Chapter 121: His father is the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang!

In the Royal Garden, the lights are bright.

Under the leadership of Cao Kuangyin and Zhao Kuangyin, the civil and military officials knelt down and asked for help. Especially Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin, their eyes revealed hope. Just wait for the Son of Heaven to give his orders.

The two immediately dispatched a large army. Such a pomp and circumstance.

It had not appeared for a long time since Emperor Shengzu of Bactria had appeared. No!

Not for long.

It didn’t happen at all. It used to be the strong and the weak all the time. Now it is the Lord who is strong and weak!

Nie Zheng was also after Emperor Shengzu of Bactria Dynasty. The Son of Heaven who truly monopolizes imperial power.


Faced with the pleas of the courtiers.

Nie Zheng’s face was calm.

It was impossible to see what was going on inside him. However, Nie Zheng still opened his mouth slowly.

“Cut the clan to suppress the rebellion?”

“Ladies and gentlemen, who has rebelled?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

iiii fell with Nie Zheng’s words. Manchu Wenwu was suddenly stunned. He looked at the Son of Heaven with utter astonishment. Especially Cao Yi and Zhao Kuangyin.

I also couldn’t understand this sentence of Tianzi.

The two of them clicked their eyes and didn’t say a word for half a second. Oh, yes!

Who rebelled?

Everyone was savoring the meaning of Nie Zheng’s words. Half a ring.

Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin came back to their senses.

Looking at the eyes of the Heavenly Son, there was a touch of surprise.

It was as if he vaguely understood the meaning of Nie Zheng’s words.

“Ladies and gentlemen, disperse.”

Nie Zheng smiled and waved.

Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin glanced at each other. Know that the Son of Heaven has his own ideas.

The will of the Son of Heaven is not something they can influence as courtiers.

“The minister waits for the retreat.”

Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin’s eyes moved slightly. He bowed down to Nie Zheng.

He withdrew from the Imperial Garden.

See Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin leave.

Manchu Wenwu could only bow down and retreat.

But everyone is very confused inside.

Why didn’t the Son of Heaven take this opportunity to cut the domain? Pity.

There were too few people in Manchu Wenwu who could understand Nie Zheng’s thoughts. What is the Imperial Heart Technique?

The Imperial Heart Technique is simply the way to control the crowd. Nie Zheng saw it very clearly.

At this moment, it seems that people’s hearts are desired, and the group of ministers is excited and pleased.

But this situation was only brought up by Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin. The Son of Heaven must remain sane enough.

If only the crowd instigated. Nie Zheng then issued a decree to suppress the rebellion and cut down the domain.

Then his heart was also too shallow. And.

Nie Zheng’s vision was very far-reaching.

Far from what the courtiers could imagine. Punch.

From the beginning to the end, he did not pay attention to the kings of the various provinces. Of course.

The Great Xia Guiyi is certain.

It is also necessary to put down the rebellion of the kings of the various clans.

However, Nie Zheng wanted to force them to oppose one by one. Moreover.

Nie Zheng was waiting for someone.

He was waiting for Zhu Di to enter the capital.

You must know that the other clan kings are still good to say. But Zhu Di’s background is not ordinary. Nie Zheng knew it very clearly. Who is Zhu Di’s father?

It was an emperor who loved his people like a son, but was extremely harsh on his subjects. The methods used to deal with the coffin are even more brutal.

It was also because of Zhu Di’s father’s rule that the people of Daming were able to live and work in peace and contentment. Is Zhu Di a hero?

A: Count.

But Zhu Di was just a bear in front of his father.

Even if it was a look from his father, Zhu Di could tremble with fear. Plainly.

Nie Zheng never regarded Zhu Di as an opponent.

What really made him an opponent was Zhu Di’s father.


As the courtiers left.

Nie Zheng stretched out lazily.

I yawned involuntarily. Nie Zheng simply counted the days.

Sima Yi should also be about to bring Zhu Di back to the capital.

After all, Sima Yi, an old and immortal guy, has a strong mouth.

Now two months have passed.

Nie Zheng estimated that within three or five days, Zhu Di should also come to the Wang Capital.

“Your Majesty, do you still want to stay with Concubine Su of Shouxian Palace today?”

Wu Meiniang looked at herself, the Heavenly Son’s husband.

A hint of resentment rose from the face of the most beautiful and delicate frieze. Apparently.

For a while, Nie Zheng immersed himself in Su Daji’s gentle countryside every day.

Although Wu Meiniang has the posture of a female emperor, she is also vaguely jealous in her heart.

“Pretty girl, I’m not going anywhere today, you and I…”

Before Nie Zheng could finish speaking. Lü Yan coughed coldly inside the beaded curtain. Then he stepped out from inside the beaded curtain, “Your Majesty, you must pay attention to the dragon body, but don’t get tired of it.” ”

Lü Yan threw down a cold sentence.

As soon as he threw the phoenix robe out of the imperial garden. A great sour smell pervaded. This also made Nie Zheng quite embarrassed.

“Congratulations to the empress dowager.”

Wu Meiniang opened her mouth softly.

Lu Yan’s body stiffened slightly.

But he walked out of the imperial garden quickly. Apparently.

This sentence “Empress Dowager Niangniang” made Lü Yan angry.

“Pretty girl, you can’t let the province worry about it.”

See Wu Meiniang deliberately angry with Lü Jie.

Nie Zheng could only sigh helplessly.

The two women looked at each other unfavorably. Usually, it is better in front of the courtiers.

At the very least, you can pay attention to your own manners. But once only the three of them were left.

The strong smell of gunpowder permeated it.

“Your Majesty, the concubine is your empress dowager, and naturally you have nothing to say when you accept a concubine of Su Da’s own courtiers.”

“But if some people want to fight His Majesty’s idea, the concubine will certainly not let her succeed.”

Nie Zheng was fine not to speak.

When he said this, Wu Meiniang suddenly raised her voice.

This also caused Lu Yan, who had just walked out of the Royal Garden, to tremble all over. A pair of Xiu fists clenched, and then gradually released.

“Emperor Yi, you empress should take good care of it.”

Lu Yan made a harsh remark.

The bento steps disappeared outside the Imperial Garden. This also made Wu Meiniang giggle. It’s like having a big victory.

“Sweetie, you, hey.”

Nie Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

There is really no way to take these two women. But he also found one thing.

Although Lu Yan was very powerful.

But it made Wu Meiniang restrain herself.

Especially this empress dowager’s four words.

It almost became Wu Meiniang’s must-kill skill to restrain Lü Yan. The next thing is simple.

Nie Zheng went to Wu Meiniang’s bedchamber. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night…

Taihe Palace.

That is, Wu Meiniang’s bedchamber. The night is dark, and the lonely moon is hanging high.

Wu Meiniang’s face was rosy and she fell into a deep sleep. Nie Zheng gently stepped out of bed. Pushing open the palace door and walking out.

“Your Majesty?”

Cao Tian was yawning.

I could see Tianzi walking out of the palace, and his face was shocked.

“Cao Qian, you don’t have to follow along, don’t disturb the queen’s rest.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian hurriedly replied.

Then he bowed down and walked away.

As Cao Tian left.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Then stroll towards the Eastern Palace. The so-called war between two women. Coaxed Wu Meiniang.

Nature can’t make Lu Lu sad… East Palace.

Lu Yan was sleepless tonight.

She held a scroll of ancient books in her hand and flipped through it.

But all in my mind was Emperor Yi’s voice.

“Abominable Emperor Yi, the ghost is not scattered.”

Lü Yan casually threw the scroll on the table. There was a whisper of resentment in his mouth.

“Where’s the abomination: 0” Amazing.

A chuckle came into Lu Jie’s ear.

This also shocked her, and when she looked up, she saw Nie Zheng enter the Eastern Palace.

“How did you get in?”

Seeing Nie Zheng enter his palace silently.

Lu Yan was first stunned, and then a trace of joy crossed his eyes.

“Mei Niang made you angry, can you not come to see you?”

Nie Zheng sat casually next to Lü Jie.

A long helpless sigh came from his mouth.

“Your queen has sharp teeth, and this palace is naturally willing to bow to the wind.”

Lu Yan pretended to be angry.


If only Lu Yan did not show her strong and domineering side. This brutal look actually made Nie Zheng’s eyes light up.

“You, I know that Mei Niang is sincere with you, and you are still fighting with her.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Okay, you came here in the middle of the night, not only to apologize for her coming here?”

Lu Yan’s heart moved.

Knowing that Nie Zheng had come here, there must be something else.


“Can’t I come to see you without anything?”

Nie Zheng laughed.

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Lü Yan was first frightened.

The next moment, her face turned red. That’s what it was discovered.

It was late at night.

The two share a room.

This also made Lu Lu suddenly nervous.

“Emperor Yi, you….. Don’t mess around. ”

“This is not where you come from.”

Lü Yan hurriedly got up, deliberately keeping a distance from Nie Zheng.

She was really afraid that Nie Zheng would do something that she couldn’t accept. After all, Emperor Yi was a man who did not play cards according to common sense.

And this hateful guy has no ill will for himself for a day or two.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I just want to talk to you.”

See Lu Yan’s extremely nervous appearance. Nie Zheng was stunned at first.

And then I instantly understood what was going on.

Was he really so malicious in Lü Yan’s eyes?


Hear Nie Zheng’s words.

Lu Yan looked surprised.

Only then did I know that I thought too much.

However, seeing Nie Zheng’s innocent look.

Lü Yan secretly hated this hateful guy in his heart must have been deliberate.

“Joke, you came here in the middle of the night to chat with the palace, isn’t it good to pass it out?”

Lu Yan said coldly.

There was still a faint hint of loss in his heart. In fact.

Just now if Nie Zheng really wanted to do something.

She didn’t know if she should refuse. 4.8 However, seeing that Nie Zheng really did not have any bad intentions. Lu Yan also put his mind at ease.

“Emperor Yi, there is one thing that the palace is very confused, today’s group of ministers asked for orders to cut down the clan to put down the rebellion, why didn’t you agree?”

“Don’t you know this is a great opportunity?”

Lu Yan asked the doubts in his heart.

“I’m waiting for Zhu Di.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

Naturally, he had nothing to hide from Lü Yan.

“Zhu Di?”

Lu Yan was shocked.

You must know that among the various clan kings and envoys, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, is indeed very powerful. But Lu Yan was puzzled.

With what she knew about Emperor Yi.

Zhu Di didn’t let Emperor Yi worry about it, right? Maybe he felt what Lu Yan had in mind.

Nie Zheng smiled slightly, “Do you know who Zhu Di’s father is?” ”

“Zhu Di father?”

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes with a look of doubt. Apparently do not know what this means.

Just the next moment.

What Nie Zheng said.

It exploded like thunder in Lu Yan’s mind. It made her whole person on the spot.

“Zhu Di’s father was Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth calmly.

“Emperor Ming?”

“Zhu Yuanzhang?”


Lu Yan suddenly stood up.

A pair of beautiful eyes are throbbing and widening.

Can’t believe this earth-shattering news.

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