Chapter 116 Cao Regrets Returns to His Heart, and Qiankun is in His Hands!

Time flies.

A month later.

A good news was sent back to the capital from the south. This good news was not sent by Hezhen. Instead, it was Guo Jia who played the imperial court.

The content in the good news is simple. The hungry have all been properly settled. And since the arrival of Washu to the southern realm. No more starving people starved to death.

The original riots also disappeared into invisibility.

When Nie Zheng learned of this news, he just smiled and didn’t care. Wu Meiniang was extremely happy.

I didn’t expect something that gave her a terrible headache.

It was easily solved by Hezhen, the Great Xia Giant. It was also from this moment on.

Wu Meiniang suddenly found herself as a Heavenly Son’s husband. Although ignoring the government.

But everything is under its control.

Even if it was Wakan, who she had never looked up to. It can also shine in the hands of the Heavenly Son’s husband. But according to Nie Zheng.

It wasn’t Washun who glowed in his hands.

It was that the ability of this Great Xia Giant was very high in itself. He has always been a talent.

It’s just that everyone only sees the bad side of Hezhen.


At the same time.

Right Chancellor’s House.

Cao Wei looked shocked.

I was holding a secret letter and watching it verbatim. And this secret letter was sent back by Guo Jia.


“Even Ben Cheng Xiang has lost his eyes!”

“I didn’t expect that the thousands of hungry people in the southern realm would be solved so easily by him.”

“One hundred and fifty.”

Cao Xin closed the secret message.

A murmur came from the mouth.

From the letters sent back by Guo Jia.

Guo Jia’s praise for Heyan spilled over the paper. There are many words of praise and praise.

Even Cao Xian’s heart was shocked.

What kind of person Guo Jia was, no one knew better than Cao Wei. This is a world wizard.

Wen Tao’s strategy, platooning and platooning, and tactics of war are all exquisite. You could say so.

Guo Jia is a very proud person in his heart. To be so praised by him.

Washu is absolutely superior.

However, what really shocked Cao Xian was not Hezhen. It’s this seemingly faint summer.

The knowledge of this great summer. It simply made Cao Gan admire the five bodies to the ground. It also reminded him of when he was in the tiger and leopard room. Present the sonata yourself.

Tianzi casually entrusted this matter to Hezhen to handle. At that time, he still thought that the Son of Heaven was too faint.

He actually sent out this Great Xia Giant. But now Cao Cao finally understood.

It turned out that the Heavenly Son had already seen the talent of Hezhen. On the horizon.

I am indeed inferior to the Son of Heaven.

Cao Wei was also convinced at this moment. Enter the palace!

Cao Yan’s gaze must have been.

The thing that had been hesitating in my heart for a long time finally made a decision. Loyalty!

He would be a loyal servant of Bactria and assist Emperor Yi in unifying Bactria into one. And even…

Even….. Cao Xian’s heart gave birth to a wild hope that even he did not dare to imagine! This wild hope is the struggle for hegemony of the Seven Kingdoms and the unification of nine weeks.

Help Emperor Yi become the Emperor of the Ancients!

Break your wrist with the Tang Emperor, fight the world with the Ming Emperor, and even more want to test with the Qin Emperor… Truly build a supreme imperial dynasty that belongs to Bactria.


It’s the dynasty.

And not the current Bactrian Dynasty.

He was anxious to be a loyal servant of the ages. It will also lead countless talented people.

Help the Son of Heaven step by step to ascend to the throne of the Emperor of the Ages. Cao Wei looked excited.

He couldn’t imagine why he had such absurd ideas. But this idea was out of his control and was constantly overflowing.

Even it was difficult for him to control himself. Cao Wei quickly called for a carriage and a horse.

Go straight to the Bactrian Palace.

This time.

He didn’t hesitate any longer.

Really decided to be a loyal servant.

Instead of being a so-called thief. Once.

Perhaps when Cao Yi waited until Bactria fell, he would replace him. But even though he did.

So what?

The dynasty he established was only the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms.

It is still necessary to survive under the deterrence of the Six Kingdoms. But now it’s different.

Cao Wei saw Tianzi’s wrist and the city government. I saw more clearly the strength of the Heavenly Son’s abyss like the sea.

This is a man who is above him and not below him.

If he Cao Qian could one day see with his own eyes Emperor Yi unify the Seven Kingdoms and Nine Weeks. Become an emperor who has never been seen in eternity.

His reputation will also be immortalized throughout the ages. The reputation of the so-called traitor is a world of difference. To put it bluntly, I Cao Mengde did not do it. I want to be a loyal servant. And he was a loyal servant who assisted the Emperor of the Ages.


Weiyang Palace.

“Minister, Cao Xian, long live our Emperor.”

Cao Wei had just entered Weiyang Palace.

Directly fell to his knees.

In his hand he held a thick roster, and he didn’t know what was written in it.

“Meng De is flat.”

See Cao Xian’s solemn look. Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

It has been speculated that Cao Wei made a wise choice.

“Your Majesty, these rosters record the division of power that the ministers have cultivated over the years.”

“Its Chinese and advisers and warriors are as many as hundreds of people, the subjects have 30,000 tigers and leopards to ride, 200,000 infantry, 50,000 left front battalions, 50,000 right front battalions, and 100,000 vanguard troops…..”

Cao Wei held the roster in his hand and said in detail.

He even personally placed the roster on the Dragon Case and waited for Nie Zheng to check it one by one. Clear!

As Cao Wei continued to expose the forces he had cultivated. Zhao Gao, who was standing beside Nie Zheng on the side, looked shocked. Although he knew that Cao Wei was hiding a lot of soldiers and horses. The military generals under his command are even more outstanding.

However, he did not expect that Cao Wei actually had half a million troops. And among them, the tiger and leopard riding is even more famous in the world.

Thirty thousand tigers and leopards are enough to reach an army of two hundred thousand.

Just the family foundation exposed by Cao Qian was really enough to overthrow the Bactrian Dynasty. That Dong Zhuo was simply not worth mentioning compared to him.

But Zhao Gao couldn’t understand it at all.

Why did Cao Wei expose his family and surrender to his master? Cao Wei has accumulated so many years of heritage.

Is he really willing to give it to the master? However, Zhao Gao looked back and thought about his master’s means. My heart suddenly sighed.

Presumably, Cao Wei also understood the master’s means. He’s great.

But choosing to surrender to the master is the wisest choice.

“Meng De, I have believed in you, so let’s put these rosters in your place.”

He did not wait for Cao Xian to continue to report on his family foundation.

Nie Zheng smiled and waved his hand, interrupting Cao Xian’s report. Plainly.

Cao Wei was able to choose to be a loyal servant. This was enough in Nie Zheng’s opinion. A half a million troops or not.

Or the strategists and warriors under Cao Xian’s command. None of this was as important as Cao Yi’s loyalty. Moreover.

These family foundations were all accumulated by Cao Xian over the years. Even if he takes over, he still needs to run in.

On the contrary, it showed that his big summer’s strength was not large. It is better to give it to Cao Yi, so that you can get like a fish.

“Minister, Your Majesty Cao Xie trusts you.”

Cao Xianna’s head bowed.

I sighed inwardly that I had indeed not chosen wrong.

Just this amount of Heavenly Son’s qi was not comparable to his Cao Xian. Face the temptation of half a million troops.

Among them, there are 30,000 tigers and leopards riding.

If he had been Cao Xian, I was afraid that I would have laughed out loud and excited. Look at Tianzi’s expression now.

It is still light and cloudy.

It was as if he didn’t put these family foundations in his eyes.

“Meng De returned to his heart, and his heart was very comforted, and today there is no longer any separation between you and my monarchs, which is also a happy event.”

“Zhao Gao, pass on the edict of the Emperor, tomorrow you will have a big feast in the imperial garden.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao hurried to lead the order and left: 0 Zhao Gao also saw it.

His Majesty’s feast and courtiers absolutely want to unify the court. It also made him extremely excited inside.

The demon woman of Nishinomiya was killed.

Dong Zhuo was expelled back to Xiliang.

Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang returned to their hearts.

Allegiance to Hezhen.

Sima Yi was beaten fiercely by Tianzi. Cao Kuangyin was even more loyal to Zhao Kuangyin.

The whole court was completely unified by the Son of Heaven and was held in his hands. Now the Son of Heaven can really be said to have exclusive imperial power and is in his hands.

The only thing left was the division of the local feudal kings. Just make these feudal kings completely solved.

Bactria will usher in a great unification that has never been seen before.

This master of his own will also be the son of heaven who has truly unified Bactria since Emperor Shengzu.

Think about this scenario.

How could Zhao Gao not be excited? The so-called rising tide is rising.

As a confidant before the Son of Heaven.

He Zhao Gao will certainly fly Huang Tengda in the future. If possible…

If possible…

Zhao Gao suddenly had an idea in his heart.

If this master of his own can make Bactria one in the future. Is that also true?

Nine weeks and seven kingdoms, chaotic world hegemony, will also have a place for their masters? Even the sons of heaven of all countries are coveting the name of the emperor of the ages.

Can’t your own master give it a shot? Now.

Even Zhao Gao, a dark-minded eunuch, had such ambitious thoughts in his heart. It can be seen that how could Cao Kuangyin’s generation not think in this regard?

However, the unification of Bactria has not yet been completed. The kings of various clans are still a cancerous tumor. Only to get rid of all these tumors. Only then can we truly imagine the future of Bactria. The other side.

North, Yan Wangfu.

“Fengtian Fortune, the Son of Heaven decreed: Zhu Di, the King of Yan, plotted a rebellion and sent the assassin Jing Ke to assassinate the Heavenly Son, such a heinous crime, when the Nine Tribes were destroyed, the door was full of beheading.”

“However, Zhu Di has been guarding the frontier for many years, and it is inevitable that some of them will plant the stolen King of Yan, and now order Zhu Di to go before, if Zhu Di, the King of Yan, is not summoned to the capital of the king…”

Sima Yi was old and the dragon bell was held in his hand, and the holy purpose was read aloud. Zhu Di, the King of Yan, and his family members stood by and listened to everyone’s face and it was difficult to see the extreme. What makes a man sit in his home, and evil comes from heaven? Now.

This sentence fully explains the heart of Zhu Di’s whole family.

Zhu Di was even more stunned as Sima 4.5 Yi read out the Holy Will. I want to scold more in my heart.

When did Lao Tzu send Jing Ke to assassinate the Son of Heaven? Splashing dirty water is not so splashed, right? Emperor B.

You bastard.

You say Lao Tzu wants to rebel.

Lao Tzu can admit it.

Lao Tzu always thought so.

In recent years, soldiers and horses have been widely recruited to hoard grain and grass.

Just wait for the right moment to enter the capital and replace you. But you say I sent someone to assassinate you.

What are you not throwing dirty water? Zhu Di, the King of Yan, scolded with hatred in his heart.

He didn’t believe that the Son of Heaven was a dimwitted king.

That Manchu Dynasty Wenwu is a fool? Even if you send someone to carry out the assassination.

How could an assassin act in his own name? This shows that Emperor Yi is deliberately wronging him.

Let him go to the capital of Bactria King. Zhu Di asked himself.

Is it possible to go on your own?

A: Impossible.

Killing is also impossible to go.

If he really entered the royal capital.

Emperor Yi laid an ambush for the trap.

This little life of his own must be thrown at the king.

“The King of Yan will take the order.”

Sima Yi opened his mouth sickly.

“Zhongda, is there some misunderstanding here?”

“When did this king send someone to assassinate the Son of Heaven?”

Yan King Zhu Di’s face was ugly.

He even looked at Sima Yi with anger.

If it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t ready to start a rebellion. At this moment, Sima Yi, the one who preached the will.

He has long since become a ghost under his knife.

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