Chapter 117 Emperor Ming replied ‘Go!.

See Zhu Di’s angry look.

Sima Yi’s cloudy old eyes moved slightly. Go without saying.

Look at the Yan King Zhu Di’s posture. It is impossible to take the order. Not to mention returning to the capital with him. But Sima Yi knew it deeply.

If he couldn’t bring Zhu Di back to the capital.

I am afraid that this old life of my own will be handed over to Emperor Yi. Think of the horror of Emperor Yi.

Sima Yi inhaled a cold breath in his heart. If Cao Wei made him feel jealous. That Emperor Yi simply made him terrified and terrified. I don’t even dare to have the slightest disagreement.

If Emperor Yi still asked himself, would he still sharpen his sword? A: Grind a fart.

Sima Yijue’s own old life can be saved, which is very good. Where else would you dare to think of plotting a usurpation of the throne?

“Prince, have you sent someone to assassinate Your Majesty, and I will not mention this matter for the time being?”

“But the old man has a word of persuasion, I don’t know if the prince is willing to listen?”

Sima Yi’s sickly opening.

Just a touch of essence crossed his eyes.

The three inches of uncorrupted tongue that have not been shown all year round are finally going to come in handy. In order to save his old life.

He must take Zhu Di back to the capital. Otherwise, the task cannot be completed.

With Emperor Yi’s moody and abyssal surname, he had to kill himself. Sima Yi could learn to be obedient this time.

It doesn’t matter if he’s faithful or not.

It doesn’t matter if he’s afraid of his own life. Anyway, he was indeed doing things for Nie Zhengzhong.

“Zhongda was the Taifu of the Tang Dynasty, and he was also the former emperor’s teacher, and he was the elder of the Three Dynasties of Bactria Dynasty.”

“Zhongda has something to say but it doesn’t matter, Xiao Wang is naturally willing to listen.”

Zhu Di hurriedly showed a 20-year-old appearance of being taught with an open mind.

“Wang Ye, you can not take this holy will, and you can even cut off the old lady’s head.”

“Since the old man dared to go to the north to preach his will, naturally there were people who were ready to land on the ground.”

Sima Yi spoke hoarsely.

Holding the Holy Will, he sat down in front of Zhu Di.

The head probed forward slightly, as if waiting for Zhu Di to cut off his head. But Sima Yi was sharp.

The old fox who was extremely deep in the city government calculated that Zhu Di would not kill him. Only then did he show a look of seeing death as a homecoming.


Zhu Di frowned.

Qiang smiled and said, “Zhongda, what are you doing, Xiao Wang, would he have committed such a poisonous hand?” ”

Sima Yi smiled.

He knew he was half successful.

“Good, good, Wang Ye is indeed a wise man, it seems that the old man does not have to die.”

Sima Yi shook his head and stood up.

Then he took some old steps in front of Zhu Di.

“Prince, you only have two options now.”

“Either cut off the old man’s head and start a rebellion, or go with the old man to the royal capital to meet the saint and explain the assassin’s affairs clearly.”

“But the prince just didn’t kill the old man, and he refused to accept the order.”

“Has Wang Ye ever thought that if His Majesty does not see Wang Ye come to the capital for a day, His Majesty will put on the hat of rebellion and directly lead the troops to destroy you?”

“Can the prince think of this consequence?”

Sima Yi paused and tilted his head to look at Zhu Di.

A pair of old eyes stared at it very much, and Zhu Di, who was staring straight ahead, was shocked.

“Does Emperor Yi really dare to do such a reckless thing?”

Zhu Di blurted out, and even the title of Tianzi in his mouth changed. Apparently.

Sima Yi’s words confused him.

“Wang Ye, why don’t you understand?”

“Since the Son of Heaven dares to attack Wang Ye, whether he dares to do anything to attack the Northern Realm, Wang Ye, you should know best.”

“It is not the old man who is here to be a lobbyist for the Son of Heaven, but some things that happened in the capital of the king, I think Wang Ye has already heard about it.”

“If nothing else, just talking about Your Majesty’s thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders, didn’t Wang Ye hear about it?”

Sima Yi talked nonchalantly.

Zhu Di’s face was solemn to the extreme. Sima Yi also felt that the heat was almost over. I knew it was time to add fuel to the fire.

“Is Wang Ye thinking that if he really enters the Wang Capital, what if the Son of Heaven wants to ambush and kill himself?”

As Sima Yi’s words fell.

Zhu Di’s heart trembled fiercely.

Because Sima Yi did say what he had in mind.

“In fact, since the old man came to the Yan King’s Mansion, Wang Ye, you only have one choice left.”

Sima Yi pretended to sigh.

“What choice?”

Zhu Di asked in surprise.

“Naturally, he went back to the king with his old husband to meet His Majesty, and the prince had no choice but to do so.”

“Because even if Wang Ye wants to rebel, but now the time has not come, if you do the opposite, you will directly become the target of the public, and the northern forces that have been operating for many years will also be in vain.”

“But if the prince does not rebel, and does not go to the king’s capital to face the saint, will His Majesty be able to spare the prince?”

“So, in fact, Wang Ye, you only have one choice left, that is, to go back to the king with your old husband to meet with the saint and explain the assassin’s affairs.”

Sima Yi’s words were full of words, and he had already made Zhu Di’s situation at this moment very clear. Zhu Di is not a fool.

The whole person fell silent.

But the heart stirred up monstrous waves. Just as Sima Yi said.

He really only had one choice left.

That is, to follow Sima Yi into the king’s capital to meet the Son of Heaven.

“Zhongda, can you let my son Ben Wei go to the Wang Capital, and Zhong Da will tell His Majesty that Ben Wang is seriously ill…”

Zhu Di wanted to retreat and probe in a consultative tone.

But before he could finish speaking.

Sima Yi shook his head and sighed, “My prince, the world says that you are heroic and courageous, but why are you so confused now?” ”

“Your Majesty is obviously asking you to come to the capital in person, and even if you send an heir, do you think this is feasible?”

Heard Sima Yi’s words.

The last thought that arose in Zhu Di’s mind was also extinguished. Oh, yes.

Emperor Yi was obviously pouring dirty water on himself. The purpose was to get himself to see him in the king’s capital. Even though he sent an heir.

I’m afraid that Emperor Yi will still find excuses to mess with him. If you really raise an army to fight yourself. This was definitely not the result he wanted to see.

“Zhongda, please give the king seven days to consider, and after seven days the king will certainly give you an answer.”

Zhu Di groaned for a long time.

Finally looked up at Sima Yi. Nor did he say that he would not receive the holy will.

He just silently took the holy will in Sima Yi’s hand in his hand.

“Well, the old man awaits the good news of the prince.”

Sima Yi’s eyes moved slightly, and he nodded. Although Zhu Di delayed for seven days.

Sima Yi didn’t know what he was going to consider.

But Sima Yi knew he had accomplished his task. Seven days later.

Zhu Di was bound to follow him back to the capital. Because it’s his only option. As for the immediate rebellion?


Sima Yi sneered inwardly.

As long as Zhu Di is a wise man, he will never rebel.

Because if he moves at this moment, the other kings of the clan will watch the fire from the other side. This kind of thing of making wedding clothes for others, Zhu Di would not do it.

“Come, send Sima Taifu back to his room to rest.”

Zhu Di found several maids and servants.

They were instructed to take good care of Sima Yi’s diet and living these days. This minister must not be neglected.


Zhu Di saw Sima Yi’s sick and old dragon bell. I was really afraid that he would die in the Yan King’s Mansion because of his poor health.

If that’s the case.

Zhu Di couldn’t tell even if he had a hundred pieces.

“The old man is waiting for the news from the prince.”

Sima Yi arched his hand and retreated. With Sima Yi leaving.

Zhu Di’s eyes were gloomy and solemn, his five fingers clenched the Holy Will in his hand, and a series of green tendons constantly squirmed from the back of his palm. It proves that his heart is very unstable at the moment, and he is extremely angry. But what about anger?

Sima Yi was indeed right. He didn’t have a choice.

“Summoning the old monk to see the king.”

Zhu Di casually instructed the guards next to him.

The guards did not dare to be idle, and immediately went to pass on Yao Guangxiao’s visit.


In the study room.

Zhu Di’s face was livid, and the holy will was placed on the book by him.

Yao Guangxiao wore a black robe, folded his hands, and kept chanting the Buddha trumpet in his mouth. Just by looking at his outfit, he deserves the name of a demon monk.

“Old monk, Emperor Yi is forcing me.”

“What do you think about this?”

Zhu Di looked at Yao Guangxiao coldly.

Hopefully he can give himself an idea.

“Sima Yi is right, Wang Ye, you have no choice at all.”

Yao Guangxiao smiled slightly.

“Even you think the king should enter the king’s capital?”

Zhu Di frowned slightly.

“Wang Ye is in no hurry.”

“You hid in the northern part of Bactria for many years in order to overthrow the Bactria and change the dynasty.”

“Although there are risks in going to the king’s capital, it is not necessarily a situation of death.”

“Moreover, your undercover for so many years in the northern part of Bactria is also a task entrusted to you by the Ming Emperor.”

“If you really can’t decide, you might as well just ask Emperor Ming about the flying pigeon.”

“Look at how Emperor Ming replied to you, if the time is ripe for Emperor Ming, the prince can rise up, and you and Emperor Ming’s inside and outside may not be able to overthrow Xia.”

Yao Guangxiao’s smile did not diminish.

“Father Emperor?”

When Yao Guangxiao mentioned the words Emperor Ming. Suddenly, Zhu Di’s face changed slightly.

There was a deep fear under his eyes. If Zhu Di is the most feared person in this life.

That must be his father. Think of the horror of the Father.

Zhu Di was worried and uneasy inside.

If he did not complete the task assigned by his father. Don’t look at the 000 self as his son.

That’s really killing and killing.

His father and emperor definitely did not think of the slightest father-son relationship. Thinking of the horror of my father’s emperor.

Zhu Di’s face was pale.

Write quickly.

Then the flying pigeon passed the book away.

Watch the flying pigeons disappear into the distant sky.

Zhu Di’s inner emotions were extremely bitter.

I don’t know what will the Father will give to him when he sees his letters.

Seven days allowed Zhu Di to live like a year. He had been waiting for a reply from his father. Finally.

The flying pigeon returned to the Yan King’s mansion.

And brought a piece of letterhead. Zhu Di quickly opened the letterhead.

But there is only one word written on the trusted note. Go!


Just one word.


And the word is written crookedly. It can be said to be extremely ugly.

But if you look closely, you will find out.

The person who wrote this word is only one

The word “go”. It is full of a touch of imperial power.

Let people look at it at a glance and be vaguely frightened.


See the reply of the Father Emperor.

Zhu Di’s face gradually calmed down. Since the father and emperor have already made instructions.

Then he could only go to the capital of the Great Xia with a hard scalp.

“Tell Sima Yi that the Holy Will King has taken it.”

“The king of Ming Dynasty set off with him for the capital of Bactria King.”

Zhu Di spoke calmly.

The servants hurried to convey the edict of the King of Yan.

Sima Yi smiled slightly after receiving the news. Sigh inwardly.

It seems that his old life has been saved. This time I made such a great contribution myself.

Tianzi will not be beating me hard?.. Following.

Guarded by thousands of elite soldiers.

Sima Yi and Zhu Di traveled by cart and horse to the capital of Bactria Dynasty. But the interesting thing is.

This time, Zhu Di Fengzhao went to the capital of Bactria King. Just the gold and silver treasure filled a hundred chests. Apparently.

These treasures were all given to the Son of Heaven by Zhu Di. And.

Zhu Di had the instructions of his father. I also settled down a lot inside.

It can also be seen from here.

Zhu Di was so in awe and surrender to his father. Just a “go” word.

It will make him make a decision immediately.

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