Chapter 128 Two Eagles with One Stone, Zhu Biao Dies!.

Don’t you want to be loyal to the Fallen?

Don’t you want to draw a line with Dong Zhuo? All right.

Now I give you this opportunity. Now you go back to Xiliang.

Directly cut off Dong Zhuo’s head and send it to Yuan. Only in this way can you prove your faithfulness to Lü Bu.

Nie Zheng smiled and squinted at Lü Bu. The meaning is already very obvious.


“Kill… Kill Dong Zhuo? ”

Lü Bu was completely stupid.

Even the voice trembled slightly. Apparently.

Lü Bu did not think of it either.

Tianzi would actually let him kill Dong Zhuo. It was something he never expected. It was something he didn’t dare to think about.


Lü Bu’s face was fierce.

We’ve come this far.

Turning over with Dong Zhuo was already a foregone conclusion. Kill as you kill.

If you push it back.

I am afraid that the Son of Heaven will surely think that he is pretending to be loyal. Only by killing Dong Zhuo could he gain the trust of the Son of Heaven.

“Your Majesty, although Dong Zhuo is Lü Buyi’s father, such a traitor and a thief should indeed be punished.”

“Lü Bu is willing to destroy his relatives in righteousness and kill Dong Zhuo, but…”

Lü Bu said this slightly.

He looked up at Nie Zheng, but saw that Nie Zheng was smiling at him. It also made him giggle inside.

Suddenly, a sense of uneasiness arose.

“Just what?”

Nie Zheng asked lightly.

“Your Majesty is clear, but I don’t know how many soldiers and horses Your Majesty has sent to the last general to go on a crusade against Dong Zhuo?”

“After all, Dong Zhuo has 50,000 Xiliang Iron Horsemen under his command, and 300,000 Xiliang soldiers and horses.”

“If the last general’s troops are insufficient, the last general is only afraid of his strength.”

Lü Bu bowed his head and asked.

“Then how many soldiers and horses do you want?”

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face was even brighter.

“One hundred thousand!”

“Your Majesty, the last general only needs 100,000 elite soldiers to break through the Western Liang and take Dong Zhuoren’s head and send it to His Majesty.” Lü Bu spoke proudly. ”

He’s really not bragging.

Don’t look at Dong Zhuo’s 50,000 Western Liang Iron Horsemen, and there are 300,000 soldiers and horses. But just give him a hundred thousand elite soldiers is enough.

After all, in the ranks of ten thousand armies, he Lü Bu had never been defeated.


Lü Bu knew that his reputation in Xiliang was great.

When those generals and soldiers saw him, their momentum must have weakened before they fought. This battle will naturally be won.

“One hundred thousand elite soldiers?”

Nie Zheng nodded.

But the next moment.

What Nie Zheng said completely made Lü Bu stupid on the spot.

“Feng Xian, it is reasonable to say that you don’t want many elite soldiers of 100,000.”

“But as you can see, the soldiers and horses in the court are all under the command of Zhao Kuangyin, and the so-called lead is to move the whole body.”

“Why don’t you go to Xiliang alone, in order to serve your strength and take Dong Zhuo’s head, it will be easy to realize it.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Feng Xian, how do you feel?”

Nie Zheng looked at Lü Bu with a hopeful face.

More look at Lü Bu’s eyes blinking. I wonder if my ears are wrong. What?

Leaving me alone in Xiliang? And then took Dong Zhuo’s life? Can he still come out alive? Lü Bu was not good at all.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, he showed a look of shock. Lü Bu was an extremely proud man.

But he was not proud enough to risk his life. If he were alone to go to Xiliang.

Dong Zhuo knew he was going to kill him.

Didn’t he want to die in the Western Liang City? But look at the smile on Tianzi’s face.

Lü Bu shivered fiercely.

He already vaguely understood the surname of the Son of Heaven. The brighter the smile of the day.

It shows that the more dangerous the Son of Heaven is at this moment.

The news had already spread through the ears of Manchu Wenwu. Lü Bu was very convinced.

If you don’t agree to it at this moment.

I am most likely going to die here in the next moment.

Moreover, out of the corner of Lü Bu’s eyes, he found that at this moment, Jing Ke was looking at him with a cold and indifferent look. It was as if he was waiting for Nie Zheng’s will.

In an instant, he will shoot at himself.

Lü Bu had already learned the power of Jing Ke. What’s more, he had always suspected that the Son of Heaven would be able to do martial arts. And he was an extremely fearsome Gestapo.

Even if you resist, you are afraid that the chances of surviving are very small.


“Fengxian, don’t you want to?”

Seeing that Lü Bu did not answer for a long time. Nie Zheng frowned.

“The Last General’s Will!”

Lü Bu suddenly woke up.

At this moment, he could only quickly agree. After all, Dong Zhuo was compared to Emperor Yi.

Or Emperor Yi is much more terrible.


“Feng Xian, if you are not mistaken, you can leave for Xiliang.”

“The good news that you are waiting for your victory in the capital of the king.”

Nie Zheng smiled and waved at Lü Bu. This also made Lü Bu’s face extremely heavy. But he could only bow down and bow down to Nie Zheng. Then he strode out of Weiyang Palace. But inside is crazy to complain. Good you Emperor Yi.

If you really want to kill Dong Zhuo.

Isn’t it safe to send Jing Ke to go? He was one of the best assassins in the world. Where did you master the path of assassination?

Although Lü Bu was madly complaining inside. But he could only sigh helplessly.

Because he figured it out.

This is the test of the Son of Heaven on him. If you can’t complete the task.

I’m afraid the end is definitely not much better. No way.

It has come to this point.

Lü Bu could only go all the way to the black.

Although the Son of Heaven did not give him a single soldier. But fortunately, Dong Zhuo did not know his thoughts. Suddenly!

Lü Bu had an aura in his mind. He seemed to think of something.

A smile appeared on his face. How I forgot.

In the Western Liang fiefdom.

Except for Dong Zhuoke, he was the biggest in Lü Bu. As long as Dong Zhuo is dead.

Just plan for yourself.

Isn’t Xi Liang’s military power his Lü Bu’s? Moreover, his own strategist Chen Gong was also in Xiliang. He had him to help him out with his own ideas.

Killing Dong Zhuo and seizing military power should be completely feasible. I’m really stupid.

Just drilled into the tip of the bull’s horn.

Lü Bu was excited inside.

A simple plan has been initially formed in mind. Without further ado.

Lü Bu was not delayed.

After leaving the Bactrian Palace, he went straight to the mansion. Find a BMW that travels thousands of miles a day.

So he rode out of the royal city and went straight to the Western Liang fiefdom..···

Inside the Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty, Lü Bu’s surname is capricious, and if he can really kill Dong Zhuo when he returns to Xiliang, he will certainly be able to seize the power of the Western Liang.”

“The slave is only afraid of this Lü Bu wolf’s ambition, and after he has military power, he will…”

Wei Zhongxian wanted to talk and stopped.

A pair of inverted triangle eyes, a touch of worry as the East Factory Overseer.

Responsible for helping Tianzi supervise the world.

Naturally, he planted the East Factory spies next to Dong Zhuo early. More understanding of the situation in Xiliang.

Naturally, it was also associated with what would happen to Lü Bu’s ambitions after he acquired the power of the Western Liang Army. Heard Wei Zhongxian’s words.

Nie Zheng smiled lightly, “Although Lü Bu is not smart, he is definitely not stupid. ”

“If he really wants to replace Dong Zhuo, he also has to think about what will happen to him.”

“This is originally a test for him, and whether he can live in the future depends on his own choices.”

I heard the Master say this.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes lit up.

Vaguely understood the master’s meaning. The master left Lü Bu alone to go to Xiliang.

In order to recover the Western Liang fiefdom without spending a single soldier. And it is more able to test Lü Bu.

It’s a two-for-all-stone solution.

Take a step back.

Lü Buruo really dared to emulate Dong Zhuozao. Anti.

With the master’s ability, it was easy to destroy the Western Liang soldiers and horses. But it just takes a little longer.

…… The other side.

Northern Yan King’s Mansion.

Zhu Di was very worried.

Keep walking in the main hall.

He had already passed on the book to his father.

The matter of seeing Emperor Yi will be fully revealed.

In his letter, he even stated to his father Zhu Yuanzhang that his undercover identity had been exposed. But a month had passed.

The Father did not reply at all. This also made Zhu Di feel anxious.


Absolutely not.


The Father received a letter from his own flying pigeon.

It only takes seven days at the latest to reply to the letter. But now it’s been more than a month. Why hasn’t the Father’s letter been returned? Don’t know why.

Zhu Di had a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Is there something big going on on the Father’s side?

“‘Your Highness, Your Highness….. Big things are not good….. Big things are not good…..”


Just when Zhu Di was restless.

Only to see a guard with a pale face break into the main hall. With a thud, he knelt at Zhu Di’s feet.

“What is so panicked, is it that Emperor Yi ordered people to fight against the king?”

Seeing his own bodyguard so frightened.

Zhu Di was shocked.

It is even speculated that Emperor Yi has sent a large army to attack and destroy him.

“No….. No…… Be….. Be….. Prince Zhu Biao is dead! ”

The inner guard cried out in pain.

Hurriedly present a secret letter to Zhu Di.



I heard the news of the death of Crown Prince Zhu Biao.

Zhu Di only felt his head explode. The whole person staggered backwards.

If it weren’t for the old monk Yao Guangxiao, he would have hurriedly supported him. Zhu Di had to fall to the ground.


“Do you dare to lie to me?”

“My eldest brother Zhu Biao has always been in good health, how could he possibly die?”

The next moment.

Zhu Di roared like an angry lion. Even more pinched the neck of the guard. There was an extremely cold killing machine in his eyes.

“Your Highness….. Your Highness….. Villain… Never dare to deceive His Highness. ”

“This….. This is the villain….. I just got back the conclusive news from Daming. ”

Zhu Di pinched his neck.

A feeling of suffocation made the guards intermittently make sounds. There was a look of pleading in his eyes.

“How can that be?”

Zhu Di’s eyes were like ashes.

He casually released the guard.

Quickly open MeSince.

I saw that the cause of death of Prince Zhu Biao was densely written on it.

But the more Zhu Di looked, the paler he became.

Until the letterhead in his hand fell to the ground. He also sat weakly in his chair. Prince Zhu Biao is really dead!

It was the head attack that took the life of the eldest brother Zhu Biao. Now.

The whole country mourned.

No wonder he did not reply to the flying pigeon biography sent to his father for more than a month. Faced with such a heavy blow.

The Father Emperor was afraid that he hadn’t even read his own letterhead. How can you reply to yourself?

After all, Prince Zhu Biao was the most beloved son of his father, Zhu Yuanzhang. I’m afraid that Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang is immersed in endless grief at this moment.

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