Chapter 118 The Little Treasury That Can Make People Happy, How Can the Son of Heaven Not Love?.

The capital of the Bactrian Dynasty, Weiyang Palace.

“Slave and Concubine, long live Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Only to see that Washu had just entered the temple.

With a thud, he fell to his knees. He had just returned from the South.

I didn’t even return to the mansion.

He went directly into the palace to face the saint.

And the wind and dust servants.

Even the coffin was stained with some dust. Yuantu’s face was full of exhaustion.

At a glance, people really thought that he had suffered a lot of hard work in the southern region. However, Nie Zheng knew it at a glance.

This guy is deliberately dressing himself up like this. Tell yourself this Son of Heaven.

He did a good job of accomplishing the will of the Son of Heaven. And it is very laborious in the relief of the hungry.

Although he played a little cautiously. But Nie Zheng didn’t care. Ruo Washu does not do this.

On the contrary, it made Nie Zheng feel strange.

“Leveled with Ai Qing.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Your Majesty.”

He Yan hurriedly got up, arched his body, and his face was full of flattering smiles.

“Hezhen, you did a good job, and sure enough, you didn’t disappoint you.”

Nie Zheng praised without hesitation.

“Your Majesty has tormented the slaves, and the slaves can do things for His Majesty, which is a blessing cultivated by the Slave X.”

He Yan hurriedly smiled modestly.

“Well, okay.”

Nie Zheng became more and more satisfied with his small vault.

“He has made meritorious contributions to the starving people in Jinan, and has been specially given the post of young fu and ranked among the nine secretaries.”

Nie Zheng said.

“Slave thank Your Majesty Longen.”

Washu looked overjoyed.

Hurry up and kneel again and prostrate Shane.

Although he guessed that the Son of Heaven would reward him. But Washu didn’t think about it at all.

The Son of Heaven actually rewarded him as a young prince of the dynasty, and was ranked as one of the Nine Qings. This is a great reward.

How can you not get Washu excited?

“Hezhen, originally I still wanted to reward you with some gold and silver cloth, but after thinking about it, you don’t lack these things in the Hefu.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

Hear the Word of the Son of Heaven.

Wakan’s heart fluttered.

He already knew that the Son of Heaven knew all about his corruption. But now there was no point in blaming him.

What does this mean?

It shows that Tianzi regarded him as a close confidant.

And what do you want to do?

Of course, it is to repay the peach and make the son happy.

“Your Majesty has made a clear note that the slaves have returned from the southern realm this time, bringing some strange things to His Majesty, and also asking His Majesty to look at it and talk to him.”

Hurriedly rushed to the outside of Weiyang Palace and clapped his hands.

Only to see dozens of large wooden boxes carried in. With Wakan’s command.

These large wooden boxes were all opened. The pearlescent aura instantly filled the entire Weiyang Palace.

Even more thorny, the eunuch palace women present could not open their eyes.

“Your Majesty, this is a 10,000-year-old blood coral, looking at the land of the Seven Kingdoms, and whoever can possess this thing will definitely not exceed the number of five fingers and Yan carefully pick up a unique treasure and send it to Nie Zheng.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.


He Yan is indeed a talent.

Even this unique treasure was in his hands. Apparently.

On this trip to the southern realm, Hezhen did not lack to snatch the silver money of those greedy coffins. According to Nie Zheng’s understanding of Hezhen.

I’m just afraid that the family foundation of these southern librarians will not be hollowed out by Hezhen, and it will not be much different.

“Your Majesty looks again, this object is called Udon Han Jade, and this jade is made into a pendant and carried on the body all year round, which has the effect of prolonging life and immortality.”

He Yan smiled and continued to offer the treasure.

“Be well, and Ai Qing really has a heart.”

Nie Zheng smiled.


“Or how to say that Washu is his precious little vault.” Look at what this courtier does. ”

Went to the southern region for disaster relief.

Not only perfectly will the starving people things be solved. Come back and offer many unique treasures to the Son of Heaven. What son of heaven do you say doesn’t like this kind of courtier?

“Your Majesty, there are better things to offer to you.”

And the thief laughed.

Quietly, he took out a brocade box from the cuff. Although the brocade box is not large, it is exceptionally exquisitely manufactured. Only to see Washu open the Nishiki box.

It contains seven fragrant elixirs.

“Your Majesty, this item is called Dragon Spirit Tiger Mengdan, but it is made of thousand-year-old ginseng, hundred-year-old deer antler velvet, and adult tiger bones with more than a hundred rare medicinal materials.”

“Under this Dan dress, you can not only consolidate the original Peiyuan, but also allow you to experience the ultimate happiness that is difficult for the gods and immortals to experience on the dragon bed.”

“Of course, Your Majesty can rest assured that although this medicine is fierce, it has no side effects, but it has a great nourishment for His Majesty’s dragon body, and His Majesty can try it with confidence.”

“And this Dan is unisex and unilateral, if Your Majesty is willing to give it to the harem ladies…”

He laughed and did not continue.

But the meaning is very obvious.

He silently closed the jin box and quietly placed it in front of Nie Zheng.

“Well, not bad.”

Nie Zheng looked at the jin box in front of him strangely. Although he felt that he did not need this kind of thing. But Washu said so.

Nie Zheng’s mind came up with the voices of Wu Meiniang and Su Daji. A bad smile came out of the corner of Nie Zheng’s mouth.

How to say it.

These two beauties are both good, but in that regard, they are a bit unable to let go. If this Dan really has a miraculous effect.

It really made Nie Zheng feel a little itchy in his heart. The smile on Tianzi’s face grew stronger.

He Yan secretly snickered in his heart.

He knew he was doing the right thing. Look.

Didn’t he make Tianzi extremely happy? In the future, there will naturally be no problem.

The Son of Heaven now treats him completely as a cronie. Look at the whole of Bactria.

How many people can have this honor?

The next thing is simple. He Yan continued to offer treasures.

Coaxed Nie Zheng to laugh even more. Until all the treasures are introduced.

He Yan even presented an account book to Nie Zheng. The contents of this ledger are simple.

It is recorded how many silver coins Washu sent. Nie Zheng took a brief look.


Silver alone has more than 100 million taels. Gold is as high as 30 million taels.

There are countless other jadeite jade objects.

“Your Majesty, the slaves have sent all the treasures in the account books into the treasury, and I ask Your Majesty to examine them.”

He Yan knelt down and prostrated his head.

“Well, and Aiqing, you are indeed a great loyalist.”

Nie Zheng smiled more and more happily.

But the next moment.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold.


These belongings are the ointments of the people that the librarians of the Southern Frontier have been looting for so many years. The sheer number is simply appalling.

Perhaps he felt Nie Zheng’s killing chance. He Yan’s eyes shifted and he hurriedly began to play, “Your Majesty, the slaves and the Wei Governor have killed some Southern Realm librarians, but not all of them.” ”

“After all, if those librarians were all killed, there would be no one to help His Majesty govern the southern realm.”

“But Your Majesty can rest assured that the slaves have appointed some capable courtiers to begin to govern the South.”

“These people are all protégés of slaves, and although their bodies may not be clean, they know what to do and what not to do.”

“The slaves dare to assure His Majesty that things like the starving people in the south will never happen again.”

“As for those southern librarians who were not killed, these protégés and former officials of the slaves thoroughly managed the southern realm would naturally kill them.”


Nie Zheng nodded slowly.

What he did was indeed very much in line with his wishes.

In the way of the coffin, there is indeed a talent that others do not have.

“Your Majesty, if a slave appoints a protégé to a coffin without His Majesty’s permission, the slave is guilty.”

He Yan hurriedly prostrated his head and pleaded guilty.

“Okay, get up.”

“If you are guilty, then all my Librarians in Bactria should be killed.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Your Majesty forgives.”

Washu was secretly relieved.

He was really afraid that Tianzi would be angry because he appointed the librarian at will.

After all, the appointment and dismissal of librarians needs to be submitted to the officials first, and then to the son of heaven. Doing so yourself is a complete transgression.

But seeing the Son of Heaven did not blame himself. Washu is also secretly admired.

The Heavenly Son’s qi was indeed as deep as the sea. I didn’t choose the wrong master.

“And love, tonight you will be feasting in the Royal Garden, and then you, the great hero, must not be late, Nie Zhengdao.”

“Minister, obey the order.”

Wakan’s eyes moved.

It can be heard only from this sentence of the Son of Heaven.

Tonight, the Heavenly Son feasts on the courtiers, but I am afraid that I will unify the dynasty. It also made him extremely excited inside.

Then the two men had a brief conversation. He Yan then retreated.

With the withdrawal of Washu from Weiyang Palace. Zhao Gao, who was next to Nie Zheng, smiled, “The master’s wisdom is pearl, and Hezhen is indeed a talent, and only the master has the ability to see people.” ”

Zhao Gao patted his ass.

Just watched a series of moves by Wakan. He sighed to himself.

However, for his master’s means, he can also learn a lesson.

“Okay, less slap the horse’s ass, tonight’s feast and courtiers, I have something to tell you to do.”

“Zhao Gao, you come with your ears.”

Nie Zheng beckoned to Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao hurried to the front of his ear.


After listening to Nie Zheng’s explanation.

Zhao Gao’s face was shocked, and an exclamation came from his mouth. The look in Tianzi’s eyes was uncertain.

“Your Majesty, is this really good?”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly, “What, you’re afraid?” ”

“Let it go, there is behind you, who dares to say more, then he is a man of no kings and no subjects.”

“And the lives of such people naturally have no need to stay.”

“This Great Xia Dynasty Hall really should be rectified.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were slightly cold.

A streak of murder passed under his eyes.

Tonight’s feast of courtiers is not just to unify the dynasty and monopolize the imperial power. It is also time for the Great Xia Dynasty to be purged.

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