Chapter 126 To Die, Must We Have to Be the Greatest Death?.

“Yun Mengshan?”


“Under the Ghost Valley Gate?”

Nie Zheng was shocked!

I didn’t look back for half a minute. Who is Oniguchi?

That’s a strange man.

Even Nie Zheng was thunderous.

Maybe Oniguzi only hears his name and doesn’t see him.

However, the disciples under the Ghost Valley Gate were all famous people. But Nie Zheng didn’t think about it either.

This time, the system reward will be the person of the world. And.

Look at what the system prompts.

The sons of heaven of all countries wanted to ask Oniguzi to come out of the mountain to assist. Even if you don’t ask for a ghost valley.

But if you can invite out his disciples. It’s also an amazing thing. Nie Zheng quickly calmed himself down.

“Sima Yi, have you ever heard of the Yunmeng Mountain Ghost Valley?”

Nie Zheng seemed to be at random.

“Yunmeng Mountain Ghost Valley?”

Sima Yi was first frightened.

Then he looked at the Son of Heaven on the throne in horror. He had naturally heard the name of Oniguzi.

Not only had he heard it.

Anyone who has learned in the world, who does not know the name of the Valley of Ghosts? It was like thunder, and the Seven Kingdoms preached praise.

Although Sima Yi did not understand why Tianzi asked about this. But he still quickly replied, “Your Majesty, the name of the Ghost Valley has been praised by the Seven Kingdoms, and the old minister has naturally heard it.” ”

“Moreover, it is rumored that each of the Ghost Valley disciples is an immortal wizard, and if he can get one person to assist the world, if he can get the help of the Ghost Valley Sect, he can unify the world for nine weeks.”

“However, it is a pity that although the name of the Ghost Valley has spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, the Heavenly Sons of all countries are also looking everywhere for the location of the Yunmeng Mountain Ghost Valley Sect.”

“But for many years, no one knew where the Ghost Valley Gate of Yunmeng Mountain was.”

Sima Yi reported truthfully.

“That’s the way it is.”

Hear Sima Yi’s narration.

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up slightly.

There was even a faint little excitement in my heart.

The Heavenly Sons of the various countries did not know where the Ghost Valley Gate of Yunmeng Mountain was. But Nie Zheng himself knew.

Because the system had already informed him of the coordinates of Yunmeng Mountain in detail. It’s a pity, though.

Yunmeng Mountain is not in the territory of Bactria Province.

Otherwise, Nie Zheng really wanted to see for himself.

What exactly does this ancient strange man Ghost Guzi look like. However, Nie Zheng was not in a hurry.

Because according to the description of the system.

The so-called Yunmeng Mountain is just a very ordinary mountain. But among them, the Qimen Qijia Bagua Yin and Yang are all listed among them. If you don’t understand these formations, you will enter this mountain. It will only go back the same way.

Therefore, the Heavenly Sons of All Countries have not found the location of Yunmeng Mountain for so many years. Not to mention inviting the disciples out of the Ghost Valley out of the mountain.

What’s more, now Oniguzi and his protégés were already his people. The other six emperors didn’t have to be delusional.

“Sima Yi, you can retire.”

Nie Zheng waved.

Sima Yi hurriedly bowed down and retreated. But a doubt arose in my heart.

Why did His Majesty just ask himself about Oniguzi? Hiss!


Sima Yi couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

An amazing thought suddenly arose in the heart.

Does His Majesty know where the Ghost Valley Gate of Yunmeng Mountain is not successful? Have to say.

Sima Yi was really smart.

Just a simple sentence from the Son of Heaven. You can vaguely guess some truth. However, Sima Yi was only suspicious. Not really sure.

After all, so many years have passed.

Heavenly Sons of all countries are looking for the location of Yunmeng Mountain. But I never heard anything. How could His Majesty know?


Sima Yi did not remember correctly.

His Majesty never seemed to have ever left the capital.

This is even more unlikely to have anything to do with the Ghost Valley Sect. Sima Yi only thought too much about himself.

Then quickly left the palace and headed for his own mansion. I can save my life today.

He was also crowned Governor by His Majesty. This already made him extremely happy.

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng dragged his chin and continued to meditate. The Oniguchi thing was put aside for the time being. Now that the system has said it clearly. Oniguchi is absolutely loyal to himself. Then he had nothing to worry about.

What really puzzled Nie Zheng was the system reward.

He had just reused Sima Yi. You get rewarded.

But Nie Zheng clearly remembers am.

He had previously favored Hexin, but he hadn’t gotten any system hints, let alone rewards. And.

It’s not just Wakan.

There is also Su Daji and his own empress wife. Logically.

In her previous life, Su Daji was known as the Ancient Demon Concubine.

Incorporate it into the harem yourself and deserve a systematic reward. But the system didn’t react at all.

There is also his own empress wife, Wu Meiniang.

He also gave her the right to approve the recital. Again, no rewards were awarded.

What does this mean?

The description is in the determination of the system.

I haven’t reached the line of the system reward myself. Although he favored the great greed and the Grimm.

However, Wakan’s ability was outstanding, and instead he rescued the starving people. So I’m definitely not fainting.

And Su Daji was innocent and pure, and there was no fan, or for him. It also allows the system to decide that rewards cannot be obtained.

There is also Wu Meiniang.

Although help him approve the recital.

However, the government has developed in a good direction. So there are no rewards either.

Nie Zheng thought half loudly.

I finally understood.

But his expression was even stranger. This system is really strange.

You must do something vulgar and cruel to give a reward. It seems that the system is just letting itself die.

And it must be done to the greatest death. Now.

Nie Zheng understood the role of the system.

But now that he wanted to die, he really didn’t have a chance.

He couldn’t let people persecute Su Daji and turn her into an ancient demon concubine, right? This is his little treasure of heart, where he is willing to go.



Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Although he couldn’t make Su Daji become a demon concubine of the ages, he could use Su Daji to do some faint things.

An extremely interesting thing appeared in Nie Zheng’s mind. At the same time.

Nie Zheng’s mind also showed the voice of Wu Meiniang.

It’s not just Su Daji.

His own empress wife also needs to work hard. Nie Zheng thought of this, and the corners of his mouth outlined a bad smile.

I already had a few ideas in mind.

However, he still needs to implement it slowly.


The other side.

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, sat in the carriage in a lost spirit. His eyes were full of trembling.

He didn’t even notice that the carriage and horse had left the royal city.

“How did Emperor Yi know my identity?”

“Does the Father have his spies by his side?”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

“By the means of the Father, who can lurk around him?”

“Just the Jinyi guards around the father and emperor can pull out the so-called traitors.”

Zhu Di muttered.

I couldn’t understand how Nie Zheng knew his identity. The thing that made Zhu Di feel terrible the most was that.

Emperor Yi not only knew that he was the fourth son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Even the crown prince Zhu Biao said it.

“Zhu Biao?”


“Big Brother?”

Zhu Di murmured.

His face was slightly distorted.

The bottom of his eyes crossed a more obscure touch of reluctance. Both fists are unconsciously clenched.

But after a while, it gradually loosened.

“Emperor Yi, if you want to stir up my relationship with my eldest brother Zhu Biao, I’m afraid it’s delusional.”

Zhu Di gradually returned to his senses.

The face is cold and cold…

You must know that Zhu Di has great admiration for his brother Zhu Biao. Because his eldest brother Zhu Biao was an extremely benevolent person.

He loved his fourth brother even more. Zhu Biao was made crown prince.

Zhu Di is also convinced.

I dare not complain about anything.

He believed that after a hundred years, his father was gone. The eldest brother Zhu Biao succeeded to the new emperor.

It will definitely bring benevolence to Daming.

And the eldest brother Zhu Biao will certainly not treat himself badly. However, Zhu Di himself did not find out.

There was still a faint hint of reluctance in his heart. Let’s be honest.

His own talent is not under the big brother Zhu Biao.

And among all the heirs of Zhu Yuanzhang.

He Zhu Di is the most like Daddy.

Although the eldest brother Zhu Biao is benevolent, he is less decisive in killing. Even if you treat a courtier who makes a mistake, if you can not punish him, you will not be punished.

But this is in Zhu Di’s view.

If it goes on like this for a long time, the Great Ming Dynasty will definitely have an incident. It is really his eldest brother Zhu Biao who is too kind.

Although kindness is a good thing.

However, the lack of thunder killing means made the courtiers less in awe. This is a big hidden danger.

But Zhu Di was just thinking about it.

He didn’t dare to really want to compete with Zhu Biao for the throne. As Emperor Yi said.

Among all the heirs of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Only Zhu Biao can be regarded as the real son of the old father. As for the rest of the heirs.

Saying that he is a son is actually more like a courtier.

“Emperor Yi, what kind of person are you?”

“Why did he let the king return to the north when he knew the identity of the king?”

Zhu Di murmured doubtfully.

He considered himself to be an extremely intelligent man.

But I just couldn’t understand why Emperor Yi did this. If you replace him with Emperor Yi.

Zhu Di dared to guarantee it.

He would never let Emperor Yi leave the capital alive. Now.

Zhu Di’s head was full of question marks.

This trip to the capital of the king made him horrified. And hurried away with all the doubts.

But he didn’t know.

Nie Zheng had already planted a seed in his heart. The seed was buried in the deepest recesses of his heart.

It just takes the right timing. It will grow into a big tree. In the future, Zhu Di will find out after all.

His trip to the capital of Wang had already changed the trajectory of his life.

“Wang Ye, we have already left the royal city, and there are no pursuing soldiers behind us.”

There were attendants 2.4 guards outside the carriage to report to Zhu Di.

“Hurry up and return to the North.”

Zhu Di returned to his senses and immediately gave the order. He lifted the curtain and looked back at the capital of Bactria King. A look of surprise crossed his eyes. Emperor Yi really let him go.

And I really didn’t want to kill him.

But the more he returned to the north in peace. On the contrary, it made Zhu Di’s heart more and more uneasy.

No way!

The first thing to do when you return to the North.

He will pass on the news of today’s events to his father. This big summer boy must not be taken lightly.

I am afraid that the future Emperor Yi will be a hidden danger to their Ming Dynasty. He and his father had to defend.

The other side.

Bactrian Palace, Tiger and Panther Room.

Boom — boom boom!

A terrifying roar rumbled through the leopard’s room. The earth is trembling, and the beasts are wailing.

No one knows what happened in the leopard’s room.

Even the eunuchs guarding the outside of the tiger and leopard’s room were trembling. Because Tianzi had been in the tiger and leopard room for half a day.

They didn’t know anything about what was going on inside.

But the sound of the beast wailing in the tiger and leopard room made them tremble with fear. I don’t know what Tianzi is doing inside the tiger and leopard room.

Although they don’t know.

But Jing Ke, who was in the tiger and leopard room, was stupid. His body trembled silently.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, he showed an extremely frightened and shocked look.

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