Chapter 120 Qiankun is dictatorial, and the imperial power is in his hands!


“In this way, it seems that it is indeed a mistake.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

“Your Majesty is not mistaken by His Majesty, but that some people deliberately deceive His Majesty so that His Majesty thinks that the caged thing is a deer or a horse.”

Zhao Gaoyi looked pointedly at these old ministers. On the other hand, these old ministers looked pale. He looked at Zhao Gao sheepishly and could not speak. At the same time.

They also finally found out that something was wrong.

The way Tianzi looked at them was also changing somewhat. An extreme uneasiness suddenly arose from the bottom of their hearts.

“Your Majesty, the old slave has this to play.”


Wei Zhongxian came out of the crowd.

Raise your hands high to present the book to Nie Zheng.

“Your Majesty Qi Song, Gao Jinzhong, Wang Deyu, Zhang Wencai…”

“There are forty-four people in the recital, and all of them have ten major crimes, and I ask Your Majesty to examine them.”

“Corruption is a crime.”

“It is a sin to occupy the people’s fertile land.”

“Every year, it is a crime to collect bribes from the kings of various places in a big way.”

“When Emperor Xian was alive, it was a crime to form a party to oppress Emperor Xian.

“These ten major crimes are too numerous to read, and all forty-four of them deserve to be executed later.”

“Everything they did was investigated by the East Factory, and the old slave would never dare to have any slander.”

“Your Majesty is also invited to make a holy judgment.”

Wei Zhongxian passionately counted the charges against these old ministers. Even more frightened, these old courtiers looked miserable and trembling. Some people sit on the ground with their knees soft.

I see!

They get it.

This is simply a drama arranged by the Son of Heaven. In order to kill them all.


By the time they figured it out, it was too late.

“These forty-four secretaries, can you confess your guilt?”

Nie Zheng looked at these old ministers lightly.

A hint of death gradually arose from under his eyes.

These so-called elders of the two dynasties, or the elders of the three dynasties. When Emperor Xian was alive, he formed a party for personal gain, chaotic government and usurped power. Wantonly accepted bribes from the kings of various provinces. They also repeatedly joined forces to oppress the former emperor.

If it is said that the kings of the various clans are just trying to rebel and rebel. Of course these people deserve to be killed.

But these old ministers are the real initiators. If it weren’t for their chaotic usurpation of power in the DPRK.

Nor will it allow the power of the kings of various regions to gradually become larger.

If the real damn people are these Bacter moths. And they are full of benevolence and morality every day, and they advertise themselves as loyal subjects of Bactria.

But what was done in secret, even if the corpse was shattered and destroyed by the Nine Tribes, could not dispel the hatred.

“The subject confesses his guilt and asks His Majesty to spare his life.”

“The old minister is guilty, please Your Majesty be gracious.”

“For the sake of the old minister Kuang Fu Daxia’s three generations of Heavenly Sons, please Your Majesty be gracious and spare my life.”


Forty-four old ministers hurriedly knelt down and prostrated their heads.

It was even a handful of snot and a handful of tears crying and praying. They obviously saw it.

Where is the feast today. The Son of Heaven is to purge them of these old subjects.

Just everything was done against them.

“Kuang Fu Daxia?”

“Elders of the Three Dynasties?”

“You’re still some old and undead waste.”

“What is the use of leaving you with such waste?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

It’s just that his smile is very cold and cold.

“Drag them out and put them to death, exterminate the ten tribes, and fill the treasury with their family property.”

Nie Zheng waved a big hand.

Kill orders are issued directly.

“Old slave, take the command.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled evilly.

And then a big hand.

The East Factory people quickly rushed into the Royal Garden.

No matter how these forty-four old ministers cried and pleaded.

Pulling their hair back, they dragged them out of the imperial garden. Not for a while.

The sound of a terrible howl kept coming from outside the Imperial Garden. The scream was creepy to hear. You must know that Ling Chi’s execution is not a beheading to show the public. More than a thousand knives will be cut.

Such torture is so cruel that it is understandable that it falls on these Bactrian moths. A full hour passed.

Outside the Royal Garden it was finally quiet.

Solve these so-called three dynasty elders. Nie Zheng also smiled satisfactorily.

“Ladies and gentlemen, all of you will sit down.”

“Today we will have a drink together.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Your Majesty, the subject has this to play.”


Only to see Zhao Kuangyin kneeling on the ground, presenting the sonata in his hand.

“Your Majesty, the courtiers also play this song.”

At the same time.

Cao Wei also took out the sonata like Zhao Kuangyin.


See the two great powers playing.

The civil and military officials were secretly stunned.

Don’t say that the hundred pavilions are stunned.

Nie Zheng was also stunned.

He didn’t remember what he had asked the two of them to play.

However, look at the solemn looks on Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin’s faces. Nie Zheng still asked Zhao Gao to present the songbook.

Before Nie Zheng could read the two men’s sonatas. Cao Yidang opened his mouth and said, “Your Majesty, for many years, the kings of various domains have made their troops self-respecting, and they have long become the country within a kingdom of my Great Xia, and it is also the root cause of the civil unrest in my Great Xia. ”

“Wei Chen implored His Majesty to personally lead a large army of half a million to wipe out the kings of various provinces.”

“In this way, I can unify my great summer, and everyone only respects the Son of Heaven, and does not know that these kings and kings are envoys.”

As Cao’s words fell.

The civil and military officials were horrified.

The look in everyone’s eyes at Cao Xian was incredible. But that’s not all.

Zhao Kuangyin also opened his mouth at this moment: “Your Majesty, all the civil strife in the country is divided by the king of the domain, and the minister implores His Majesty to cut the domain.” ”

“If the kings of the various clans do not obey the will of the Son of Heaven, the courtiers will personally lead a million armies to reconnoiter and wipe them out one by one.”


Like thunder in the sky.

Like a meteorite falling to the ground.

As Cao Yike Zhao Kuangyin finished saying this. Man Chao Wen Wu Zhi felt his head buzzing and exploding. I didn’t look back for half a minute.

Among them, Lü Bu was the most shocked. My jaw almost fell to the ground.

He looked at Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin sheepishly. There was a throbbing glint in his eyes. Lü Bu didn’t think about it at all.

Cao Kuangyin had already been loyal to the Son of Heaven. Look at the posture in front of you.

It is even more loyal and fierce.

There is a great determination not to destroy the kings of the various clans who swear to die and never return to the royal capital. Lü Bu was stupid.

He was utterly stupid.

The pale face was no longer bloody. He was arrogant though.

But he’s not a fool.

Previous battles with Jing Ke.

I felt the flickering terror of the Heavenly Son. Now I see that Cao Yi and Zhao Kuangyin have surrendered to the Son of Heaven long ago. If Lü Bu did not understand his situation.

He’s just an idiot.

At the same time.

Lü Bu shivered fiercely. He suddenly looked at the civil and military officials. Finally discovered.

Looking at the Great Xia Dynasty, he had unconsciously been returned to the heart of the Son of Heaven. In the hands of the emperor, the imperial power in hand?

These eight big words suddenly appeared in Lü Bu’s mind. I even thought of my so-called righteous father Dong Zhuo. At this moment, he should still be recruiting troops and horses in Xiliang, right? Hiss!

Lü Bu inhaled a cool breath.

My heart was already cold.

He finally came to his senses.

His righteous father, Dong Zhuo, must have been kicked by a donkey. He even wanted to kill Wang Du in an attempt to rebel?

Didn’t he find out before he left the capital?

Has Emperor Yi gradually taken control of the imperial power of Bactria in his hands?

·0 Ask for flowers… ... Even Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin had already surrendered to him earlier. Are you Dong Zhuo a fart?

Also cool fifty thousand iron riding?

That Zhao Kuangyin million troops, Cao Wei under the command of thirty thousand tigers and leopards riding. If they really send troops to counter the rebellion.

Fifty thousand iron horses in the west of the West are bound to end up dead without a corpse. When Lü Bu thought about it.

His face was pale.

A large amount of cold sweat continued to spill from his forehead and flowed through his cheeks. Suddenly!

Lü Bu shivered. Hurry to wake up from your panic. His eyes turned sharply.

Make a quick decision inside.

Because he knows.

At this moment, I will not make a decision. I am afraid that I am the only one who dies.

“The last general Lü Bu, swore allegiance to the Son of Heaven to the death, was willing to lead troops to put down the rebellion, and asked His Majesty to make it clear.”

Lü Bu quickly stepped forward.

With a thud, he fell to his knees.

There was no longer the arrogance on his face. On the contrary, it is accompanied by great awe. The so-called good birds choose trees to roost.

Lü Bu had already seen the tragic end of Dong Zhuo’s future. Naturally, it was impossible to choose to go all the way to black with Dong Zhuo. Don’t say Lü Bu betrayed Dong Zhuo.

Don’t say that Lü Bu is afraid of death.

Although he is a god of the world.

And even more so a person.

But man cannot be separated from the category of man. He knew that Dong Zhuo would undoubtedly die in the future.

Naturally, he couldn’t stupidly accompany Dong Zhuo to death. And.

These days he is terrified of the Son of Heaven. See this scene again today.

If he doesn’t know what to choose. That Lü Bu was a fool. Jing Ke, who assassinated the Son of Heaven, surrendered.

Zhao Kuangyin surrendered.

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu returned to his heart.

If he still can’t see the means of the Son of Heaven.

Lü Bujue’s self could really be called a piff.


See Lü Bu kneeling and prostrating.

Nie Zheng looked at it lightly.

It seems that Lü Bu has finally understood the situation. But this kid’s surname is capricious.

One last knock is needed.

If you can’t give him a lesson you will never forget. I’m just afraid that he will dare to oppose Dong Zhuo today.

Tomorrow I will dare to oppose him this big summer.

But now Nie Zheng was not in a hurry to knock Lü Bu. Instead, he was considering the sonatas of Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin.

Send two people to personally lead a large army to suppress the kings of various provinces? Just as Nie Zheng was thinking about it.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu also returned to his senses. They scrambled to kneel on the ground.

One after another, the kings of the various clans were playing to make it harmful. He also implored Nie Zheng to order the suppression of the rebellion.

All of a sudden.

The voices of the entire Imperial Garden to suppress the rebellion are endless. Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was shouting with excitement.

And Empress Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan in the bead curtain saw this scene. There is also a faint excitement in the heart that cannot control it.

Especially Lu Jie.

A mist of water rose faintly in her beautiful eyes. She finally saw the day.

Saw the day when the summer was in hand. I also saw hope for the future of Bactria.

When the former emperor was alive.

Lü Yan watched with his own eyes as Emperor Xian was oppressed by his courtiers. Then she swore that the Son of Heaven would be incompetent. Then she Lü Yan will perform imperial power on behalf of the Son of Heaven.

All civil strife in Bactria must be put to rest.

She knew it was hard.

But I’ve been trying to do that. But today.

She finally found out.

Emperor Yi had already surpassed the previous emperors of Bactria unconsciously. It’s really here.


A tear flowed from Lu Yan’s rosy eye socket. It was tears of joy.

It was also the happy tears of her seeing Emperor Yi come to the world in the future and unify the Great Xia.

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