.

Wu Meiniang had known about this matter long ago.

She also exercised imperial power on behalf of the Son of Heaven, allocated a large amount of money and grain, and ordered people to go to the relief of the victims. But!

“The librarians in the southern realm are greedy, and all the money and grain have fallen into their pockets. The people of the southern region can eat very little grain in their mouths. ”

Wu Meiniang waved her pen.

Send men to kill these coffins. Although it has achieved some deterrent effect. But the starving people are still starving to death day and night. The situation is getting worse.

A large number of starving people rioted. They have unveiled the uprising and want to create and rebel.

This incident also caused Wu Meiniang a big headache.

But she didn’t expect that her husband Jun had actually ordered this Great Xia giant to go to the southern realm. If Washu goes to the relief of the victims.

Not to mention the grain money for the relief of the disaster victims, and whether Hezhen will be greedy.

It’s just those librarians in the southern realm, only afraid of seeing the arrival of Hezhen, they will smile happily. She had just ordered people to wantonly kill the deterrent effect of the coffin, but she was afraid that it would lose its effect.

“Mei Niang, do you say that today’s Bactria is greedy for coffins, or is there more coffins?”

Nie Zheng yawned lazily and smiled at Wu Meiniang.

For this question.

Wu Meiniang’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Although she was reluctant to admit it.

But she still has to face reality.

“Back to Your Majesty, my previous emperors in the past of Bactria were weak, and now there are greedy coffins everywhere, and there are very few clean coffins.”

Wu Meiniang said heavily.

“Well, Lady, you’re very good, and you know the situation in my Great Xia.”

“Since you also know that there are many greedy coffins everywhere and there are very few clean and honest people, then although the people you sent are Qingguan, how effective can they be?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

Look at the smile on Tianzi Fujun’s face. Wu Meiniang’s beautiful eyes were slightly shy.

Then he smiled bitterly: “Back to Your Majesty, the beautiful lady has achieved very little, and even killed a large number of greedy coffins, but the number of hungry people who starve to death is still increasing every day.” ”

Wu Meiniang frowned again when she said this, and looked at Nie Zheng with a puzzled look: “But Your Majesty, if you send Hezhen to go, will he really be able to solve the problem?” ”

“Lady, everyone has two sides, you only see the bad side of Hezhen, but you don’t notice his good side.”

Nie Zheng crossed a glint of wisdom under his eyes and continued, “The world only knows that He Yan is a great greed in the Great Xia, but who knows his talent?” ”

“He Yan, from a poor family, can read and hyphenate at the age of three, study hard in the cold window for ten years, and be an eighteen-year-old high school champion, and if he has no talent along the way, how can he be in the position of Shangshu?”

“Although this person is a huge greed, he understands the people’s livelihood and suffering, and he knows the way of the coffin.”

“My great Xia emperors were weak, causing a large number of librarians to become greedy, and if you want to use the Qing Museum to turn the tide, how can you succeed?”

As Nie Zheng talked.

Wu Meiniang looked shocked.

She blinked and looked at Nie Zheng.

A pair of beautiful eyes at the same time raised curiosity. There is no secret shock in the heart.

If it is really as the husband said.

Could it be that Washu can really solve the problem of the southern realm? 0 Ask for flowers… ...

“Your Majesty, forgive the stupidity of the beautiful lady, even if He Yan has the talent that His Majesty said, how can thousands of hungry people save them, but I am afraid that the money and grain you allocate to He Yan will only be a drop in the bucket.”

Wu Meiniang wondered.

“Allocated money and grain?”

Nie Zheng smiled and whispered.

Only the next moment what Nie Zheng said completely surprised Wu Meiniang.

“He Yan has long been greedy for money and grain.”


Wu Meiniang was horrified.

Straight up.

But when she saw the calm expression on Nie Zheng’s face. Wu Meiniang hurried to calm herself down.

Since His Majesty knows about this, there is certainly nothing so simple about it.

“If you don’t say that Washu is a talent, he will exchange all the grain for fur chaff, so that he can save the lives of the starving people.”

Nie Zheng sighed.


“Your Majesty, isn’t that something for the beasts to eat?”

Wu Meiniang’s face was cold.

The slight affection that had just arisen for Washu was also gone.

“Lady Mei, don’t worry, you listen to the decay and you speak slowly…”

As Nie Zheng kept saying the truth.

Wu Meiniang turned from anger at the beginning to shock.

And from a stunned look to enlightenment.

Even the last look in Nie Zheng’s eyes showed a touch of admiration.

“Although furfur is for animals, it can save the lives of hungry people, and those librarians in the southern region, even if they want to sell disaster relief grain, it is not feasible.”

Nie Zheng whispered softly.

But when he finished the sentence.

A flash of death flashed from under his eyes. He is the son of the Great Summer.

The hungry people of the South were his people.

These southern librarians disregarding the lives of the people are destroying the foundation of Bactria. A killing heart had already risen in Nie Zheng’s heart.

Although Nie Zheng only wanted to be a faint monarch and have fun.

But this is also based on the stability of the country.

If the people don’t talk about life, then his son of heaven is really a waste. But freezing three feet is not a day’s cold.

The emperors of the Bactrian Dynasty have left too many troubles, and the people of the government and the public are greedy for coffins, which cannot be solved in one day. If you want to completely eradicate this group of greedy coffins, you still need to come step by step.

However, Nie Zheng had secretly sent Wei Zhongxian to lead three thousand grimaces to the south. All of them should be killed.

But not all of them can be killed.

This matter requires the cooperation of Wei Zhongxian and He Yan to truly solve the problem at the source.

“Your Majesty, even if it is chaff and chaff, I am afraid that the hungry people will not be able to sustain many days, right?”

Wu Meiniang continued.

Nie Zheng’s thoughts turned.

Smiling, he patted Wu Meiniang’s shoulder and said, “The question you are talking about is exactly the biggest role of Hezhen.” ”

“Who is Wakan?” He was the biggest coffin of greed in Bactria, and those southern librarians would bribe and burn he. ”

“And these bribes and the silver money of the Gun, if the Harvest is wise, he will use it to help the hungry.”

“After all, the grain money allocated to him is only 300,000 taels.”

“He Yan is a wise man, and he naturally understands what he means.”

Hear Nie Zheng’s narration.

Wu Meiniang’s eyebrows stretched, and a smile finally appeared on her face.

Looking at himself, the Heavenly Son, the color of worship rose in his eyes.

“Fu Jun, according to what you said, He Yan is indeed a talent.”

Wu Meiniang smiled.

“Not only is he a talent, he is also a precious little vault.”

Nie Zheng tickled Wu Meiniang’s chin and laughed.

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