Chapter 127 The Power of the Invincible World, Lü Bu Face Saint surrendered.

What did Jing Ke see?

Emperor B!


It’s this big summer.

He was shirtless.

Shake off your arms and slash two giant pythons in your hands.

The rumbling sound was due to the fact that the two pythons had turned into circles in the air. The rumbling wind roared away.

With Nie Zheng’s hands loose.

Two giant pythons of a dozen feet were directly thrown out by him.

Then it gradually turned into two black dots and smashed into the forest. Nyima?

Is this still personal?

When such a fantastic scene appeared in Jing Ke’s eyes. Jing Ke, such a cold and affectionate person, scolded the mother in his heart. The calm and cold face was trembling slightly.

A pair of pupils looked at Nie Zheng with wide eyes. It’s like looking at a monster.


This big summer child is simply an inhuman creature. If Jing Ke is not mistaken.

A giant python that is more than ten inches long is more than three thousand pounds. The two pythons together are probably at least six thousand pounds. But falling into the hands of Emperor Yi is like a toy.

Let him shake in mid-air for half an hour. And this terrible guy doesn’t blush and doesn’t breathe. Is this still what humans should be?

Who have you ever heard say that a six-thousand-pound giant can be played with in the hands of a human being? If you don’t see it with your own eyes.

Jing Ke didn’t believe in such a far-fetched thing. Although there are countless martial arts masters in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms. There are also legendary figures of land gods. But even the land gods and immortals could not escape from the category of people. Someone opened the sky with a sword.

Someone cut off the mountains and rivers.

Some people even smashed the mountains.

There are also people who swim against the river with one breath. But remember.

These so-called words are exaggerated.

It just makes people sound like -20 is very powerful. It is also caused by false rumors in the world.

The so-called land gods and immortals can only lift ten thousand pounds of things at most.

And the lifting is only temporary, and it can’t last long. And the land immortals can travel for a short period of time.

But if you let it fly in the sky and not come down, that is pure nonsense. After all, even if it is a land immortal, there are still two words of land in front. What does it mean to be him?

Or personal.

Is it the person you want to fly?

Just kidding, right?

The True Elements that needed to be consumed simply could not support the warrior to travel in the air. But.

Therefore, some of the broken texts left by the old legend have been recorded that there are ancient alchemists who can fly to the heavens and the earth. But this is all a myth and legend.

Not enough to be believed. It also can’t be verified.

Of course.

It’s a bit of a stretch to say that.

At this moment, Jing Ke was simply horrified by the Heavenly Son’s force. Because he can see it completely.

It is only this peerless divine power of the Son of Heaven. Completely beyond the scope of human beings. And what do you see Emperor Yi doing?

After two pythons of more than ten inches in length, he flew away. He turned into a shadow and entered the forest.

Directly grabbed a Tiger King riding and put it under him. With a long roar from the Son of Heaven.

Tens of thousands of beasts of prey galloped through the mountains.

Emperor Yi actually rode on the back of the Tiger King and galloped through the mountains and forests. Behind him were tens of thousands of beasts of prey wailing and following.

Make the whole tiger and leopard room make the trampling sound of all the beasts passing by. Such a scene.

Jing Ke’s whole body was numb.

The scalp is faintly cracked.

At the same time, a sense of creepy rises in the heart. Jing Ke suddenly felt it.

If this big summer son goes to be an assassin. With his invincible strength. Is it possible to break into the palaces of various countries.

Directly kill the other six Heavenly Sons? Or maybe he’s on a personal journey.

Is one man and one horse going to kill a bloody sea in a million troops? All kinds of horrified thoughts came out of Jing Ke’s mind.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes was even more shocked.

Maybe Nie Zheng was tired of playing.

He tiptoes a little on the back of the tiger.

The whole person rises in the air.

When one step out.

Waves breed under your feet.

There was a hum in the air. The next moment.

In an instant, he appeared next to Jing Ke.

Nie Zheng also didn’t notice Jing Ke’s horrified eyes.

He picked up the silk pad and wiped his hands.

Not even a drop of sweat appeared on his forehead.

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”

“You….. Can you tell me….. Is there a realm above the land gods? ”

Jing Ke trembled out loud.

He can guarantee it.

More than sure.

His own master must have already surpassed the Terrestrial Immortal Realm. Otherwise that horrible scene just now would never have happened. Foot in the void?

Harnessing the beasts?

Even the land immortals can’t do it, right?

“What realm is above the land gods?”

Nie Zheng was stunned.

Then he smiled and looked at Jing Ke, “I don’t know anything about martial arts, where do I know what realm is above the Terrestrial Immortal Realm?” ”


As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

Directly let Jing Ke completely speechless and speechless. Don’t know anything about martial arts?

So what were you just doing?

Jing Ke was depressed and wanted to spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes revealed an extremely strange color.

“Your Majesty, you said you don’t understand martial arts, but you just set foot in the void and harnessed all the beasts, and those two hundred-year-old pythons were played by you as toys, and you told me that you couldn’t do martial arts?”

Jing Ke looked at Nie Zheng with disbelief.

“Naturally you won’t be deceived, you really don’t know anything about martial arts, but you just cultivate some health techniques, and you are born with some strength.”

“As for the so-called martial arts moves, Shuo has never even practiced it.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Nie Zheng really didn’t lie.

He really didn’t know anything about martial arts.

In addition to this Li Yuanba’s unique divine power [Mutation Level]. and the system reward of the “Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong”. Where does he know anything about martial arts.

I don’t have the heart to put it on it.

Unless it is said that cultivating martial arts to the extreme can lead to immortality. Perhaps Nie Zheng will be interested in studying and studying.


Put immortality on the martial arts.

Nie Zhengjue was better off pinning his hopes on the system.

“Your Majesty Tianwei, Jing Ke has been taught.”

Jing Ke bowed down, and at this moment his heart was extremely bitter. People are really mad at people than people.

I think he has been practicing hard for many years.

I don’t know how many life and death tribulations I have experienced.

But it is only half a step to the Land Divine Realm. Compared to this big summer.

His own martial arts cultivation was not worth mentioning at all. How can this not make Jing Ke feel lost?

Perhaps he felt the bitterness in Jing Ke’s heart. Nie Zheng smiled and patted his shoulder, “Cultivate well, step into the Terrestrial Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and then take the test with Yuan.” ”

“You must know that the feeling of not having an opponent is really lonely, and I have never seen how powerful the land immortals really are.”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to the tiger and leopard room today to take these beasts and vent this brute force.”


Jing Ke Mu Ne.

Then hurry up and wave your hands.

His face was full of fear. Unless he was crazy and would do something with Nie Zheng.

At this moment, Nie Zheng’s strength he had already seen. Even if there really was a land immortal standing in front of him. I’m afraid it’s not enough for him to hammer.

No more than three moves.

He will be beaten to death alive at the hands of this great summer. See Jing Ke shake his head and wave his hand in refusal.

Nie Zheng sighed slightly in his heart. In fact.

It really wasn’t Nie Zheng who deliberately pretended to be in front of Jing Ke. It’s just that he is endowed with a terrifying power.

As a big summer, I can’t show it on weekdays.

This endless energy can be said to make him extremely uncomfortable. Although it can be resolved with Su Daji and Wu Meiniang.

But that level of thing, where does Nie Zheng dare to overuse it. Otherwise once he gets out of control.

Su Daji and Wu Meiniang were only afraid that their lives would be lost. So.

The reason Nie Zheng built the tiger and leopard room was to vent his exuberant energy.

“Your Majesty, Lü Bu asked to see you outside the palace.”


Zhao Gao’s voice came from outside the tiger and leopard room. This also made Nie Zheng’s eyes move.

I know that Lü Bu this guy can’t sit still after all. Obviously, he surrendered to himself.

But it’s okay.

He was just about to see Lü Bu.

This chess piece is also time to use it.

“Let him wait at Weiyang Palace.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao led the order and left.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Lü Bu fell to his knees.

Waiting for Nie Zheng’s arrival.

Although the heroic and extraordinary face seems calm. But my heart was troubled.

Lü Bu had seen it since that feast. The days of Bactria changed.

His righteous father Dong Zhuo would definitely not have a good end. That day after the departure of the Imperial Garden.

Lü Bu was thinking.

How should he surrender to Emperor Yi. As the days go by. He finally made up his mind.

487 Since Emperor Yi had summoned him to the capital. Naturally, he valued his strength. As long as you humble yourself and obey orders. Emperor Yi will certainly reuse him. So.

Lü Bu came.

Today is to surrender to the Son of Heaven to show his faithfulness. It is even more necessary to be frank and honest with the Son of Heaven.

Since then, he has drawn a clear line with Dong Zhuo. Poor Dong Zhuo.

At this moment, he is still recruiting troops in Xiliang. But he did not know his righteous son.

He has now been abandoned. If Dong Zhuo saw the scene at this moment. I was afraid that a mouthful of old blood would spurt out.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Just as Lü Bu was pondering.

Zhao Gao’s voice suddenly sounded. Only to see Nie Zheng stride into Weiyang Palace. Lü Bu hurriedly prostrated his head and greeted Ann.

There is no longer the arrogant and uninhibited posture when he first came to the capital.

“Feng Xian, how come you have time to see you today?”

Nie Zheng sat lazily on the throne.

He looked faintly at Lü Bu, who was kneeling in His Highness.

“Your Majesty, the Last Will will come to plead with you.”

Lü Bu hurriedly uttered the prepared words. Even more secretly observed the expression on Nie Zheng’s face.

“Please sin?”

“Feng Xian said with a smile, what crime are you guilty of?”

Nie Zheng said lazily.

“Your Majesty Mingjian, that Dong Zhuo has long been plotting against him, wants to secretly rebel, and is now recruiting troops and horses in Xiliang, and when the time is ripe, he will kill the capital in one fell swoop.”

“Before Dong Zhuo left the king’s capital, he secretly told the last general that when he kills the king, the last general should merge with him inside and outside, and although I am Dong Zhuo’s righteous son, I am not ashamed of being a person, so naturally I cannot go along with him.”

“Therefore, Mo will come to ask His Majesty for his sins, and to ask His Majesty to forgive the sins concealed by the last general.”

Lü Bu style said.

But that’s what he said.

It’s not like asking for sin.

Obviously, he was asking for credit from the Son of Heaven. The meaning is already obvious. You see.

I Lü Budu drew a clear line with Dong Zhuo.

It is even more to tell you that Dong Zhuo intends to rebel.

This time, I have to believe that Lü Bu really wants to turn to you, right?

“Feng Xian, you are indeed a great loyalist.”

“Well, then you should return to Xiliang, go and kill the old thief Dong Zhuo, and send his head to the front of Yuan.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

It’s just that his smile is extremely playful, and there is a cold light under his eyes.

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