Chapter 122: Can’t Chu Di make his father’s rebellion?






Lu Yan was unbelievable.

I couldn’t believe what Nie Zheng was saying. Zhu Di his father is the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang? Hiss!

Lu Yan couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

She knew that Di Yi would not make such a joke with herself. If there is no conclusive evidence.

Emperor Yi would never tell himself such earth-shattering news.

“No wonder, no wonder you didn’t order the clan to quell the rebellion today.”

“If you make a decree to put down the rebellion, you will definitely force Zhu Di to rebel.”

“If Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di should cooperate outside, I will be in danger in the Great Xia!”

Lu Yan whispered worriedly.

For the prestige of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Lu Yan can be described as thunderous.

You must know that in the world of nine weeks, seven countries coexist. Only Bactria is the weakest.

The other six countries were all eyeing Bactria as tigers. They all wanted to annex Bactria.

Then they annexed the other five countries one by one to achieve the goal of unifying the world for nine weeks. Apparently.

Zhu Di was a pawn installed by the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Bactria. In order to wait for the time to be ripe, to annex Bactria in one fell swoop.

“You are wrong, Shuo did not cut the domain, not because he was afraid that Emperor Ming and Zhu Di should cooperate outside, but because he had other ideas.”

“You may not believe it when you say it, but this Zhu Di is of great use to Yuan.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.


Hear Nie Zheng’s words.

Lü Yan looked stunned, “Emperor Yi, what do you really want to do?” ”

Don’t know why.

Saw the smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

A faint uneasiness arose in Lu Yan’s heart. This uneasiness is extremely strong.

It made her 20 breathing a little more urgent.

“What to do?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

The next moment.

What Nie Zheng said completely made Lü Yan sluggish on the spot.

“It’s easy to do what you want to do.”

“Since Zhu Yuanzhang, that guy wants his son to rebel.”

“Can’t you let Zhu Di create his father’s rebellion?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.


Like a thunderbolt.

Like the waves of the Han Sea.

When Nie Zheng’s words came into his ears.

Lu Yan was stupid.

I just feel my head buzzing.

I couldn’t believe that Emperor Yi could have such a whimsical idea.

“Emperor Yi, how is this possible?”

“Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty threatened to shake the Seven Kingdoms, even if he gave Zhu Di a hundred guts, how dare he betray the Ming Emperor?”

Lu Yan’s voice trembled.

For Nie Zheng’s idea could not agree at all. Know among the Seven Kingdoms.

The only self-made man was the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Start with a bowl, end with a country.

This sentence refers to the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. There were originally only six countries in the Nine Weeks World.

But Zhu Yuanzhang was able to change from a beggar to an emperor. Hard-wired to open their own dynasty.

From here, we can also see the power of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Such a character.

How dare Zhu Di create his father’s rebellion?

“If you haven’t tried it, how do you know it won’t work?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

The smile on his face was unusually bright.


Three days later.

A heavy news spread throughout the capital of Bactria King. Yan King Zhu Di is coming!

Also when the news spread. The Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar.

Even Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin couldn’t sit still. It is also a book of heavenly sons.

Since Zhu Di, the King of Yan, dared to come to the capital of Wangdu.

It was better to take this opportunity to ambush and kill him inside the royal city. Once the Northern Realm lost the main backbone of Zhu Di, the King of Yan. The three battalions under his command will not be able to attack themselves.

It will be easy to collect the northern part of the Bactria at that time. Pity.

For the letters of Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin. Nie Zheng directly chose to ignore it.

Are you kidding?

Kill Zhu Di?

Crazy, right?

He also wanted to plot against Zhu Di to create a rebellion against his Lao Tzu. How could Nie Zheng be willing to kill Zhu Di?·…

Head to the carriage at the Bactrian Palace.

Sima Yi sat cross-eyed with his eyes closed.

The whole person gives people a sick look. Zhu Di, the King of Yan, had a cold look.

The sword in his hand was always in his arms.

When the eyes open and close, there are occasional flashes of cold color. Let’s be honest.

This trip to the capital of the king.

Not Zhu Di’s intention.

If you can choose.

He would not come to the king to meet the Son of Heaven if he was killed. Because this is very likely to lead to the disaster of killing.

But he eventually came.

No way.

The heavens and the earth are big.

Daddy’s will is the greatest.

Although only one word was conveyed to him. Even if it is risking your life.

Zhu Di could only come to the Wang Capital with a hard scalp. However, Zhu Di was still calm in his heart.

He believed that Emperor Yi would not kill him. The reason is simple.

Killed Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

It will certainly arouse the vigilance of the kings of the various domains.

If it is because of this incident that the kings of the various clans are made to be made to be made. Anti. The whole of Bactria had to be messed up.

This kind of result must not be what Emperor Yi wants to see.

“What was Wang Ye thinking?”

Sima Yi slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of old and cloudy eyes looked at Zhu Di.

“Zhongda, did you say Emperor Yi would kill me?”

Zhu Di called the Heavenly Son’s name directly.

A sneer came out of the corner of his mouth. Sima Yi yawned lazily.

It seems that along the way, Zhu Di has become accustomed to calling the name of the Heavenly Son.

“Wang Ye, the old man gives you a piece of advice, now that the summer is not the first emperor.”

“If Wang Ye wants to return safely to the northern realm, Emperor Yi’s name is best not to be said from Wang Ye’s mouth again.”

Sima Yi said in a hoarse voice.


“Big summer?”

Zhu Di smiled coldly.

There is more contempt and disdain in the eyes. Truly.

A lot has happened in Bactria in the last year. And it was all made up by this Heavenly Son.

And it made Zhu Di feel very shocked inside. I have some admiration for it in my heart. But admiration is admiration.

But in Zhu Di’s eyes.

A person who can match the word Son of Heaven. Only his father, the Emperor.

As for Emperor Yi?

He didn’t even deserve to give his father shoes. These are Zhu Di’s inner words.

It was not that he despised Nie Zheng.

To put it bluntly.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang has always been Zhu Di’s idol. Although he was extremely afraid of his father, the emperor.

But this did not prevent Zhu Di from worshipping his father. In order to get Daddy’s approval.

Zhu Di did not hesitate to lurk in the territory of Bactria for many years.

Just wait for the time to help his father swallow Bactria in one fell swoop. Because in Zhu Di’s eyes.

Only his own father can rule the world. Become the emperor who has never been seen before. And the only one who deserves to be the opponent of the Ming Emperor. Only the most powerful Qin Emperor. As for Emperor Yi?

In Zhu Di’s eyes, it was not worth mentioning at all. Nor does it deserve the title of the word Son of Heaven.

Sima Yi could clearly feel the disdain and sarcasm in Zhu Di’s eyes. But he smiled coldly and didn’t say anything.

Just look at Zhu Di’s eyes and brush a touch of pity. Because Sima Yi knew one thing very well.

When Zhu Di experienced the horror of this big summer. I’m afraid he will never have the look he has now. Soon.

The Yan King’s carriage and horse entered the inner courtyard of the palace. Sima Yi and Zhu Di stepped out of the carriage.

The two men crossed the palace gate and went straight to Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty has a purpose, and King Zhu Di of Xuanyan will see you.”

As the eunuch’s voice sounded, the cold color on Zhu Di’s face disappeared. Instead, a humble smile appeared on his face. Then stride into Weiyang Palace.

As for Sima Yi, he did not go in with him. He was just waiting outside the temple for the Son of Heaven to summon him.

But watching Zhu Di’s back as he entered Weiyang Palace. Sima Yi sighed slightly.

Guess when Zhu Di walked out of Weiyang Palace, he must have been a lost and discouraged face! After all, he had already tasted it before.

Tianzi could investigate himself so clearly. How could he not find out about Zhu Di, the King of Yan?

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

“Minister Zhu Di, long live our Emperor.”


Zhu Di is definitely a person who can bend and stretch. He had just entered Weiyang Palace.

I still hadn’t seen what the Heavenly Son on the throne looked like. He knelt down directly on the ground and prostrated himself to worship.

It is simply impossible to single out anything wrong with etiquette. Moreover, Zhu Di put his posture extremely low.

There was no cold contempt at all that had been shown in front of Sima Yi before.


“The name of Zhu Di, the king of Yan, has long been admired for a long time, and it is indeed worthy of the name at first sight today.”

“The King of Yan is going to settle down quickly, don’t do this great gift.”

“Isn’t that a torment?”


Before waiting for Zhu Di to react.

Only to see that Nie Zheng had already come to him. Even more graciously lifted him up. When this scene is presented.

Zhu Di was stupid.

He looked sheepishly at Nie Zheng in front of him. I didn’t look back for half a minute. Wrong!

Zhu Di was completely confused.

Follow his conjecture in 190.

He had just entered the temple to pay homage to Emperor Yi. Emperor Yi would certainly give him a dismount. Cold voice rebuked him for sending someone to assassinate him. And he will hurry to pretend to be afraid to explain.

The assassination was entirely caused by someone framing himself. But what do you see now?

Emperor Yi was smiling to himself.

And it’s a very kind laugh!

It was as close as if he were an old friend he hadn’t seen in years. Such a scene.

Directly let Zhu Di be confused!

“Come and come, Brother Zhu Di, sit here with Shuolai.”

“I have long heard that the elder brother is both literate and martial, and for many years he has guarded the northern frontier, and he is a rare loyal servant of my Great Xia.”

“When the former emperor was alive, he even praised his elder brother.”

“I have admired my brother’s name for a long time, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to see him.”

“Today I finally got my long-cherished wish to see my elder brother, and my elder brother is really heroic and extraordinary, and I really hate each other and hate each other!”

Nie Zheng didn’t even call King Yan anymore. Directly changed to Zhu Di’s elder brother.

Even more kindly, he pulled Zhu Di to sit on the jade steps.

The smile on his face grew brighter and brighter.

I didn’t even have a little Heavenly Son’s prestige and shelf. Confused!

Zhu Di was completely confused!

He anticipated all kinds of scenes of meeting with Emperor Yi. But what happened at the moment.

He felt like he was in a dream. I couldn’t wake up for half a minute.

What does Emperor Yi call me?


Brother Zhu Di?

Are you kidding?

A dozen minutes of time passed. Zhu Di was in shock.

His gaze gradually focused, and finally he came back to his senses. But he saw that Emperor Yi was still smiling at himself.

And the two are still sitting side by side at the moment. Hiss!

Zhu Di suddenly inhaled a cold breath. Instantly regain consciousness.

“Your Majesty, you are the son of a great summer, and Wei Chen would never dare to call himself an elder brother.”

“Please also ask Your Majesty not to torment the ministers.”

Zhu Di’s mind turned sharply.

Hurry up and kneel on the ground and prostrate.

The face showed a look of sincere trepidation. Zhu Di is not a fool.

At this moment, Emperor Yi showed this extremely kind look. If there is no problem in it.

Then he’s an idiot.

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