Chapter 123 Righteous Knot Jinlan, Help Shuo Greetings to the Emperor!.

“Brother Zhu Di, quickly calm down.”

“Although the elder brother is a king with a different surname, he has been guarding the northern frontier for many years, and this old brother does not treat you as an outsider.”

“If the elder brother is willing, he wants to marry you as a brother of the opposite sex, but I don’t know what the elder brother wants?”

Nie Zheng hurriedly lifted Zhu Di up again.

The face shows a sincere color.

“Your Majesty, Wei Chen does not dare.”

Zhu Di retreated in fear.

It is also to maintain a safe distance from Nie Zheng. Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, a touch of alertness flashed.

If Zhu Di had just said that he was pretending to be afraid. At this moment he was definitely starting to panic.

You must know when he was in the Northern Yan King’s Mansion. I heard a lot about Emperor Yi. Who is Emperor Yi?

Zhu Di already had some understanding in his heart. Emperor Yi looked faint.

But he was an extremely cruel man. And he was a man who hid a knife in his smile. It was rumored that the brighter the smile on Emperor Yi’s face to his courtiers. It shows that the more dangerous this courtier is.

Emperor Yi killed people not once or twice. Now.

Zhu Di saw Nie Zheng smile so brightly at him. Even more was a mouthful of an old brother calling out to him.

How can Zhu Di not panic in his heart? He looked around even more alertly.

I wanted to see if Emperor Yi had set up an ambush. He wanted to ambush and kill him in Weiyang Palace in one fell swoop. But the next moment.

Zhu Di looked around.

The whole person is confused!

Look at the entire Weiyang Palace.

There was no one but him and Emperor Yi. Not to mention the killer assassins.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, Shuo really wants to marry you as a brother of the opposite sex, but seeing the old brother’s appearance, I guess there must be some misunderstanding about Yuan?”

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face disappeared. He frowned slightly and looked at Zhu Di.

A hint of disappointment was evident on his face. Still acting?

Zhu Di’s eyes flashed a gloomy color.

No matter what kind of attitude Nie Zheng showed towards him. He Zhu Di would not believe it no matter what. Still married to a brother of the opposite sex?


Emperor B!

You bastard.

Is it true that Zhu Di is a three-year-old child who is good at cheating? For Nie Zheng’s clumsy performance.

Zhu Di smiled darkly in his heart.

Although I don’t know what kind of ghost Emperor Yi is engaged in. But he waited and watched. See Zhu Di’s extremely cautious appearance. Nie Zheng smiled darkly inside.

He naturally knew that Zhu Di would not believe him.

However, Nie Zheng was confident that Zhu Di would slowly believe him. Even in the end, they will obey their own words. After all, what kind of person Zhu Di was.

Nie Zheng was very clear.

He also had full confidence in grasping Zhu Di. What kind of person is Zhu Di?

A: Ambitious.

However, his ambitions have always been suppressed by his father Zhu Yuanzhang. As long as his father lived in the world for a day.

His ambitions did not dare to show them. But that’s okay.

Nie Zheng would help him release the suppressed ambitions in his heart. After all, it’s about playing with people’s hearts.

Nie Zheng is the best at it.

“Your Majesty, the subject has come to the capital to prove his innocence, and the subject has always been loyal to the town and guarded the northern frontier, and has never sent assassins to assassinate you.”

“Your Majesty is also invited to look into it.”

Zhu Di knelt down on the ground.

Still put their posture extremely low.

After all, he was the king who came to the capital for this matter.

“Brother Zhu Di misunderstood.”

“Actually, Shuo already knew that the assassin was not sent by the elder brother, but if he hadn’t made such a decision, how could the elder brother have come to the king to meet with Yuan?”

Nie Zheng sighed.

Coiled directly in front of Zhu Di’s body. With Nie Zheng’s words in his ears.

Zhu Di’s brow furrowed.

He was really confused at the moment. Emperor Yi not only did not attack him.

Instead, he admitted that the Assassin had not been sent by him. So what did he want to do when he let himself come to the king? Is it really as he said.

Is it because he has long admired his name as the King of Yan, and wants to meet him and marry him as a brother of the opposite sex? When this absurd idea popped up in Zhu Di’s mind.

He hurried to disperse it.

You must not be careless.

Di Yi this guy is definitely not at ease.

“Speaking out, the elder brother may not believe it, but he does have some selfish intentions, but now the kings of the various domains in Bactria are making the soldiers self-respecting, and when they summon the elder brother to the king’s capital, they really want to marry the elder brother as a brother.”

“In this way, I can make my summer country impregnable.”

Nie Zheng sighed.

“Your Majesty is assured that no matter who dares to endanger the Bactrian Empire and the Great-Xia Dynasty, this king will certainly not sit idly by.”

“It is only the matter of marrying His Majesty as a brother of the opposite sex, and I also ask Your Majesty not to mention it again, because the subject will never dare to accept it.”

Zhu Di’s eyes turned.

“Zhu Di, Shuo really wants to make friends with you, but you have been pushing and blocking, can you not look down on Shuo this big summer?”

“Or is it that you Zhu Di has long been plotting against you and secretly plotting rebellion?”


Nie Zheng’s face turned cold and he scolded Zhu Di in a loud voice.

“The subject has absolutely no intention of rebellion, and I ask Your Majesty to look into it.”

“It’s just that there is a difference between a monarch and a courtier, and Zhu Di would never dare to be commensurate with the Tianzi brothers.”

Zhu Di was shocked.

Good you Emperor B.

Say turn the other cheek and turn the other cheek.

Just now he was still laughing and a mouthful of an old brother’s cry. Now I just turn my face and don’t recognize anyone.

However, Zhu Di sneered inside.

But the face still showed sincere fear.

“Zhu Di, if you don’t have the intention of plotting rebellion, then today you and I will become brothers, do you dare to agree?”

The expression on Nie Zheng’s face was extremely serious.


Zhu Di’s face stiffened.

I don’t know why Nie Zheng kept stressing this matter. But Zhu Di’s heart moved.

Since you Emperor Yi pretends to be a brother to me. All right.

The king did as you pleased. See what else you want to do.

“The subject has absolutely no intention of rebellion, and thanks to His Majesty for not abandoning him, Zhu Di is willing to marry His Majesty as a brother.”

“If anyone dares to endanger the Great Xia Dynasty in the future, the minister will certainly be the first one not to let him go.”

Zhu Di said in a deep voice.

“Well, Brother Zhu Di, I really didn’t misread you.”

“There is an elder brother guarding the northern frontier for Shuozhen, and Shuo can also sleep peacefully.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Don’t wait for Zhu Di to react.

He knelt directly beside Zhu Di. At the beginning, he pointed to the Heavenly Alliance and swore an oath: “Emperor Yi of the Great Summer of the Great Summer, who is now married to Zhu Di, the King of Yan, is a brother of the opposite sex, and from now on there are difficulties and blessings to share, and will never do anything to hurt and betray his brothers. ”

You must know that the ancients attached great importance to oaths. Seeing that Nie Zheng had directly made such a poisonous oath. Zhu Di’s face was a little difficult to see.

He finally believed Nie Zheng’s words somewhat.

Emperor Yi may have been suspicious of his rebellion. I wanted to use this to hold him hostage.

That’s why I always wanted to be a brother with him.

“Brother Zhu Di, it’s up to you.”

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Zhu Di.

Zhu Di opened his mouth, he really didn’t want to make this poisonous oath. After all, there are gods three feet above the head.

He must be against him in the future.

If this oath is really fulfilled, then he will not find a place to cry. You can see Nie Zhengjiong’s divine gaze.

Zhu Di knew if he didn’t make an oath. I’m just afraid that I really can’t go out of the capital of the Great Xia.

Take the surname of the sword hidden in the smile of Emperor Yi. Maybe the next moment you can draw a knife at him. Get!

Send it.

Just a vow.

Can it really be fulfilled? Although Zhu Di had some reverence for the ghost gods.

But at this point he had no way out.

“I, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, am willing to marry the son of the Great Summer as brothers of the opposite sex, and in the future I will be blessed and enjoy the same hardships, and I will never do anything to hurt or betray my brothers, and if I violate this oath, I will be destroyed on the same day, and all worlds will not be able to live forever.”

Zhu Di forced a smile and swore a poisonous oath. I don’t know why.

When he made this poisonous oath.

An uneasy feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart. This uneasiness is particularly abrupt.

Zhu Di vaguely felt as if he had fallen into Emperor Yi’s trap. But when he thought about it carefully, he didn’t find anything wrong. Did you break your oath?

Will it really end up in a fateful end? The so-called ghosts and gods are only illusory things.

Zhu Di still secretly told himself that this was just fake.

“Big Brother.”

“Brother Xian.”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

But what is already false cannot be faked anymore. And full of awkward laughs.

Zhu Di’s goosebumps were about to fall to the ground.

Now I just want to get out of this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

“Brother Xian, since you and I have become brothers, then the brothers should also return to the north.”

“After all, there is no brother in the north, and if there is a strong enemy to attack, once the frontier is lost, the Great Xia River and Mountains will also be in danger.”

Zhu Di pretended to look at Nie Zheng.

It was also an opportunity to test whether Nie Zheng was willing to let him return to the north.

“Well, so it’s okay, then there will be no brother left.”

“When he reunites with you and my brothers on the same day, he will certainly have to drink and talk endlessly.”

Nie Zheng pretended to think about it.

He agreed to Zhu Di’s request. This actually made Zhu Di’s heart relax. It seems that I have really thought too much. Emperor Yi summoned himself to the capital. Apparently he wanted to use this poisonous oath to blackmail himself. At this moment, Emperor Yi’s purpose has been achieved.

There is no need for nature to leave oneself behind.

“Brother Xian, that is the farewell of the brother.”

Zhu Di sneered inwardly.

He bowed down to Nie Zheng.

Then he strode toward the outside of Weiyang Palace. But he hadn’t waited for Zhu Di to walk out of Weiyang Palace. Nie Zheng said lightly, “After Elder Brother Zhu Di returns to the northern realm, don’t forget to bring a good one to Brother Zhu Biao.” ”

“After all, you and I are brothers, and Zhu Biao can also be regarded as Yuan’s brother.”

“It is a great honor to have a prince of the Ming Dynasty as his brother.”

“Oh, by the way, I just forgot to ask my brother, I don’t know if Emperor Ming has been in good health lately?”

“How to explain that the emperor is also the father and emperor of the elder brother, although my Great Xia property is not rich, but you and I are righteous to marry Jinlan, and we still have to do our filial piety.”

“There are some rare treasures here, how about bothering your brother to transfer them to Emperor Ming?”


It’s like the sky is falling.


When Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Zhu Di’s whole body stiffened in place. Originally, one foot stepped out of Weiyang Palace. At the moment, it was as sluggish as a clay sculpture. Time seems to have stopped.

The space seemed to freeze.

This moment.

Zhu Di’s face was shocked and miserable.

Bean-sized beads of sweat kept spilling from his forehead. Then it crossed his cheeks and dripped onto the ground.

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