Chapter 129 The grief-stricken Zhu Di, a glimmer of hope [this chapter must see].

“Big Brother!”


Zhu Di cried out in tears.

His eyes were already rosy, and tears flowed down his cheeks. The sadness in those eyes could not be dissolved.

The whole body was trembling with extreme grief.

“How can this be?”

“Why is that?”

Zhu Di’s grief was unbearable.

He fell to his knees and slammed his fists the ground. Even smashed with both fists, bleeding out of the blood without knowing it.

“Prince, please mourn.”

The guards carefully counseled.

“Roll, roll me.”

Zhu Di’s eyes were red as blood, and he roared like madness. The slave maids in the main hall trembled with fear. But no one dared to persuade him.

Even the old monk Yao Guangxiao on the side narrowed his eyes. He also chose to let Zhu Di vent the grief in his heart.

There was no exhortation.

Zhu Di’s life.

The most feared person is naturally his father Zhu Yuanzhang. But if only he loved the most.

That was undoubtedly his eldest brother Prince Zhu Biao. Zhu Di clearly remembered.

When they were very young.

Because I made mistakes.

He was beaten by Zhu Yuanzhang with a rattan.

The eldest brother Zhu Biao cried to his father Zhu Yuanzhang and pleaded for himself. But the father and emperor still beat their hearts hard.

The eldest brother Zhu Biao pounced on his back and suffered a whipping for him. This allowed Zhu Yuanzhang to avoid his punishment.

And that’s just one of those little things. It is said that the ancient royal family is the most ruthless.

Father and son are jealous, brothers are killed.

But Zhu Biao had always loved these younger brothers the most. Especially for him Zhu Di.

Whatever is delicious and fun will be shared with him. Even if he breaks into a catastrophe.

Zhu Biao would carry the pot for him, because he was afraid that Zhu Di would be punished by Zhu Yuanzhang.

This also made Zhu Di regard his eldest brother Zhu Biao as a brother and a father when he was young. To put it bluntly.

Zhu Di only served two people in this life. One is old father Zhu Yuanzhang.

The second person is the eldest brother Zhu Biao. In the cold deep inner courtyard of the palace. The Son of Heaven is ruthless.

He didn’t feel even a hint of fatherly love.

Some are always in awe of their fathers and emperors. Zhu Biao, on the other hand, gave his brother care.

This is also the weakest place in Zhu Di’s heart. 857 made him realize what family affection is.

The eldest brother Zhu Biao was made crown prince. Zhu Di was happy in his heart.

Because only the eldest brother is worthy to inherit the throne. He never complained in his heart. Zhu Di had even longed for it.

In the future, the eldest brother Zhu Biao will be the son of heaven.

Then he Zhu Di fought for his eldest brother in the south and the north, laying a good river and mountain. But……

However, the bad news of getting the eldest brother Zhu Biao came. Zhu Di felt that the sky had collapsed.

His beloved eldest brother Zhu Biao is dead! How did this not make Zhu Di grief? Zhu Di is by no means a person who easily shed tears. To put it more ruthlessly.

Even if his son died in front of him. He doesn’t shed a single tear.

But now!

Zhu Di was weeping in mourning.

All in my mind was the big brother Zhu Biao’s kind smile.

“Say, did you kill my eldest brother?”


Zhu Di was like madness, and his eyes were red as blood. Sigh.

He jerked his saber from his waist.

Like a mad lion looking at the maid and servant beside him.

“If you dare to kill my eldest brother, the king will cut you to pieces!”

Zhu Di raised his knife and slashed.

The whole person is completely in a state of madness. This also caused the slave maids to scream in fear.

They all escaped from the main hall, fearing that they would die tragically under Zhu Di’s knife.

“Wang Ye, wake up.”

“Prince Zhu Biao died of a head attack, so calm down.”


The old monk Yao Guangxiao gave a loud sigh ‰ This also made Zhu Di raise his sword sluggishly. A bell rang.

The saber in Zhu Di’s hand fell powerlessly to the ground. Crazy eyes gradually focused.

It was as if the lost sanity was gradually returning.

“Big Brother?”

Zhu Di’s face was dead gray and he murmured.

“No, I’m going to see Big Brother for the last time.”

Zhu Di roared with trepidation.

The eyes trembled in the extreme.

“Come, prepare a horse for the king, and the king will return to Daming immediately.”

Zhu Di let out a loud roar.

Without even changing his clothes, he went straight out of the house. Apparently.

He wanted to return to Daming day and night. Go to send the eldest brother Zhu Biao on the last journey.

“Prince, are you crazy?”

Don’t wait for Zhu Di to leave the house.

The old monk Yao Guangxiao’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly stopped him.

“Yao Guangxiao, do you dare to stop me?”

Zhu Di looked vicious and drank heavily.

“Wang Ye, you should be calm, there is no will of the Ming Emperor, if you return to Daming without permission, the Ming Emperor will definitely surrender his sins to you.”

Yao Guangxiao hurriedly said what was at stake.

“Ben Wang can’t manage so much, Ben Wang has been lying dormant in Bactria for ten years, can’t this king send his eldest brother the last journey now?”

Zhu Di roared coldly.

But the impulse under the eyes is much weaker. Because he knew that Yao Guangxiao was right.

He was arranged by his father Zhu Yuanzhang in the northern part of Bactria for many years. If only I had returned to Daming.

With the temperament of his father Zhu Yuanzhang, he must be blamed for him. Zhu Di was really afraid of his father.

Even with just a look, he would be restless. This fear is deeply rooted and has been deeply rooted in the heart.

“Wang Ye, if you want to understand one thing, even if you are not afraid of Emperor Ming’s rebuke, what is the use of you going back?”

“The northern part of Bactria cannot be without Wang Ye, and moreover, the Ming Emperor has laid out for so many years.”

“Without Emperor Ming’s will, you dare to return to Daming without permission, which is against Emperor Ming’s will, do you know what the consequences will be?”

Yao Guangxiao said in a deep voice.

What are the consequences of disobeying the Father’s will? Hiss!

Zhu Di inhaled the cool air.

The whole person instantly calmed down. There was a look of horror under his eyes.

I remembered that my father Zhu Yuanzhang said that there was no difference between the surnames. If he returns to Daming without permission.

I was afraid that Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, although he did not say that he would kill him. But there is absolutely no good fruit for him to eat.

“Wang Ye, those who become great things must have the mentality of not being alarmed by the collapse of the sky.”

“The poor monk naturally knew that the death of the crown prince Zhu Biao made the prince grief-stricken, but when the prince died, the prince was still alive.”

“And when the prince is alive, he must do what the living people have to do.”

“You must not ruin your years of grief because of a momentary grief.”

Yao Guangxiao said without hesitation.



Yao Guangxiao’s words made Zhu Di gradually calm down from his grief. He returned to the main hall and sat down, slowly exhaling a heavy breath. But there is still an indelible sadness under the eyes.

Seeing that Zhu Di had calmed down. Yao Guangxiao’s eyes moved slightly.

Strolling forward, he said, “Wang Ye, although the poor monk knows that you are in a sad mood now, the poor monk has a word to say.” ”

Zhu Di frowned.

At this moment, he was distraught, and his mind was full of the death of his eldest brother Zhu Biao. Where did he have the heart to listen to Yao Guangxiao’s nagging in front of him.

However, Zhu Di still waved his hand and said, “Say whatever you want.” ”

Seeing that Zhu Di had not yet understood his situation at this moment.

Yao Guangxiao sighed in his heart, and could only make his words clear.

“Wang Ye, have you ever thought that after the death of the prince, who will become the new prince?”

“To whom does the Ming Emperor intend to pass the throne?”

Yao Guangxiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.


Zhu Di was stunned.

The look gradually began to become more dignified.

He was only concerned with the bad news of the death of his eldest brother. But Yao Guangxiao said so.

He suddenly found out.

Oh, yes.

The eldest brother Zhu Biao died.

Who will inherit the throne of Daming’s crown prince? Who is the future Emperor Daming?

“Yao Guangxiao, what do you want to say?”

Zhu Di’s eyes were deep, looking at the old monk in front of him, and he already vaguely understood his meaning.

“Prince, what the poor monk wants to say, you should already know.”

The old monk Yao Guangxiao smiled slightly and continued, “Once Prince Zhu Biao was alive, Wang Ye naturally did not have any chance to inherit the throne. ”

“But now that the crown prince is dead, among all the heirs of the Ming Emperor, you are the only one who is most qualified to inherit the throne.”

“On virtue and character, the thesis into Wude, who else but you is qualified to inherit the throne?”

“Moreover, you have led your troops to the southern conquest of the northern war for many years, and you have been lurking in the northern part of Bactria for so many years, and on this basis alone, who can compete with you for the throne?”

Yao Guangxiao smiled.


As Yao Guangxiao’s words entered his ears. Zhu Di was silent.

Just a pair of eyes glowing slightly. Not bad.

Yao Guangxiao said it well.

Among all the heirs of Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang.

He Yan Wang was the most qualified candidate to inherit the throne.

None of his brothers were better than him. Even the King of Ning was guided by his horse. Opportunity!

This is an opportunity that has never been seen before.

He really has a chance to be the great tomorrow’s son of the future. Once!

The eldest brother Zhu Biao is still alive.

He just wanted to be a courtier under Big Brother.

For its southern expedition to the north war, to protect the Ming Dynasty for a lifetime. But now the eldest brother Zhu Biao is dead.

Although his heart was grief-stricken.

But it also gave him a chance that Zhu Di had never had before. Rush will.

All along.

Zhu Di wanted to be recognized by his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

I hope that Zhu Yuanzhang can treat himself like the eldest brother Zhu Biao. Treat him Zhu Di as a real son.

In order to get the approval of the old father Zhu Yuanzhang. He was angry from an early age.

While the other princes were laughing and playing.

And he was learning to learn martial arts, and even read through the art of war every day. In order to be able to one day.

Let Zhu Yuanzhang recognize his son.

He was even more proud to have Zhu Di’s son. But.

In the eyes of old father Zhu Yuanzhang.

It is just to treat the eldest brother Zhu Biao as a parent. Although the old father was much better to himself than the other princes. But Zhu Di could feel it.

The father and emperor looked into his eyes, and the affection was very indifferent. More was the look in his eyes as a courtier.

No matter how hard he tries to express himself. The results obtained are still the same. Ultimately.

Zhu Di gave up helplessly.

He just wanted to do things for his father and emperor.

If the eldest brother Zhu Biao ascended the throne, he was also willing to be a courtier, go to the southern expedition and the northern war for the eldest brother, and protect Daming for life. But now.

Zhu Di found that the opportunity had arisen. The eldest brother Zhu Biao died.

He may be able to get Zhu Yuanzhang’s approval. Even inherit the throne of the father and emperor.

“Yao Guangxiao, what should the king do now?”

Zhu Di finally regained his usual composure.

His eyes narrowed slightly at Yao Guangxiao.

The bottom of the eyes showed a wild glare that had never been seen before.

“Wang Ye, you don’t have to go anywhere now, just sit in the northern part of Bactria with peace of mind.”

“You just need to send someone back to Daming with a pair of mourning and a letter of concern for Emperor Ming.”

“As for the rest, sir, just wait for the good news to come.”

Yao Guangxiao smiled.


Zhu Di nodded slowly.

Although Yao Guangxiao only said two simple words. But Zhu Di already understood what he meant.

Although the death of the eldest brother Zhu Biao made Zhu Di sad and unbearable.

But now he also saw a glimmer of his future. Pity.

Whether it is Yao Guangxiao or Zhu Di. They thought it through.

As is normal.

Zhu Di was indeed the best candidate to inherit the throne. But both men forgot one thing.

And forget a person.

And this is the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Who will inherit the throne.

But it was Zhu Yuanzhang who said it.

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. When hope arises in one’s heart.

Knowing that he could get what he deserved right away, he lost it in his hands. Such a blow would be fatal, though not said.

But it will definitely become a pity.

And this kind of regret was exactly what Nie Zheng, the king of Great Xia, was looking forward to. It was also a seed that Nie Zheng had quietly buried in Zhu Di’s heart.

When regret comes.

This seed buried in Zhu Di’s heart would sprout. What Nie Zheng needs to do is to constantly water it. Until this seed grows into a three-day tree.

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