Chapter 119 refers to deer as horses!.

The sun sets and night falls.

A remnant moon hangs in the sky.

A lantern rises in the royal garden. The entire Imperial Garden is reflected in the dust. Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Beside her is Empress Wu Meiniang.

Behind him was Lu Yan sitting with a curtain hanging down. As for Su Daji.

Nie Zheng did not let her come to accompany her to the banquet.

After all, today’s occasion is not suitable for Su Daji’s arrival.

“Your Majesty has a will, and the courtiers are invited to the banquet.”

Cao leaned forward and the voice came out of the Royal Garden.

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu waited for a long time outside the Imperial Garden. Hear Cao Tian read out the dictation of the Son of Heaven.

The courtiers hurried and entered the Royal Garden.

“Long live Your Majesty the Emperor.”

The crowd bowed their heads.

The mouth is even more mountainous.

“All the secretaries of state are at peace.”

“Today is not a court discussion of government, and all the secretaries of state do not need to be formal, so let them all sit down.”

Nie Zheng smiled and said.

“Ministers, etc.”

Hundreds of civil and military officials have spoken out one after another.

Hurry up and feast according to your respective seats.

“The former emperor died early, and soon after he ascended the throne, the Great Xia Dynasty was able to have today’s grand situation thanks to the strong support of the Qing family

“Emperor Xian Xian respects the family of the Qing Dynasty.”

Nie Zheng raised a toast to the Manchu Dynasty’s Minister of Culture and Military Affairs. Look up and drink the best wine in your glass.

The civil and military officials did not dare to be idle, and they raised their glasses one after another to get up and pay tribute to the Son of Heaven.

“Your Majesty’s heavenly might, the rise of the four seas, the view of ancient and modern emperors, not His Majesty is the Emperor of the Ancient World, and the admiration of Wei Chen for His Majesty is like a long river and tsunami.”

“Your Majesty a cup.”

Washu stood up with a big slap on the back.

He smiled and raised his glass to drink the wine.


Seeing that Hezhen was the first to come out of the crowd, Nie Zheng smiled and nodded. Although this ass shot a little too much.

It is even more embarrassing to listen to, but Nie Zheng just loves to listen. Now.

The Manchu Dynasty had different cultural and martial thoughts.

Watching Washu slap Tianzi on the ass. Some people looked contemptuous. Some people frown slightly.

It should be known that many people in the Manchu Dynasty were envoys of the kings of various domains. Among them, there are many former protégés of Dong Zhuo for many years.

Today, the Heavenly Son feasted on the courtiers, and they were always a little uneasy in their hearts.

Although the Son of Heaven does not come to the dynasty.

873 but some have found out.

The Great Xia Dynasty Hall was different from before. Don’t talk about other people.

It was only Zhao Kuangyin, the great marshal of the world’s warriors and horses. There is also the right Cheng Xiang Cao Xian.

The two men did not speak in court for several days. Whether it is the will issued by Lü Yan.

Or the Empress on behalf of Tianzi. They all agreed.

This is the opposite of what was before.

The changes in this are naturally seen by them.

But it can be said that these two people with power and opposition surrendered to the Son of Heaven. Manchu Wenwu was still a little unconvinced.

After all, the power in the hands of the two is enormous.

And for many years it has been the existence of the Lord of the High Cover. How could he easily submit to the hands of the new emperor?

“The old slave also toasts His Majesty.”

“Your Majesty is the king of the ancient world, and with you, the benevolent king, sitting in the seat of Bactria will certainly be prosperous in the future, even if we unify the nine weeks and seven kingdoms, it may not be impossible.”

Wei Zhongxian stood up for the second time.

He had a humble smile on his face, and the horse’s ass was even more fierce than that of Hezhen. Washu just said some words of admiration.

And Wei Zhongxian even brought out the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms. Don’t brag about the Son of Heaven with a face. And Wei Zhongxian’s remarks.

It immediately caused a small uproar. Apparently.

This ass shot is really a bit big. Also unify nine weeks and seven kingdoms?

Who did not know that Bactria was plagued by civil unrest. And it is the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms.

It would have been nice if the remaining six countries had not attacked Bactria. Still unifying for nine weeks?

Do you mean that the Son of Heaven can sweep through the Eight Wilds and Six Combinations in the future and become the Emperor of the Ages? Manchu Wenwu’s eyes were strange.

However, no one who did not know each other stood up to refute it.

And Lü Bu, who was at the banquet,

The corners of his mouth outlined a touch of irony. There was obviously a sneering look in his eyes. ”

But he just poured himself a drink. I can’t go up and wade through this muddy water.

But Lü Bu is also good.

Or Manchu Dynasty civil and military officials. None of them found out.

When Wei Zhongxian said this.

Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Xian’s eyes lit up.

Even clenched into a fist, there was a faint color of excitement in his eyes.


Nie Zheng lightly memorized the expression of the group of courtiers in his mind.

Wei Zhongxian’s slapping words just smiled and nodded.

“Your Majesty, the subject has accidentally obtained a sweaty and bloody horse, and he would like to invite His Majesty and all of you to have a look.”


Zhao Gao walked out.

He first bowed down to Nie Zheng.

Then he turned around and smiled and looked at Manchu Wenwu.


“Zhao Gao, where is this sweaty and bloody BMW now?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

Just a hint of playfulness crossed his eyes.

“Come, show the sweaty BMW to Your Majesty and all the Lords to see.”

Zhao Gao clapped his hands.

Not for a while.

I saw four young eunuchs carrying an iron cage and walking quickly into the imperial garden. In the iron cage there was a deer standing in it trembling.

Perhaps I felt a lot of amazement in the human gaze.

The fawn groaned, and its limbs were lying down. His whole body trembled with fear.

“Colleagues, my lords, come and see, how is this sweaty horse?”

Zhao Gao looked around at the group of courtiers, and Pi Xiaofeng did not smile.

“Zhao Gao, you are so bold, this is obviously a fawn, but you actually say that it is a sweat and blood BMW, which is a great sin of deception.”

“Lord Zhao, could it be that I am waiting for my clumsiness, and you can’t tell whether you want to give your majesty a horse or a deer?” Or did Lord Zhao treat us courtiers and His Majesty as fools? ”

“How can it be that eunuchs are chaotic in government?”


Such an absurd scene.

It immediately provoked a strong reaction from several old ministers. They all stood up to condemn and angrily rebuke Zhao Gao. And these people are all elders of the DPRK. His status and seniority are extremely high in the court. But there is one thing.

These old ministers were inextricably linked to the kings and envoys of the various clans. Naturally, they did not dare to rebuke the Son of Heaven.

After all, Wang Lang’s lessons from the past made them dare not follow suit. But in the face of Zhao Gao, a eunuch, chaotic government.

Naturally, they have to stand up and refute it.

Even to show his loyalty to the Son of Heaven. In the face of the angry rebuke of many old ministers.

There are also those who scold their castration.

Zhao Gao smiled.

Venom smiled cryptically.

He — he remembered these old men. Then he turned to Nie Zheng and said, “Your Majesty Mingjian, the minister did send a sweaty BMW, but they said it was a deer.” ”

“The minister is also a little confused now, and he doesn’t know whether there is a deer or a horse in this cage, and he asks His Majesty to mention something.”

As Zhao Gao’s words fell.

Nie Zheng had a smile under his eyes.

However, he still pretended to be confused: “There is also a deer in the cage, how can it be like a sweaty BMW?” ”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Some of the old courtiers at the feast finally smiled.

They even stood up again and scolded Zhao Gao fiercely.

“Zhao Gao, you eunuch dared to deceive the Son of Heaven, and you deserve to die.”

“Your Majesty Mingjian, such a traitor should be put to death by Ling Chi, otherwise my great Xia court will be defiled by this castration.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to issue a decree to execute Zhao Gao in order to set the record straight.”


Many old ministers have spoken out.

He scolded Zhao Gao loudly.

Some people even requested that Zhao Gao be beheaded for public display. This moment.

Lü Bu also frowned tightly.

I just wanted to angrily rebuke Zhao Gao’s bold behavior with these old ministers. But when he saw Cao Yi and Zhao Kuangyin and Yan and the others with their eyes half closed. As if ignoring the matter.

This also shocked Lü Bu.

The words that had just reached the mouth swallowed back hard. Well?


Lü Bu suddenly sensed that something was wrong. Zhao Gao was a confidant of Tianzi.


How dare he do such a bold thing? This matter must have been directed by the Son of Heaven behind his back.

Don’t you see that Cao Kuangyin didn’t make a sound? Lü Bu thought of this and instantly woke up.

Then he frowned slightly and secretly observed the Heavenly Son. But he found that Tianzi was calm.

It was impossible to see what was going on in his mind.

At the time of the rebuke and scolding of many old ministers. Zhao Gaomian was not afraid.

Xu Xu turned to Nie Zhengyi and said, “Your Majesty, what the subject has obtained is indeed a sweaty and bloody horse, and he does not dare to deceive the Son of Heaven.” ”

“But Your Majesty has just said that this is a deer, and now many ministers have also said that this is a deer, and the minister is now clumsy, and he does not know whether it is a deer or a horse.”

“The minister implores His Majesty if he can ask the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu who is present whether this is a deer or a horse.”

Nie Zheng nodded, “Precisely.” ”

“I also want to know if it’s a deer or a horse in this cage.”

Get permission from the Son of Heaven.

Zhao Gao’s eyes flashed a sneering and vicious color.

Only then did he turn around and look around at the Qunchen in doubt, “It’s not me Zhao Gao’s clumsiness, but I think the thing in the cage is a high-class sweaty BMW.” ”

“Some people who think it is a horse please stand on my side Zhao Gao, and some people who think it is a deer please stand on the side of these old ministers Zhao Gao said this.”

The group of ministers suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Zhao Gao in surprise.

Obviously, I am somewhat confused about the situation at the moment.


“Colleagues, can’t you even recognize whether it’s a horse or a deer?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“It’s a horse, and this is obviously a fine sweaty BMW.”


He Yan was the first to stand up and came directly to Zhao Gao’s side. Obviously, he had chosen Zhao Gao’s side.

Of course.

It wasn’t that Hezhen really chose to support Zhao Gao.

Instead, he was very clever to see that this was a drama that Tianzi had let Zhao Gao stage. Since it is the meaning of the Son of Heaven.

Nawakana should naturally know how to choose.

“And my lord, your eyes are really going to be cured.”

“Just now even Your Majesty recognized that this is a deer and not a horse, and it is not a joke for you to say that it is actually a horse.”

Some old ministers who thought they were smart and sneered and walked out and stood on the other side.

Faced with the old man’s ridicule. Washu smiled and did not speak.

However, looking at the old minister’s eyes flashed a touch of pity. Scolding inside.


Look at how old you are all living in dogs.

Do you really think that the Son of Heaven can’t recognize horses and deer?

With Washu and the old man moved.

Manchu Wenwu also began to choose the camp he supported. Soon.

There has been a marked change in the number of camps on both sides. There are not many people who support Zhao Gao.

It only accounts for a quarter of the court.

A quarter of them stood behind the old ministers. The remaining half of the courtiers did not choose immediately.

Instead, they are constantly waiting.


Several old ministers who thought it was a deer sneered triumphantly.

Lü Bu, on the other hand, frowned and did not choose immediately.

Instead, he kept his eyes on Cao Cao and Zhao Kuangyin. Finally, Cao Cao and Zhao Kuangyin moved.

In the shocked eyes of the group of courtiers.

The two people who were in power and opposition actually chose to stand next to Zhao Gao. It was also the two of them who moved like this.

The rest of the remaining courtiers looked shocked, and hurriedly got up and came to Zhao Gao’s side as well. Lü Bu frowned and did not get up.

Just looking at Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes with a look of surprise and uncertainty. In a flash.

The number of people who supported Zhao Gao was doubled.

This also made Zhao Gao sneer and look at the other camp.

“Your Majesty, it seems that it is not Zhao Gao’s clumsiness, but that these old ministers have misread it.”

“It’s really a fine sweaty horse, not a fawn.”

Zhao Gao bowed down to Nie Zheng.

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